//*** The platform on which the helicopter stands ***
//*** and its transformation group. ***
//An Appearance to make the platform red.
Appearance redApp = new Appearance();
setToMyDefaultAppearance(redApp,new Color3f(0.8f,0.0f,0.0f));
//Half edge length of the cube that represents the platform.
float platformSize = 0.1f;
//Generate the platform in the form of a cube.
Box platform = new Box(platformSize,platformSize,platformSize,redApp);
//A transformation rotating the platform a little bit.
Transform3D tfPlatform = new Transform3D();
//The transformation group of the platform.
TransformGroup tgPlatform = new TransformGroup(tfPlatform);
//*** The cockpit of the helicopter. ****
//An Appearance to make the cockpit green.
Appearance greenApp = new Appearance();
setToMyDefaultAppearance(greenApp,new Color3f(0.0f,0.7f,0.0f));
//Radius of the cockpit.
float cabinRadius = 0.1f;
//Generate the cockpit in the form of a sphere.
Sphere cabin = new Sphere(cabinRadius,greenApp);
//The transformation group for the cockpit.
//The cockpit first remains in the origin. Later on, the whole
//helicopter is shifted onto the platform.
TransformGroup tgCabin = new TransformGroup();
//*** The rotor blade of the helicopter. ***
//An Appearance to make the rotor blade blue.
Appearance blueApp = new Appearance();
setToMyDefaultAppearance(blueApp,new Color3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f));
//Generate the rotor blade in the form of a (very thin and long) box.
Box rotor = new Box(0.4f,0.0001f,0.01f,blueApp);
//A transformation placing the rotor blade on top of the cockpit.
Transform3D tfRotor = new Transform3D();
tfRotor.setTranslation(new Vector3f(0.0f,cabinRadius,0.0f));
//The transformation group for the rotor blade.
TransformGroup tgRotor = new TransformGroup(tfRotor);
//*** The tail of the helicopter. ***
//Length of the tail.
float halfTailLength = 0.2f;
//Generate the tail in form of a green box.
Box tail = new Box(halfTailLength,0.02f,0.02f,greenApp);
//A transformation placing the tail at the end of the cockpit.
Transform3D tfTail = new Transform3D();
tfTail.setTranslation(new Vector3f(cabinRadius+halfTailLength,0.0f,0.0f));
//The transformation group for the tail.
TransformGroup tgTail = new TransformGroup(tfTail);
//*** The helicopter, assembled by the transformation groups ***
//*** for the cockpit, the rotor blade and the tail. ***
//*** Afterwards, the helicopter must be lifted onto the ***
//*** platform. ***
//The transformation placing the helicopter on top of the platform.
Transform3D tfHelicopter = new Transform3D();
tfHelicopter.setTranslation(new Vector3f(0.0f,platformSize+cabinRadius,0.0f));
//The transformation group for the helicopter.
TransformGroup tgHelicopter = new TransformGroup(tfHelicopter);
//*** The helicopter and the platform are joint together in one ***
//*** transformation group in order to place them together ***
//*** in the scene. ***
//The transformation for positioning the helicopter
//together with the platform.
Transform3D tfHeliPlat = new Transform3D();
tfHeliPlat.setTranslation(new Vector3f(0.0f,0.1f,0.0f));
//The transformation group for the helicopter together with the platform.
TransformGroup tgHeliPlat = new TransformGroup(tfHeliPlat);
//*** The tree trunk. ***
//An Appearance to make the tree trunk brown.
Appearance brownApp = new Appearance();
setToMyDefaultAppearance(brownApp,new Color3f(0.5f,0.2f,0.2f));
//Height of the tree trunk.
float trunkHeight = 0.4f;