UserObject userObject = (UserObject)session.getAttribute("userobject");
int individualID = userObject.getIndividualID(); // logged in user
int entityID = userObject.getEntityId(); // entityID of the logged-in user's entity
ActionErrors allErrors = new ActionErrors();
// "customerProfileForm", defined in cv-struts-config.xml
DynaActionForm profileForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
EmailSettingsHome emailSettingsHome = (EmailSettingsHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.administration.emailsettings.EmailSettingsHome","EmailSettings");
try {
EmailSettings emailSettingsRemote = (EmailSettings)emailSettingsHome.create();
// Its a predefined Template for the replying message for the Change Of Profile Information
EmailTemplateForm custProfileTemplateForm = emailSettingsRemote.getEmailTemplate(AdministrationConstantKeys.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CUST_PROFILE);
String toAddress = custProfileTemplateForm.getToAddress();
String fromAddress = custProfileTemplateForm.getFromAddress();
String replyTo = custProfileTemplateForm.getReplyTo();
String emailSubject = custProfileTemplateForm.getSubject();
String emailBody = custProfileTemplateForm.getBody();
MailMessageVO mailMessage = new MailMessageVO();
ArrayList toList = new ArrayList();
mailMessage.setHeaders("Change Of Profile Information");
StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer("");
body.append("\n\nCustomer Profile Change Request:\n\n");
DynaActionForm dynaForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
String entityName = (String)dynaForm.get("entityName");
body.append("Entity Name: " + entityName + "\n");
String website = (String)dynaForm.get("website");
body.append("Website: " + website + "\n");
String street1 = (String)dynaForm.get("street1");
body.append("Street1: " + street1 + "\n");
String street2 = (String)dynaForm.get("street2");
body.append("Street2: " + street2 + "\n");
String city = (String)dynaForm.get("city");
body.append("City: " + city + "\n");
String state = (String)dynaForm.get("state");
body.append("State: " + state + "\n");
String zipCode = (String)dynaForm.get("zipCode");
body.append("Zip Code: " + zipCode + "\n");
String country = (String)dynaForm.get("country");
body.append("Country: " + country + "\n");
String mocContent = "";
String mocTypeName = "";
if (dynaForm.get("email") != null) {
mocContent = (dynaForm.get("email") == null) ? "" : (String)dynaForm.get("email");
body.append("Email: " + mocContent + "\n");
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
mocContent = CVUtility.getMOCContent(dynaForm, i + "");
int mocType = Integer.parseInt((String)dynaForm.get("mocType" + i));
mocTypeName = CVUtility.getSyncAs(mocType);
body.append(mocTypeName + ": " + mocContent + "\n");
body.append("\n\nEnd CentraView Web Request\n");
boolean messageSent = emailSettingsRemote.simpleMessage(individualID,mailMessage);
if (! messageSent) {
// if email message is not sent, let the user know we suck
allErrors.add("error.customer.profile.emailSendFailure", new ActionMessage("error.customer.profile.emailSendFailure"));
}catch(Exception e){
// if an exception occurs, then print a message to the log file,
// direct the user to the Customer Profile form, and show them
// an error.
logger.error("[Exception] UpdateProfileHandler.Execute Handler ", e);
allErrors.add("error.unknownError", new ActionMessage("error.unknownError"));
forward = ".view.customer.profile";
if (! allErrors.isEmpty()) {
// no point in saving errors to the request if there aren't any
saveErrors(request, allErrors);
} // end execute() method