* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 CWI
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* * Jurgen J. Vinju - Jurgen.Vinju@cwi.nl - CWI
* * Tijs van der Storm - Tijs.van.der.Storm@cwi.nl
* * Emilie Balland - (CWI)
* * Paul Klint - Paul.Klint@cwi.nl - CWI
* * Mark Hills - Mark.Hills@cwi.nl (CWI)
* * Arnold Lankamp - Arnold.Lankamp@cwi.nl
package org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IConstructor;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IList;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IValue;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.type.Type;
import org.rascalmpl.ast.AbstractAST;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.IEvaluatorContext;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.asserts.ImplementationError;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.env.Environment;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.Result;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.ResultFactory;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.staticErrors.RedeclaredVariable;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.NonTerminalType;
import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.SymbolAdapter;
public class ListPattern extends AbstractMatchingResult {
private List<IMatchingResult> patternChildren; // The elements of this list pattern
private int patternSize; // The number of elements in this list pattern
private int delta = 1; // increment to next list elements:
// delta=1 abstract lists
// delta=2 skip layout between elements
// delta=4 skip layout, separator, layout between elements
private int reducedPatternSize; // (patternSize + delta - 1)/delta
private IList listSubject; // The subject as list
private Type listSubjectType; // The type of the subject
private int subjectSize; // Length of the subject
private int reducedSubjectSize; // (subjectSize + delta - 1) / delta
private boolean [] isListVar; // Determine which elements are list or variables
private boolean [] isBindingVar; // Determine which elements are binding occurrences of variables
private boolean[] plusList;
private String [] varName; // Name of ith variable
private HashSet<String> allVars; // Names of list variables declared in this pattern
private int [] listVarStart; // Cursor start position list variable; indexed by pattern position
private int [] listVarLength; // Current length matched by list variable
private int [] listVarMinLength; // Minimal length to be matched by list variable
private int [] listVarMaxLength; // Maximal length that can be matched by list variable
private int [] listVarOccurrences; // Number of occurrences of list variable in the pattern
private int subjectCursor; // Cursor in the subject
private int patternCursor; // Cursor in the pattern
private boolean firstMatch; // First match after initialization?
private boolean forward; // Moving to the right?
private boolean debug = false;
private Type staticListSubjectElementType;
private Type staticListSubjectType;
public ListPattern(IEvaluatorContext ctx, AbstractAST x, List<IMatchingResult> list){
this(ctx, x, list, 1); // Default delta=1; Set to 2 to run DeltaListPatternTests
ListPattern(IEvaluatorContext ctx, AbstractAST x, List<IMatchingResult> list, int delta){
super(ctx, x);
if(delta < 1)
throw new ImplementationError("Wrong delta");
this.delta = delta;
this.patternChildren = list;
this.patternSize = list.size();
this.reducedPatternSize = (patternSize + delta - 1) / delta;
if (debug) {
System.err.println("patternSize=" + patternSize);
System.err.println("reducedPatternSize=" + reducedPatternSize);
public List<IVarPattern> getVariables(){
java.util.LinkedList<IVarPattern> res = new java.util.LinkedList<IVarPattern> ();
for (int i = 0; i < patternChildren.size(); i += delta) {
return res;
public static boolean isAnyListType(Type type){
return type.isList()|| isConcreteListType(type);
public static boolean isConcreteListType(Type type){
if (type instanceof NonTerminalType) {
IConstructor sym = ((NonTerminalType)type).getSymbol();
return SymbolAdapter.isAnyList(sym);
return false;
public void initMatch(Result<IValue> subject){
if(debug) {
System.err.println("List: initMatch: subject=" + subject);
// This is an experiment to add abstract list matching for concrete subjects
// if (subject.getType().isSubtypeOf(Factory.Tree)) {
// IConstructor tree = (IConstructor) subject.getValue();
// if (TreeAdapter.isList(tree)) {
// subject = ResultFactory.makeResult(Factory.Args, TreeAdapter.getArgs(tree), ctx);
// IConstructor rhs = TreeAdapter.getType(tree);
// if (SymbolAdapter.isIterPlusSeps(rhs) || SymbolAdapter.isIterStarSeps(rhs)) {
// this.delta = SymbolAdapter.getSeparators(rhs).length() + 1;
// }
// }
// else {
// hasNext = false;
// return;
// }
// }
if (!subject.getValue().getType().isList()) {
hasNext = false;
listSubject = (IList) subject.getValue();
listSubjectType = listSubject.getType();
staticListSubjectType = subject.getType();
staticListSubjectElementType = staticListSubjectType.isList() ? subject.getType().getElementType() : tf.valueType();
subjectCursor = 0;
patternCursor = 0;
subjectSize = ((IList) subject.getValue()).length();
reducedSubjectSize = (subjectSize + delta - 1) / delta;
if (debug) {
System.err.println("reducedPatternSize=" + reducedPatternSize);
System.err.println("reducedSubjectSize=" + reducedSubjectSize);
isListVar = new boolean[patternSize];
plusList = new boolean[patternSize];
isBindingVar = new boolean[patternSize];
varName = new String[patternSize];
allVars = new HashSet<String>();
listVarStart = new int[patternSize];
listVarLength = new int[patternSize];
listVarMinLength = new int[patternSize];
listVarMaxLength = new int[patternSize];
listVarOccurrences = new int[patternSize];
int nListVar = 0;
* Pass #1: determine the list variables
for(int i = 0; i < patternSize; i += delta){
IMatchingResult child = patternChildren.get(i);
isListVar[i] = false;
plusList[i] = false;
isBindingVar[i] = false;
Environment env = ctx.getCurrentEnvt();
if (child instanceof TypedMultiVariablePattern) {
TypedMultiVariablePattern tmvVar = (TypedMultiVariablePattern) child;
Type tmvType = tmvVar.getType(env, null);
String name = tmvVar.getName();
varName[i] = name;
isListVar[i] = true;
listVarOccurrences[i] = 1;
if(!tmvVar.isAnonymous() && allVars.contains(name)) {
throw new RedeclaredVariable(name, getAST());
} else if(tmvType.comparable(listSubject.getType().getElementType())
|| (tmvVar.bindingInstance() && tmvType.comparable(listSubject.getType()))) {
if (!tmvVar.isAnonymous()) {
isBindingVar[i] = true;
} else {
hasNext = false;
else if(child instanceof MultiVariablePattern){
MultiVariablePattern multiVar = (MultiVariablePattern) child;
String name = multiVar.getName();
varName[i] = name;
isListVar[i] = true;
if(!multiVar.isAnonymous() && allVars.contains(name)){
isBindingVar[i] = false;
} else if(multiVar.isAnonymous()){
isBindingVar[i] = true;
} else {
Result<IValue> varRes = env.getVariable(name);
if (varRes == null || multiVar.bindingInstance()) {
isBindingVar[i] = true;
} else {
isBindingVar[i] = false;
Type varType = varRes.getType();
if (isAnyListType(varType)){
if (!varType.comparable(listSubjectType)) {
hasNext = false;
} else {
if(!(varType instanceof NonTerminalType) && !(varType.comparable(staticListSubjectElementType))) {
hasNext = false;
else if (child instanceof ConcreteListVariablePattern) {
ConcreteListVariablePattern listVar = (ConcreteListVariablePattern) child;
String name = listVar.getName();
varName[i] = name;
isListVar[i] = true;
if (!listVar.isAnonymous()) {
plusList[i] = listVar.isPlusList();
isBindingVar[i] = true;
listVarOccurrences[i] = 1;
else if(child instanceof QualifiedNamePattern){
QualifiedNamePattern qualName = (QualifiedNamePattern) child;
String name = qualName.getName();
varName[i] = name;
if(!qualName.isAnonymous() && allVars.contains(name)){
* A variable that was declared earlier in the pattern
isListVar[i] = true;
} else if(qualName.isAnonymous()){
* Nothing to do
} else {
Result<IValue> varRes = env.getVariable(name);
if(varRes == null || qualName.bindingInstance()){
// A completely new non-list variable, nothing to do
} else {
Type varType = varRes.getType();
if (isAnyListType(varType)){
* A variable declared in the current scope.
isListVar[i] = true;
isBindingVar[i] = varRes.getValue() == null;
} else {
hasNext = false;
} else {
if(varType instanceof NonTerminalType){
// suppress comparable test for Nonterminal types
// TODO: this should be done better
} else
hasNext = false;
else if(child instanceof VariableBecomesPattern){
// Nothing to do
else {
if (debug) {
System.err.println("List: child " + child);
System.err.println("List: child is a" + child.getClass());
Type childType = child.getType(env, null);
// TODO: pattern matching should be specialized such that matching appl(prod...)'s does not
// need to use list matching on the fixed arity children of the application of a production
if(!(childType instanceof NonTerminalType) && !childType.comparable(staticListSubjectElementType)){
hasNext = false;
java.util.List<IVarPattern> childVars = child.getVariables();
for(IVarPattern vp : childVars){ // TODO: This does not profit from extra information
isListVar[i] = false;
* Pass #2: assign minimum and maximum length to each list variable
for(int i = 0; i < patternSize; i += delta){
// TODO: reduce max length according to number of occurrences
listVarLength[i] = plusList[i] ? 1 : 0;
listVarMaxLength[i] = delta * Math.max(reducedSubjectSize - (reducedPatternSize - nListVar), 0);
listVarMinLength[i] = delta * ((nListVar == 1) ? Math.max(reducedSubjectSize - reducedPatternSize - 1, listVarLength[i]) : listVarLength[i]);
if (debug) {
System.err.println("listvar " + i + " min= " + listVarMinLength[i] + " max=" + listVarMaxLength[i]);
firstMatch = true;
hasNext = subject.getValue().getType().isList() &&
reducedSubjectSize >= reducedPatternSize - nListVar;
if(debug) {
System.err.println("List: hasNext=" + hasNext);
public Type getType(Environment env, HashMap<String,IVarPattern> patternVars) {
if(patternSize == 0){
return tf.listType(tf.voidType());
Type elemType = tf.voidType();
for(int i = 0; i < patternSize; i += delta){
IMatchingResult child = patternChildren.get(i);
Type childType = child.getType(env, patternVars);
patternVars = merge(patternVars, patternChildren.get(i).getVariables());
boolean isMultiVar = child instanceof MultiVariablePattern || child instanceof TypedMultiVariablePattern;
if(childType.isList() && isMultiVar){
elemType = elemType.lub(childType.getElementType());
} else {
elemType = elemType.lub(childType);
if(debug) {
System.err.println("ListPattern.getType: " + tf.listType(elemType));
return tf.listType(elemType);
public boolean hasNext(){
if(debug) {
System.err.println("List: hasNext=" + (initialized && hasNext));
return initialized && hasNext;
private void matchBoundListVar(IList previousBinding){
if(debug) {
System.err.println("matchBoundListVar: " + previousBinding);
assert isListVar[patternCursor];
int start = listVarStart[patternCursor];
int length = listVarLength[patternCursor];
for(int i = 0; i < previousBinding.length(); i += delta){
if(debug)System.err.println("comparing: " + previousBinding.get(i) + " and " + listSubject.get(subjectCursor + i));
if(!previousBinding.get(i).isEqual(listSubject.get(subjectCursor + i))){
forward = false;
listVarLength[patternCursor] = 0;
patternCursor -= delta;
if(debug)System.err.println("child fails");
subjectCursor = start + length;
if(debug)System.err.println("child matches, subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
patternCursor += delta;
private IList makeSubList(int start, int length){
assert isListVar[patternCursor];
// TODO: wrap concrete lists in an appl(list( )) again.
if(start > subjectSize) return listSubject.sublist(0,0);
return listSubject.sublist(start, length);
* We are positioned in the pattern at a list variable and match it with
* the current subject starting at the current position.
* On success, the cursors are advanced.
* On failure, switch to backtracking (forward = false) mode.
private void matchBindingListVar(IMatchingResult child){
assert isListVar[patternCursor];
int start = listVarStart[patternCursor];
int length = listVarLength[patternCursor];
// int reducedLength = (length == 0) ? 0 : ((length < delta) ? 1 : Math.max(length - delta + 1, 0)); // round to nearest unskipped element
int reducedLength = (length <= 1) ? length : (length - (length-1)%delta);
if (debug) {
System.err.println("length=" + length);
System.err.println("reducedLength=" + reducedLength);
IList sublist = makeSubList(start, reducedLength);
if(debug)System.err.println("matchBindingListVar: init child #" + patternCursor + " (" + child + ") with " + sublist);
// TODO : check if we can use a static type here!?
child.initMatch(ResultFactory.makeResult(sublist.getType(), sublist, ctx));
subjectCursor = start + length;
if(debug)System.err.println("child matches, subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
patternCursor += delta;
} else {
forward = false;
listVarLength[patternCursor] = 0;
patternCursor -= delta;
if(debug)System.err.println("child fails, subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
* Perform a list match. When forward=true we move to the right in the pattern
* and try to match the corresponding elements of the subject. When the end of the pattern
* and the subject are reaching, match returns true.
* When a non-matching element is encountered, we switch to moving to the left (forward==false)
* and try to find alternative options in list variables.
* When the left-hand side of the pattern is reached while moving to the left, match return false,
* and no more options are available: hasNext() will return false.
* @see org.meta_environment.rascal.interpreter.MatchPattern#match()
public boolean next(){
if(debug)System.err.println("List.next: entering");
if(debug)System.err.println("AbstractPatternList.match: " + subject);
return false;
forward = firstMatch;
firstMatch = false;
do {
* Determine the various termination conditions.
if(debug)System.err.println("List.do: patternCursor=" + patternCursor + ", subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
if(patternCursor >= patternSize){
if(subjectCursor >= subjectSize){
if(debug)System.err.println(">>> match returns true");
// hasNext = (subjectCursor > subjectSize) && (patternCursor > patternSize); // JURGEN GUESSES THIS COULD BE RIGHT
return true;
forward = false;
patternCursor -= delta;
} else {
if(patternCursor >= patternSize){
patternCursor -= delta;
subjectCursor -= delta; // Ok?
if(patternCursor < 0 || subjectCursor < 0){
hasNext = false;
if(debug)System.err.println(">>> match returns false: patternCursor=" + patternCursor + ", forward=" + forward + ", subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
return false;
* Perform actions for the current pattern element
IMatchingResult child = patternChildren.get(patternCursor);
System.err.println("loop: patternCursor=" + patternCursor +
", forward=" + forward +
", subjectCursor= " + subjectCursor +
", child=" + child +
", isListVar=" + isListVar[patternCursor] +
", class=" + child.getClass());
* A binding occurrence of a list variable
if(isListVar[patternCursor] && isBindingVar[patternCursor]){
listVarStart[patternCursor] = subjectCursor;
if(patternCursor == patternSize - 1){
if (debug) {
System.err.println("subjectSize=" + subjectSize);
System.err.println("subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
listVarLength[patternCursor] = Math.max(subjectSize - subjectCursor, 0);
} else {
listVarLength[patternCursor] = listVarMinLength[patternCursor];
} else {
listVarLength[patternCursor] += delta;
forward = true;
if(debug)System.err.println("list var: start: " + listVarStart[patternCursor] +
", len=" + listVarLength[patternCursor] +
", minlen=" + listVarMinLength[patternCursor] +
", maxlen=" + listVarMaxLength[patternCursor]);
if(listVarLength[patternCursor] > listVarMaxLength[patternCursor] ||
listVarStart[patternCursor] + listVarLength[patternCursor] >= subjectSize + delta){
subjectCursor = listVarStart[patternCursor];
if(debug)System.err.println("Length failure, subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
forward = false;
listVarLength[patternCursor] = 0;
patternCursor -= delta;
} else {
* Reference to a previously defined list variable
else if(isListVar[patternCursor] &&
!isBindingVar[patternCursor] &&
listVarStart[patternCursor] = subjectCursor;
Result<IValue> varRes = ctx.getCurrentEnvt().getVariable(varName[patternCursor]);
IValue varVal = varRes.getValue();
assert varVal != null && varVal.getType().isList();
int varLength = ((IList)varVal).length();
listVarLength[patternCursor] = varLength;
if(subjectCursor + varLength > subjectSize){
forward = false;
patternCursor -= delta;
} else {
matchBoundListVar((IList) varVal);
} else {
subjectCursor = listVarStart[patternCursor];
patternCursor -= delta;
* Any other element of the pattern
} else {
if(forward && subjectCursor < subjectSize){
if(debug)System.err.println("AbstractPatternList.match: init child " + patternCursor + " with " + listSubject.get(subjectCursor));
IValue childValue = listSubject.get(subjectCursor);
// TODO: check if we can use a static type here?!
child.initMatch(ResultFactory.makeResult(childValue.getType(), childValue, ctx));
subjectCursor += delta;
patternCursor += delta;
if(debug)System.err.println("AbstractPatternList.match: child matches, subjectCursor=" + subjectCursor);
} else {
forward = false;
// why is here no subjectCursor -= delta; needed?
patternCursor -= delta;
} else {
if(subjectCursor < subjectSize && child.next()){
if(debug)System.err.println("child has next:" + child);
forward = true;
subjectCursor += delta;
patternCursor += delta;
} else {
if(debug)System.err.println("child has no next:" + child);
forward = false;
subjectCursor -= delta;
patternCursor -= delta;
} while (true);
public String toString(){
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
String sep = "";
for(int i = 0; i < Math.min(patternCursor,patternSize); i++){
sep = ", ";
if(patternCursor < patternSize){
} else {
return s.toString();