Package mage.abilities.condition.common

Examples of mage.abilities.condition.common.CardsInControllerGraveCondition

        // Vigilance
        // Threshold - As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, Wayward Angel gets +3/+3, is black, has trample, and has "At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice a creature."
        Ability ability = new SimpleStaticAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                new BoostSourceEffect(3, 3, Duration.WhileOnBattlefield),
                new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                "<i>Threshold</i> - As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, {this} gets +3/+3,"));
        ability.addEffect(new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                new SetCardColorSourceEffect(ObjectColor.BLACK, Duration.WhileOnBattlefield),
                new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                " is black,"));
        ability.addEffect(new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                new GainAbilitySourceEffect(TrampleAbility.getInstance()),
                new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                " has trample,"));
        Ability gainedAbility = new BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility(new SacrificeControllerEffect(new FilterControlledCreaturePermanent(), 1, ""), TargetController.YOU, false);
        ability.addEffect(new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                new GainAbilitySourceEffect(gainedAbility),
                new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                " and has \"At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice a creature.\" "));
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        // Vigilance
        // Threshold - As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, Mystic Penitent gets +1/+1 and has flying.
        Ability ability = new SimpleStaticAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                                                                    new BoostSourceEffect(1, 1, Duration.WhileOnBattlefield), new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7), "<i>Threshold</i> - As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, {this} gets +1/+1"));
        ability.addEffect(new ConditionalContinousEffect(new GainAbilitySourceEffect(FlyingAbility.getInstance()), new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7), "and has flying"));
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        // Threshold - {1}{G}: Regenerate Krosan Avenger. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
        Ability thresholdAbility = new ConditionalGainActivatedAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD,
                                                                        new RegenerateSourceEffect(),
                                                                        new ManaCostsImpl("{1}{G}"),
                                                                        new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                                                                        "<i>Threshold</i> - {1}{G}: Regenerate {this}. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.");

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        // Shower of Coals deals 2 damage to each of up to three target creatures and/or players.
        // Threshold - Shower of Coals deals 4 damage to each of those creatures and/or players instead if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
        Effect effect = new ConditionalOneShotEffect(new DamageTargetEffect(4),
                                                     new DamageTargetEffect(2),
                                                     new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                                                     "{this} deals 2 damage to each of up to three target creatures and/or players.<br/><br/><i>Threshold<i/> - {this} deals 4 damage to each of those creatures and/or players instead if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.");
        this.getSpellAbility().addTarget(new TargetCreatureOrPlayer(0,3));
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        // At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Chlorophant.
        this.addAbility(new BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility(new AddCountersSourceEffect(CounterType.P1P1.createInstance()), TargetController.YOU, true));
        // Threshold - As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, Chlorophant has "At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put another +1/+1 counter on Chlorophant."
        this.addAbility(new ConditionalTriggeredAbility(new BeginningOfUpkeepTriggeredAbility(new AddCountersSourceEffect(CounterType.P1P1.createInstance()), TargetController.YOU, true),
                                                        new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                                                        "<i>Threshold</i> As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, {this} has \"At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put another +1/+1 counter on {this}\""));
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        // Threshold - {R}, {T}, Sacrifice Barbarian Ring: Barbarian Ring deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
        Ability thresholdAbility = new ConditionalGainActivatedAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD,
            new DamageTargetEffect(2),
            new ManaCostsImpl("{R}"),
            new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
            "<i>Threshold</i> - {R}, {T}, Sacrifice {this}: {this} deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.");
        thresholdAbility.addCost(new TapSourceCost());
        thresholdAbility.addCost(new SacrificeSourceCost());
        thresholdAbility.addTarget(new TargetCreatureOrPlayer());
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        // Threshold - {2}{R}, {tap}: Chainflinger deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
        Ability thresholdAbility = new ConditionalGainActivatedAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD,
            new DamageTargetEffect(2),
            new ManaCostsImpl("2}{R}"),
            new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
            "<i>Threshold</i> - {2}{R}, {t}: {this} deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.");
        thresholdAbility.addCost(new TapSourceCost());
        thresholdAbility.addTarget(new TargetCreatureOrPlayer());
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        this.addAbility(new SimpleActivatedAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new DamageEverythingEffect(1), new ManaCostsImpl("{2}{B}")));
        // Threshold - {3}{B}: Infected Vermin deals 3 damage to each creature and each player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
        this.addAbility(new ConditionalActivatedAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD,
                new DamageEverythingEffect(3),
                new ManaCostsImpl("{3}{B}"),
                new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                "<i>Threshold</i> - {3}{B}: Infected Vermin deals 3 damage to each creature and each player. Activate this ability only if seven or more cards are in your graveyard."));
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        // Threshold - As long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard, Crashing Centaur gets +2/+2 and has shroud.
        Ability thresholdAbility = new SimpleStaticAbility(
                new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                    new BoostSourceEffect(2, 2, Duration.WhileOnBattlefield),
                    new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7),
                    "<i>Threshold</i> - If seven or more cards are in your graveyard, {this} gets +2/+2"));
                Effect effect = new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                                        new GainAbilitySourceEffect(ShroudAbility.getInstance()),
                                        new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7), "and has shroud");
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        this.power = new MageInt(2);
        this.toughness = new MageInt(1);

        // Threshold - Mystic Visionary has flying as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.
       Ability ability = new SimpleStaticAbility(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new ConditionalContinousEffect(
                                                                   new GainAbilitySourceEffect(FlyingAbility.getInstance()), new CardsInControllerGraveCondition(7), "<i>Threshold</i> - {this} has flying as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard."));
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Related Classes of mage.abilities.condition.common.CardsInControllerGraveCondition

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