Dempsy.Application.Cluster c = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1"));
Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = c.getNodes().get(0);
MpContainer container = node.getMpContainer();
// let it go and wait until there's a few keys.
// as the KeySource iterates, this will increase
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.cloneCalls.get() > 10000; } }));
// prepare the next countdown latch
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(0); // just let the 2nd one go
// I want the next one to stop at 2
KeySourceImpl.infinite = false;
// Now force another call while the first is running
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(node.strategyInbound, false, true);
// wait until the second one is created
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,null,new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object mp) { return KeySourceImpl.lastCreated != null && firstCreated != KeySourceImpl.lastCreated; } }));
// now the first one should be done and therefore no longer incrementing.