public void loadDefaultStyles()
VirtualFile defaultsCSSFile = resolveDefaultsCssFile();
// Load the per SWC default styles first
for (VirtualFile swcDefaultsCssFile : mxmlConfiguration.getDefaultsCssFiles())
// Make sure that we resolve things relative to the SWC.
ThreadLocalToolkit.getPathResolver().addSinglePathResolver(0, swcDefaultsCssFile);
// Load the default styles next, so they can override the SWC defaults
if (defaultsCSSFile != null)
// Only load the defaults if it's not from a SWC.
// Defaults from a SWC will have already been loaded if a
// component from the SWC has been used in the compilation.
if (!(defaultsCSSFile instanceof VirtualZipFile))
ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new DefaultCSSFileNotFound());
// Load the theme styles next, so they can override the defaults
for (Iterator<VirtualFile> it = mxmlConfiguration.getThemeCssFiles().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
VirtualFile themeCssFile = it.next();
// Make sure that we resolve things in the theme relative
// to the theme SWC first.
ThreadLocalToolkit.getPathResolver().addSinglePathResolver(0, themeCssFile);