public Handler newProviderInstance(DeploymentRegistry registry) throws Exception {
String type;
type = (!(type = getType()).equals("") ? type : "org.apache.axis.handlers.providers.ComProvider");
Class _class = Class.forName(type);
BasicProvider provider = (BasicProvider)_class.newInstance();
// set the basic java provider deployment options
Element prov = (Element)getElement().getElementsByTagNameNS(WSDDConstants.WSDD_COM, "provider").item(0);
if (prov == null) {
throw new WSDDException("The Com Provider requires the presence of a com:provider element in the WSDD");
String option = prov.getAttribute("ProgID");
if (!option.equals("")) provider.addOption(ComProvider.OPTION_PROGID, option);
option = prov.getAttribute("CLSID");
if (!option.equals("")) provider.addOption(ComProvider.OPTION_CLSID, option);
option = prov.getAttribute("threadingModel");
if (!option.equals("")) provider.addOption(ComProvider.OPTION_THREADING_MODEL, option);
// collect the information about the operations
NodeList nl = getElement().getElementsByTagNameNS(WSDDConstants.WSDD_NS, "operation");
for (int n = 0; n < nl.getLength(); n++) {
Element op = (Element)nl.item(n);
new QName(op.getAttribute("qName"),op));
return provider;