
Examples of

     @param permission
     *  @return
    private boolean checkPermission( String permission )
        WikiSession session        = m_wikiContext.getWikiSession();
        WikiPage    page           = m_wikiContext.getPage();
        AuthorizationManager mgr   = m_wikiContext.getEngine().getAuthorizationManager();
        boolean gotPermission     = false;
        if ( CREATE_GROUPS.equals( permission ) || CREATE_PAGES.equals( permission )
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    private static final Pattern VALID_USER_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(notStartWithBlankOrColon + noColons);

    public final int doWikiStartTag() throws IOException
        WikiEngine engine = this.m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        WikiSession wikiSession = WikiSession.getWikiSession(engine, (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest());
        Principal user = wikiSession.getUserPrincipal();

        if (user != null)
            if (VALID_USER_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(user.getName()).matches())
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        m_action = action.toLowerCase();

    public final int doWikiStartTag() throws IOException
        WikiSession session = m_wikiContext.getWikiSession();
        if ( CLEAR.equals( m_action ) )
            if ( m_topic == null )
                session.clearMessages( m_topic );
            String[] messages = ( m_topic == null ) ? session.getMessages() : session.getMessages( m_topic );
            if ( messages.length > 0 )
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                if ( messages.length == 1 )
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                //  Default back to the declared user name
                WikiEngine engine = this.m_wikiContext.getEngine();
                WikiSession wikiSession = WikiSession.getWikiSession( engine, (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest() );
                Principal user = wikiSession.getUserPrincipal();

                if( user != null )
                    result = user.getName();
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    public final int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException
        WikiSession session = m_wikiContext.getWikiSession();
        String status = session.getStatus();
        AuthenticationManager mgr = m_wikiContext.getEngine().getAuthenticationManager();
        boolean containerAuth = mgr.isContainerAuthenticated();
        boolean cookieAssertions = mgr.allowsCookieAssertions();

        if( m_status != null )
            if ( ANONYMOUS.equals( m_status ))
                if (status.equals(WikiSession.ANONYMOUS))
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
            else if( AUTHENTICATED.equals( m_status ))
                if (status.equals(WikiSession.AUTHENTICATED))
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
            else if( ASSERTED.equals( m_status ))
                if (status.equals(WikiSession.ASSERTED))
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
            else if( ASSERTIONS_ALLOWED.equals( m_status ))
                if ( cookieAssertions )
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
                return SKIP_BODY;
            else if( ASSERTIONS_NOT_ALLOWED.equals( m_status ))
                if ( !cookieAssertions )
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
                return SKIP_BODY;
            else if( CONTAINER_AUTH.equals( m_status ))
                if ( containerAuth )
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
                return SKIP_BODY;
            else if( CUSTOM_AUTH.equals( m_status ))
                if ( !containerAuth )
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
                return SKIP_BODY;
            else if( KNOWN.equals( m_status ))
                if ( !session.isAnonymous() )
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
                return SKIP_BODY;
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        WikiSecurityEvent se = (WikiSecurityEvent)event;
        if ( se.getType() == WikiSecurityEvent.PROFILE_NAME_CHANGED )
            WikiSession session = se.getSrc();
            UserProfile[] profiles = (UserProfile[])se.getTarget();
            Principal[] oldPrincipals = new Principal[] {
                new WikiPrincipal( profiles[0].getLoginName() ),
                new WikiPrincipal( profiles[0].getFullname() ),
                new WikiPrincipal( profiles[0].getWikiName() ) };
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     * @throws WikiException problems while logging in.
    WikiContext getJanneBasedWikiContextFor( WikiPage page ) throws WikiException
        MockHttpServletRequest request = testEngine.newHttpRequest();
        WikiSession session =  WikiSession.getWikiSession( testEngine, request );
        testEngine.getAuthenticationManager().login( session,
                                                     Users.JANNE_PASS );
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        // Save a page without an ACL
        m_engine.saveText( "TestDefaultPage", "Foo" );
        Permission view = PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( "*:TestDefaultPage", "view" );
        Permission edit = PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( "*:TestDefaultPage", "edit" );
        WikiSession session;

        // Alice is asserted
        session = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession( m_engine, Users.ALICE );
        assertTrue( "Alice view", m_auth.checkPermission( session, view ) );
        assertTrue( "Alice edit", m_auth.checkPermission( session, edit ) );
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    public void testGetRoles() throws Exception
        WikiSession session;
        Principal[] principals;

        // Create a new "asserted" session for Bob
        session = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession( m_engine, Users.BOB );

        // Set up a group without Bob in it
        Group test = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Charlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, test );

        // Bob should have two roles: ASSERTED and ALL
        principals = session.getRoles();
        assertTrue( "Bob in ALL", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( "Bob in ASSERTED", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ASSERTED ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in ANONYMOUS", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in Test", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, test.getPrincipal() ) );

        // Re-save group "Test" with Bob as a member
        test = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Bob \nCharlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, test );

        // Bob not authenticated: should still have only two romes
        principals = session.getRoles();
        assertTrue( "Bob in ALL", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ALL ) );
        assertTrue( "Bob in ASSERTED", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ASSERTED ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in ANONYMOUS", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob in Test", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, test.getPrincipal() ) );

        // Elevate Bob to "authenticated" status
        session = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.BOB, Users.BOB_PASS );

        // Re-save the group; Bob should possess the role now
        test = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
        m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, test );
        principals = session.getRoles();
        assertTrue( "Bob in ALL", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ALL ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob in ASSERTED", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ASSERTED ) );
        assertFalse( "Bob not in ANONYMOUS", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
        assertTrue( "Bob in Test", ArrayUtils.contains( principals, test.getPrincipal() ) );
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        Principal alice = new WikiPrincipal( Users.ALICE );
        Role it = new Role( "IT" );
        Role engineering = new Role( "Engineering" );
        Role finance = new Role( "Finance" );
        Principal admin = new GroupPrincipal( "Admin" );
        WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession(
                new Principal[] { it, engineering, admin } );

        // Create two groups: Alice should be part of group Bar, but not Foo
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