* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 CWI
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* * Jurgen J. Vinju - Jurgen.Vinju@cwi.nl - CWI
* * Tijs van der Storm - Tijs.van.der.Storm@cwi.nl
* * Paul Klint - Paul.Klint@cwi.nl - CWI
* * Mark Hills - Mark.Hills@cwi.nl (CWI)
* * Arnold Lankamp - Arnold.Lankamp@cwi.nl
package org.rascalmpl.values.uptr;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IConstructor;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IInteger;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IList;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.ISet;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IString;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IValue;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IValueFactory;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.asserts.ImplementationError;
import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory;
public class SymbolAdapter {
private static final IValueFactory VF = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory();
private SymbolAdapter() {
public static IConstructor delabel(IConstructor sym) {
if (isLabel(sym)) {
return (IConstructor) sym.get("symbol"); // do not use getSymbol() here!
return sym;
public static boolean isLabel(IConstructor sym) {
return sym.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Label;
public static boolean isSort(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Sort;
public static boolean isMeta(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Meta;
public static boolean isStartSort(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Start_Sort;
public static boolean isStart(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_START;
public static IConstructor getStart(IConstructor tree) {
if (isStartSort(tree)) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return (IConstructor) tree.get("start");
throw new ImplementationError("Symbol does not have a child named start: " + tree);
public static IConstructor getLabeledSymbol(IConstructor tree) {
return ((IConstructor) tree.get("symbol"));
public static IConstructor getSymbol(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
if (isOpt(tree) || isIterPlus(tree) || isIterStar(tree) || isIterPlusSeps(tree) || isIterStarSeps(tree) || isMeta(tree) || isConditional(tree)) {
return ((IConstructor) tree.get("symbol"));
throw new ImplementationError("Symbol does not have a child named symbol: " + tree);
public static boolean isConditional(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Conditional;
public static String getLabelName(IConstructor tree) {
return ((IString) tree.get("name")).getValue();
* Use this to get a name of a sort or parameterized sort, not to get the name of a label.
* @param tree sort or parameterized sort
* @return the name of the sort
public static String getName(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return ((IString) tree.get("name")).getValue();
public static String getLabel(IConstructor tree) {
if (isLabel(tree)) {
return ((IString) tree.get("name")).getValue();
throw new ImplementationError("Symbol does not have a child named \"label\" : " + tree);
public static boolean isParameterizedSort(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_ParameterizedSort;
public static boolean isParameterizedLex(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_ParameterizedLex;
public static boolean isLiteral(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Lit;
public static boolean isCILiteral(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_CiLit;
public static boolean isIterStar(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_IterStar;
public static boolean isIterPlus(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_IterPlus;
public static boolean isLayouts(IConstructor tree) {
return tree.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_LayoutX;
public static boolean isStarList(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return isIterStar(tree) || isIterStarSeps(tree) ;
public static boolean isPlusList(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return isIterPlus(tree) || isIterPlusSeps(tree);
public static boolean isSepList(IConstructor tree){
tree = delabel(tree);
return isIterPlusSeps(tree) || isIterStarSeps(tree);
public static boolean isAnyList(IConstructor tree) {
tree = delabel(tree);
return isStarList(tree) || isPlusList(tree);
public static boolean isOpt(IConstructor tree) {
return delabel(tree).getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Opt;
public static boolean isSequence(IConstructor tree){
return delabel(tree).getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Seq;
public static boolean isAlternative(IConstructor tree){
return delabel(tree).getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Alt;
public static String toString(IConstructor symbol, boolean withLayout) {
// TODO: this code clones the symbol formatter impemented in Rascal.
// When we have a faster Rascal (compiler?) we should remove this clone.
if (isLabel(symbol)) {
return toString((IConstructor) symbol.get("symbol"), withLayout) + " " + ((IString) symbol.get("name")).getValue();
if (isSort(symbol) || isLex(symbol) || isKeyword(symbol)) {
return getName(symbol);
if (isCharClass(symbol)) {
IList ranges = getRanges(symbol);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (IValue range : ranges) {
IInteger from = getRangeBegin(range);
IInteger to = getRangeEnd(range);
if (from.equals(to)) {
else {
return b.toString();
if (isIterPlusSeps(symbol)) {
IList seps = getSeparators(symbol);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (!withLayout && seps.length() == 1 && isLayouts((IConstructor) seps.get(0))) {
b.append(toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout));
else {
b.append(toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout));
for (IValue sep : seps) {
b.append(" ");
b.append(toString((IConstructor) sep, withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isIterStarSeps(symbol)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
IList seps = getSeparators(symbol);
if (!withLayout && seps.length() == 1 && isLayouts((IConstructor) seps.get(0))) {
b.append(toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout));
else {
b.append(toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout));
for (IValue sep : seps) {
if (!isLayouts((IConstructor) sep)) {
b.append(" ");
b.append(toString((IConstructor) sep, withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isIterPlus(symbol)) {
return toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout) + '+';
if (isIterStar(symbol)) {
return toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout) + '*';
if (isOpt(symbol)) {
return toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout) + '?';
if (isSeq(symbol)) {
return "(" + toString(getSymbols(symbol), ' ', withLayout) + ")";
if (isAlt(symbol)) {
ISet alts = getAlternatives(symbol);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (IValue elem : alts) {
if (!first) {
first = false;
b.append(" | ");
b.append(toString((IConstructor) elem, withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isLayouts(symbol)) {
return withLayout ? "layout[" + symbol.get("name") + "]" : "";
if (isLiteral(symbol)) {
return '"' + ((IString) symbol.get("string")).getValue() + '"';
if (isCILiteral(symbol)) {
return '\'' + ((IString) symbol.get("string")).getValue() + '\'';
if (isParameterizedSort(symbol) || isParameterizedLex(symbol)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
IList params = (IList) symbol.get("parameters");
b.append(toString(params, ',', withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isStartSort(symbol)) {
return "start[" + toString(getStart(symbol), withLayout) + "]";
if (isParameter(symbol)) {
return "&" + getName(symbol);
if (isInt(symbol) || isStr(symbol) || isReal(symbol) || isBool(symbol) || isRat(symbol)
|| isNode(symbol) || isValue(symbol) || isVoid(symbol) || isNum(symbol) || isDatetime(symbol) || isLoc(symbol)) {
return symbol.getName();
if (isSet(symbol) || isList(symbol) || isBag(symbol) || isReifiedType(symbol)) {
return symbol.getName() + "[" + toString((IConstructor) symbol.get("symbol"), withLayout) + "]";
if (isRel(symbol) || isListRel(symbol) || isTuple(symbol)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
IList symbols = (IList) symbol.get("symbols");
b.append(toString(symbols, ',', withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isMap(symbol)) {
return symbol.getName() + "[" + toString((IConstructor) symbol.get("from"), withLayout) + "," + toString((IConstructor) symbol.get("to"), withLayout) + "]";
if (isConditional(symbol)) {
ISet conditions = getConditions(symbol);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
// first prefix conditions
for (IValue elem : conditions) {
IConstructor cond = (IConstructor) elem;
switch (cond.getConstructorType().getName()) {
case "precede":
b.append(toString((IConstructor) cond.get("symbol"), withLayout));
b.append(" << ");
case "not-precede":
b.append(toString((IConstructor) cond.get("symbol"), withLayout));
b.append(" !<< ");
case "begin-of-line":
b.append("^ ");
// then the symbol
b.append(toString(getSymbol(symbol), withLayout));
// then the postfix conditions
for (IValue elem : conditions) {
IConstructor cond = (IConstructor) elem;
switch (cond.getConstructorType().getName()) {
case "follow":
b.append(" >> ");
b.append(toString((IConstructor) cond.get("symbol"), withLayout));
case "not-follow":
b.append(" !>> ");
b.append(toString((IConstructor) cond.get("symbol"), withLayout));
case "delete":
b.append(" \\ ");
b.append(toString((IConstructor) cond.get("symbol"), withLayout));
case "except":
b.append(((IString) cond.get("label")).getValue());
case "end-of-line":
b.append(" $");
return b.toString();
if (isADT(symbol) || isAlias(symbol)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
IList params = (IList) symbol.get("parameters");
if (!params.isEmpty()) {
b.append(toString(params, ',', withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isFunc(symbol)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append(toString((IConstructor) symbol.get("ret"), withLayout));
b.append(toString((IList) symbol.get("parameters"), ',', withLayout));
return b.toString();
if (isCons(symbol)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append(toString((IConstructor) symbol.get("adt"), withLayout));
b.append(" ");
b.append(((IString) symbol.get("name")).getValue());
b.append(toString((IList) symbol.get("parameters"), ',', withLayout));
// TODO: add more to cover all different symbol constructors
return symbol.toString();
private static ISet getConditions(IConstructor symbol) {
return (ISet) symbol.get("conditions");
* char-classes have almost the same escape convention as char classes except for spaces
* @param from
* @return
private static String escapeChar(int from) {
if (from == ' ') {
return "\\ ";
String strRep = VF.string(from).toString();
return strRep.substring(1, strRep.length() - 1);
private static IInteger getRangeEnd(IValue range) {
return (IInteger) ((IConstructor) range).get("end");
private static IInteger getRangeBegin(IValue range) {
return (IInteger) ((IConstructor) range).get("begin");
public static IList getRanges(IConstructor symbol) {
return (IList) symbol.get("ranges");
public static IList getSymbols(IConstructor symbol) {
return (IList) symbol.get("symbols");
private static String toString(IList symbols, char sep, boolean withLayout) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (symbols.length() > 0) {
b.append(toString((IConstructor) symbols.get(0), false));
for (int i = 1; i < symbols.length(); i++) {
IConstructor sym = (IConstructor) symbols.get(i);
if (!withLayout && isLayouts(sym)) {
b.append(toString(sym, withLayout));
return b.toString();
public static boolean isCons(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Cons;
public static boolean isFunc(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Func;
public static boolean isAlias(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Alias;
public static boolean isADT(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Adt;
public static boolean isReifiedType(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_ReifiedType;
public static boolean isBag(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Bag;
public static boolean isList(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_List;
public static boolean isSet(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Set;
public static boolean isTuple(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Tuple;
public static boolean isRel(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Rel;
public static boolean isListRel(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_ListRel;
public static boolean isMap(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Map;
public static boolean isDatetime(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Datetime;
public static boolean isLoc(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Loc;
public static boolean isNum(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Num;
public static boolean isVoid(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Void;
public static boolean isValue(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Value;
public static boolean isNode(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Node;
public static boolean isRat(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Rat;
public static boolean isBool(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Bool;
public static boolean isReal(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Real;
public static boolean isStr(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Str;
public static boolean isInt(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Int;
public static boolean isParameter(IConstructor symbol) {
return symbol.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Parameter;
public static IConstructor getRhs(IConstructor symbol) {
symbol = delabel(symbol);
return (IConstructor) symbol.get("rhs");
public static boolean isIterStarSeps(IConstructor rhs) {
rhs = delabel(rhs);
return rhs.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_IterStarSepX;
public static boolean isIterPlusSeps(IConstructor rhs) {
rhs = delabel(rhs);
return rhs.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_IterSepX;
public static IList getSeparators(IConstructor rhs) {
rhs = delabel(rhs);
return (IList) rhs.get("separators");
public static boolean isLex(IConstructor rhs) {
return rhs.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Lex;
public static boolean isKeyword(IConstructor rhs) {
return rhs.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Keyword;
public static boolean isEmpty(IConstructor rhs) {
return rhs.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Empty;
* Computes symbol equality modulo lex/sort/layout/keyword distinction and modulo labels and conditions
public static boolean isEqual(IConstructor l, IConstructor r) {
while (isLabel(l)) {
l = getLabeledSymbol(l);
while (isLabel(r)) {
r = getLabeledSymbol(r);
while (isConditional(l)) {
l = getSymbol(l);
while (isConditional(r)) {
r = getSymbol(r);
if (isLayouts(l) && isLayouts(r)) {
return true;
if (isSort(l) || isLex(l) || isKeyword(l) || isLayouts(l)) {
if (isLex(r) || isSort(r) || isKeyword(r) || isLayouts(r)) {
return getName(l).equals(getName(r));
if (isParameterizedSort(l) && isParameterizedSort(r)) {
return getName(l).equals(getName(r)) && isEqual(getParameters(l), getParameters(r));
if (isParameterizedLex(l) && isParameterizedLex(r)) {
return getName(l).equals(getName(r)) && isEqual(getParameters(l), getParameters(r));
if (isParameter(l) && isParameter(r)) {
return getName(l).equals(getName(r));
if ((isIterPlusSeps(l) && isIterPlusSeps(r)) || (isIterStarSeps(l) && isIterStarSeps(r))) {
return isEqual(getSymbol(l), getSymbol(r)) && isEqual(getSeparators(l), getSeparators(r));
if ((isIterPlus(l) && isIterPlus(r)) || (isIterStar(l) && isIterStar(r)) || (isOpt(l) && isOpt(r))) {
return isEqual(getSymbol(l), getSymbol(r));
if (isEmpty(l) && isEmpty(r)) {
return true;
if (isAlt(l) && isAlt(r)) {
return isEqual(getAlternatives(l), getAlternatives(r));
if (isSeq(l) && isSeq(r)) {
return isEqual(getSequence(l), getSequence(r));
if ((isLiteral(l) && isLiteral(r)) || (isCILiteral(l) && isCILiteral(r)) || (isCharClass(l) && isCharClass(r))) {
return l.isEqual(r);
return false;
private static IList getParameters(IConstructor l) {
return (IList) l.get("parameters");
public static boolean isCharClass(IConstructor r) {
return r.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_CharClass;
private static IList getSequence(IConstructor r) {
return (IList) r.get("sequence");
public static boolean isEqual(ISet l, ISet r) {
if (l.size() != r.size()) {
return false;
OUTER:for (IValue le : l) {
for (IValue re : r) {
if (isEqual((IConstructor) le, (IConstructor) re)) {
continue OUTER; // found a match
return false; // no partner found
return true;
private static ISet getAlternatives(IConstructor r) {
return (ISet) r.get("alternatives");
public static boolean isAlt(IConstructor l) {
return l.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Alt;
public static boolean isSeq(IConstructor l) {
return l.getConstructorType() == Factory.Symbol_Seq;
public static boolean isEqual(IList l, IList r) {
if (l.length() != r.length()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) {
if (!isEqual((IConstructor) l.get(i), (IConstructor) r.get(i))) {
return false;
return true;