Package com.extentech.ExtenXLS

Examples of com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellRange

     * @param sId  Stream or cachid Id -- links back to SxStream set of records
  byte[] createPivotCacheRecords(String ref, WorkBookHandle wbh, int sId) {
      byte[] newbytes= new byte[0];       
    try {
      CellRange cr= new CellRange(ref, wbh, false, true);
      CellHandle[] ch= cr.getCells()// cells are in row-order
      int[] rows= cr.getRowInts()// first row= header, ensuing rows are cacherecords     
      int[] cols= cr.getColInts();
      int[] types= new int[cols.length]
      byte[][] cachefieldindexes= new byte[cols.length][rows.length-1];
      SxDB sxdb= (SxDB) SxDB.getPrototype();
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        WorkBookHandle tbo = new WorkBookHandle();
      WorkSheetHandle sheet = tbo.getWorkSheet(0);
            int[] coords = {12,1,12,5};
            CellRange range = new CellRange(sheet, coords, true);
            CellRange range2= new CellRange("Sheet1!B2:Sheet1!C10", tbo, true);
            // set top and bottom
            FormatHandle myfmthandle = new FormatHandle(tbo);
            // set sides
          int[] coords2 = {5,4,5,8};
          CellRange range3 = new CellRange(sheet, coords2, true);
            FormatHandle myfmthandle2 = new FormatHandle(tbo);
            // ok, test not clobbering
            CellRange range4 = new CellRange(sheet, coords2, true);
            CellHandle cell0 = range4.getCells()[0];
            FormatHandle clobberfmt = cell0.getFormatHandle();
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        // create cell ranges for each, required in order to merge cells
        CellRange crx1 = null;
        CellRange crx2 = null;
            // defines the cell ranges
            crx1 = new CellRange("Sheet1!A1:E1", book);
            crx2 = new CellRange("Sheet1!A3:E3", book);
            // Merge the cells, keep the values in all cells...           
            // This time, remove the trailing Cells...
        }catch(Exception e){
            System.err.println("Error setting cell ranges " + e)
       testWrite(book, "TestCellRanges.xls");
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      StringBuffer xml= new StringBuffer()
      CellRange rn = new CellRange(cfx.getCondfmt().getBoundingRange());//getConditionalFormatRange();
      if(cfx.cp != 0x0){ // calcer
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      com.extentech.formats.XLS.Boundsheet sht= parentChart.getSheet();
      java.util.Vector s = this.getAllSeries(-1);
      // Category values *******************************************************************************
      if (s.size() > 0) {
          try {
        CellRange cr = new CellRange(((Series) s.get(0)).getCategoryValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true);
        CellHandle[] ch = cr.getCells();
        if (ch != null) { // found a template with a chart with series but no categories
            categories = new Object[ch.length];
            for (int j = 0; j < ch.length; j++) {
          try {
              categories[j] = ch[j].getFormattedStringVal(true);
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // catch format exceptions
              categories[j]= ch[j].getStringVal();
        } else if (s.size() > 0) {
            cr = new CellRange(((Series) s.get(0)).getSeriesValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true);
            int sz= cr.getCells().length;
            categories= new Object[sz];
            for (int j= 0; j < sz; j++)
      categories[j]= Integer.valueOf(j + 1).toString();       
          } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.logWarn("ChartSeries.getMinMax: " + e.toString());
      // Series colors, labels and values ***************************************************************
      double yMax = 0.0, yMin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
      int nseries = 0;
      seriescolors = null;
      legends = null;
      int charttype = co.getChartType();
      // obtain/store series colors, store series values and trap maximum and
      // minimun values so can be used below for axis scale
       * A Scatter chart has two value axes, showing one set of numerical data along the x-axis and another along the y-axis.
       * It combines these values into single data points and displays them in uneven intervals, or clusters   
      if (charttype != PIECHART && charttype != DOUGHNUTCHART) {
          seriescolors = new String[s.size()];
          legends = new String[s.size()];
          for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
        Series myseries = ((Series) s.get(i));
        seriescolors[i] = myseries.getSeriesColor();
        legends[i] = com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(myseries.getLegendText()).toString();
        CellRange cr = new CellRange(myseries.getSeriesValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true);
        CellHandle[] ch = cr.getCells();
        nseries = Math.max(nseries, ch.length);
        double[] seriesvals;
        String[] sranges;
        //        String[] series_strings;
        if (!myseries.hasBubbleSizes()) {
            seriesvals= new double[nseries];
            sranges= new String[nseries];
        } else {
            seriesvals = new double[nseries * 2];
            sranges= new String[nseries * 2];
        //        series_strings = new String[seriesvals.length];

        for (int j = 0; j < ch.length; j++) {
            try {
          sranges[j]= ch[j].getCellAddressWithSheet();
          seriesvals[j] = ch[j].getDoubleVal();
          if (Double.isNaN(seriesvals[j]))
              seriesvals[j] = 0.0;
          yMax = Math.max(yMax, seriesvals[j]);
          yMin = Math.min(yMin, seriesvals[j]);
            } catch (NumberFormatException n) {
        if (myseries.hasBubbleSizes()) { // append bubble sizes to series values ... see BubbleChart.getSVG for parsing
            int z = ch.length;
            CellRange crb= new CellRange(myseries.getBubbleValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true);
            CellHandle[] chb = crb.getCells();
            for (int j = 0; j < ch.length; j++) {
          seriesvals[j + z] = chb[j].getDoubleVal();
          sranges[j + z]= chb[j].getCellAddressWithSheet();             
        seriesvalues.add(seriesvals);   // trap and add series value points
        seriesranges.add(sranges);    // trap series range
      } else if (charttype == DOUGHNUTCHART && s.size() > 1) { // like a PIE chart but can have multiple series
          legends = new String[categories.length];     // for PIE/DONUT charts, legends are actually category labels, not series labels
          for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++)
        legends[i] = com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(categories[i].toString()).toString();
          for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
        Series myseries = ((Series) s.get(i));
        // legends[i]=
        // com.extentech.formats.XLS.OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(myseries.getLegend());
        CellRange cr = new CellRange(myseries.getSeriesValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true);
        CellHandle[] ch = cr.getCells();
        double[] seriesvals= new double[ch.length];
        String[] sranges= new String[ch.length];
        if (seriescolors == null)
            seriescolors = new String[ch.length];
        for (int j = 0; j < ch.length; j++) {
            try {
          seriesvals[j] = ch[j].getDoubleVal();
          if (ch[j].getWorkSheetHandle().getMysheet().equals(sht))           
              sranges[j]= ch[j].getCellAddress();
          yMax = Math.max(yMax, seriesvals[j]);
          yMin = Math.min(yMin, seriesvals[j]);
          if (i == 0) { // only do for 1st series; will be the
              // same for rest
              seriescolors[j] = myseries.getPieSliceColor(j);
              /*if (seriescolors[j] == 0x4D
                  || seriescolors[j] == 0x4E)
                seriescolors[j] = com.extentech.formats.XLS.FormatConstants.COLOR_WHITE;*/

            } catch (NumberFormatException n) {
        seriesvalues.add(seriesvals); // trap and add series value points
        seriesranges.add(sranges);    // trap series range
      } else { // PIES - only 1 series
          if (s.size() > 0) {
        // PIE: 1 series data
        CellHandle[] cats = new CellRange(((Series)s.get(0)).getCategoryValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true).getCells();
        if (cats != null) {
            nseries = cats.length;
            legends = new String[cats.length]; // for PIE charts, legends are actually category labels, not series labels
            for (int i = 0; i < cats.length; i++)
          legends[i] = cats[i].getFormattedStringVal(true);
        seriescolors = new String[nseries];
        Series myseries = ((Series) s.get(0));
        try {
            CellRange cr = new CellRange(myseries.getSeriesValueAi().toString(), parentChart.wbh, true);
            CellHandle[] ch = cr.getCells();
            // error trap - shouldn't happen
            if (ch.length != nseries) {
          Logger.logWarn("ChartHandle.getSeriesInfo: unexpected Pie Chart structure");
          nseries = Math.min(nseries, ch.length);
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              // unclear if at any other time the range referenced is a subset ... [NOTE: in testing, only pivot charts hit]
              // another assumption:  assume that range is only TRUNCATED -- in testing, true
              int npoints= Integer.valueOf(xpp.getAttributeValue(0)).intValue();
              if (!ranges[idx].equals("") && ranges[idx].indexOf(",")==-1) {
                try {
                  CellRange cells= new CellRange(ranges[idx], wbh, false, true);
                  if (cells.getCells().length!=npoints) {  //must adjust
                    int z= 0;
                    CellHandle[] clist= cells.getCells();
                    while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
                      if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
                        tnm= xpp.getName();
                        if (tnm.equals("pt")) {                             
                          // format code idx
                        } else if (tnm.equals("v")) {
/* this case should NOT happen
                          String s= OOXMLAdapter.getNextText(xpp);
                           if (z < clist.length)
                            if (!clist[z].getVal().toString().equals(s))                              
                              Logger.logWarn("ChartSeries.parseOOXML: unexpected pivot value order- skipping");
                      } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
                        if (xpp.getName().equals(cache)) {
                          cache= null;                     
                      eventType =;
                    // pivot charts: apparently always truncate/skip last cell in range (which represents the grand total)
                    if (npoints < clist.length) {// truncate!                     
                      int[] rc= cells.getRangeCoords();
                      rc[0]--; rc[2]--;  // make 0-based
                      if (rc[0]==rc[2])
// KSC: TESTING: REMOVE WHEN DONE                     
//System.out.println("Truncate list: old range: " + ranges[idx] + " new range: " + cells.getSheet().getQualifiedSheetName() + "!" + ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc));
                      ranges[idx]= cells.getSheet().getQualifiedSheetName() + "!" + ExcelTools.formatLocation(rc);
                    continue// don't hit below
                } catch (Exception e) {
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     * @return
    public CellRange getCellRange() {
      String range= fileName + "!" + ExcelTools.formatLocation(new int[] {rwFirst, colFirst, rwLast, colLast});
      try {
        return new CellRange(range, null)//this.getWorkBook());
      } catch (CellNotFoundException e) {      
      return null;
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    nm+= com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools.getAlphaVal(colFirst);
      range = new CellRange(nm,null);
    }catch(Exception e){
      Logger.logWarn("initializing Hlink record failed: " + e);
    if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo("Hlink Cells: " + range.toString());
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    cellcoords[2] = this.getRowLast();
    cellcoords[1] = this.getColFirst();
    cellcoords[3] = this.getColLast();
        CellRange cr = new CellRange(wbook.getWorkSheet(this.getSheet().getSheetName()), cellcoords);
        BiffRec[] ch = cr.getCellRecs();
        for(int t=0;t<ch.length;t++){
      }catch(Exception e){
        Logger.logWarn("initializing Hyperlink Cells failed: " + e);     
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    ooxml.append("<c:f>" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAscii(seriesAi.toString()) + "</c:f>");    ooxml.append("\r\n")// string range
    // Need numCache for chart lines apparently
    ooxml.append("<c:numCache>");  ooxml.append("\r\n");    // specifies the last data shown on the chart for a series
    // formatCode  == format pattern
    ooxml.append("<c:formatCode>" + this.getSeriesFormatPattern() + "</c:formatCode>");
      CellRange cr = new CellRange(seriesAi.toString(), parentChart.wbh, false);
      CellHandle[] ch= cr.getCells();
      // ptCount  == point count
      // pt * n  == a Numeric Point each has a <v> child, an idx attribute and an optional formatcode attribute
    ooxml.append("</c:numCache>");  ooxml.append("\r\n");    //
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Related Classes of com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellRange

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