protected void kinematicUpdate(float tpf) {
//the ragdoll does not have the controll, so the keyframed animation updates the physic position of the physic bonces
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Quaternion tmpRot1 = vars.quat1;
Quaternion tmpRot2 = vars.quat2;
Vector3f position = vars.vect1;
for (PhysicsBoneLink link : boneLinks.values()) {
//if blended control this means, keyframed animation is updating the skeleton,
//but to allow smooth transition, we blend this transformation with the saved position of the ragdoll
if (blendedControl) {
Vector3f position2 = vars.vect2;
//initializing tmp vars with the start position/rotation of the ragdoll
//interpolating between ragdoll position/rotation and keyframed position/rotation
tmpRot2.set(tmpRot1).nlerp(link.bone.getModelSpaceRotation(), blendStart / blendTime);
position2.set(position).interpolateLocal(link.bone.getModelSpacePosition(), blendStart / blendTime);
//updating bones transforms