Package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector

Examples of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector.Vector3

        GL11.glScalef(-1.0F, -1.0F, 1.0F);
        GL11.glScalef(0.9F, 0.9F, 0.9F);

        this.rocketModelObj.renderOnly("Boosters", "Rocket");
        Vector3 teamColor = ClientUtil.updateTeamColor(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer.getCommandSenderName(), true);
        if (teamColor != null)
            GL11.glColor3f(teamColor.floatX(), teamColor.floatY(), teamColor.floatZ());

        if (FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer.ticksExisted / 10 % 2 < 1)
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        if (par1EntityAgeable instanceof EntitySlimeling)
            EntitySlimeling otherSlimeling = (EntitySlimeling) par1EntityAgeable;

            Vector3 colorParentA = new Vector3(this.getColorRed(), this.getColorGreen(), this.getColorBlue());
            Vector3 colorParentB = new Vector3(otherSlimeling.getColorRed(), otherSlimeling.getColorGreen(), otherSlimeling.getColorBlue());
            Vector3 newColor = ColorUtil.addColorsRealistically(colorParentA, colorParentB);
            newColor.x = Math.max(Math.min(newColor.x, 1.0F), 0);
            newColor.y = Math.max(Math.min(newColor.y, 1.0F), 0);
            newColor.z = Math.max(Math.min(newColor.z, 1.0F), 0);
            EntitySlimeling newSlimeling = new EntitySlimeling(this.worldObj, (float) newColor.x, (float) newColor.y, (float) newColor.z);
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    public Object getClientGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z)
        if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.CLIENT)
            return this.getClientGuiElement(ID, player, world, new Vector3(x, y, z));

        return null;
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        this.setBlockBounds(0.4F, 0.4F, 0.4F, 0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F);
        this.minVector = new Vector3(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
        this.maxVector = new Vector3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
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                for (float i = -0.41F + 0.16F * rand.nextFloat(); i < 0.5F; i += 0.167F)
                    if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
                        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("whiteSmokeTiny", new Vector3(x + i, y, z - 0.41F), new Vector3(0.0D, -0.015D, -0.0015D), new Object [] { } );
                    if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
                        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("whiteSmokeTiny", new Vector3(x + i, y, z + 0.537F), new Vector3(0.0D, -0.015D, 0.0015D), new Object [] { } );
                    if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
                        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("whiteSmokeTiny", new Vector3(x - 0.41F, y, z + i), new Vector3(-0.0015D, -0.015D, 0.0D), new Object [] { } );
                    if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
                        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("whiteSmokeTiny", new Vector3(x + 0.537F, y, z + i), new Vector3(0.0015D, -0.015D, 0.0D), new Object [] { } );
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    public Vector3 getColorAt(int posX, int posY)
        if (posX >= this.width || posY >= this.height)
            return new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        return new Vector3((this.color[posX][posY][0] + 128) / 256.0D, (this.color[posX][posY][1] + 128) / 256.0D, (this.color[posX][posY][2] + 128) / 256.0D);
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    public void updateOrientation()
        if (this.getTarget() != null)
            Vector3 direction = Vector3.subtract(this.getOutputPoint(false), this.getTarget().getInputPoint()).normalize();
            this.pitch = (float) -Vector3.getAngle(new Vector3(-direction.x, -direction.y, -direction.z), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)) * (float) (180.0F / Math.PI) + 90;
            this.yaw = (float) -(Math.atan2(direction.z, direction.x) * (float) (180.0F / Math.PI)) + 90;
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            final double y2 = this.prevPosY + (this.posY - this.prevPosY) + y1;

            final double x2 = this.posX + x1;
            final double z2 = this.posZ + z1;
            Vector3 motionVec = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1);
            Vector3 d1 = new Vector3(y1 * 0.1D, -x1 * 0.1D, z1 * 0.1D).rotate(315 - this.rotationYaw, motionVec);
            Vector3 d2 = new Vector3(x1 * 0.1D, -z1 * 0.1D, y1 * 0.1D).rotate(315 - this.rotationYaw, motionVec);
            Vector3 d3 = new Vector3(-y1 * 0.1D, x1 * 0.1D, z1 * 0.1D).rotate(315 - this.rotationYaw, motionVec);
            Vector3 d4 = new Vector3(x1 * 0.1D, z1 * 0.1D, -y1 * 0.1D).rotate(315 - this.rotationYaw, motionVec);
            Vector3 mv1 = motionVec.clone().translate(d1);
            Vector3 mv2 = motionVec.clone().translate(d2);
            Vector3 mv3 = motionVec.clone().translate(d3);
            Vector3 mv4 = motionVec.clone().translate(d4);
            //T3 - Four flameballs which spread
            makeFlame(x2 + d1.x, y2 + d1.y, z2 + d1.z, mv1, this.getLaunched());
            makeFlame(x2 + d2.x, y2 + d2.y, z2 + d2.z, mv2, this.getLaunched());
            makeFlame(x2 + d3.x, y2 + d3.y, z2 + d3.z, mv3, this.getLaunched());
            makeFlame(x2 + d4.x, y2 + d4.y, z2 + d4.z, mv4, this.getLaunched());
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    private void makeFlame(double x2, double y2, double z2, Vector3 motionVec, boolean getLaunched)
        if (getLaunched)
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2, y2, z2), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2 + 0.4, y2, z2), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2 - 0.4, y2, z2), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2, y2, z2 + 0.4D), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
            GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameLaunched", new Vector3(x2, y2, z2 - 0.4D), motionVec, new Object[] { riddenByEntity });

        double x1 = motionVec.x;
        double y1 = motionVec.y;
        double z1 = motionVec.z;
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), new Vector3(x1 + 0.5D, y1 - 0.3D, z1 + 0.5D), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), new Vector3(x1 - 0.5D, y1 - 0.3D, z1 + 0.5D), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), new Vector3(x1 - 0.5D, y1 - 0.3D, z1 - 0.5D), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2 + 0.4 - this.rand.nextDouble() / 10, y2, z2 - 0.4 + this.rand.nextDouble() / 10), new Vector3(x1 + 0.5D, y1 - 0.3D, z1 - 0.5D), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2 + 0.4, y2, z2), new Vector3(x1 + 0.8D, y1 - 0.3D, z1), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2 - 0.4, y2, z2), new Vector3(x1 - 0.8D, y1 - 0.3D, z1), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2, y2, z2 + 0.4D), new Vector3(x1, y1 - 0.3D, z1 + 0.8D), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
        GalacticraftCore.proxy.spawnParticle("launchFlameIdle", new Vector3(x2, y2, z2 - 0.4D), new Vector3(x1, y1 - 0.3D, z1 - 0.8D), new Object[] { riddenByEntity });
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    public void onUpdate()
        if (this.terraformer != null)
            final Vector3 vec = new Vector3(this.terraformer);

            this.posX = vec.x + 0.5D;
            this.posY = vec.y + 1.0D;
            this.posZ = vec.z + 0.5D;


        final TileEntity tileAt = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY - 1.0), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ));

        if (tileAt instanceof TileEntityTerraformer)
            this.terraformer = (TileEntityTerraformer) tileAt;

        if (this.terraformer != null && (this.terraformer.terraformBubble == null || this.terraformer.terraformBubble.equals(this)) && !this.worldObj.isRemote)
            this.terraformer.terraformBubble = this;
        else if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)

        if (tileAt == null && !this.worldObj.isRemote)

        if (this.terraformer != null)
            final Vector3 vec = new Vector3(this.terraformer);

            this.posX = vec.x + 0.5D;
            this.posY = vec.y + 1.0D;
            this.posZ = vec.z + 0.5D;
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Related Classes of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector.Vector3

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