Zone fromZone = game.getState().getZone(cardId);
this.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(card, source.getSourceId(), game, fromZone, false, false);
} else {
TargetCard target = new TargetCard(Zone.PICK, new FilterCard("card to put on the bottom of your library (last one chosen will be bottommost)"));
while (isInGame() && cards.size() > 1) {
this.choose(Outcome.Neutral, cards, target, game);
Card chosenCard = cards.get(target.getFirstTarget(), game);
if (chosenCard != null) {
Zone fromZone = game.getState().getZone(chosenCard.getId());
this.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(chosenCard, source.getSourceId(), game, fromZone, false, false);
if (cards.size() == 1) {
Card chosenCard = cards.get(cards.iterator().next(), game);
Zone fromZone = game.getState().getZone(chosenCard.getId());
this.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(chosenCard, source.getSourceId(), game, fromZone, false, false);