* Copyright 2012 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nokia.dempsy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoException;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSessionFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ApplicationDefinition;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ClusterDefinition;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ClusterId;
import com.nokia.dempsy.container.MpContainer;
import com.nokia.dempsy.executor.DempsyExecutor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.internal.util.SafeString;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Destination;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Receiver;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Transport;
import com.nokia.dempsy.monitoring.StatsCollector;
import com.nokia.dempsy.monitoring.StatsCollectorFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.output.OutputExecuter;
import com.nokia.dempsy.router.CurrentClusterCheck;
import com.nokia.dempsy.router.Router;
import com.nokia.dempsy.router.RoutingStrategy;
import com.nokia.dempsy.serialization.Serializer;
* This class is the master orchestrator of the setup of a VM running the application.
* It is intended to have the ApplicationDefinitions autowired in so it picks up
* each one.
public class Dempsy
static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dempsy.class);
* There is an instance of an application for every ApplicationDefinition
* autowired into the Dempsy instance. In most real cases this will be only
* one.
public class Application
* Currently a "Dempsy.Application.Cluster" has no utility since it only has a single Node.
* This may change
public class Cluster
* A Node is essentially an {@link MpContainer} with all of the attending infrastructure.
* Currently a Node is instantiated within the Dempsy orchestrator as a one to one with the
* {@link Cluster}.
public class Node
protected ClusterDefinition clusterDefinition;
Router router = null;
private MpContainer container = null;
RoutingStrategy.Inbound strategyInbound = null;
List<Class<?>> acceptedMessageClasses = null;
Receiver receiver = null;
StatsCollector statsCollector = null;
private Node(ClusterDefinition clusterDefinition) { this.clusterDefinition = clusterDefinition; }
private void start() throws DempsyException
DempsyExecutor executor = (DempsyExecutor)clusterDefinition.getExecutor(); // this can be null
if (executor != null)
ClusterInfoSession clusterSession = clusterSessionFactory.createSession();
ClusterId currentClusterId = clusterDefinition.getClusterId();
router = new Router(clusterDefinition.getParentApplicationDefinition());
// get the executor if one is set
container = new MpContainer(currentClusterId);
if (executor != null)
Object messageProcessorPrototype = clusterDefinition.getMessageProcessorPrototype();
if (messageProcessorPrototype != null)
acceptedMessageClasses = getAcceptedMessages(clusterDefinition);
Serializer<Object> serializer = (Serializer<Object>)clusterDefinition.getSerializer();
if (serializer != null)
// there is only a reciever if we have an Mp (that is, we aren't an adaptor) and start accepting messages
Destination thisDestination = null;
if (messageProcessorPrototype != null && acceptedMessageClasses != null && acceptedMessageClasses.size() > 0)
receiver = transport.createInbound(executor);
thisDestination = receiver.getDestination();
StatsCollectorFactory statsFactory = (StatsCollectorFactory)clusterDefinition.getStatsCollectorFactory();
if (statsFactory != null)
statsCollector = statsFactory.createStatsCollector(currentClusterId,
receiver != null ? thisDestination : null);
if (receiver != null)
router.setDefaultSenderFactory(transport.createOutbound(executor, statsCollector));
RoutingStrategy strategy = (RoutingStrategy)clusterDefinition.getRoutingStrategy();
KeySource<?> keySource = clusterDefinition.getKeySource();
if (keySource != null)
// there is only an inbound strategy if we have an Mp (that is, we aren't an adaptor) and
// we actually accept messages
if (messageProcessorPrototype != null && acceptedMessageClasses != null && acceptedMessageClasses.size() > 0)
strategyInbound = strategy.createInbound(clusterSession,currentClusterId,acceptedMessageClasses, thisDestination,container);
// this can fail because of down cluster manager server ... but it should eventually recover.
try { router.initialize(); }
catch (ClusterInfoException e)
logger.warn("Strategy failed to initialize. Continuing anyway. The cluster manager issue will be resolved automatically.",e);
Adaptor adaptor = clusterDefinition.isRouteAdaptorType() ? clusterDefinition.getAdaptor() : null;
if (adaptor != null)
else {
OutputExecuter outputExecuter = (OutputExecuter) clusterDefinition.getOutputExecuter();
if (outputExecuter != null) {
container.startEvictionThread(Cluster.this.clusterDefinition.getEvictionFrequency(), Cluster.this.clusterDefinition.getEvictionTimeUnit());
catch(RuntimeException e) { throw e; }
catch(Exception e) { throw new DempsyException(e); }
public StatsCollector getStatsCollector() { return statsCollector; }
public MpContainer getMpContainer() { return container; }
public void stop()
if (receiver != null)
try { receiver.stop(); receiver = null; }
catch (Throwable th)
logger.error("Error stoping the reciever " + SafeString.objectDescription(receiver) +
" for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterDefinition) + " due to the following exception:",th);
// shut the container down prior to the router.
if (container != null)
try { container.shutdown(); container = null; } catch (Throwable th) { logger.info("Problem shutting down node for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterDefinition), th); }
// the cluster session is stopped by the router.
if (router != null)
try { router.stop(); router = null; } catch (Throwable th) { logger.info("Problem shutting down node for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterDefinition), th); }
if (statsCollector != null)
try { statsCollector.stop(); statsCollector = null;} catch (Throwable th) { logger.info("Problem shutting down node for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterDefinition), th); }
if (strategyInbound != null)
try { strategyInbound.stop(); strategyInbound = null;} catch (Throwable th) { logger.info("Problem shutting down node for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterDefinition), th); }
DempsyExecutor executor = (DempsyExecutor)clusterDefinition.getExecutor(); // this can be null
if (executor != null)
try { executor.shutdown(); } catch (Throwable th) { logger.info("Problem shutting down node for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterDefinition), th); }
// Only called from tests
public Router retouRteg() { return router; }
} // end Node definition
private List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(1);
protected ClusterDefinition clusterDefinition;
private Cluster(ClusterDefinition clusterDefinition)
this.clusterDefinition = clusterDefinition;
private void start() throws DempsyException
Node node = new Node(clusterDefinition);
private void stop()
for(Node node : nodes)
public List<Node> getNodes() { return nodes; }
* This is only public for testing - DO NOT CALL!
* @throws DempsyException
public void instantiateAndStartAnotherNodeForTesting() throws DempsyException
Node node = new Node(clusterDefinition);
} // end Cluster Definition
protected ApplicationDefinition applicationDefinition;
protected List<Cluster> appClusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
private List<AdaptorThread> adaptorThreads = new ArrayList<AdaptorThread>();
public Application(ApplicationDefinition applicationDefinition)
this.applicationDefinition = applicationDefinition;
private DempsyException failedStart = null;
* @return boolean - true if starts the cluster, else false
* @throws DempsyException
public boolean start() throws DempsyException
failedStart = null;
boolean clusterStarted = false;
for (ClusterDefinition clusterDef : applicationDefinition.getClusterDefinitions())
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(clusterDef);
List<Thread> toJoin = new ArrayList<Thread>(appClusters.size());
for (Cluster cluster : appClusters)
// if (multiThreadedStart)
// {
// Thread t = new Thread(new ClusterStart(cluster),"Starting cluster:" + cluster.clusterDefinition);
// toJoin.add(t);
// t.start();
// clusterStarted = true;
// }
// else
// {
clusterStarted = true;
// }
for (Thread t : toJoin)
try { t.join(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { /* just continue */ }
if (failedStart != null)
throw failedStart;
for (Cluster cluster : appClusters)
if (clusterCheck.isThisNodePartOfCluster(cluster.clusterDefinition.getClusterId()))
Adaptor adaptor = cluster.clusterDefinition.getAdaptor();
if (adaptor != null)
AdaptorThread adaptorRunnable = new AdaptorThread(adaptor);
Thread thread = new Thread(adaptorRunnable , "Adaptor - " + SafeString.objectDescription(adaptor) );
if (cluster.clusterDefinition.isAdaptorDaemon())
clusterStarted = true;
else {
OutputExecuter outputExecuter = (OutputExecuter) cluster.clusterDefinition.getOutputExecuter();
if (outputExecuter != null) {
return clusterStarted;
public void stop()
// first stop all of the adaptor threads
for(AdaptorThread adaptorThread : adaptorThreads)
// stop all of the non-adaptor clusters.
for(Cluster cluster : appClusters)
OutputExecuter outputExecuter = (OutputExecuter) cluster.clusterDefinition.getOutputExecuter();
if (outputExecuter != null) {
} // end Application definition
private static class AdaptorThread implements Runnable
private Adaptor adaptor = null;
private Thread thread = null;
public AdaptorThread(Adaptor adaptor) { this.adaptor = adaptor; }
public void run()
thread = Thread.currentThread();
logger.info("Starting adaptor thread for " + SafeString.objectDescription(adaptor));
try { adaptor.start(); }
catch (Throwable th) { logger.warn("Adaptor " + SafeString.objectDescription(adaptor) + " threw an unexpected exception.", th); }
finally { logger.info("Adaptor thread for " + SafeString.objectDescription(adaptor) + " is shutting down"); }
* This is a helper method that should stop the running thread by initiating
* a stop on the adaptor, then interrupting the thread in case it's in a
* blocking call somewhere.
public void stop()
try { if (adaptor != null) adaptor.stop(); } catch (Throwable th) { logger.error("Problem trying to stop the Adaptor " + SafeString.objectDescription(adaptor), th); }
if (thread != null) thread.interrupt();
private List<ApplicationDefinition> applicationDefinitions = null;
protected List<Application> applications = null;
private CurrentClusterCheck clusterCheck = null;
protected ClusterInfoSessionFactory clusterSessionFactory = null;
private RoutingStrategy defaultRoutingStrategy = null;
private Serializer<Object> defaultSerializer = null;
private Transport transport = null;
private Map<ClusterId,Application.Cluster> allClusters = new HashMap<ClusterId, Application.Cluster>();
private StatsCollectorFactory defaultStatsCollectorFactory = null;
// Dempsy lifecycle state
private volatile boolean isRunning = false;
private Object isRunningEvent = new Object();
// // this is mainly for testing purposes.
// private boolean multiThreadedStart = false;
public Dempsy() { }
* This is meant to be autowired by type.
public void setApplicationDefinitions(List<ApplicationDefinition> applicationDefinitions)
this.applicationDefinitions = applicationDefinitions;
public synchronized void start() throws DempsyException
if (isRunning())
throw new DempsyException("The Dempsy application " + applicationDefinitions + " has already been started." );
if (applicationDefinitions == null || applicationDefinitions.size() == 0)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there are no ApplicationDefinitions");
if (clusterSessionFactory == null)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there was no ClusterFactory implementaiton set.");
if (clusterCheck == null)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there's no way to tell which cluster to start. Make sure the appropriate " +
CurrentClusterCheck.class.getSimpleName() + " is set.");
if (defaultRoutingStrategy == null)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there's no default routing strategy defined.");
if (defaultSerializer == null)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there's no default serializer defined.");
if (transport == null)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there's no transport implementation defined");
if (defaultStatsCollectorFactory == null)
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because there's no default stats collector factory defined.");
applications = new ArrayList<Application>(applicationDefinitions.size());
for(ApplicationDefinition appDef: this.applicationDefinitions)
if (clusterCheck.isThisNodePartOfApplication(appDef.getApplicationName()))
Application app = new Application(appDef);
// set the default routing strategy if there isn't one already set.
if (appDef.getRoutingStrategy() == null)
if (appDef.getSerializer() == null)
if (appDef.getStatsCollectorFactory() == null)
boolean clusterStarted = false;
for (Application app : applications)
clusterStarted = app.start();
throw new DempsyException("Cannot start this application because cluster defination was not found.");
// if we got to here we can assume we're started
synchronized(isRunningEvent) { isRunning = true; }
catch (RuntimeException rte)
logger.error("Failed to start Dempsy. Attempting to stop.");
// if something unpexpected happened then we should attempt to stop
try { stop(); } catch (Throwable th) {}
throw rte;
public synchronized void stop()
if (applications != null)
for(Application app : applications)
// even though we may have had an exception, there's no way Dempsy
// can be considered still "running."
synchronized(isRunningEvent) { isRunning = false; isRunningEvent.notifyAll(); }
public ClusterInfoSessionFactory getClusterSessionFactory()
return clusterSessionFactory;
public void setClusterSessionFactory(ClusterInfoSessionFactory clusterFactory) {
this.clusterSessionFactory = clusterFactory;
public void setClusterCheck(CurrentClusterCheck clusterCheck)
this.clusterCheck = clusterCheck;
// public void setMultithreadedStart(boolean multiThreadedStart) { this.multiThreadedStart = multiThreadedStart; }
public void setDefaultTransport(Transport transport) { this.transport = transport; }
public void setDefaultRoutingStrategy(RoutingStrategy defaultRoutingStrategy) { this.defaultRoutingStrategy = defaultRoutingStrategy; }
public void setDefaultSerializer(Serializer<Object> defaultSerializer) { this.defaultSerializer = defaultSerializer; }
public void setDefaultStatsCollectorFactory(StatsCollectorFactory defaultfactory) { this.defaultStatsCollectorFactory = defaultfactory; }
public Application.Cluster getCluster(ClusterId clusterId)
return allClusters.get(clusterId);
public boolean isRunning() { return isRunning; }
* Wait for Dempsy to be stopped. This is useful in a 'main' that needs to wait
* for an external shutdown to complete.
* @throws InterruptedException if the waiting was interrupted.
public void waitToBeStopped() throws InterruptedException { waitToBeStopped(-1); }
* Wait for Dempsy to be stopped for the specified time.
* @return true if Dempsy actually stopped. false if the timeout was reached.
* @throws InterruptedException if the waiting was interrupted.
public boolean waitToBeStopped(long timeInMillis) throws InterruptedException
while (isRunning)
if (timeInMillis < 0)
return !isRunning();
protected static List<Class<?>> getAcceptedMessages(ClusterDefinition clusterDef)
List<Class<?>> messageClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
Object prototype = clusterDef.getMessageProcessorPrototype();
if (prototype != null)
for(Method method: prototype.getClass().getMethods())
for(Class<?> messageType : method.getParameterTypes())
return messageClasses;