Package org.apache.commons.math3.distribution

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution

            // ignored
        final double mean = 4.0d;
        final int len = 5;
        PoissonDistribution poissonDistribution = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
        Frequency f = new Frequency();
        for (int i = 0; i < largeSampleSize; i++) {
        final long[] observed = new long[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            observed[i] = f.getCount(i + 1);
        final double[] expected = new double[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            expected[i] = poissonDistribution.probability(i + 1) * largeSampleSize;
        TestUtils.assertChiSquareAccept(expected, observed, 0.0001);
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         *  Set up bins for chi-square test.
         *  Ensure expected counts are all at least minExpectedCount.
         *  Start with upper and lower tail bins.
         *  Lower bin = [0, lower); Upper bin = [upper, +inf).
        PoissonDistribution poissonDistribution = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
        int lower = 1;
        while (poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(lower - 1) * sampleSize < minExpectedCount) {
        int upper = (int) (5 * mean)// Even for mean = 1, not much mass beyond 5
        while ((1 - poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(upper - 1)) * sampleSize < minExpectedCount) {

        // Set bin width for interior bins.  For poisson, only need to look at end bins.
        int binWidth = 0;
        boolean widthSufficient = false;
        double lowerBinMass = 0;
        double upperBinMass = 0;
        while (!widthSufficient) {
            lowerBinMass = poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(lower - 1, lower + binWidth - 1);
            upperBinMass = poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(upper - binWidth - 1, upper - 1);
            widthSufficient = FastMath.min(lowerBinMass, upperBinMass) * sampleSize >= minExpectedCount;

         *  Determine interior bin bounds.  Bins are
         *  [1, lower = binBounds[0]), [lower, binBounds[1]), [binBounds[1], binBounds[2]), ... ,
         *    [binBounds[binCount - 2], upper = binBounds[binCount - 1]), [upper, +inf)
        List<Integer> binBounds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int bound = lower + binWidth;
        while (bound < upper - binWidth) {
            bound += binWidth;
        binBounds.add(upper); // The size of bin [binBounds[binCount - 2], upper) satisfies binWidth <= size < 2*binWidth.

        // Compute observed and expected bin counts
        final int binCount = binBounds.size() + 1;
        long[] observed = new long[binCount];
        double[] expected = new double[binCount];

        // Bottom bin
        observed[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < lower; i++) {
            observed[0] += frequency.getCount(i);
        expected[0] = poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(lower - 1) * sampleSize;

        // Top bin
        observed[binCount - 1] = 0;
        for (int i = upper; i <= maxObservedValue; i++) {
            observed[binCount - 1] += frequency.getCount(i);
        expected[binCount - 1] = (1 - poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(upper - 1)) * sampleSize;

        // Interior bins
        for (int i = 1; i < binCount - 1; i++) {
            observed[i] = 0;
            for (int j = binBounds.get(i - 1); j < binBounds.get(i); j++) {
                observed[i] += frequency.getCount(j);
            } // Expected count is (mass in [binBounds[i-1], binBounds[i])) * sampleSize
            expected[i] = (poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(binBounds.get(i) - 1) -
                poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(binBounds.get(i - 1) -1)) * sampleSize;

        // Use chisquare test to verify that generated values are poisson(mean)-distributed
        ChiSquareTest chiSquareTest = new ChiSquareTest();
            // Fail if we can reject null hypothesis that distributions are the same
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     * MATH-720
    public void testReseed() {
        PoissonDistribution x = new PoissonDistribution(3.0);
        final double u = x.sample();
        PoissonDistribution y = new PoissonDistribution(3.0);
        Assert.assertEquals(u, y.sample(), 0);
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     * Devroye, Luc. (1981).<i>The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables</i>
     * <strong>Computing</strong> vol. 26 pp. 197-207.</li></ul></p>
     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException if {@code len <= 0}
    public long nextPoisson(double mean) throws NotStrictlyPositiveException {
        return new PoissonDistribution(getRandomGenerator(), mean,
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  private final PoissonDistribution pd;

  public PoissonSampler(double lambda) {
    limit = 1;
    gen = RandomUtils.getRandom();
    pd = new PoissonDistribution(gen.getRandomGenerator(),
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    int[] count = new int[(int) Math.max(10, 5 * alpha)];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

    IntegerDistribution ref = new PoissonDistribution(RandomUtils.getRandom().getRandomGenerator(),
    for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++) {
      assertEquals(ref.probability(i), count[i] / 10000.0, 2.0e-2);
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     * Devroye, Luc. (1981).<i>The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables</i>
     * <strong>Computing</strong> vol. 26 pp. 197-207.</li></ul></p>
     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException if {@code len <= 0}
    public long nextPoisson(double mean) throws NotStrictlyPositiveException {
        return new PoissonDistribution(getRan(), mean,
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         *  Set up bins for chi-square test.
         *  Ensure expected counts are all at least minExpectedCount.
         *  Start with upper and lower tail bins.
         *  Lower bin = [0, lower); Upper bin = [upper, +inf).
        PoissonDistribution poissonDistribution = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
        int lower = 1;
        while (poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(lower - 1) * sampleSize < minExpectedCount) {
        int upper = (int) (5 * mean)// Even for mean = 1, not much mass beyond 5
        while ((1 - poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(upper - 1)) * sampleSize < minExpectedCount) {

        // Set bin width for interior bins.  For poisson, only need to look at end bins.
        int binWidth = 0;
        boolean widthSufficient = false;
        double lowerBinMass = 0;
        double upperBinMass = 0;
        while (!widthSufficient) {
            lowerBinMass = poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(lower - 1, lower + binWidth - 1);
            upperBinMass = poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(upper - binWidth - 1, upper - 1);
            widthSufficient = FastMath.min(lowerBinMass, upperBinMass) * sampleSize >= minExpectedCount;

         *  Determine interior bin bounds.  Bins are
         *  [1, lower = binBounds[0]), [lower, binBounds[1]), [binBounds[1], binBounds[2]), ... ,
         *    [binBounds[binCount - 2], upper = binBounds[binCount - 1]), [upper, +inf)
        List<Integer> binBounds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int bound = lower + binWidth;
        while (bound < upper - binWidth) {
            bound += binWidth;
        binBounds.add(upper); // The size of bin [binBounds[binCount - 2], upper) satisfies binWidth <= size < 2*binWidth.

        // Compute observed and expected bin counts
        final int binCount = binBounds.size() + 1;
        long[] observed = new long[binCount];
        double[] expected = new double[binCount];

        // Bottom bin
        observed[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < lower; i++) {
            observed[0] += frequency.getCount(i);
        expected[0] = poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(lower - 1) * sampleSize;

        // Top bin
        observed[binCount - 1] = 0;
        for (int i = upper; i <= maxObservedValue; i++) {
            observed[binCount - 1] += frequency.getCount(i);
        expected[binCount - 1] = (1 - poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(upper - 1)) * sampleSize;

        // Interior bins
        for (int i = 1; i < binCount - 1; i++) {
            observed[i] = 0;
            for (int j = binBounds.get(i - 1); j < binBounds.get(i); j++) {
                observed[i] += frequency.getCount(j);
            } // Expected count is (mass in [binBounds[i-1], binBounds[i])) * sampleSize
            expected[i] = (poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(binBounds.get(i) - 1) -
                poissonDistribution.cumulativeProbability(binBounds.get(i - 1) -1)) * sampleSize;

        // Use chisquare test to verify that generated values are poisson(mean)-distributed
        ChiSquareTest chiSquareTest = new ChiSquareTest();
            // Fail if we can reject null hypothesis that distributions are the same
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     * MATH-720
    public void testReseed() {
        PoissonDistribution x = new PoissonDistribution(3.0);
        final double u = x.sample();
        PoissonDistribution y = new PoissonDistribution(3.0);
        Assert.assertEquals(u, y.sample(), 0);
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    long startMemory = JVMUtils.getUsedMemory();

    RandomGenerator random = RandomManager.getRandom();
    PoissonDistribution itemPerUserDist = new PoissonDistribution(
    ALSServingModel model = new ALSServingModel(FEATURES, true);

    long totalEntries = 0;
    for (int user = 0; user < USERS; user++) {
      String userID = "U" + user;
      model.setUserVector(userID, randomVector(random));
      int itemsPerUser = itemPerUserDist.sample();
      totalEntries += itemsPerUser;
      Collection<String> knownIDs = new ArrayList<>(itemsPerUser);
      for (int i = 0; i < itemsPerUser; i++) {
        knownIDs.add("I" + random.nextInt(ITEMS));
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution

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