// When Lord of Tresserhorn enters the battlefield, you lose 2 life, you sacrifice two creatures, and target opponent draws two cards.
Ability ability = new EntersBattlefieldTriggeredAbility(new LoseLifeSourceControllerEffect(2), false);
ability.addEffect(new SacrificeTargetEffect(", you sacrifice two creatures"));
Target target = new TargetControlledCreaturePermanent(2,2, new FilterControlledCreaturePermanent(), true);
Effect effect = new DrawCardTargetEffect(2);
effect.setText(", and target opponent draws two cards");
effect.setTargetPointer(new SecondTargetPointer());
ability.addTarget(new TargetOpponent());
// {B}: Regenerate Lord of Tresserhorn.
this.addAbility(new SimpleActivatedAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new RegenerateSourceEffect(), new ManaCostsImpl("{B}")));