
Examples of


    public final int doWikiStartTag() throws IOException, WikiSecurityException
        UserManager manager = m_wikiContext.getEngine().getUserManager();
        UserProfile profile = manager.getUserProfile( m_wikiContext.getWikiSession() );
        String result = null;

        if ( EXISTS.equals( m_prop ) || NOT_NEW.equals( m_prop ) )
            return profile.isNew() ? SKIP_BODY : EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
        else if ( NEW.equals( m_prop ) || NOT_EXISTS.equals( m_prop ) )
            return profile.isNew() ? EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE : SKIP_BODY;

        else if ( CREATED.equals( m_prop ) && profile.getCreated() != null )
            result = profile.getCreated().toString();
        else if ( EMAIL.equals( m_prop ) )
            result = profile.getEmail();
        else if ( FULLNAME.equals( m_prop ) )
            result = profile.getFullname();
        else if ( GROUPS.equals( m_prop ) )
            result = printGroups( m_wikiContext );
        else if ( LOGINNAME.equals( m_prop ) )
            result = profile.getLoginName();
        else if ( MODIFIED.equals( m_prop ) && profile.getLastModified() != null )
            result = profile.getLastModified().toString();
        else if ( ROLES.equals( m_prop ) )
            result = printRoles( m_wikiContext );
        else if ( WIKINAME.equals( m_prop ) )
            result = profile.getWikiName();

            if( result == null )
                //  Default back to the declared user name
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    public void testResolveUsers() throws WikiException
        // We should be able to resolve a user by login, user, or wiki name
        UserProfile profile = m_engine.getUserManager().getUserDatabase().newProfile();
        profile.setEmail( "" );
        profile.setFullname( "AuthorizationManagerTest User" );
        profile.setLoginName( "authmanagertest" );
            m_engine.getUserManager().getUserDatabase().save( profile );
        catch( WikiSecurityException e )
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     * database
    public UserProfile getUserProfile( WikiSession session )
        // Look up cached user profile
        UserProfile profile = m_profiles.get( session );
        boolean newProfile = profile == null;
        Principal user = null;

        // If user is authenticated, figure out if this is an existing profile
        if ( session.isAuthenticated() )
            user = session.getUserPrincipal();
                profile = getUserDatabase().find( user.getName() );
                newProfile = false;
            catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e )

        if ( newProfile )
            profile = getUserDatabase().newProfile();
            if ( user != null )
                profile.setLoginName( user.getName() );
            if ( !profile.isNew() )
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "New profile should be marked 'new'. Check your UserProfile implementation." );
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        // Check if profile is new, and see if container allows creation
        boolean newProfile = profile.isNew();

        // Check if another user profile already has the fullname or loginname
        UserProfile oldProfile = getUserProfile( session );
        boolean nameChanged = ( oldProfile == null  || oldProfile.getFullname() == null )
            ? false
            : !( oldProfile.getFullname().equals( profile.getFullname() ) &&
                 oldProfile.getLoginName().equals( profile.getLoginName() ) );
        UserProfile otherProfile;
            otherProfile = getUserDatabase().findByLoginName( profile.getLoginName() );
            if ( otherProfile != null && !otherProfile.equals( oldProfile ) )
                throw new DuplicateUserException( "security.error.login.taken", profile.getLoginName() );
        catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
            otherProfile = getUserDatabase().findByFullName( profile.getFullname() );
            if ( otherProfile != null && !otherProfile.equals( oldProfile ) )
                throw new DuplicateUserException( "security.error.fullname.taken", profile.getFullname() );
        catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
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     * @return a new, populated user profile
    public UserProfile parseProfile( WikiContext context )
        // Retrieve the user's profile (may have been previously cached)
        UserProfile profile = getUserProfile( context.getWikiSession() );
        HttpServletRequest request = context.getHttpRequest();

        // Extract values from request stream (cleanse whitespace as needed)
        String loginName = request.getParameter( PARAM_LOGINNAME );
        String password = request.getParameter( PARAM_PASSWORD );
        String fullname = request.getParameter( PARAM_FULLNAME );
        String email = request.getParameter( PARAM_EMAIL );
        loginName = InputValidator.isBlank( loginName ) ? null : loginName;
        password = InputValidator.isBlank( password ) ? null : password;
        fullname = InputValidator.isBlank( fullname ) ? null : fullname;
        email = InputValidator.isBlank( email ) ? null : email;

        // A special case if we have container authentication
        // If authenticated, login name is always taken from container
        if ( m_engine.getAuthenticationManager().isContainerAuthenticated() &&
                context.getWikiSession().isAuthenticated() )
            loginName = context.getWikiSession().getLoginPrincipal().getName();

        // Set the profile fields!
        profile.setLoginName( loginName );
        profile.setEmail( email );
        profile.setFullname( fullname );
        profile.setPassword( password );
        return profile;
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                    session.addMessage( SESSION_MESSAGES, rb.getString("security.error.passwordnomatch") );

        UserProfile otherProfile;
        String fullName = profile.getFullname();
        String loginName = profile.getLoginName();

        // It's illegal to use as a full name someone else's login name
            otherProfile = getUserDatabase().find( fullName );
            if ( otherProfile != null && !profile.equals( otherProfile ) && !fullName.equals( otherProfile.getFullname() ) )
                Object[] args = { fullName };
                session.addMessage( SESSION_MESSAGES, MessageFormat.format( rb.getString("security.error.illegalfullname"),
                                                                            args ) );
        catch ( NoSuchPrincipalException e)
        { /* It's clean */ }

        // It's illegal to use as a login name someone else's full name
            otherProfile = getUserDatabase().find( loginName );
            if ( otherProfile != null && !profile.equals( otherProfile ) && !loginName.equals( otherProfile.getLoginName() ) )
                Object[] args = { loginName };
                session.addMessage( SESSION_MESSAGES, MessageFormat.format( rb.getString("security.error.illegalloginname"),
                                                                            args ) );
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         * @throws WikiException if the save did not complete for some reason
        public Outcome execute() throws WikiException
            // Retrieve user profile
            UserProfile profile = (UserProfile) getWorkflow().getAttribute( SAVED_PROFILE );

            // Save the profile (userdatabase will take care of timestamps for us)
   profile );

            // Send e-mail if user supplied an e-mail address
            if ( profile.getEmail() != null )
                    InternationalizationManager i18n = m_engine.getInternationalizationManager();
                    String app = m_engine.getApplicationName();
                    String to = profile.getEmail();
                    String subject = i18n.get( InternationalizationManager.DEF_TEMPLATE, m_loc,
                                               "notification.createUserProfile.accept.subject", app );
                    String content = i18n.get( InternationalizationManager.DEF_TEMPLATE, m_loc,
                                               "notification.createUserProfile.accept.content", app,
                                               m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.LOGIN, null, null, true ) );
                    MailUtil.sendMessage( m_engine.getWikiProperties(), to, subject, content);
                catch ( AddressException e)
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        public UserProfile getUserInfo( String uid )
            throws NoSuchPrincipalException
            if( m_manager != null )
                UserProfile prof = m_manager.getUserDatabase().find( uid );

                return prof;
            throw new IllegalStateException("The manager is offline.");
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        // Try adding a bogus user with random name
        String loginName = "TestUser" + System.currentTimeMillis();
            UserProfile profile = db.newProfile();
            profile.setEmail( "" );
            profile.setLoginName( loginName );
            profile.setFullname( "FullName"+loginName );
            profile.setPassword( "password" );

            // Make sure the profile saved successfully
            if ( db.getWikiNames().length == oldUserCount )
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            return principal;

        // Ok, no luck---this must be a user principal
        Principal[] principals = null;
        UserProfile profile = null;
        UserDatabase db = m_engine.getUserManager().getUserDatabase();
            profile = db.find( name );
            principals = db.getPrincipals( profile.getLoginName() );
            for (int i = 0; i < principals.length; i++)
                principal = principals[i];
                if ( principal.getName().equals( name ) )
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