
Examples of

        if ( journalEnabled )
            opRevision = revision.incrementAndGet();
            // Store the added entry
            ServerEntry addEntry = opContext.getEntry();

            LdifEntry ldif = new LdifEntry();
            ldif.setChangeType( ChangeType.Add );
            ldif.setDn( opContext.getDn() );

            Set<AttributeType> list = addEntry.getAttributeTypes();
            for ( AttributeType attributeType:list )
                ldif.addAttribute( ((ServerAttribute)addEntry.get( attributeType) ).toClientAttribute() );
            log( opRevision, ldif );
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        if ( idx != null )
            return idx.forward( node.getValue().get(), indexEntry.getId() );

        ServerEntry entry = indexEntry.getObject();

        // resuscitate the entry if it has not been and set entry in IndexEntry
        if ( null == entry )
            entry = db.lookup( indexEntry.getId() );
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        // Add root context entry for system partition
        DN systemSuffixDn = new DN( ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN );
        systemSuffixDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        ServerEntry systemEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, systemSuffixDn );

        // Add the ObjectClasses
        systemEntry.put( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT,
        // Add some operational attributes
        systemEntry.put( SchemaConstants.CREATORS_NAME_AT, ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN );
        systemEntry.put( SchemaConstants.CREATE_TIMESTAMP_AT, DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
        systemEntry.add( SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT, directoryService.getCSN().toString() );
        systemEntry.add( SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT, UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        systemEntry.put( NamespaceTools.getRdnAttribute( ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN ),
            NamespaceTools.getRdnValue( ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN ) );
        DN adminDn = new DN( ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN_NORMALIZED );
        adminDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        CoreSession adminSession = new DefaultCoreSession(
            new LdapPrincipal( adminDn, AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ), directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addOperationContext = new AddOperationContext( adminSession, systemEntry );
        if ( !system.hasEntry( new EntryOperationContext( adminSession, systemEntry.getDn() ) ) )
            system.add( addOperationContext );
        String key = system.getSuffixDn().getName();
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        // If nothing is asked for then we just return the entry asis.
        // We let other mechanisms filter out operational attributes.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        if ( ( ids == null ) || ( ids.length == 0 ) )
            ServerEntry rootDSE = (ServerEntry)getRootDSE( null ).clone();
            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( rootDSE ), searchOperationContext );
        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        // Collect all the real attributes besides 1.1, +, and * and
        // note if we've seen these special attributes as well.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------

        Set<String> realIds = new HashSet<String>();
        boolean allUserAttributes = searchOperationContext.isAllUserAttributes();
        boolean allOperationalAttributes = searchOperationContext.isAllOperationalAttributes();
        boolean noAttribute = searchOperationContext.isNoAttributes();

        for ( String id:ids )
            String idTrimmed = id.trim();
                realIds.add( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getOidByName( idTrimmed ) );
            catch ( Exception e )
                realIds.add( idTrimmed );

        // return nothing
        if ( noAttribute )
            ServerEntry serverEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, DN.EMPTY_DN );
            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( serverEntry ), searchOperationContext );
        // return everything
        if ( allUserAttributes && allOperationalAttributes )
            ServerEntry rootDSE = (ServerEntry)getRootDSE( null ).clone();
            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( rootDSE ), searchOperationContext );
        ServerEntry serverEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, DN.EMPTY_DN );
        ServerEntry rootDSE = getRootDSE( new GetRootDSEOperationContext( searchOperationContext.getSession() ) );
        for ( EntryAttribute attribute:rootDSE )
            AttributeType type = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( attribute.getUpId() );
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        DN dn2 = new DN( "sn=Ja\\+es,ou=Engineering,o=Good Times Co." );
        dn2.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        Long id = store.getEntryId( dn2.getNormName() );
        assertNotNull( id );
        ServerEntry entry2 = store.lookup( id );
        assertEquals( "Ja+es", entry2.get( "sn" ).getString() );
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        attrib.add( attribVal );

        Modification add = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );
        mods.add( add );

        ServerEntry lookedup = store.lookup( store.getEntryId( dn.toNormName() ) );

        store.modify( dn, mods );
        assertTrue( lookedup.get( "sn" ).contains( attribVal ) );

        // testing the store.modify( dn, mod, entry ) API
        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, dn );
        attribVal = "+1974045779";
        entry.add( "telephoneNumber", attribVal );

        store.modify( dn, ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, entry );
        lookedup = store.lookup( store.getEntryId( dn.toNormName() ) );
        assertTrue( lookedup.get( "telephoneNumber" ).contains( attribVal ) );
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        attrib.add( attribVal );

        Modification add = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );
        mods.add( add );

        ServerEntry lookedup = store.lookup( store.getEntryId( dn.toNormName() ) );

        assertEquals( "WAlkeR", lookedup.get( "sn" ).get().getString() ); // before replacing

        store.modify( dn, mods );
        assertEquals( attribVal, lookedup.get( "sn" ).get().getString() );

        // testing the store.modify( dn, mod, entry ) API
        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, dn );
        attribVal = "JWalker";
        entry.add( "sn", attribVal );

        store.modify( dn, ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, entry );
        assertEquals( attribVal, lookedup.get( "sn" ).get().getString() );
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            .lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.SN_AT_OID ) );

        Modification add = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );
        mods.add( add );

        ServerEntry lookedup = store.lookup( store.getEntryId( dn.toNormName() ) );

        assertNotNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ).get() );

        store.modify( dn, mods );
        assertNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ) );

        // testing the store.modify( dn, mod, entry ) API
        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, dn );

        // add an entry for the sake of testing the remove operation
        entry.add( "sn", "JWalker" );
        store.modify( dn, ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, entry );
        assertNotNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ) );

        store.modify( dn, ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, entry );
        assertNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ) );
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        attrib.add( attribVal );

        Modification add = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );
        mods.add( add );

        ServerEntry lookedup = store.lookup( store.getEntryId( dn.toNormName() ) );

        assertNull( lookedup.get( "ou" ) ); // before replacing

        store.modify( dn, mods );
        assertEquals( attribVal, lookedup.get( "ou" ).get().getString() );
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    // TODO - determine if comaparator and index entry should have the Value
    // wrapper or the raw normalized value
    private boolean evaluateWithoutIndex( IndexEntry<String, ServerEntry, ID> indexEntry ) throws Exception
        ServerEntry entry = indexEntry.getObject();

        // resuscitate the entry if it has not been and set entry in IndexEntry
        if ( null == entry )
            entry = db.lookup( indexEntry.getId() );
            indexEntry.setObject( entry );

         * Don't make a call here to evaluateWithoutIndex( ServerEntry ) for
         * code reuse since we do want to set the value on the indexEntry on
         * matches.

        // get the attribute
        ServerAttribute attr = ( ServerAttribute ) entry.get( type );

        // if the attribute exists and the pattern matches return true
        if ( attr != null )
             * Cycle through the attribute values testing normalized version
             * obtained from using the substring matching rule's normalizer.
             * The test uses the comparator obtained from the appropriate
             * substring matching rule.
            for ( Value<?> value : attr )
                value.normalize( normalizer );
                String strValue = ( String ) value.getNormalizedValue();

                // Once match is found cleanup and return true
                if ( regex.matcher( strValue ).matches() )
                    // before returning we set the normalized value
                    indexEntry.setValue( strValue );
                    return true;

            // Fall through as we didn't find any matching value for this attribute.
            // We will have to check in the potential descendant, if any.

        // If we do not have the attribute, loop through the descendant
        // May be the node Attribute has descendant ?
        if ( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().hasDescendants( node.getAttribute() ) )
            // TODO check to see if descendant handling is necessary for the
            // index so we can match properly even when for example a name
            // attribute is used instead of more specific commonName
            Iterator<AttributeType> descendants = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().descendants(
                node.getAttribute() );

            while ( descendants.hasNext() )
                AttributeType descendant =;

                attr = ( ServerAttribute ) entry.get( descendant );

                if ( null != attr )

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