* Copyright 2012 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nokia.dempsy;
import static com.nokia.dempsy.TestUtils.poll;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer;
import com.nokia.dempsy.Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node;
import com.nokia.dempsy.TestUtils.Condition;
import com.nokia.dempsy.TestUtils.JunkDestination;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Activation;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageHandler;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageKey;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageProcessor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Output;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Start;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSessionFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.DisruptibleSession;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.invm.LocalClusterSessionFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.zookeeper.ZookeeperTestServer.InitZookeeperServerBean;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ClusterId;
import com.nokia.dempsy.container.MpContainer;
import com.nokia.dempsy.executor.DefaultDempsyExecutor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.tcp.TcpReceiver;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.tcp.TcpReceiverAccess;
import com.nokia.dempsy.monitoring.coda.MetricGetters;
import com.nokia.dempsy.router.DecentralizedRoutingStrategy.DefaultRouterSlotInfo;
import com.nokia.dempsy.serialization.kryo.KryoOptimizer;
public class TestDempsy
* Setting 'hardcore' to true causes EVERY SINGLE IMPLEMENTATION COMBINATION to be used in
* every runAllCombinations call. This can make TestDempsy run for a loooooong time.
public static boolean hardcore = false;
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestDempsy.class);
private static long baseTimeoutMillis = 20000; // 20 seconds
String[] dempsyConfigs = new String[] { "testDempsy/Dempsy.xml" };
String[] clusterManagers = new String[]{ "testDempsy/ClusterInfo-ZookeeperActx.xml", "testDempsy/ClusterInfo-LocalActx.xml" };
String[][] transports = new String[][] {
{ "testDempsy/Transport-PassthroughActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-PassthroughBlockingActx.xml" },
{ "testDempsy/Transport-BlockingQueueActx.xml" },
{ "testDempsy/Transport-TcpNoBatchingActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-TcpFailSlowActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-TcpWithOverflowActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-TcpBatchedOutputActx.xml" }
String[] serializers = new String[]
{ "testDempsy/Serializer-JavaActx.xml", "testDempsy/Serializer-KryoActx.xml", "testDempsy/Serializer-KryoOptimizedActx.xml" };
// bad combinations.
List<ClusterId> badCombos = Arrays.asList(new ClusterId[] {
// this is a hack ... use a ClusterId as a String tuple for comparison
// the passthrough Destination is not serializable but zookeeper requires it to be
new ClusterId("testDempsy/ClusterInfo-ZookeeperActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-PassthroughActx.xml") ,
new ClusterId("testDempsy/ClusterInfo-ZookeeperActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-PassthroughBlockingActx.xml") ,
// the blockingqueue Destination is not serializable but zookeeper requires it to be
new ClusterId("testDempsy/ClusterInfo-ZookeeperActx.xml", "testDempsy/Transport-BlockingQueueActx.xml")
private static InitZookeeperServerBean zkServer = null;
public static String onodes = null;
public static String oapp = null;
public static String ocluster = null;
public static String oslots = null;
private static final void resetProp(String key, String val)
if (val != null)
System.setProperty(key, val);
public static void setupZookeeperSystemVars() throws IOException
onodes = System.getProperty("min_nodes_for_cluster");
oslots = System.getProperty("total_slots_for_cluster");
oapp = System.getProperty("application");
ocluster = System.getProperty("cluster");
System.setProperty("application", "test-app");
System.setProperty("cluster", "test-cluster2");
zkServer = new InitZookeeperServerBean();
public static void shutdownZookeeper()
resetProp("total_slots_for_cluster", oslots);
public void init()
KeySourceImpl.disruptSession = false;
KeySourceImpl.infinite = false;
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(0);
KeySourceImpl.maxcount = 2;
KeySourceImpl.lastCreated = null;
TestMp.currentOutputCount = 10;
TestMp.activateCheckedException = false;
System.setProperty("min_nodes_for_cluster", "1");
System.setProperty("total_slots_for_cluster", "20");
public static class TestMessage implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String val;
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // required for Kryo
private TestMessage() {}
public TestMessage(String val) { this.val = val; }
public String get() { return val; }
public boolean equals(Object o)
return o == null ? false :
public String toString() { return "TestMessage:\"" + val + "\""; }
public static class TestKryoOptimizer implements KryoOptimizer
public void preRegister(Kryo kryo)
public void postRegister(Kryo kryo)
FieldSerializer<TestMessage> valSer = (FieldSerializer<TestMessage>)kryo.getSerializer(TestMessage.class);
public static class ActivateCheckedException extends Exception
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public ActivateCheckedException(String message) { super(message); }
public static class TestMp implements Cloneable
public static int currentOutputCount = 10;
// need a mutable object reference
public AtomicReference<TestMessage> lastReceived = new AtomicReference<TestMessage>();
public AtomicLong outputCount = new AtomicLong(0);
public CountDownLatch outputLatch = new CountDownLatch(currentOutputCount);
public AtomicInteger startCalls = new AtomicInteger(0);
public AtomicInteger cloneCalls = new AtomicInteger(0);
public AtomicLong handleCalls = new AtomicLong(0);
public AtomicReference<String> failActivation = new AtomicReference<String>();
public AtomicBoolean haveWaitedOnce = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public static boolean activateCheckedException = false;
public void start()
public void handle(TestMessage message)
public void setKey(String key) throws ActivateCheckedException
// we need to wait at least once because sometime pre-instantiation
// goes so fast the test fails becuase it fails to register on the statsCollector.
if (!haveWaitedOnce.get())
try { Thread.sleep(3); } catch (Throwable th) {}
if (key.equals(failActivation.get()))
String message = "Failed Activation For " + key;
if (activateCheckedException)
throw new ActivateCheckedException(message);
throw new RuntimeException(message);
public TestMp clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
return (TestMp) super.clone();
public void output()
public static class OverflowHandler implements com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.OverflowHandler
public void overflow(byte[] messageBytes)
logger.debug("Overflow:" + messageBytes);
public static class TestAdaptor implements Adaptor
Dispatcher dispatcher;
public Object lastSent;
public volatile static boolean throwExceptionOnSetDispatcher = false;
public void setDispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher)
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
if (throwExceptionOnSetDispatcher) throw new RuntimeException("Forced RuntimeException");
public void start() { }
public void stop() { }
public void pushMessage(Object message)
lastSent = message;
public static class KeySourceImpl implements KeySource<String>
private Dempsy dempsy = null;
private ClusterId clusterId = null;
public static volatile boolean disruptSession = false;
public static volatile boolean infinite = false;
public static volatile CountDownLatch pause = new CountDownLatch(0);
public static volatile KSIterable lastCreated = null;
public static volatile int maxcount = 2;
public void setDempsy(Dempsy dempsy) { this.dempsy = dempsy; }
public void setClusterId(ClusterId clusterId) { this.clusterId = clusterId; }
public class KSIterable implements Iterable<String>
public volatile String lastKey = "";
public CountDownLatch m_pause = pause;
public volatile boolean m_infinite = infinite;
lastCreated = this;
public Iterator<String> iterator()
return new Iterator<String>()
long count = 0;
public boolean hasNext() { if (count >= 1) kickClusterInfoMgr(); return m_infinite ? true : (count < maxcount); }
public String next() { try { m_pause.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} count++; return (lastKey = "test" + count);}
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
private void kickClusterInfoMgr()
if (!disruptSession)
disruptSession = false; // one disruptSession
Dempsy.Application.Cluster c = dempsy.getCluster(clusterId);
Object session = TestUtils.getSession(c);
if (session instanceof DisruptibleSession)
DisruptibleSession dses = (DisruptibleSession)session;
public Iterable<String> getAllPossibleKeys()
// The array is proxied to create the ability to rip out the cluster manager
// in the middle of iterating over the key source. This is to create the
// condition in which the key source is being iterated while the routing strategy
// is attempting to get slots.
return new KSIterable();
public abstract class Checker
public abstract void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable;
public void setup() { init(); }
private static class WaitForShutdown implements Runnable
public boolean shutdown = false;
public Dempsy dempsy = null;
public CountDownLatch waitForShutdownDoneLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
WaitForShutdown(Dempsy dempsy) { this.dempsy = dempsy; }
public void run()
try { dempsy.waitToBeStopped(); shutdown = true; } catch(InterruptedException e) {}
static class AlternatingIterable implements Iterable<String>
boolean hardcore = false;
List<String> strings = null;
public AlternatingIterable(boolean hardcore, String[] strings)
this.hardcore = hardcore;
this.strings = Arrays.asList(strings);
public Iterator<String> iterator()
return hardcore ? strings.iterator() :
new Iterator<String>()
boolean done = false;
public boolean hasNext() { return !done; }
public String next(){ done = true; return strings.get(runCount % strings.size()); }
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
static int runCount = 0;
public void runAllCombinations(String applicationContext, Checker checker) throws Throwable
for (String clusterManager : clusterManagers)
for (String[] alternatingTransports : transports)
// select one of the alternatingTransports
for (String transport : new AlternatingIterable(hardcore,alternatingTransports))
for (String serializer : new AlternatingIterable(hardcore,serializers))
// alternate the dempsy configs
for (String dempsyConfig : new AlternatingIterable(hardcore,dempsyConfigs))
if (! badCombos.contains(new ClusterId(clusterManager,transport)))
String pass = applicationContext + " test: " + (checker == null ? "none" : checker) + " using " + dempsyConfig + "," + clusterManager + "," + serializer + "," + transport;
if (checker != null)
init(); // reset everything
checker.setup(); // allow modification to defaults for this test.
String[] ctx = { dempsyConfig, clusterManager, transport, serializer, "testDempsy/" + applicationContext };
logger.debug("Starting up the appliction context ...");
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx);
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)actx.getBean("dempsy");
assertTrue(pass,TestUtils.waitForClustersToBeInitialized(baseTimeoutMillis, dempsy));
WaitForShutdown waitingForShutdown = new WaitForShutdown(dempsy);
Thread waitingForShutdownThread = new Thread(waitingForShutdown,"Waiting For Shutdown");
logger.debug("Running test ...");
if (checker != null)
logger.debug("Done with test, stopping the application context ...");
assertTrue(waitingForShutdown.waitForShutdownDoneLatch.await(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
logger.debug("Finished this pass.");
catch (AssertionError re)
logger.error("***************** FAILED ON: " + pass);
throw re;
public void testIndividualClusterStart() throws Throwable
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)actx.getBean("dempsy");
Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster0"));
cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1"));
cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster2"));
cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster3"));
cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster4"));
public void testInValidClusterStart() throws Throwable
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
public void testTcpTransportExecutorConfigurationThroughApplication() throws Throwable
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null;
DefaultDempsyExecutor executor = null;
actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)actx.getBean("dempsy");
for (Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster : dempsy.applications.get(0).appClusters)
// get the receiver from the node
TcpReceiver r = (TcpReceiver)cluster.getNodes().get(0).receiver;
executor = (DefaultDempsyExecutor)TcpReceiverAccess.getExecutor(r);
try { actx.stop(); } catch (Throwable th) {}
try { actx.destroy(); } catch(Throwable th) {}
public void testAdaptorThrowsRuntimeOnSetDispatcher() throws Throwable
TestAdaptor.throwExceptionOnSetDispatcher = true;
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null;
boolean gotException = false;
actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
catch (Throwable th)
assertEquals("Forced RuntimeException",th.getCause().getLocalizedMessage());
gotException = true;
TestAdaptor.throwExceptionOnSetDispatcher = false;
if (actx != null)
public void testStartupShutdown() throws Throwable
runAllCombinations("SimpleMultistageApplicationActx.xml", new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable { }
public String toString() { return "testStartupShutdown"; }
public void testForkedFailure() throws Throwable
runAllCombinations("SimpleMultistageApplicationActx.xml", new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
final AtomicBoolean stopIt = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final AtomicBoolean failed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
final TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor) getAdaptor(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster0");
Thread adaptorThread = new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
long i = 0;
while (!stopIt.get())
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("" + i));
catch (Throwable th)
}, "testForkedFailure-Adaptor Thread ");
TestMp[] mps = new TestMp[3];
DisruptibleSession[] sessions = new DisruptibleSession[3];
for (int i = 0; i < mps.length; i++)
String cluster = "test-cluster" + (i + 1);
mps[i] = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy,"test-app",cluster);
sessions[i] = (DisruptibleSession)(dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", cluster)).getNodes().get(0).retouRteg().getClusterSession());
assertEquals(1, mps[i].startCalls.get());
for (int i = 0; i < mps.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mps.length; j++)
if (i != j)
assertTrue(mps[i] != mps[j]);
// now check to see that data is going to all 3.
for (int i = 0; i < mps.length; i++)
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mps[i], new Condition<TestMp>() { public boolean conditionMet(TestMp o)
return o.handleCalls.get() > 0;
int curPos = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
// now kill a cluster or 2 (or 3)
for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++)
sessions[curPos++ % sessions.length].disrupt();
for (int i = 0; i < mps.length; i++)
final long curCalls = mps[i].handleCalls.get();
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mps[i], new Condition<TestMp>() { public boolean conditionMet(TestMp o)
return o.handleCalls.get() > curCalls;
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, stopped, new Condition<AtomicBoolean>() { public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) { return o.get(); }}));
public String toString() { return "testForkedFailure"; }
public void testMpStartMethod() throws Throwable
new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
Object message = new Object();
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
// now send a message through
message = new TestMessage("HereIAm - testMPStartMethod");
// instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
// wait for it to be received.
final Object msg = message;
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return msg.equals(mp.lastReceived.get()); } }));
// verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
// a way to given the code
assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
public String toString() { return "testMPStartMethod"; }
public void testMessageThrough() throws Throwable
new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
Object message = new Object();
// check that the message didn't go through.
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
assertTrue(mp.lastReceived.get() == null);
TestAdaptor adaptor2 = (TestAdaptor)getAdaptor(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster0");
assertEquals(adaptor.lastSent, message);
// now send a message through
message = new TestMessage("HereIAm - testMessageThrough");
// instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
// wait for it to be received.
final Object msg = message;
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return msg.equals(mp.lastReceived.get()); } }));
public String toString() { return "testMessageThrough"; }
public void testMessageThroughWithClusterFailure() throws Throwable
new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
// check that the message didn't go through.
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
final AtomicReference<TestMessage> msg = new AtomicReference<TestMessage>();
final TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
// now send a message through
TestMessage message = new TestMessage("HereIAm - testMessageThrough");
// instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
// wait for it to be received.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return msg.get().equals(mp.lastReceived.get()); } }));
// now go into a disruption loop
ClusterInfoSession session = TestUtils.getSession(dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")));
DisruptibleSession dsess = (DisruptibleSession) session;
final AtomicBoolean stopSending = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
long count = 0;
while (!stopSending.get())
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("Hello:" + count++));
try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Throwable th) {}
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// now wait until more messages come through
final long curCount = mp.handleCalls.get();
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp, new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get() > curCount; } }));
public String toString() { return "testMessageThroughWithClusterFailure"; }
public void testOutPutMessage() throws Throwable
new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
TestMessage message = new TestMessage("output");
adaptor.pushMessage(message); // this causes the container to clone the Mp
// Now wait for the output call to be made 10 times (or so).
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
assertTrue(mp.outputLatch.await(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public String toString() { return "testOutPutMessage"; }
public void testCronOutPutMessage() throws Throwable
// since the cron output message can only go to 1 second resolution,
// we need to drop the number of attempt to 3. Otherwise this test
// takes way too long.
new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
TestMessage message = new TestMessage("output");
adaptor.pushMessage(message); // this causes the container to clone the Mp
// Now wait for the output call to be made 10 times (or so).
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster2");
assertTrue(mp.outputLatch.await(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public String toString() { return "testCronOutPutMessage"; }
public void setup() { TestMp.currentOutputCount = 3; }
public void testExplicitDesintationsStartup() throws Throwable
new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable { }
public String toString() { return "testExplicitDesintationsStartup"; }
private static Object getMp(Dempsy dempsy, String appName, String clusterName)
Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId(appName,clusterName));
Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); // currently there is one node per cluster.
return node.clusterDefinition.getMessageProcessorPrototype();
private static Adaptor getAdaptor(Dempsy dempsy, String appName, String clusterName)
Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId(appName,clusterName));
Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); // currently there is one node per cluster.
return node.clusterDefinition.getAdaptor();
public void testMpKeyStore() throws Throwable
public void testMpKeyStoreWithFailingClusterManager() throws Throwable
public void runMpKeyStoreTest(final String methodName, final boolean disruptSession) throws Throwable
Checker checker = new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
// verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
// a way to given the code
assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
// wait for clone calls to reach at least 2
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.cloneCalls.get()==2; } }));
final TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
// if the session has been disrupted then this may take some time to work again.
// wait until it works again.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) throws Throwable
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("output")); // this causes the container to clone the Mp
Thread.sleep(100); // wait for it to be received.
return mp.cloneCalls.get()==3; // this will not go past 3 as long as the same TestMessage is sent.
} }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1")); // this WONT causes the container to clone the Mp because test1 was already pre-instantiated.
Thread.sleep(100); // give it a little time.
// wait for it to be received.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.cloneCalls.get()==3; } }));
List<Node> nodes = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")).getNodes();
Node node = nodes.get(0);
double duration = ((MetricGetters)node.getStatsCollector()).getPreInstantiationDuration();
public String toString() { return methodName; }
public void setup() { KeySourceImpl.disruptSession = disruptSession; }
runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreApplicationActx.xml", checker);
runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreAndExecutorApplicationActx.xml", checker);
public void testOverlappingKeyStoreCalls() throws Throwable
Checker checker = new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
// wait until the KeySourceImpl has been created
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,null,new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object mp) { return KeySourceImpl.lastCreated != null; } }));
final KeySourceImpl.KSIterable firstCreated = KeySourceImpl.lastCreated;
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
Dempsy.Application.Cluster c = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1"));
Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = c.getNodes().get(0);
MpContainer container = node.getMpContainer();
// let it go and wait until there's a few keys.
// as the KeySource iterates, this will increase
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.cloneCalls.get() > 10000; } }));
// prepare the next countdown latch
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(0); // just let the 2nd one go
// I want the next one to stop at 2
KeySourceImpl.infinite = false;
// Now force another call while the first is running
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(node.strategyInbound, false, true);
// wait until the second one is created
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,null,new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object mp) { return KeySourceImpl.lastCreated != null && firstCreated != KeySourceImpl.lastCreated; } }));
// now the first one should be done and therefore no longer incrementing.
String lastKeyOfFirstCreated = firstCreated.lastKey;
// and the second one should be done also and stopped at 2.
final KeySourceImpl.KSIterable secondCreated = KeySourceImpl.lastCreated;
assertTrue(firstCreated != secondCreated);
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,null,new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object mp) { return "test2".equals(secondCreated.lastKey); } }));
assertEquals(lastKeyOfFirstCreated,firstCreated.lastKey); // make sure the first one isn't still moving on
// prepare for the next run
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(1);
KeySourceImpl.infinite = true;
KeySourceImpl.lastCreated = null;
public String toString() { return "testOverlappingKeyStoreCalls"; }
public void setup()
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(1);
KeySourceImpl.infinite = true;
KeySourceImpl.lastCreated = null;
public void testFailedMessageHandlingWithKeyStore() throws Throwable
final AtomicBoolean currentActivateCheckedException = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Checker checker = new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
// verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
// a way to given the code
assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
// make sure that there are no Mps
MetricGetters statsCollector = (MetricGetters)dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).getStatsCollector();
TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor)context.getBean("adaptor");
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1")); // this causes the container to clone the Mp
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.cloneCalls.get()==1; } }));
// instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
// wait for it to be received.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.cloneCalls.get()==3; } }));
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,statsCollector,new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters mg) { return mg.getMessageProcessorsCreated()==2; } }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get()==1; } }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test2"));
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get()==2; } }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get()==3; } }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test2"));
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get()==4; } }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get()==5; } }));
adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test2"));
// instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
// wait for it to be received.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis,mp,new Condition<TestMp>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) { return mp.handleCalls.get()==6; } }));
// prepare for the next run
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(1);
public String toString() { return "testFailedMessageHandlingWithKeyStore"; }
public void setup()
KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(1);
TestMp.activateCheckedException = currentActivateCheckedException.get();
// make sure both exceptions are handled since the logic in the container
// actually varies depending on whether or not the exception is checked or not.
public void testExpandingAndContractingKeySpace() throws Throwable
Checker checker = new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
ClusterInfoSession session = null;
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
final ClusterId clusterId = new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1");
// verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
// a way to given the code
assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
// make sure that there are no Mps
MetricGetters statsCollector = (MetricGetters)dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).getStatsCollector();
// This will wait until the keySpace is up to the maxcount which is set (in the setup, below) to 100000
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector,
new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc)
{ return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount(); } }));
// now push the cluster into backup node.
ClusterInfoSession originalSession = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).retouRteg().getClusterSession();
ClusterInfoSessionFactory factory = dempsy.getClusterSessionFactory();
session = TestUtils.stealShard(originalSession, factory, clusterId.asPath() + "/" + String.valueOf(0),baseTimeoutMillis);
// If we got here then the MpContainer is on standby and the number of Mps should
// drop to zero.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector,
new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc)
{ return 0 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount(); } }));
session.stop(); // this should give control back over to the original session.
session = null;
// If we got here then the MpContainer is no longer on standby and the number of Mps should
// go back to the original amount.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector,
new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc)
{ return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount(); } }));
if (session != null)
public String toString() { return "testExpandingAndContractingKeySpace"; }
public void setup()
KeySourceImpl.maxcount = 100000;
System.setProperty("min_nodes_for_cluster", "1");
System.setProperty("total_slots_for_cluster", "1");
public void testFailedClusterManagerDuringKeyStoreCalls() throws Throwable
Checker checker = new Checker()
public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable
ClusterInfoSession session = null;
// start things and verify that the init method was called
Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy)context.getBean("dempsy");
TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app","test-cluster1");
final ClusterId clusterId = new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1");
// verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
// a way to given the code
assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
// make sure that there are no Mps
MetricGetters statsCollector = (MetricGetters)dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).getStatsCollector();
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector,
new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc)
{ return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount(); } }));
// now there's 100000 mps in the container created from the KeySource. So we steal the
// shard and force if offline but continuously disrupt it while it tries to come
// back up.
// now push the cluster into backup node.
ClusterInfoSession originalSession = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app","test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).retouRteg().getClusterSession();
ClusterInfoSessionFactory factory = dempsy.getClusterSessionFactory();
String path = clusterId.asPath() + "/" + String.valueOf(0);
session = TestUtils.stealShard(originalSession, factory, path,baseTimeoutMillis);
DefaultRouterSlotInfo si = (DefaultRouterSlotInfo)session.getData(path, null);
assertTrue(si.getDestination() instanceof JunkDestination); // checks to see who actually has the slot.
// we will keep disrupting the session but we should still end up with zero mps.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
// now wait until we get to zero.
assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector,
new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc)
{ return 0 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount(); } }));
// ok. Now we will close the session that's holding the shard and allow the container
// to re-establish control of that shard. During the KeyStore reinstantiation of the
// MPs we will be disrupting the session.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
// Now we should get back to 100000 Mps.
poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector,
new Condition<MetricGetters>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc)
{ return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount(); } });
if (session != null)
public String toString() { return "testFailedClusterManagerDuringKeyStoreCalls"; }
public void setup()
KeySourceImpl.maxcount = 100000;
System.setProperty("min_nodes_for_cluster", "1");
System.setProperty("total_slots_for_cluster", "1");