{@link RealRandomAccess} to a {@link RandomAccess} by nearest neighborinterpolation.
In ImgLib2, the coordinate of a sample corresponds to the 'center' point of the sample, i.e. the location at which the sample was acquired. This scheme is intuitive in both rasters and irregularly samples data but can trigger confusion when displaying images on a screen with a pixel raster which, in this scheme, spans the range [-0.5,width-0.5]. In the screen-friendly alternative scheme, where sample coordinates reference the top left corner of the pixel rectangle representing a sample the range covered by an image is [0,width], however, coordinate transfer functions other than translation and homogeneous scaling generate different results than in the center-scheme. Rendering an image using {@link FloorInterpolator} means using the top-left-scheme, rendering itusing {@link NearestNeighborInterpolator}, {@link NLinearInterpolator}, or {@link LanczosInterpolator} means using the center-scheme.
@param < T>
@author Tobias Pietzsch
@author Stephan Preibisch
@author Stephan Saalfeld