
Examples of

    public void rename( DN dn, RDN newRdn, boolean deleteOldRdn ) throws Exception
        Long id = getEntryId( dn.getNormName() );
        ServerEntry entry = lookup( id );
        DN updn = entry.getDn();

         * H A N D L E   N E W   R D N
         * ====================================================================
         * Add the new RDN attribute to the entry.  If an index exists on the
         * new RDN attribute we add the index for this attribute value pair.
         * Also we make sure that the presence index shows the existence of the
         * new RDN attribute within this entry.

        for ( AVA newAtav : newRdn )
            String newNormType = newAtav.getNormType();
            Object newNormValue = newAtav.getNormValue().get();
            AttributeType newRdnAttrType = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( newNormType );

            entry.add( newRdnAttrType, newAtav.getUpValue() );

            if ( hasUserIndexOn( newNormType ) )
                Index<?, E, Long> index = getUserIndex( newNormType );
                ( ( JdbmIndex ) index ).add( newNormValue, id );

                // Make sure the altered entry shows the existence of the new attrib
                if ( !presenceIdx.forward( newNormType, id ) )
                    presenceIdx.add( newNormType, id );

         * H A N D L E   O L D   R D N
         * ====================================================================
         * If the old RDN is to be removed we need to get the attribute and
         * value for it.  Keep in mind the old RDN need not be based on the
         * same attr as the new one.  We remove the RDN value from the entry
         * and remove the value/id tuple from the index on the old RDN attr
         * if any.  We also test if the delete of the old RDN index tuple
         * removed all the attribute values of the old RDN using a reverse
         * lookup.  If so that means we blew away the last value of the old
         * RDN attribute.  In this case we need to remove the attrName/id
         * tuple from the presence index.
         * We only remove an ATAV of the old RDN if it is not included in the
         * new RDN.

        if ( deleteOldRdn )
            RDN oldRdn = updn.getRdn();
            for ( AVA oldAtav : oldRdn )
                // check if the new ATAV is part of the old RDN
                // if that is the case we do not remove the ATAV
                boolean mustRemove = true;
                for ( AVA newAtav : newRdn )
                    if ( oldAtav.equals( newAtav ) )
                        mustRemove = false;

                if ( mustRemove )
                    String oldNormType = oldAtav.getNormType();
                    String oldNormValue = oldAtav.getNormValue().getString();
                    AttributeType oldRdnAttrType = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( oldNormType );
                    entry.remove( oldRdnAttrType, oldNormValue );

                    if ( hasUserIndexOn( oldNormType ) )
                        Index<?, E, Long> index = getUserIndex( oldNormType );
                        ( ( JdbmIndex ) index ).drop( oldNormValue, id );

                         * If there is no value for id in this index due to our
                         * drop above we remove the oldRdnAttr from the presence idx
                        if ( null == index.reverseLookup( id ) )
                            presenceIdx.drop( oldNormType, id );

         * H A N D L E   D N   C H A N G E
         * ====================================================================
         * 1) Build the new user defined distinguished name
         *      - clone / copy old updn
         *      - remove old upRdn from copy
         *      - add the new upRdn to the copy
         * 2) Make call to recursive modifyDn method to change the names of the
         *    entry and its descendants

        DN newUpdn = ( DN ) updn.clone(); // copy da old updn
        newUpdn.remove( newUpdn.size() - 1 ); // remove old upRdn
        newUpdn.add( newRdn.getUpName() ); // add da new upRdn

        // gotta normalize cuz this thang is cloned and not normalized by default
        newUpdn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

        modifyDn( id, newUpdn, false ); // propagate dn changes

        // Update the current entry
        entry.setDn( newUpdn );
        master.put( id, entry );

        if ( isSyncOnWrite )
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        Map<String, Schema> schemas = new HashMap<String, Schema>();
        EntryFilteringCursor list = listSchemas();

        while ( )
            ServerEntry sr = list.get();
            Schema schema = factory.getSchema( sr );
            schemas.put( schema.getSchemaName(), schema );

        return schemas;
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            DN rdnDN = new DN( rdn );
            rdnDN.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
            childUpdn.add( rdnDN.getRdn() );

            // Modify the child
            ServerEntry entry = lookup( childId );
            entry.setDn( childUpdn );
            master.put( childId, entry );

            // Recursively change the names of the children below
            modifyDn( childId, childUpdn, isMove );
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        Set<String> schemaNames = new HashSet<String>();
        EntryFilteringCursor list = listSchemas();

        while ( )
            ServerEntry sr = list.get();
            schemaNames.add( sr.get( SchemaConstants.CN_AT ).getString() );

        return schemaNames;
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        Long childId = getEntryId( oldChildDn.getNormName() );
        rename( oldChildDn, newRdn, deleteOldRdn );
        DN newUpdn = move( oldChildDn, childId, newParentDn );

        // Update the current entry
        ServerEntry entry = lookup( childId );
        entry.setDn( newUpdn );
        master.put( childId, entry );

        if ( isSyncOnWrite )
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    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public DN findDn( String entityName ) throws Exception
        ServerEntry sr = find( entityName );
        DN dn = sr.getDn();
        dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        return dn;
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        Long childId = getEntryId( oldChildDn.getNormName() );
        DN newUpdn = move( oldChildDn, childId, newParentDn );

        // Update the current entry
        ServerEntry entry = lookup( childId );
        entry.setDn( newUpdn );
        master.put( childId, entry );

        if ( isSyncOnWrite )
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            if ( ! )
                return null;

            ServerEntry sr = cursor.get();
            if ( )
                throw new NamingException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_435, entityName ) );
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    public void enableSchema( String schemaName ) throws Exception
        DN dn = new DN( "cn=" + schemaName + ",ou=schema" );
        dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        ServerEntry entry = partition.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( null, dn ) );
        EntryAttribute disabledAttr = entry.get( disabledAttributeType );
        List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>( 3 );

        if ( disabledAttr == null )
            LOG.warn( "Does not make sense: you're trying to enable {} schema which is already enabled", schemaName );
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            cursor = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry sr = cursor.get();
                EntryAttribute disabled = sr.get( disabledAttributeType );

                if ( disabled == null )
                    set.add( sr );
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