This class implements a step interpolator for second order Runge-Kutta integrator.
This interpolator computes dense output inside the last step computed. The interpolation equation is consistent with the integration scheme :
- Using reference point at step start:
y(tn + θ h) = y (tn) + θ h [(1 - θ) y'1 + θ y'2] - Using reference point at step end:
y(tn + θ h) = y (tn + h) + (1-θ) h [θ y'1 - (1+θ) y'2]
where θ belongs to [0 ; 1] and where y'
1 and y'
2 are the two evaluations of the derivatives already computed during the step.
@see MidpointIntegrator
@since 1.2