if (type.isString() && !splicing) {
return values.string(TreeAdapter.yield(tree));
if (SymbolAdapter.isStartSort(TreeAdapter.getType(tree))) {
IList args = TreeAdapter.getArgs(tree);
IConstructor before = (IConstructor) args.get(0);
IConstructor ast = (IConstructor) args.get(1);
IConstructor after = (IConstructor) args.get(2);
IValue result = implode(store, type, ast, splicing, ctx);
if (result.getType().isNode()) {
IMapWriter comments = values.mapWriter();
IList beforeComments = extractComments(before);
if (!beforeComments.isEmpty()) {
comments.put(values.integer(-1), beforeComments);
IList afterComments = extractComments(after);
if (!afterComments.isEmpty()) {
comments.put(values.integer(((INode)result).arity()), afterComments);
result = ((INode)result).asAnnotatable().setAnnotation("comments", comments.done());
return result;
if (TreeAdapter.isLexical(tree)) {
java.lang.String constructorName = unescapedConsName(tree);
java.lang.String yield = TreeAdapter.yield(tree);
if (constructorName != null) {
// make a single argument constructor with yield as argument
// if there is a singleton constructor with a str argument
if (!type.isAbstractData() && !isUntypedNodeType(type)) {
throw RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Constructor (" + constructorName + ") should match with abstract data type and not with " + type);
if (isUntypedNodeType(type)) {
return values.node(constructorName, values.string(yield));
Set<Type> conses = findConstructors(type, constructorName, 1, store);
Iterator<Type> iter = conses.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
try {
Type cons = iter.next();
ISourceLocation loc = TreeAdapter.getLocation(tree);
IConstructor ast = makeConstructor(type, constructorName, ctx, values.string(yield));
return ast.asAnnotatable().setAnnotation("location", loc);
catch (Backtrack b) {
throw new Backtrack(RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Cannot find a constructor " + type));
if (type.isInteger()) {
return values.integer(yield);
if (type.isReal()) {
return values.real(yield);
if (type.isBool()) {
if (yield.equals("true")) {
return values.bool(true);
if (yield.equals("false")) {
return values.bool(false);
throw new Backtrack(RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Bool type does not match with " + yield));
if (type.isString() || isUntypedNodeType(type)) {
// NB: in "node space" all lexicals become strings
return values.string(yield);
throw RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Missing lexical constructor");
//Set implementation added here by Jurgen at 19/07/12 16:45
if (TreeAdapter.isList(tree)) {
if (type.isList() || splicing || isUntypedNodeType(type)) {
// if in node space, we also make a list;
// NB: this breaks type safety if the top-level tree
// is itself a list.
Type elementType = type;
if (!splicing && !isUntypedNodeType(type)) {
elementType = type.getElementType();
IListWriter w = values.listWriter();
for (IValue arg: TreeAdapter.getListASTArgs(tree)) {
w.append(implode(store, elementType, (IConstructor) arg, false, ctx));
return w.done();
else if (type.isSet()) {
Type elementType = splicing ? type : type.getElementType();
ISetWriter w = values.setWriter();
for (IValue arg: TreeAdapter.getListASTArgs(tree)) {
w.insert(implode(store, elementType, (IConstructor) arg, false, ctx));
return w.done();
else {
throw new Backtrack(RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Cannot match list with " + type));
//Changes end here
if (TreeAdapter.isOpt(tree) && type.isBool()) {
IList args = TreeAdapter.getArgs(tree);
if (args.isEmpty()) {
return values.bool(false);
return values.bool(true);
if (TreeAdapter.isOpt(tree)) {
if (!type.isList() && !isUntypedNodeType(type)) {
throw new Backtrack(RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Optional should match with a list and not " + type));
Type elementType = isUntypedNodeType(type) ? type : type.getElementType();
IListWriter w = values.listWriter();
for (IValue arg: TreeAdapter.getASTArgs(tree)) {
IValue implodedArg = implode(store, elementType, (IConstructor) arg, true, ctx);
if (implodedArg instanceof IList) {
// splicing
for (IValue nextArg: (IList)implodedArg) {
else {
// opts should have one argument (if any at all)
return w.done();
if (TreeAdapter.isAmb(tree)) {
if (!type.isSet()) {
throw new Backtrack(RuntimeExceptionFactory.illegalArgument(tree, null, null, "Ambiguous node should match with set and not " + type));
Type elementType = type.getElementType();
ISetWriter w = values.setWriter();
for (IValue arg: TreeAdapter.getAlternatives(tree)) {
w.insert(implode(store, elementType, (IConstructor) arg, false, ctx));
return w.done();
if (ProductionAdapter.hasAttribute(TreeAdapter.getProduction(tree), Factory.Attribute_Bracket)) {
return implode(store, type, (IConstructor) TreeAdapter.getASTArgs(tree).get(0), false, ctx);
if (TreeAdapter.isAppl(tree)) {
IList args = TreeAdapter.getASTArgs(tree);
int j = 0;
IMapWriter cw = values.mapWriter();
IListWriter aw = values.listWriter();
for (IValue kid : TreeAdapter.getArgs(tree)) {
if (TreeAdapter.isLayout((IConstructor) kid)) {
IList cts = extractComments((IConstructor) kid);
if (!cts.isEmpty()) {
cw.put(values.integer(j), cts);
else if (!TreeAdapter.isLiteral((IConstructor) kid) &&