Package org.apache.axis.description

Examples of org.apache.axis.description.ServiceDesc

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Enter: RPCProvider.processMessage()");

        SOAPService service = msgContext.getService();
        ServiceDesc serviceDesc = service.getServiceDescription();
        OperationDesc operation = msgContext.getOperation();

        Vector bodies = reqEnv.getBodyElements();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(Messages.getMessage("bodyElems00", "" + bodies.size()));
                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("bodyIs00", "" + bodies.get(0)));

        RPCElement body = null;

        // Find the first "root" body element, which is the RPC call.
        for (int bNum = 0; body == null && bNum < bodies.size(); bNum++) {
            // If this is a regular old SOAPBodyElement, and it's a root,
            // we're probably a non-wrapped doc/lit service.  In this case,
            // we deserialize the element, and create an RPCElement "wrapper"
            // around it which points to the correct method.
            // FIXME : There should be a cleaner way to do this...
            if (!(bodies.get(bNum) instanceof RPCElement)) {
                SOAPBodyElement bodyEl = (SOAPBodyElement) bodies.get(bNum);
                // igors: better check if bodyEl.getID() != null
                // to make sure this loop does not step on SOAP-ENC objects
                // that follow the parameters! FIXME?
                if (bodyEl.isRoot() && operation != null && bodyEl.getID() == null) {
                    ParameterDesc param = operation.getParameter(bNum);
                    // at least do not step on non-existent parameters!
                    if (param != null) {
                        Object val = bodyEl.getValueAsType(param.getTypeQName());
                        body = new RPCElement("",
                                              new Object[]{val});
            } else {
                body = (RPCElement) bodies.get(bNum);

        // special case code for a document style operation with no
        // arguments (which is a strange thing to have, but whatever)
        if (body == null) {
            // throw an error if this isn't a document style service
            if (!(serviceDesc.getStyle().equals(Style.DOCUMENT))) {
                throw new Exception(Messages.getMessage("noBody00"));
            // look for a method in the service that has no arguments,
            // use the first one we find.
            ArrayList ops = serviceDesc.getOperations();
            for (Iterator iterator = ops.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                OperationDesc desc = (OperationDesc);
                if (desc.getNumInParams() == 0) {
                    // found one with no parameters, use it
                    // create an empty element
                    body = new RPCElement(desc.getName());
                    // stop looking
            // If we still didn't find anything, report no body error.
            if (body == null) {
                throw new Exception(Messages.getMessage("noBody00"));

        String methodName = body.getMethodName();
        Vector args = null;
        try {
            args = body.getParams();
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            if(e.getException() != null)
                throw e.getException();
            throw e;
        int numArgs = args.size();
        // This may have changed, so get it again...
        // FIXME (there should be a cleaner way to do this)
        operation = msgContext.getOperation();

        if (operation == null) {
            QName qname = new QName(body.getNamespaceURI(),
            operation = serviceDesc.getOperationByElementQName(qname);

        if (operation == null) {
            SOAPConstants soapConstants = msgContext == null ?
                    SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS :
            if (soapConstants == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
                AxisFault fault =
                        new AxisFault(Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_SENDER,
                throw new SAXException(fault);
            } else {
                throw new AxisFault(Constants.FAULT_CLIENT, Messages.getMessage("noSuchOperation", methodName),
                        null, null);                       
        // Create the array we'll use to hold the actual parameter
        // values.  We know how big to make it from the metadata.
        Object[] argValues = new Object[operation.getNumParams()];

        // A place to keep track of the out params (INOUTs and OUTs)
        ArrayList outs = new ArrayList();
        // Put the values contained in the RPCParams into an array
        // suitable for passing to java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke()
        // Make sure we respect parameter ordering if we know about it
        // from metadata, and handle whatever conversions are necessary
        // (values -> Holders, etc)
        for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
            RPCParam rpcParam = (RPCParam) args.get(i);
            Object value = rpcParam.getObjectValue();
            // first check the type on the paramter
            ParameterDesc paramDesc = rpcParam.getParamDesc();
            // if we found some type info try to make sure the value type is
            // correct.  For instance, if we deserialized a xsd:dateTime in
            // to a Calendar and the service takes a Date, we need to convert
            if (paramDesc != null && paramDesc.getJavaType() != null) {

                // Get the type in the signature (java type or its holder)
                Class sigType = paramDesc.getJavaType();
                // Convert the value into the expected type in the signature
                value = JavaUtils.convert(value, sigType);

                if (paramDesc.getMode() == ParameterDesc.INOUT) {
            // Put the value (possibly converted) in the argument array
            // make sure to use the parameter order if we have it
            if (paramDesc == null || paramDesc.getOrder() == -1) {
                argValues[i] = value;
            } else {
                argValues[paramDesc.getOrder()] = value;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("  " + Messages.getMessage("value00",
                        "" + argValues[i]));
        // See if any subclasses want a crack at faulting on a bad operation
        // FIXME : Does this make sense here???
        String allowedMethods = (String) service.getOption("allowedMethods");
        checkMethodName(msgContext, allowedMethods, operation.getName());

        // Now create any out holders we need to pass in
        int count = numArgs;
        for (int i = 0; i < argValues.length; i++) {
            // We are interested only in OUT/INOUT
            ParameterDesc param = operation.getParameter(i);
            if(param.getMode() == ParameterDesc.IN)

            Class holderClass = param.getJavaType();
            if (holderClass != null &&
                    Holder.class.isAssignableFrom(holderClass)) {
                int index = count;
                // Use the parameter order if specified or just stick them to the end. 
                if (param.getOrder() != -1) {
                    index = param.getOrder();
                } else {
                // If it's already filled, don't muck with it
                if (argValues[index] != null) {
                argValues[index] = holderClass.newInstance();
                // Store an RPCParam in the outs collection so we
                // have an easy and consistent way to write these
                // back to the client below
                RPCParam p = new RPCParam(param.getQName(),
            } else {
                throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("badOutParameter00",
                        "" + param.getQName(),
        // OK!  Now we can invoke the method
        Object objRes = null;
        try {
            objRes = invokeMethod(msgContext,
                                  obj, argValues);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            String methodSig = operation.getMethod().toString();
            String argClasses = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < argValues.length; i++) {
                if (argValues[i] == null) {
                    argClasses += "null";
                } else {
                    argClasses += argValues[i].getClass().getName();
                if (i + 1 < argValues.length) {
                    argClasses += ",";
                    new String[]{methodSig, argClasses}),
            throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("dispatchIAE00",
                    new String[]{methodSig, argClasses}),
        /** If this is a one-way operation, there is nothing more to do.
        if (operation.getMep() == OperationType.ONE_WAY)
        /* Now put the result in the result SOAPEnvelope */
        RPCElement resBody = new RPCElement(methodName + "Response");

        try {
            // Return first
            if (operation.getMethod().getReturnType() != Void.TYPE) {
                QName returnQName = operation.getReturnQName();
                if (returnQName == null) {
                    String nsp = body.getNamespaceURI();
                    if(nsp == null || nsp.length()==0) {
                        nsp = serviceDesc.getDefaultNamespace();   
                    returnQName = new QName(msgContext.isEncoded() ? "" :
                                            methodName + "Return");
                RPCParam param = new RPCParam(returnQName, objRes);

                if (!operation.isReturnHeader()) {
                    // For SOAP 1.2 rpc style, add a result
                    if (msgContext.getSOAPConstants() == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS &&
                            (serviceDesc.getStyle().equals(Style.RPC))) {
                        RPCParam resultParam = new RPCParam(Constants.QNAME_RPC_RESULT, returnQName);
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        SOAPService service = new SOAPService(new RPCProvider());
        service.setOption("className", "test.soap12.Echo");
        service.setOption("allowedMethods", "*");
        service.setOption("use", Use.ENCODED);

        ServiceDesc desc = service.getInitializedServiceDesc(null);

        provider.deployService(SERVICE_NAME, service);

        MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(server);
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        // Obtain our possible operations
        if (operations == null && msgContext != null) {
            SOAPService service    = msgContext.getService();
            if (service != null) {
                ServiceDesc serviceDesc =

                String lc = Utils.xmlNameToJava(name);
                if (serviceDesc == null) {
                            new ClassNotFoundException(

                operations = serviceDesc.getOperationsByName(lc);
        this.operations = operations;
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        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Enter: RPCProvider.processMessage()");

        SOAPService service = msgContext.getService();
        ServiceDesc serviceDesc = service.getServiceDescription();
        OperationDesc operation = msgContext.getOperation();

        Vector bodies = reqEnv.getBodyElements();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(Messages.getMessage("bodyElems00", "" + bodies.size()));
            log.debug(Messages.getMessage("bodyIs00", "" + bodies.get(0)));

        RPCElement body = null;

        // Find the first "root" body element, which is the RPC call.
        for (int bNum = 0; body == null && bNum < bodies.size(); bNum++) {
            // If this is a regular old SOAPBodyElement, and it's a root,
            // we're probably a non-wrapped doc/lit service.  In this case,
            // we deserialize the element, and create an RPCElement "wrapper"
            // around it which points to the correct method.
            // FIXME : There should be a cleaner way to do this...
            if (!(bodies.get(bNum) instanceof RPCElement)) {
                SOAPBodyElement bodyEl = (SOAPBodyElement) bodies.get(bNum);
                // igors: better check if bodyEl.getID() != null
                // to make sure this loop does not step on SOAP-ENC objects
                // that follow the parameters! FIXME?
                if (bodyEl.isRoot() && operation != null && bodyEl.getID() == null) {
                    ParameterDesc param = operation.getParameter(bNum);
                    // at least do not step on non-existent parameters!
                    if (param != null) {
                        Object val = bodyEl.getValueAsType(param.getTypeQName());
                        body = new RPCElement("",
                                              new Object[]{val});
            } else {
                body = (RPCElement) bodies.get(bNum);

        // special case code for a document style operation with no
        // arguments (which is a strange thing to have, but whatever)
        if (body == null) {
            // throw an error if this isn't a document style service
            if (!(serviceDesc.getStyle().equals(Style.DOCUMENT))) {
                throw new Exception(Messages.getMessage("noBody00"));
            // look for a method in the service that has no arguments,
            // use the first one we find.
            ArrayList ops = serviceDesc.getOperations();
            for (Iterator iterator = ops.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                OperationDesc desc = (OperationDesc);
                if (desc.getNumInParams() == 0) {
                    // found one with no parameters, use it
                    // create an empty element
                    body = new RPCElement(desc.getName());
                    // stop looking
            // If we still didn't find anything, report no body error.
            if (body == null) {
                throw new Exception(Messages.getMessage("noBody00"));

        String methodName = body.getMethodName();
        Vector args = null;
        try {
            args = body.getParams();
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            if(e.getException() != null)
                throw e.getException();
            throw e;
        int numArgs = args.size();
        // This may have changed, so get it again...
        // FIXME (there should be a cleaner way to do this)
        operation = msgContext.getOperation();

        if (operation == null) {
            QName qname = new QName(body.getNamespaceURI(),
            operation = serviceDesc.getOperationByElementQName(qname);

        if (operation == null) {
            throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("noSuchOperation",
        // Create the array we'll use to hold the actual parameter
        // values.  We know how big to make it from the metadata.
        Object[] argValues = new Object[operation.getNumParams()];

        // A place to keep track of the out params (INOUTs and OUTs)
        ArrayList outs = new ArrayList();
        // Put the values contained in the RPCParams into an array
        // suitable for passing to java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke()
        // Make sure we respect parameter ordering if we know about it
        // from metadata, and handle whatever conversions are necessary
        // (values -> Holders, etc)
        for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
            RPCParam rpcParam = (RPCParam) args.get(i);
            Object value = rpcParam.getValue();
            // first check the type on the paramter
            ParameterDesc paramDesc = rpcParam.getParamDesc();
            // if we found some type info try to make sure the value type is
            // correct.  For instance, if we deserialized a xsd:dateTime in
            // to a Calendar and the service takes a Date, we need to convert
            if (paramDesc != null && paramDesc.getJavaType() != null) {

                // Get the type in the signature (java type or its holder)
                Class sigType = paramDesc.getJavaType();
                // Convert the value into the expected type in the signature
                value = JavaUtils.convert(value,

                if (paramDesc.getMode() == ParameterDesc.INOUT) {
            // Put the value (possibly converted) in the argument array
            // make sure to use the parameter order if we have it
            if (paramDesc == null || paramDesc.getOrder() == -1) {
                argValues[i] = value;
            } else {
                argValues[paramDesc.getOrder()] = value;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("  " + Messages.getMessage("value00",
                        "" + argValues[i]));
        // See if any subclasses want a crack at faulting on a bad operation
        // FIXME : Does this make sense here???
        String allowedMethods = (String) service.getOption("allowedMethods");
        checkMethodName(msgContext, allowedMethods, operation.getName());

        // Now create any out holders we need to pass in
        if (numArgs < argValues.length) {
            ArrayList outParams = operation.getOutParams();
            for (int i = 0; i < outParams.size(); i++) {
                ParameterDesc param = (ParameterDesc) outParams.get(i);
                Class holderClass = param.getJavaType();

                if (holderClass != null &&
                        Holder.class.isAssignableFrom(holderClass)) {
                    argValues[numArgs + i] = holderClass.newInstance();
                    // Store an RPCParam in the outs collection so we
                    // have an easy and consistent way to write these
                    // back to the client below
                    RPCParam p = new RPCParam(param.getQName(),
                            argValues[numArgs + i]);
                } else {
                    throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("badOutParameter00",
                            "" + param.getQName(),
        // OK!  Now we can invoke the method
        Object objRes = null;
        try {
            objRes = invokeMethod(msgContext,
                                  obj, argValues);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            String methodSig = operation.getMethod().toString();
            String argClasses = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < argValues.length; i++) {
                if (argValues[i] == null) {
                    argClasses += "null";
                } else {
                    argClasses += argValues[i].getClass().getName();
                if (i + 1 < argValues.length) {
                    argClasses += ",";
                    new String[]{methodSig, argClasses}),
            throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("dispatchIAE00",
                    new String[]{methodSig, argClasses}),
        /* Now put the result in the result SOAPEnvelope */
        RPCElement resBody = new RPCElement(methodName + "Response");

        try {
            // Return first
            if (operation.getMethod().getReturnType() != Void.TYPE) {
                QName returnQName = operation.getReturnQName();
                if (returnQName == null) {
                    returnQName = new QName("", methodName + "Return");
                RPCParam param = new RPCParam(returnQName, objRes);

                if (!operation.isReturnHeader()) {
                    // For SOAP 1.2 rpc style, add a result
                    if (msgContext.getSOAPConstants() == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS &&
                            (serviceDesc.getStyle().equals(Style.RPC))) {
                        RPCParam resultParam = new RPCParam(Constants.QNAME_RPC_RESULT, returnQName);
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            log.debug("Enter: JavaProvider::generateWSDL (" + this + ")");

        /* Find the service we're invoking so we can grab it's options */
        SOAPService service = msgContext.getService();
        ServiceDesc serviceDesc = service.getInitializedServiceDesc(msgContext);

        // Calculate the appropriate namespaces for the WSDL we're going
        // to put out.
        // If we've been explicitly told which namespaces to use, respect
        // that.  If not:
        // The "interface namespace" should be either:
        // 1) The namespace of the ServiceDesc
        // 2) The transport URL (if there's no ServiceDesc ns)

        try {
            // Location URL is whatever is explicitly set in the MC
            String locationUrl =

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, try what's explicitly set in the ServiceDesc
                locationUrl = serviceDesc.getEndpointURL();

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, use the actual transport URL
                locationUrl = msgContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.TRANS_URL);

            // Interface namespace is whatever is explicitly set
            String interfaceNamespace =

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing, use the default namespace of the ServiceDesc
                interfaceNamespace = serviceDesc.getDefaultNamespace();

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing still, use the location URL determined above
                interfaceNamespace = locationUrl;

//  Do we want to do this?
//            if (locationUrl == null) {
//                locationUrl = url;
//            } else {
//                try {
//                    URL urlURL = new URL(url);
//                    URL locationURL = new URL(locationUrl);
//                    URL urlTemp = new URL(urlURL.getProtocol(),
//                            locationURL.getHost(),
//                            locationURL.getPort(),
//                            urlURL.getFile());
//                    interfaceNamespace += urlURL.getFile();
//                    locationUrl = urlTemp.toString();
//                } catch (Exception e) {
//                    locationUrl = url;
//                    interfaceNamespace = url;
//                }
//            }

            Emitter emitter = new Emitter();

            // This seems like a good idea, but in fact isn't because the
            // emitter will figure out a reasonable name (<classname>Service)
            // for the WSDL service element name.  We provide the 'alias'
            // setting to explicitly set this name. See bug 13262 for more info.
            // service alias may be provided if exact naming is required,
            // otherwise Axis will name it according to the implementing class name
            String alias = (String)service.getOption("alias");
            if(alias != null) emitter.setServiceElementName(alias);

            // Set style/use

            emitter.setClsSmart(serviceDesc.getImplClass(), locationUrl);

            // If a wsdl target namespace was provided, use the targetNamespace.
            // Otherwise use the interfaceNamespace constructed above.
            String targetNamespace = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_TARGETNAMESPACE);
            if (targetNamespace == null ||
                targetNamespace.length() == 0) {
                targetNamespace = interfaceNamespace;


            String wsdlPortType = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_PORTTYPE);
            String wsdlServiceElement = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEELEMENT);
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        String clsName = getServiceClassName(service);
        if (clsName == null) {
            throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("noServiceClass"));
        Class cls = getServiceClass(clsName, service, msgContext);
        ServiceDesc serviceDescription = service.getServiceDescription();

        // And the allowed methods, if necessary
        if (serviceDescription.getAllowedMethods() == null && service != null) {
            String allowedMethods = getAllowedMethods(service);
            if (allowedMethods != null && !"*".equals(allowedMethods)) {
                ArrayList methodList = new ArrayList();
                StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(allowedMethods, " ,");
                while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {

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            defaultTM = DefaultTypeMappingImpl.getSingleton();

        // Set up a ServiceDesc to use to introspect the Service
        if (serviceDesc == null) {
            serviceDesc = new ServiceDesc();

            // Set the typeMapping to the one provided.
            // If not available use the default TM
            if (tm != null) {
            } else {


            // If the class passed in is a portType,
            // there may be an implClass that is used to
            // obtain the method parameter names.  In this case,
            // a serviceDesc2 is built to get the method parameter names.
            if (implCls != null &&
                    implCls != cls &&
                    serviceDesc2 == null) {
                serviceDesc2 = new ServiceDesc();

                // Set the typeMapping to the one provided.
                // If not available use the default TM
                if (tm != null) {
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        if (serviceHandler != null) {
            ServiceDesc desc = serviceHandler.getInitializedServiceDesc(this);

            if (desc != null) {
                if (desc.getStyle() != Style.DOCUMENT) {
                    possibleOperations = desc.getOperationsByQName(qname);
                } else {
                    // DOCUMENT Style
                    // Get all of the operations that have qname as
                    // a possible parameter QName
                    ArrayList allOperations = desc.getOperations();
                    ArrayList foundOperations = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i=0; i < allOperations.size(); i++ ) {
                        OperationDesc tryOp =
                            (OperationDesc) allOperations.get(i);
                        if (tryOp.getParamByQName(qname) != null) {
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            log.debug("Enter: BSFProvider::generateWSDL (" + this + ")");

        /* Find the service we're invoking so we can grab it's options */
        SOAPService service = msgContext.getService();
        ServiceDesc serviceDesc = service.getInitializedServiceDesc(msgContext);

        // Calculate the appropriate namespaces for the WSDL we're going
        // to put out.
        // If we've been explicitly told which namespaces to use, respect
        // that.  If not:
        // The "interface namespace" should be either:
        // 1) The namespace of the ServiceDesc
        // 2) The transport URL (if there's no ServiceDesc ns)

        try {
            // Location URL is whatever is explicitly set in the MC
            String locationUrl =

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, try what's explicitly set in the ServiceDesc
                locationUrl = serviceDesc.getEndpointURL();

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, use the actual transport URL
                locationUrl = msgContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.TRANS_URL);

            // Interface namespace is whatever is explicitly set
            String interfaceNamespace =

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing, use the default namespace of the ServiceDesc
                interfaceNamespace = serviceDesc.getDefaultNamespace();

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing still, use the location URL determined above
                interfaceNamespace = locationUrl;

//  Do we want to do this?
//            if (locationUrl == null) {
//                locationUrl = url;
//            } else {
//                try {
//                    URL urlURL = new URL(url);
//                    URL locationURL = new URL(locationUrl);
//                    URL urlTemp = new URL(urlURL.getProtocol(),
//                            locationURL.getHost(),
//                            locationURL.getPort(),
//                            urlURL.getFile());
//                    interfaceNamespace += urlURL.getFile();
//                    locationUrl = urlTemp.toString();
//                } catch (Exception e) {
//                    locationUrl = url;
//                    interfaceNamespace = url;
//                }
//            }

            Emitter emitter = new Emitter();

            // Set the name for the target service.
            // service alias may be provided if exact naming is required,
            // otherwise Axis will name it according to the implementing class name
            String alias = (String) service.getOption("alias");
            if (alias != null) emitter.setServiceElementName(alias);

            // Set style/use

            emitter.setClsSmart(serviceDesc.getImplClass(), locationUrl);

            // If a wsdl target namespace was provided, use the targetNamespace.
            // Otherwise use the interfaceNamespace constructed above.
            String targetNamespace = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_TARGETNAMESPACE);
            if (targetNamespace == null ||
                    targetNamespace.length() == 0) {
                targetNamespace = interfaceNamespace;

            emitter.setTypeMapping((TypeMapping) msgContext.getTypeMappingRegistry()
            emitter.setDefaultTypeMapping((TypeMapping) msgContext.getTypeMappingRegistry().

            String wsdlPortType = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_PORTTYPE);
            String wsdlServiceElement = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEELEMENT);
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        String baseURL = getWebappBase(request)+"/services/";
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ServiceDesc sd = (ServiceDesc);
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            String name = sd.getName();
            sb.append(" <a href=\"");
            ArrayList operations = sd.getOperations();
            if (!operations.isEmpty()) {
                for (Iterator it = operations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    OperationDesc desc = (OperationDesc);
                    writer.println("<li>" + desc.getName());
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