Package org.apache.axis

Examples of org.apache.axis.MessageContext

   this method save path to the config files in session
  private void getPATH()
    String PATH;
    MessageContext mc = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
    PATH = (String)((HttpServlet)mc.getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLET)).getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "WEB-INF/";
    session.set("PATH", PATH);
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      AxisService service = ( AxisService ) lookup( AxisService.ROLE );
      AxisServer server = service.getAxisServer();
      LocalTransport transport = new LocalTransport(server);
      MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(server);
      msgContext.setTargetService( serviceName );
      // During a real invocation this is set by the handler, however we
      // need to set it hear to get the wsdl generation working.
      msgContext.setProperty( MessageContext.TRANS_URL,
                  services + serviceName );
      server.generateWSDL( msgContext );       
      // another one of those undocumented "features"
      Document doc = (Document) msgContext.getProperty( "WSDL" );
        DOMReader xmlReader = new DOMReader();
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            (HttpServletResponse) objectModel.get(HttpEnvironment.HTTP_RESPONSE_OBJECT);
        ServletContext con =
            (ServletContext) objectModel.get(HttpEnvironment.HTTP_SERVLET_CONTEXT);

        String soapAction = null;
        MessageContext msgContext = null;
        Message responseMsg = null;

            res.setBufferSize(1024 * 8); // provide performance boost.

            // Get message context w/ various properties set
            msgContext = m_server.createMessageContext(req, res, con);

            // Get request message
            Message requestMsg =
                new Message(
                    req.getInputStream(), false,

            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                getLogger().debug("Request message:\n" + messageToString(requestMsg));

            // Set the request(incoming) message field in the context

                // Save the SOAPAction header in the MessageContext bag.
                // This will be used to tell the Axis Engine which service
                // is being invoked.  This will save us the trouble of
                // having to parse the Request message - although we will
                // need to double-check later on that the SOAPAction header
                // does in fact match the URI in the body.
                // (is this last stmt true??? (I don't think so - Glen))
                soapAction = getSoapAction(req);

                if (soapAction != null)

                // Create a Session wrapper for the HTTP session.
                msgContext.setSession(new AxisHttpSession(req));

                // Invoke the Axis engine...
                    getLogger().debug("Invoking Axis Engine");


                    getLogger().debug("Return from Axis Engine");

                responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
            catch (AxisFault e)
                if (getLogger().isErrorEnabled())
                    getLogger().error("Axis Fault", e);

                // It's been suggested that a lack of SOAPAction
                // should produce some other error code (in the 400s)...
                int status = getHttpServletResponseStatus(e);
                if (status == HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED)
                    res.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate","Basic realm=\"AXIS\"");

                responseMsg = new Message(e);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (getLogger().isErrorEnabled())
                    getLogger().error("Error during SOAP call", e);

                responseMsg = new Message(AxisFault.makeFault(e));
        catch (AxisFault fault)
            if (getLogger().isErrorEnabled())
                getLogger().error("Axis fault occured while perforing request", fault);

            responseMsg = new Message(fault);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new ProcessingException("Exception thrown while performing request", e);

        // Send response back
        if (responseMsg != null)
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                getLogger().debug("Sending response:\n" + messageToString(responseMsg));

            sendResponse(getProtocolVersion(req), msgContext.getSOAPConstants(), res, responseMsg);

        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
            getLogger().debug("AxisRPCReader.generate() complete");
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    private final Object rpc(String method, Object[] parms)
        throws AxisFault, SAXException

        // Create the message context
        MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(engine);

        // Set the dispatch either by SOAPAction or methodNS
        String methodNS = null;

        // Construct the soap request
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = new SOAPEnvelope();
        msgContext.setRequestMessage(new Message(envelope));
        RPCElement body = new RPCElement(methodNS, method, parms);

        // Invoke the Axis engine

        // Extract the response Envelope
        Message message = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
        envelope = (SOAPEnvelope)message.getSOAPEnvelope();
        assertNotNull("SOAP envelope was null", envelope);

        // Extract the body from the envelope
        body = (RPCElement)envelope.getFirstBody();
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            for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
                try {
                    String ret = (String)call.invoke("hello", null);
                    if (ret == null) {
                        MessageContext msgContext = call.getMessageContext();
                        String respStr = msgContext.getResponseMessage().getSOAPPartAsString();

                        String reqStr = msgContext.getRequestMessage().getSOAPPartAsString();
                        String nullStr = "Got null response! Request message:\r\n" + reqStr + "\r\n\r\n" +
                                  "Response message:\r\n" + respStr;
                        setError(new Exception(nullStr));
                    } else if (!ret.equals(TestService.MESSAGE)) {
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            if (server == null) init();
            targetServer = server;

        // Define a new messageContext per request
        MessageContext serverContext = new MessageContext(targetServer);

        // copy the request, and force its format to String in order to
        // exercise the serializers.
        String msgStr = clientContext.getRequestMessage().getSOAPPartAsString();

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(Messages.getMessage("sendingXML00", "LocalSender"));

        serverContext.setRequestMessage(new Message(msgStr));

        // Also copy authentication info if present
        String user = clientContext.getUsername();
        if (user != null) {
            String pass = clientContext.getPassword();
            if (pass != null)

        // set the realpath if possible
        String transURL = clientContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.TRANS_URL);
        if (transURL != null) {
            try {
                URL url = new URL(transURL);
                String file = url.getFile();
                if (file.length()>0 && file.charAt(0)=='/') file = file.substring(1);
                serverContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_REALPATH, file);
                // This enables "local:///AdminService" and the like to work.
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw AxisFault.makeFault(e);

        // If we've been given an explicit "remote" service to invoke,
        // use it. (Note that right now this overrides the setting above;
        // is this the correct precedence?)
        String remoteService = clientContext.getStrProp(LocalTransport.REMOTE_SERVICE);
        if (remoteService != null)

        // invoke the request
        try {
        } catch (AxisFault fault) {
            Message respMsg = serverContext.getResponseMessage();
            if (respMsg == null) {
                respMsg = new Message(fault);
            } else {
                SOAPFault faultEl = new SOAPFault(fault);
                SOAPEnvelope env = respMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();

        // copy back the response, and force its format to String in order to
        // exercise the deserializers.

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Exit: LocalSender::invoke");
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    public TestAttributes(String name) {

    public void testBean () throws Exception {
        MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(new AxisServer(new BasicServerConfig()));
        SOAPEnvelope msg = new SOAPEnvelope();

        // Create bean with data
        AttributeBean bean = new AttributeBean();
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    private void checkSimpleBeanRoundTrip(String text, float temp) throws Exception {
        SimpleBean bean = new SimpleBean(text);
        bean.temp = temp;

        MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(new AxisServer(new BasicServerConfig()));
        SOAPEnvelope msg = new SOAPEnvelope();

        RPCParam arg = new RPCParam("", "simple", bean);
        RPCElement body = new RPCElement("urn:myNamespace", "method1", new Object[]{ arg });
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        // setup
        AxisEngine engine = new AxisServer(provider);

        // create a message in context
        MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(engine);
        Message message = new Message(request);

        // ensure that the message is parsed
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope();
        RPCElement body = (RPCElement) envelope.getFirstBody();

        // This is not necessarily true anymore...
        //assertEquals("Namespace does not equal the message context target service.", namespace, msgContext.getTargetService());

        // verify the service is set
        assertEquals("The target is not the same as the message context service handler", target, msgContext.getService());
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    public Element[] AdminService(Element [] xml)
        throws Exception
        log.debug("Enter: Admin::AdminService");
        MessageContext msgContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
        Document doc = process( msgContext, xml[0] );
        Element[] result = new Element[1];
        result[0] = doc.getDocumentElement();
        log.debug("Exit: Admin::AdminService");
        return result;
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis.MessageContext

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