ImageRendererFactory rendFactory = new StaticRendererFactory();
GraphicsNodeRenderContext rc = getRenderContext(stroke);
BridgeContext ctx = new BridgeContext(userAgent, rc);
PDFAElementBridge pdfAElementBridge = new PDFAElementBridge();
GraphicsNode gvtRoot;
try {
gvtRoot =, svgDoc);
} catch (BridgeException ex) {
throw new TranscoderException(ex);
// get the 'width' and 'height' attributes of the SVG document
float docWidth = (float)ctx.getDocumentSize().getWidth();
float docHeight = (float)ctx.getDocumentSize().getHeight();
ctx = null;
builder = null;
// compute the image's width and height according the hints
float imgWidth = -1;
if (hints.containsKey(ImageTranscoder.KEY_WIDTH)) {
imgWidth =
float imgHeight = -1;
if (hints.containsKey(ImageTranscoder.KEY_HEIGHT)) {
imgHeight =
float width, height;
if (imgWidth > 0 && imgHeight > 0) {
width = imgWidth;
height = imgHeight;
} else if (imgHeight > 0) {
width = (docWidth * imgHeight) / docHeight;
height = imgHeight;
} else if (imgWidth > 0) {
width = imgWidth;
height = (docHeight * imgWidth) / docWidth;
} else {
width = docWidth;
height = docHeight;
// compute the preserveAspectRatio matrix
AffineTransform Px;
String ref = null;
try {
ref = new URL(uri).getRef();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// nothing to do, catched previously
try {
Px = ViewBox.getViewTransform(ref, root, width, height);
} catch (BridgeException ex) {
throw new TranscoderException(ex);
if (Px.isIdentity() && (width != docWidth || height != docHeight)) {
// The document has no viewBox, we need to resize it by hand.
// we want to keep the document size ratio
float d = Math.max(docWidth, docHeight);
float dd = Math.max(width, height);
float scale = dd / d;
Px = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale);
// take the AOI into account if any
if (hints.containsKey(ImageTranscoder.KEY_AOI)) {
Rectangle2D aoi = (Rectangle2D)hints.get(ImageTranscoder.KEY_AOI);
// transform the AOI into the image's coordinate system
aoi = Px.createTransformedShape(aoi).getBounds2D();
AffineTransform Mx = new AffineTransform();
double sx = width / aoi.getWidth();
double sy = height / aoi.getHeight();
Mx.scale(sx, sy);
double tx = -aoi.getX();
double ty = -aoi.getY();
Mx.translate(tx, ty);
// take the AOI transformation matrix into account
// we apply first the preserveAspectRatio matrix
// prepare the image to be painted
int w = (int)width;
int h = (int)height;
PDFDocumentGraphics2D graphics = new PDFDocumentGraphics2D(stroke,
output.getOutputStream(), w, h);
graphics.setSVGDimension(docWidth, docHeight);
if (!stroke) {
TextPainter textPainter = null;
textPainter = new PDFTextPainter(graphics.getFontState());
if (hints.containsKey(ImageTranscoder.KEY_BACKGROUND_COLOR)) {
graphics.setGraphicContext(new org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.GraphicContext());
gvtRoot.paint(graphics, rc);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {