String name = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
String relativePath = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
String shortName = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
int owner = readU8(in);
VirtualFile pathRoot = null;
// 1 == SourceList
// 2 == SourcePath
// 4 == ResourceBundlePath
if ((owner == 1 ) || (owner == 2) || (owner == 4))
// C: Unfortunately, PathResolver itself is not a complete solution. For each type
// of VirtualFile, there must be a mechanism to recognize the name format and
// construct an appropriate VirtualFile instance.
pathRoot = resolver.resolve((String) pool[readU32(in)]);
boolean isInternal = (readU8(in) == 1);
boolean isRoot = (readU8(in) == 1);
boolean isDebuggable = (readU8(in) == 1);
boolean hasUnit = (readU8(in) == 1);
long fileTime = readLong(in);
final boolean hasSignatureChecksum = (readU8(in) == 1);
Long signatureChecksum = null;
if (hasSignatureChecksum)
assert hasUnit;
signatureChecksum = new Long(readLong(in));
// SignatureExtension.debug("READ CRC32: " + signatureChecksum + "\t--> " + name);
int size = readU32(in);
Set<VirtualFile> includes = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(size);
Map<VirtualFile, Long> includeTimes = new HashMap<VirtualFile, Long>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
String fileName = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
VirtualFile f = resolver.resolve(fileName);
long ts = readLong(in);
if (f == null)
// C: create an instance of DeletedFile...
f = new DeletedFile(fileName);
includeTimes.put(f, new Long(ts));
size = readU32(in);
LocalLogger logger = size == 0 ? null : new LocalLogger(null);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
String path = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
if (path.length() == 0)
path = null;
String warning = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
if (warning.length() == 0)
warning = null;
String source = (String) pool[readU32(in)];
if (source.length() == 0)
source = null;
int line = readU32(in);
int col = readU32(in);
int errorCode = readU32(in);
line == -1 ? null : IntegerPool.getNumber(line),
col == -1 ? null : IntegerPool.getNumber(col),
errorCode == -1 ? null : IntegerPool.getNumber(errorCode));
byte[] abc = (hasUnit) ? (byte[]) pool[readU32(in)] : null;
Source s = null;
if (owner == 0) // FileSpec
Collection<Source> c = fileSpec.sources();
for (Iterator<Source> i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
s =;
if (s.getName().equals(name))
Source.populateSource(s, fileTime, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, fileSpec, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable,
includes, includeTimes, logger);
else if (owner == 1) // SourceList
Collection<Source> c = sourceList.sources().values();
for (Iterator<Source> i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
s =;
if (s.getName().equals(name))
Source.populateSource(s, fileTime, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, sourceList, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable,
includes, includeTimes, logger);
else if (owner == 2) // SourcePath
Map<String, Source> c = sourcePath.sources();
String className = mappings.get(name);
if ((className != null) && !c.containsKey(className))
VirtualFile f = resolver.resolve(name);
if (f == null)
f = new DeletedFile(name);
s = Source.newSource(f, fileTime, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, sourcePath, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable,
includes, includeTimes, logger);
c.put(className, s);
assert false : name;
else if (owner == 3) // ResourceContainer
if (resources == null)
LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
throw new IOException(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new NoResourceContainer()));
s = Source.newSource(abc, name, fileTime, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, resources, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable,
includes, includeTimes, logger);
s = resources.addResource(s);
else if (owner == 4) // ResourceBundlePath
Map<String, Source> c = bundlePath.sources();
Object[] value = (Object[]) rbMappings.get(name);
String bundleName = (String) value[0];
String[] rNames = (String[]) value[1];
String[] rRoots = (String[]) value[2];
if (bundleName != null)
VirtualFile[] rFiles = new VirtualFile[rNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rFiles.length; i++)
if (rNames[i] != null)
rFiles[i] = resolver.resolve(rNames[i]);
if (rFiles[i] == null)
rFiles[i] = new DeletedFile(rNames[i]);
VirtualFile[] rRootFiles = new VirtualFile[rRoots.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rRootFiles.length; i++)
if (rRoots[i] != null)
rRootFiles[i] = resolver.resolve(rRoots[i]);
if (rRootFiles[i] == null)
rRootFiles[i] = new DeletedFile(rRoots[i]);
VirtualFile f = new ResourceFile(name, bundlePath.getLocales(), rFiles, rRootFiles);
s = Source.newSource(f, fileTime, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, bundlePath, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable,
includes, includeTimes, logger);
c.put(bundleName, s);