
Examples of

        InitialDirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext( env );

        // create a new certificate
        String newIssuerDN = "cn=new_issuer_dn";
        String newSubjectDN = "cn=new_subject_dn";
        ServerEntry entry = ldapServer.getDirectoryService().getAdminSession().lookup(
            new DN( "uid=admin,ou=system" ) );
        TlsKeyGenerator.addKeyPair( entry, newIssuerDN, newSubjectDN, "RSA" );

        // now update the certificate (over the wire)
        ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[3];
        mods[0] = new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute(
            TlsKeyGenerator.PRIVATE_KEY_AT, entry.get( TlsKeyGenerator.PRIVATE_KEY_AT ).getBytes() ) );
        mods[1] = new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute(
            TlsKeyGenerator.PUBLIC_KEY_AT, entry.get( TlsKeyGenerator.PUBLIC_KEY_AT ).getBytes() ) );
        mods[2] = new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute(
            TlsKeyGenerator.USER_CERTIFICATE_AT, entry.get( TlsKeyGenerator.USER_CERTIFICATE_AT ).getBytes() ) );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( "uid=admin,ou=system", mods );

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    public boolean modify( ModifyOperationContext opContext, ServerEntry targetEntry, boolean cascade )
        throws Exception
        DN name = opContext.getDn();
        ServerEntry entry = opContext.getEntry();
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( name );
        String oid = getOid( entry );
        SyntaxChecker syntaxChecker = factory.getSyntaxChecker( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager
            .getRegistries(), schemaName );

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            throw new LdapOperationNotSupportedException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_389, oldOid ),
                ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );

        ServerEntry targetEntry = ( ServerEntry ) entry.clone();
        String newOid = ( String ) newRdn.getNormValue();

        if ( schemaManager.getSyntaxCheckerRegistry().contains( newOid ) )
            throw new LdapNamingException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_390, newOid ),
                ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );

        targetEntry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT, newOid );

        if ( isSchemaEnabled( schemaName ) )
            SyntaxChecker syntaxChecker = factory.getSyntaxChecker( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager
                .getRegistries(), schemaName );
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            throw new LdapOperationNotSupportedException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_391, oldOid ),
                ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );

        ServerEntry targetEntry = ( ServerEntry ) entry.clone();

        String newOid = ( String ) newRdn.getNormValue();

        if ( schemaManager.getSyntaxCheckerRegistry().contains( newOid ) )
            throw new LdapNamingException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_390, newOid ),
                ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );

        targetEntry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT, newOid );
        SyntaxChecker syntaxChecker = factory.getSyntaxChecker( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager
            .getRegistries(), newSchemaName );

        if ( isSchemaEnabled( oldSchemaName ) )
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     * Creates the SSSE by extracting all the SchemaObjects from the registries.
    private void generateSchemaSubentry( ServerEntry mods ) throws NamingException
        ServerEntry attrs = new DefaultServerEntry( getSchemaManager(), mods.getDn() );

        // add the objectClass attribute : 'top', 'subschema', 'subentry' and 'apacheSubschema'
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT,

        // add the cn attribute as required for the RDN
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, "schema" );

        // generate all the other operational attributes
        attrs.put( generateComparators() );
        attrs.put( generateNormalizers() );
        attrs.put( generateSyntaxCheckers() );
        attrs.put( generateObjectClasses() );
        attrs.put( generateAttributeTypes() );
        attrs.put( generateMatchingRules() );
        attrs.put( generateMatchingRuleUses() );
        attrs.put( generateSyntaxes() );
        attrs.put( generateDitContextRules() );
        attrs.put( generateDitStructureRules() );
        attrs.put( generateNameForms() );
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.SUBTREE_SPECIFICATION_AT, "{}" );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // set standard operational attributes for the subentry
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Add the createTimestamp
        EntryAttribute createTimestamp = mods.get( SchemaConstants.CREATE_TIMESTAMP_AT );
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.CREATE_TIMESTAMP_AT, createTimestamp.get() );

        // Add the creatorsName
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.CREATORS_NAME_AT, ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN );

        // Add the modifyTimestamp
        EntryAttribute schemaModifyTimestamp = mods.get( ApacheSchemaConstants.SCHEMA_MODIFY_TIMESTAMP_AT );
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.MODIFY_TIMESTAMP_AT, schemaModifyTimestamp.get() );

        // Add the modifiersName
        EntryAttribute schemaModifiersName = mods.get( ApacheSchemaConstants.SCHEMA_MODIFIERS_NAME_AT );
        attrs.put( SchemaConstants.MODIFIERS_NAME_AT, schemaModifiersName.get() );

        // don't swap out if a request for the subentry is in progress or we
        // can give back an inconsistent schema back to the client so we block
        synchronized ( lock )
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            ids = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

        Set<String> setOids = new HashSet<String>();
        ServerEntry attrs = new DefaultServerEntry( getSchemaManager(), DN.EMPTY_DN );
        boolean returnAllOperationalAttributes = false;

        synchronized( lock )
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Check if we need an update by looking at timestamps on disk
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------

            ServerEntry mods =
                    new LookupOperationContext( null, schemaModificationAttributesDN ) );
// @todo enable this optimization at some point but for now it
// is causing some problems so I will just turn it off
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        boolean needToChangeAdminPassword = false;

        DN adminDn = new DN( ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN );
        adminDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        ServerEntry adminEntry = partitionNexus.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( adminSession, adminDn ) );
        Object userPassword = adminEntry.get( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT ).get();
        if ( userPassword instanceof byte[] )
            needToChangeAdminPassword = Arrays.equals( PartitionNexus.ADMIN_PASSWORD_BYTES, ( byte[] ) userPassword );
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            DN newDn = new DN( dn );
            entry.setDn( newDn );
            // TODO Let's get rid of this Attributes crap
            ServerEntry serverEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, entry );
            return serverEntry;
        catch ( Exception e )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_78, ldif, dn ) );
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    public boolean modify( ModifyOperationContext opContext, ServerEntry targetEntry, boolean cascade )
        throws Exception
        DN name = opContext.getDn();
        ServerEntry entry = opContext.getEntry();
        String oid = getOid( entry );
        ObjectClass oc = factory.getObjectClass( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager.getRegistries(),
            getSchemaName( name ) );
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( entry.getDn() );

        if ( isSchemaEnabled( schemaName ) )
            schemaManager.unregisterObjectClass( oid );
            schemaManager.add( oc );
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        //                + " using this objectClass have also been deleted.  The following dependees exist: "
        //                + getOids( dependees ),
        //                ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
        //        }

        ServerEntry targetEntry = ( ServerEntry ) entry.clone();
        String newOid = ( String ) newRdn.getNormValue();
        targetEntry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT, newOid );

        // Inject the new DN
        DN newDn = new DN( targetEntry.getDn() );
        newDn.remove( newDn.size() - 1 );
        newDn.add( newRdn );

        checkOidIsUnique( newOid );
        ObjectClass oc = factory.getObjectClass( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager.getRegistries(), schemaName );
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