
Examples of

        Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties();
        props.put( AuthorizationManager.PROP_AUTHORIZER, "$DummyAuthorizer" );
        m_engine = new TestEngine( props );

        // Start a session without any container roles: DummyAuthorizer should ALWAYS allow AuthorizerRole
        WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.JANNE, Users.JANNE_PASS );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.AUTHENTICATED ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE, WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Janne Jalkanen", WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "AuthorizerRole") ) );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "ContainerRole") ) );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "DummyRole") ) );
        // Try again with a container-authenticated session: DummyAuthorizer should ALSO allow ContainerRole
        session = WikiSessionTest.containerAuthenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.JANNE, new Principal[0] );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.AUTHENTICATED ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE, WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Janne Jalkanen", WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "AuthorizerRole") ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "ContainerRole") ) );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "DummyRole") ) );
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        assertFalse( AuthenticationManager.isUserPrincipal( Role.ANONYMOUS ) );

    public void testLoginCustom() throws Exception
        WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.JANNE, Users.JANNE_PASS );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.AUTHENTICATED ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE, WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Janne Jalkanen", WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) ) );
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        // Log in 'janne' and verify there are 5 principals in the subject
        // (ALL, AUTHENTICATED, login, fullname, wikiname Principals)
        WikiSession session = WikiSession.guestSession( m_engine );
        m_auth.login( session, Users.JANNE, Users.JANNE_PASS );
        assertEquals( 3, session.getPrincipals().length );
        assertEquals( 2, session.getRoles().length );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );

        // Listen for any manager group-add events
        GroupManager manager = m_engine.getGroupManager();
        SecurityEventTrap trap = new SecurityEventTrap();
        manager.addWikiEventListener( trap );

        // Create two groups; one with Janne in it, and one without
        Group groupTest1 = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test1", "JanneJalkanen \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, groupTest1 );
        groupTest1 = m_groupMgr.getGroup( "Test1" );
        Principal principalTest1 = groupTest1.getPrincipal();

        Group groupTest2 = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test2", "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, groupTest2 );
        groupTest2 = m_groupMgr.getGroup( "Test2" );
        Principal principalTest2 = groupTest2.getPrincipal();

        // We should see two security events (one for each group create)
        // We should also see a GroupPrincipal for group Test1, but not Test2
        assertEquals( 2, );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );

        // If we remove Test1, the GroupPrincipal should disappear
        m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test1" );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );

        // Now, add 'JanneJalkanen' to Test2 group manually; we should see the
        // GroupPrincipal
        groupTest2.add( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen" ) );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( session, groupTest2 );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
        assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );

        // Remove 'JanneJalkenen' manually; the GroupPrincipal should disappear
        groupTest2.remove( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen" ) );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( session, groupTest2 );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
        assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );

        // Clean up
        m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test2" );
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     * @throws WikiException problems while logging in.
    WikiContext getJanneBasedWikiContextFor( WikiPage page ) throws WikiException
        MockHttpServletRequest request = testEngine.newHttpRequest();
        WikiSession session =  WikiSession.getWikiSession( testEngine, request );
        testEngine.getAuthenticationManager().login( session,
                                                     Users.JANNE_PASS );
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            // Prepare the WikiSession
                m_engine.getAuthenticationManager().login( httpRequest );
                WikiSession wikiSession = SessionMonitor.getInstance( m_engine ).find( httpRequest.getSession() );
                httpRequest = new WikiRequestWrapper( m_engine, httpRequest );
                if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                    log.debug( "Executed security filters for user=" + wikiSession.getLoginPrincipal().getName() + ", path=" + httpRequest.getRequestURI() );
            catch ( WikiSecurityException e )
                throw new ServletException( e );
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    public String doPost(WikiContext context)
        HttpServletRequest request = context.getHttpRequest();
        WikiSession session = context.getWikiSession();
        UserManager mgr = context.getEngine().getUserManager();

        String loginid   = request.getParameter("loginid");
        String loginname = request.getParameter("loginname");
        String fullname  = request.getParameter("fullname");
        String password  = request.getParameter("password");
        String password2 = request.getParameter("password2");
        String email     = request.getParameter("email");

        if( request.getParameter("action").equalsIgnoreCase("remove") )
                session.addMessage("User profile "+loginid+" ("+fullname+") has been deleted");
            catch (NoSuchPrincipalException e)
                session.addMessage("User profile has already been removed");
            catch (WikiSecurityException e)
                session.addMessage("Security problem: "+e);
            return "";

        if( password != null && password.length() > 0 && !password.equals(password2) )
            session.addMessage("Passwords do not match!");
            return "";

        UserProfile p;

        if( loginid.equals("--New--") )
            // Create new user

            p = mgr.getUserDatabase().newProfile();
            p.setCreated( new Date() );
                p = mgr.getUserDatabase().findByLoginName( loginid );
            catch (NoSuchPrincipalException e)
                session.addMessage("I could not find user profile "+loginid);
                return "";

        if( password != null && password.length() > 0 ) p.setPassword(password);

            mgr.getUserDatabase().save( p );
        catch( WikiSecurityException e )
            session.addMessage("Unable to save "+e.getMessage());

        session.addMessage("User profile has been updated");

        return "";
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        // Save a page without an ACL
        m_engine.saveText( "TestDefaultPage", "Foo" );
        Permission view = PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( "*:TestDefaultPage", "view" );
        Permission edit = PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( "*:TestDefaultPage", "edit" );
        WikiSession session;

        // Alice is asserted
        session = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession( m_engine, Users.ALICE );
        assertTrue( "Alice view", m_auth.checkPermission( session, view ) );
        assertTrue( "Alice edit", m_auth.checkPermission( session, edit ) );
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    public void testGetRoles() throws Exception
        WikiSession session;
        Principal[] principals;

        // Create a new "asserted" session for Bob
        session = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession( m_engine, Users.BOB );

        // Set up a group without Bob in it
        Group test = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Charlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, test );

        // Bob should have two roles: ASSERTED and ALL
        principals = session.getRoles();
        assertTrue( "Bob in ALL", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( "Bob in ASSERTED", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ASSERTED ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in ANONYMOUS", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in Test", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, test.getPrincipal() ) );

        // Re-save group "Test" with Bob as a member
        test = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Bob \nCharlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, test );

        // Bob not authenticated: should still have only two romes
        principals = session.getRoles();
        assertTrue( "Bob in ALL", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( "Bob in ASSERTED", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ASSERTED ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in ANONYMOUS", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob in Test", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, test.getPrincipal() ) );

        // Elevate Bob to "authenticated" status
        session = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.BOB, Users.BOB_PASS );

        // Re-save the group; Bob should possess the role now
        test = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, test );
        principals = session.getRoles();
        assertTrue( "Bob in ALL", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ALL ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob in ASSERTED", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ASSERTED ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in ANONYMOUS", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
        assertTrue( "Bob in Test", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, test.getPrincipal() ) );
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        Principal alice = new WikiPrincipal( Users.ALICE );
        Role it = new Role( "IT" );
        Role engineering = new Role( "Engineering" );
        Role finance = new Role( "Finance" );
        Principal admin = new GroupPrincipal( "Admin" );
        WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession(
                new Principal[] { it, engineering, admin } );

        // Create two groups: Alice should be part of group Bar, but not Foo
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        Principal alice = new WikiPrincipal( Users.ALICE );
        Role it = new Role( "IT" );
        Role engineering = new Role( "Engineering" );
        Role finance = new Role( "Finance" );
        Principal admin = new GroupPrincipal( "Admin" );
        WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.containerAuthenticatedSession(
                new Principal[] { it, engineering, admin } );

        // Create two groups: Alice should be part of group Bar, but not Foo
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