package com.l2client.model.jme;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.jme3.animation.AnimChannel;
import com.jme3.animation.AnimControl;
import com.jme3.bounding.BoundingBox;
import com.jme3.bounding.BoundingSphere;
import com.jme3.font.BitmapFont;
import com.jme3.font.BitmapFont.Align;
import com.jme3.font.BitmapText;
import com.jme3.font.Rectangle;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState.BlendMode;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.Bucket;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.ShadowMode;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.control.BillboardControl;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Quad;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture.WrapMode;
import com.l2client.controller.SceneManager;
import com.l2client.controller.SceneManager.Action;
* visual representation of a model in 3d space
* has a controller for
* 0) animation
* 1) movement (optionally)
* should be subclassed for individual representations of npc's characters, etc.
* A NpcBuilder should construct the individual visual specific detail representations.
* Currently all models are based on the same visual model, a modelcache or AssetManager should be used to speed loading of new models (which should be done by a builder/factory patterns anyway)
* The loaded 3d model is based on the troll, which is a standin for an unknown/unconfigured 3d model
//TODO animation controller, rigging of actions against animations
public class VisibleModel extends Node {
public static final String ENTITY_PREFIX = "Entity_";
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VisibleModel.class.getName());
NewCharSummary charSelection;
* Node for the text label
Node label;
static Spatial selection = null;
* just one health bar visible, the one we have focus on
static Node healthbar = null;
* In the demo all models look alike, so we store a base node
protected static Node baseNode = null;
* The final individual node, including the name of then object above its head
protected Node vis = null;
* Constructor for a vismodel
* @param sel the NewCharSummary this model should be based on (used for assembling the final visual representation)
public VisibleModel(NewCharSummary sel) {
charSelection = sel;
if(sel != null){
name ="_"+sel.objectId;
} else {
name = "Entity_troll_null";
* Creates the visual if needed by loading it and places the name label above its head
public void attachVisuals() {
if (vis != null)
else {
if (vis != null)
public void updateLabel() {
//The label is created in char space, so if your char is rotated into final position beware that
//here z is your up vector and not y
if (vis != null && charSelection != null && != null) {
if(label != null)
BitmapFont fnt = Singleton.get().getAssetManager().getJmeAssetMan().loadFont("Interface/Fonts/Default.fnt");
BitmapText txt = new BitmapText(fnt, false);
txt.setSize( 0.4f );
float w = txt.getLineWidth()+20f;
float off = w*0.5f;
txt.setBox(new Rectangle(-off, 0f, w, txt.getHeight()));
txt.addControl(new BillboardControl());
label = new Node("label");
if(vis.getWorldBound() instanceof BoundingBox){
BoundingBox bbox = (BoundingBox)vis.getWorldBound();
label.setLocalTranslation(0f, bbox.getYExtent()+bbox.getYExtent()+0.5f, 0f);
logger.finest("Label by BBox "+txt.getText()+" @ "+label.getLocalTranslation());
else if(vis.getWorldBound() instanceof BoundingSphere){
BoundingSphere bound = (BoundingSphere)vis.getWorldBound();
label.setLocalTranslation(0f, bound.getRadius()+bound.getRadius()+0.5f, 0f);
logger.finest("Label by BSphere "+txt.getText()+" @ "+label.getLocalTranslation());
else {
label.setLocalTranslation(0f, 2.5f, 0f);
logger.finest("Label by Code "+txt.getText()+" @ "+label.getLocalTranslation());
public void addMessageLabel(String msg, ColorRGBA color, float ttl, float speed){
BitmapFont fnt = Singleton.get().getAssetManager().getJmeAssetMan().loadFont("Interface/Fonts/Default.fnt");
BitmapText txt = new BitmapText(fnt, false);
txt.setSize( 0.4f );
float w = txt.getLineWidth()+20f;
float off = w*0.5f;
txt.setBox(new Rectangle(-off, 0f, w, txt.getHeight()));
txt.addControl(new MessagesBillboardControl(ttl,speed));
Node node = new Node("Message");
if(label != null){
node.setLocalTranslation(0f,label.getLocalTranslation().y+0.5f, 0f);
} else {
if(vis.getWorldBound() instanceof BoundingBox){
BoundingBox bbox = (BoundingBox)vis.getWorldBound();
node.setLocalTranslation(0f, bbox.getYExtent()+bbox.getYExtent()+0.5f, 0f);
logger.finest("Message by BBox "+msg+" @ "+node.getLocalTranslation());
else if(vis.getWorldBound() instanceof BoundingSphere){
BoundingSphere bound = (BoundingSphere)vis.getWorldBound();
node.setLocalTranslation(0f, bound.getRadius()+bound.getRadius()+0.5f, 0f);
logger.finest("Message by BSphere "+msg+" @ "+node.getLocalTranslation());
else {
node.setLocalTranslation(0f, 2.5f+0.5f, 0f);
logger.finest("Message by Code "+msg+" @ "+node.getLocalTranslation());
Singleton.get().getSceneManager().changeAnyNode(this, node, Action.ADD);
public void addSelectionMarker(ColorRGBA color){
// if(selection != null){
// Singleton.get().getSceneManager().changeAnyNode(this, selection, 0);
// } else {
if(selection == null)
selection = createSelectionMarker();
Singleton.get().getSceneManager().changeAnyNode(this, selection, Action.ADD);
if(vis != null) {
ColorRGBA cl;
if(color != null)
cl = color.clone();
cl = ColorRGBA.White.clone();
//use an intensity of 12 for the rimlight
cl.a = 4f;
setRimLight(cl, vis);
if(healthbar == null)
healthbar = createHealthBar();
Singleton.get().getSceneManager().changeAnyNode(this, healthbar, Action.ADD);
// }
public void removeSelectionMarker(){
if(selection != null){
Singleton.get().getSceneManager().changeAnyNode(this, selection, Action.REMOVE);
if(vis != null)
setRimLight(ColorRGBA.BlackNoAlpha, vis);
selection = null;
if(healthbar != null){
Singleton.get().getSceneManager().changeAnyNode(this, healthbar, Action.REMOVE);
* Updates the health bar above a targeted model
* @param percent value in 0-1.0 range to scale the health
public void updateHealthbar(float percent){
if(healthbar != null){
healthbar.getChild("health_bar").setLocalScale(percent, 1f, 1f);
private void setRimLight(ColorRGBA color, Node node){
for(Spatial s : node.getChildren()){
if(s instanceof Geometry){
Material m = ((Geometry) s).getMaterial();
m.setColor("RimLighting", color);//new ColorRGBA(1f, 0f, 0f, 12f));
if(s instanceof Node) {
setRimLight(color, (Node) s);
private Geometry createSelectionMarker(){
float size = 2f;
Geometry selectionMarker = new Geometry("selection", new Quad(size, size));
selectionMarker.setLocalTranslation(-0.5f*size, 0.2f, 0.5f*size);
selectionMarker.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(-FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_X));
com.jme3.asset.AssetManager am = Singleton.get().getAssetManager().getJmeAssetMan();
Material mat = new Material(am, "Common/MatDefs/Light/Lighting.j3md");
Texture sel = am.loadTexture("models/textures/flare4.png");
mat.setTexture("DiffuseMap", sel);
return selectionMarker;
private Node createHealthBar(){
Node n = new Node("health");
Geometry frame = new Geometry("health_frame", new Quad(1f, 0.02f));
Material mat = null;
com.jme3.asset.AssetManager am = Singleton.get().getAssetManager().getJmeAssetMan();
mat = new Material(am, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
mat.setColor("Color", ColorRGBA.White);
frame.setLocalTranslation(-0.5f, 0.11f, 0f);
Geometry bar = new Geometry("health_bar", new Quad(1f, 0.1f));
mat = new Material(am, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
mat.setColor("Color", ColorRGBA.Red);
bar.setLocalTranslation(-0.5f, 0f, 0f);
if(vis.getWorldBound() instanceof BoundingBox){
BoundingBox bbox = (BoundingBox)vis.getWorldBound();
n.setLocalTranslation(0f, bbox.getYExtent()+0.6f, 0f);
logger.finest("Healthbar by BBox @ "+n.getLocalTranslation());
else if(vis.getWorldBound() instanceof BoundingSphere){
BoundingSphere bound = (BoundingSphere)vis.getWorldBound();
n.setLocalTranslation(0f, bound.getRadius()+0.6f, 0f);
logger.finest("Healthbar by BSphere @ "+n.getLocalTranslation());
else {
n.setLocalTranslation(0f, 2.8f, 0f);
logger.finest("Healthbar by Code @ "+n.getLocalTranslation());
n.addControl(new BillboardControl());
// n.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_X));
// n.updateGeometricState();
return n;
* Builds the visual representation (no text decorator, ec.) of the model by loading it currently.
* The anim controller seems to be missing from the jme stored version, so currently
* we load the model from the plain ogre xml definition (which is a bit slower)
* @return the loaded model on a @see Node
//FIXME move to a builder, whcih should know what assets to load for which visual (stored in the DB)
protected Node createVisuals() {
// if (charSelection != null) {
if (baseNode == null) {
// Asset a = new Asset("troll2/troll.xml.mesh.xml","troll");
// com.l2client.asset.Singleton.get().getAssetManager().loadAsset(a,true);
Spatial s = Singleton.get().getAssetManager().getJmeAssetMan().loadModel("models/troll2/troll.xml.mesh.xml");
// baseNode = (Node) a.getBaseAsset();
if(s instanceof Node ){
baseNode = (Node) s;
baseNode.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(-FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_X));
if (baseNode != null) {
// //TODO check if still needed
// //FIXME modelconverter should already have set this one, this is not the case -> NPE
// baseNode.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
// baseNode.updateModelBound();
// baseNode.updateGeometricState();
vis = baseNode.clone(false);
AnimControl animControl = vis.getControl(AnimControl.class);
AnimChannel chan;
if(animControl != null) {
if (animControl.getNumChannels()<=0){
chan = animControl.getChannel(0);
* FastMath.nextRandomFloat());
} else {
logger.severe("Vis animations are missing for troll");
// }
return vis;
// /**
// * Adds a movement controller to move the model to the specified x,y coordinates (z is 0 here)
// * A previous move controller is removed
// * @param toX target position in world coords x
// * @param toY target position in world coords y
// * @param toZ ignored
// * @param speed speed per second to be used for traveling
// */
// // FIXME ignores height at the moment!
// // FIXME add and remove should be done via scenemanager
// public void initMoveTo(float toX, float toY, float toZ, float speed) {
// if (speed > 0f) {
// AbstractControl rem = getControl(MoveController.class);
// if (rem != null)
// removeControl(rem);
// addControl(new MoveController(this, new Vector3f(toX, 0, toZ), speed));
// }
// }