* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellRange;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.FormatHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBookHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Dxf;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Fill;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.FormulaParser;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.Ptg;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgArray;
import com.extentech.formats.XLS.formulas.PtgRefN;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.toolkit.StringTool;
/** <b>Cf: Conditional Formatting Conditions 0x1B1</b><br>
* This record stores a conditional formatting condition
There are some restrictions in the usage of conditional formattings:
In the user interface it is possible to modify the font style (boldness and posture), the text colour, the underline style
and the strikeout style. It is not possible to change the used font, the font height, and the escapement style, though it is
possible to specify a new font height and escapement style in this record which are correctly displayed
It is not possible to change a border line style, but to preserve the line colour, and vice versa. Diagonal lines are not
supported at all. The user interface only offers thin line styles, but files containing other line styles work correctly too.
It is not possible to set the background pattern colour to No colour (using system window background
* -----
* 4 ct 1 Conditional formatting type
* 5 cp 1 Conditional formatting operator
* 6 cce1 2 Count of bytes in rgce1 -- size of formula data for first value or formula
* 8 cce2 2 Count of bytes in rgce2 -- size of formula data for first value or formula: used for second part of 'between' and 'not between' comparison, else 0
* 10 4 Option flags (see below)
* 2 Not used
* 16 118 (optional, only if font = 1, see option flags) Font formatting block, see below
* var 8 (optional, only if bord = 1, see option flags) Border formatting block, see below
* var 4 (optional, only if patt = 1, see option flags) Pattern formatting block, see below
* var rgbdxf var Conditional format to apply
* var rgce1 var First formula for this condition (RPN token array without size field, ?4)
* var rgce2 var Second formula for this condition (RPN token array without size field, ?4)
* Conditional formatting operator:
* 00H = No comparison (only valid for formula type, see above)
01H = Between 05H = Greater than
02H = Not between 06H = Less than
03H = Equal 07H = Greater or equal
04H = Not equal 08H = Less or equal
Option Flags
If none of the formatting attributes is set, the option flags field contains 00000000H.
The following table assumes that
the conditional formatting contains at least one modified formatting attribute
(it will occur at least one of the formatting
information blocks in the record). In difference to the first case some of the
bits are always set now.
All flags specifying that an attribute is modified are 02, if the conditional formatting
changes the respective attribute,
and 12, if the original cell formatting is preserved. The flags for modified font
attributes are not contained in this
option flags field, but in the font formatting block itself. !
Bit Mask Contents
9-0 000003FFH Always 11.1111.11112 (but not used)
10 00000400H 0 = Left border style and colour modified (bord - left )
11 00000800H 0 = Right border style and colour modified (bord - right )
12 00001000H 0 = Top border style and colour modified (bord - top )
13 00002000H 0 = Bottom border style and colour modified (bord - bot )
15-14 0000C000H Always 112 (but not used)
16 00010000H 0 = Pattern style modified (patt - style )
17 00020000H 0 = Pattern colour modified (patt - col )
18 00040000H 0 = Pattern background colour modified (patt - bgcol )
21-19 00380000H Always 1112 (but not used)
26 04000000H 1 = Record contains font formatting block (font)
28 10000000H 1 = Record contains border formatting block (bord)
29 20000000H 1 = Record contains pattern formatting block (patt)
* @see Condfmt
public final class Cf extends com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord {
* serialVersionUID
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5624169378370505532L;
short ct = 0; // Conditional formatting type
short cp = 0; // Conditional formatting operator
int cce1 = 0; // Count of bytes in rgce1
int cce2 = 0; // Count of bytes in rgce2
String rgbdxf = ""; // Conditional format to apply
String rgce1 = ""; // First formula for this condition
String rgce2 = ""; // Second formula for this condition
int flags =0; // option flags 20080303 KSC:
boolean bHasFontBlock= false; // ""
boolean bHasBorderBlock= false; // ""
boolean bHasPatternBlock= false; // ""
private Ptg prefHolder = null; // this is a placeholder ptg for the conditional format expression
private Stack expression1 = new Stack(); //
private Stack expression2 = new Stack(); //
private Formula formula1= null; //
private Formula formula2= null; //
private String containsText= null; // OOXML-specific if type==containsText, this will hold the actual text to test
private Condfmt condfmt = null;
// Offset Size Contents
// 0 2 Fill pattern style:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 15-10 FC00H Fill pattern style (only if patt - style = 0, ?3.11)
public static final int PATTERN_FILL_STYLE = 0xFC00;
private int patternFillStyle = -1;
// 2 2 Fill pattern colour indexes:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 6-0 007FH Colour index (?6.70) for pattern (only if patt - col = 0)
// 13-7 3F80H Colour index (?6.70) for pattern background (only if patt - bgcol = 0)
public static final int PATTERN_FILL_COLOR = 0x007F;
public static final int PATTERN_FILL_BACK_COLOR = 0x3F80;
private int patternFillColorsFlag = 0;
private int patternFillColor = 0;
private int patternFillColorBack = -1;
private Fill fill= null;
private Font font= null;
// Offset Size Contents
// 0 64 Not used
// 64 4 Font height (in twips = 1/20 of a point); or FFFFFFFFH to preserve the cell font height
private int fontHeight = -1;
// 68 4 Font options:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 1 00000002H Posture: 0 = Normal; 1 = Italic (only if font - style = 0)
// 7 00000080H Cancellation: 0 = Off; 1 = On (only if font - canc = 0)
public static final int FONT_OPTIONS_POSTURE = 0x2;
public static final int FONT_OPTIONS_CANCELLATION = 0x80;
public static final int FONT_OPTIONS_POSTURE_NORMAL = 0;
public static final int FONT_OPTIONS_POSTURE_ITALIC = 1;
public static final int FONT_OPTIONS_CANCELLATION_OFF = 0;
public static final int FONT_OPTIONS_CANCELLATION_ON = 1;
private int fontOptsFlag = -1;
// 72 2 Font weight (100-1000, only if font - style = 0).
private int fontWeight = -1;
// Standard values are 0190H (400) for normal text and 02BCH (700) for bold text.
// 74 2 Escapement type (only if font - esc = 0):
// 0000H = None; 0001H = Superscript; 0002H = Subscript
public static final int FONT_ESCAPEMENT_NONE = 0x0;
public static final int FONT_ESCAPEMENT_SUPER = 0x1;
public static final int FONT_ESCAPEMENT_SUB = 0x2;
private int fontEscapementFlag = -1;
// 76 1 Underline type (only if font - underl = 0):
public static final int FONT_UNDERLINE_NONE = 0x0;
public static final int FONT_UNDERLINE_SINGLE = 0x1;
public static final int FONT_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 0x2;
public static final int FONT_UNDERLINE_SINGLEACCOUNTING= 0x21;
public static final int FONT_UNDERLINE_DOUBLEACCOUNTING= 0x22;
private int fontUnderlineStyle = -1;
private int fontColorIndex = -1;
public static final int FONT_MODIFIED_OPTIONS_STYLE = 0x00000002;
public static final int FONT_MODIFIED_OPTIONS_CANCELLATIONS = 0x00000080;
private int fontModifiedOptionsFlag = -1;
private int fontEscapementFlagModifiedFlag = -1;
private int fontUnderlineModifiedFlag = -1;
/** Border Formatting Block*/
// Offset Size Contents
// 0 2 Border line styles:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 3-0 000FH Left line style (only if bord - left = 0, ?3.10)
// 7-4 00F0H Right line style (only if bord - right = 0, ?3.10)
// 11-8 0F00H Top line style (only if bord - top = 0, ?3.10)
// 15-12 F000H Bottom line style (only if bord - bot = 0, ?3.10)
public static final int BORDER_LINESTYLE_LEFT = 0x000F;
public static final int BORDER_LINESTYLE_RIGHT = 0x00F0;
public static final int BORDER_LINESTYLE_TOP = 0x0F00;
public static final int BORDER_LINESTYLE_BOTTOM = 0xF000;
// if flags & BORDER_MODIFIED_XX == 0 means that this particular border has been modified
public static final int BORDER_MODIFIED_LEFT = 0x0400;
public static final int BORDER_MODIFIED_RIGHT = 0x0800;
public static final int BORDER_MODIFIED_TOP = 0x1000;
public static final int BORDER_MODIFIED_BOTTOM = 0x2000;
private short borderLineStylesFlag = 0;
private int borderLineStylesLeft = -1;
private int borderLineStylesRight = -1;
private int borderLineStylesTop = -1;
private int borderLineStylesBottom = -1;
// 2 4 Border line colour indexes:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 6-0 0000007FH Colour index (?6.70) for left line (only if bord - left = 0)
// 13-7 00003F80H Colour index (?6.70) for right line (only if bord - right = 0)
// 22-16 007F0000H Colour index (?6.70) for top line (only if bord - top = 0)
// 29-23 3F800000H Colour index (?6.70) for bottom line (only if bord - bot = 0)
public static final int BORDER_LINECOLOR_LEFT = 0x0000007F;
public static final int BORDER_LINECOLOR_RIGHT = 0x00003F80;
public static final int BORDER_LINECOLOR_TOP = 0x007F0000;
public static final int BORDER_LINECOLOR_BOTTOM = 0x3F800000;
private int borderLineColorsFlag = 0;
private int borderLineColorLeft = 0;
private int borderLineColorRight = 0;
private int borderLineColorTop = 0;
private int borderLineColorBottom = 0;
// TODO: finish Cf prototype bytes + formatting options such as font block
//private byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES = {1, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 59, -92, 2, -128, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, 6, -36, 0, -76, 5, 83, -17, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -97, -1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -64, 22, 30, 123, 0};
// a very basic cf which only contains a pattern fill block and function compares <= 100
// private byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES= {1, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 59, -96, 2, -128, 0, 0, -64, 26, 30, 100, 0};
private byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES= {1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};//, -64, 26, 30, 100, 0};
// 0x1,0x1,0x3,0x0,0x3,0x0,0xf,0xc,0x3f,0x90,0x2,0x80,0x11,0x11,0x14,0xa,0x14,0xa,0x0,0x0,0x1e,0x7b,0x0,0x1e,0xea,0x0};
* default constructor
public Cf(){
* constructor which takes the cellrange of cells
* and the Condfmt that reference this conditional format rule
* @param f the condfmt
* @param r the cellrange
public Cf(Condfmt f){
/** Pattern Formatting Block */
* initialize the Cf record
public void init(){
data = this.getData();
ct = this.getByteAt(0);
cp = this.getByteAt(1);
cce1 = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(2),this.getByteAt(3));
cce2 = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(4),this.getByteAt(5));
//parsing of formula refs
flags= ByteTools.readInt(this.getByteAt(6),this.getByteAt(7), this.getByteAt(8),this.getByteAt(9));
// Font formatting Block
bHasFontBlock= ((flags & 0x04000000)==0x04000000);
// Border Formatting Block
bHasBorderBlock= ((flags & 0x10000000)==0x10000000);
// Pattern Formating Block
bHasPatternBlock= ((flags & 0x20000000)==0x20000000);
int pos= 12;
if (bHasFontBlock){ // handle Font formatting section
pos += 64; // 1st 64 bits of font block is unused
// 64 4 Font height (in twips = 1/20 of a point); or FFFFFFFFH to preserve the cell font height
fontHeight = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 68 4 Font options:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 1 00000002H Posture: 0 = Normal; 1 = Italic (only if font - style = 0)
// 7 00000080H Cancellation: 0 = Off; 1 = On (only if font - canc = 0)
fontOptsFlag = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 72 2 Font weight (100-1000, only if font - style = 0).
// Standard values are 0190H (400) for normal text and 02BCH (700) for bold text.
fontWeight = ByteTools.readShort(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 74 2 Escapement type (only if font - esc = 0):
// 0000H = None; 0001H = Superscript; 0002H = Subscript
fontEscapementFlag = ByteTools.readShort(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 76 1 Underline type (only if font - underl = 0):
// 00H = None
// 01H = Single 21H = Single accounting
// 02H = Double 22H = Double accounting
fontUnderlineStyle = getByteAt(pos++);
// 77 3 Not used
pos += 3;
// 80 4 Font colour index (?6.70); or FFFFFFFFH to preserve the cell font colour
fontColorIndex = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 84 4 Not used
pos += 4;
// 88 4 Option flags for modified font attributes:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 1 00000002H 0 = Font style (posture or boldness) modified (font - style )
// 4-3 00000018H Always 112 (but not used)
// 7 00000080H 0 = Font cancellation modified (font - canc )
fontModifiedOptionsFlag = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 92 4 0 = Escapement type modified (font - esc )
fontEscapementFlagModifiedFlag = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 96 4 0 = Underline type modified (font - underl )
fontUnderlineModifiedFlag = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 100 16 Not used
// 116 2 0001H
pos +=2;
if(pos != 130){
Logger.logWarn("Cf font block parsing pos mismatch" + pos);
if (bHasBorderBlock){
// Offset Size Contents
// 0 2 Border line styles:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 3-0 000FH Left line style (only if bord - left = 0, ?3.10)
// 7-4 00F0H Right line style (only if bord - right = 0, ?3.10)
// 11-8 0F00H Top line style (only if bord - top = 0, ?3.10)
// 15-12 F000H Bottom line style (only if bord - bot = 0, ?3.10)
borderLineStylesFlag = ByteTools.readShort(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// 2 4 Border line colour indexes:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 6-0 0000007FH Colour index (?6.70) for left line (only if bord - left = 0)
// 13-7 00003F80H Colour index (?6.70) for right line (only if bord - right = 0)
// 22-16 007F0000H Colour index (?6.70) for top line (only if bord - top = 0)
// 29-23 3F800000H Colour index (?6.70) for bottom line (only if bord - bot = 0)
borderLineColorsFlag = ByteTools.readInt(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
//6 2 Not used
pos += 2;
if (bHasPatternBlock){
// Offset Size Contents
// 0 2 Fill pattern style:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 15-10 FC00H Fill pattern style (only if patt - style = 0, ?3.11)
patternFillStyle = (ByteTools.readShort(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++)) >> 9);
/* very strangely, patternFillStyle appears to be 0 when it should be 1 (solid)
* found in testing through our test suite ...
* according to documetation this algorithm *appears* ok but the doc is really confusing on cf's
// 2 2 Fill pattern colour indexes:
// Bit Mask Contents
// 6-0 007FH Colour index (?6.70) for pattern (only if patt - col = 0)
// 13-7 3F80H Colour index (?6.70) for pattern background (only if patt - bgcol = 0)
patternFillColorsFlag = ByteTools.readShort(getByteAt(pos++),getByteAt(pos++));
// update the current vals
int postest= 12;
if (bHasFontBlock)
if (bHasBorderBlock)
if (bHasPatternBlock)
Logger.logWarn("Cf bad pos offset during init().");
pos = postest;
// 1st formula data= pos->cce1
byte[] function = this.getBytesAt(pos,cce1);
expression1= ExpressionParser.parseExpression(function, this, cce1);
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logErr("Initializing expression1 for Cf failed: " + new String(function));
// 2nd formula data= pos+cce1->cce2
function = this.getBytesAt(pos,cce2);
expression2= ExpressionParser.parseExpression(function, this, cce2);
}catch(Exception e){
Logger.logErr("Initializing expression2 for Cf failed: " + new String(function));
Logger.logInfo("Cf record encountered.");
* take current state of Cf and update record
private void updateRecord() {
byte[] newdata= new byte[12]; // enough room for basics; formatting blocks will be appended
newdata[0]= (byte)ct;
newdata[1]= (byte)cp;
flags= 0x3FF | 0xC000 | 0x380000; // set required and unused bits of flag
if (bHasFontBlock)
flags= (flags | 0x04000000);
if (bHasBorderBlock) {
flags= (flags | 0x10000000);
flags |= 0x400; // left border mod
flags |= 0x800; // right border mod
flags |= 0x1000; // top border mod
flags |= 0x2000; // bottom border mod
if (bHasPatternBlock) {
flags= (flags | 0x20000000);
flags |= 0x10000; // patt style mod
flags |= 0x20000; // patt fg color (pattern color) mod
flags |= 0x40000; // pat bg color mod
byte[] b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(flags);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, 6, 4);
int pos= 12;
if (bHasFontBlock){ // update font section
newdata= ByteTools.append(new byte[118], newdata);
pos+=64; // 1st 64 bits of font block is unused
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(fontHeight);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(fontOptsFlag );
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)fontWeight);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 2); pos+=2;
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)fontEscapementFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 2); pos+=2;
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)fontUnderlineStyle);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 1); pos+=1;
// 77 3 Not used
pos += 3;
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(fontColorIndex);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
// 84 4 Not used
pos += 4; // 88:
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(fontModifiedOptionsFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(fontEscapementFlagModifiedFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(fontUnderlineModifiedFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
// 100 16 Not used
// 116 2 0001H
if (bHasBorderBlock){
newdata= ByteTools.append(new byte[8], newdata);
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)borderLineStylesFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 2); pos+=2;
b= ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(borderLineColorsFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 4); pos+=4;
//6 2 Not used
pos += 2;
if (bHasPatternBlock){
newdata= ByteTools.append(new byte[4], newdata);
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) (patternFillStyle << 9));
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 2); pos+=2;
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) patternFillColorsFlag);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, newdata, pos, 2); pos+=2;
if (formula1!=null) {
byte[] function= getFormulaExpression(formula1);
newdata= ByteTools.append(function, newdata);
cce1= function.length;
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)cce1);
newdata[2]= b[0];
newdata[3]= b[1];
if (formula2!=null) {
byte[] function= getFormulaExpression(formula2);
newdata= ByteTools.append(function, newdata);
cce2= function.length;
b= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)cce2);
newdata[4]= b[0];
newdata[5]= b[1];
// this.init(); DO NOT DO AS can overwrite OOXML-specifics
* return the expression bytes of the specified formula
* @param f
* @return
private byte[] getFormulaExpression(Formula f) {
boolean hasArray= false;
byte[] expbytes = new byte[0];
byte[] arraybytes= null;
Stack expression= f.getExpression();
for (int i = 0; i< expression.size();i++){
Object o = expression.elementAt(i);
Ptg ptg = (Ptg) o;
byte[] b;
if (o instanceof PtgArray){
PtgArray pa = (PtgArray)o;
b = pa.getPreRecord();
arraybytes = ByteTools.append(pa.getPostRecord(), arraybytes);
hasArray = true;
b = ptg.getRecord();
expbytes = ByteTools.append(b, expbytes);
if (hasArray){
expbytes= ByteTools.append(arraybytes, expbytes);
return expbytes;
* helper method to set the style values on this object from a style string
* <br>each name/value pair is delimited by ;
* <br>possible tokens:
* <br>pattern pattern fill #
* <br>color pattern fg color
* <br>patterncolor pattern bg color
* <br>vertical vertical alignnment
* <br>horizontal horizontal alignment
* <br>border sub-tokens: border-top, border-left, border-bottom, border-top
* @param style
* @param cx
public static void setStylePropsFromString(String style, Cf cx){
String[] toks = StringTool.getTokensUsingDelim(style,";");
// iterate styles, set values
for(int t=0;t<toks.length;t++){
int pos = toks[t].indexOf(":");
String n = "";
// TODO: border line sizes, interpret border line styles
// TODO: handle vertical, horizontal alignment, number format ...
n = toks[t].substring(0,pos);
String v = toks[t].substring(toks[t].indexOf(":")+1);
n = StringTool.strip(n,'"');
v = StringTool.strip(v,'#');
n = StringTool.allTrim(n);
v = StringTool.allTrim(v);
n = n.toLowerCase();
if(n.indexOf("border")==0){ // parse the border settings
String[] vs = StringTool.getTokensUsingDelim(v," ");
int sz = -1, cz = -1;
int stl= -1;
String clr = null;
sz = Integer.parseInt(vs[0]); // size
clr = vs[2]; // color String
// TODO: no way to set border size as of yet
// interpret style string into #:
for (int i= 0; i < FormatConstants.BORDER_NAMES.length; i++) {
if (FormatConstants.BORDER_NAMES[i].equals(vs[1])) {
stl= i;
// HexStringToColorInt
// java.awt.Color c = FormatHandle.HexStringToColor(clr);
cz = FormatHandle.HexStringToColorInt(clr, FormatHandle.colorBACKGROUND);
// Logger.logInfo("ix " + sz + " " + clr + " " + stl );
}catch(Exception ex){
if(clr!=null){ // set color
if(stl > -1){
}else if(n.indexOf("border-left")==0){
if(clr!=null){ // set color
if(stl > -1){
}else if(n.indexOf("border-bottom")==0){
if(clr!=null){ // set color
if(stl > -1){
}else if(n.indexOf("border-right")==0){
if(clr!=null){ // set color
if(stl > -1){
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("text-line-through")){
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("fg")){ // font color
// set the color
int cl = FormatHandle.HexStringToColorInt(v, FormatHandle.colorFOREGROUND);
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("pattern")){ //fill pattern
int vv = Integer.parseInt(v);
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("color") || n.equalsIgnoreCase("patterncolor")){ // fill (pattern or fg) color
int cl = FormatHandle.HexStringToColorInt(v, FormatHandle.colorFONT); // finds best match
cx.setPatternFillColor(cl, v);
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("background")){ // fill bg color
int cl = FormatHandle.HexStringToColorInt(v, FormatHandle.colorBACKGROUND); // finds best match
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("alignment-horizontal")){
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
// TODO: set alignment
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("alignment-vertical")){
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
// TODO: set alignment
}else if(n.equalsIgnoreCase("numberformat")){
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
// TODO: set number format
// FONT options
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-height")) {
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-weight")) {
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-EscapementFlag")) {
int s = Integer.parseInt(v); // 0= none, 1= superscript, 2= subscript
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-striken")) {
boolean b = Boolean.valueOf(v).booleanValue();
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-italic")) {
boolean b = Boolean.valueOf(v).booleanValue();
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-ColorIndex")) {
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
} else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-UnderlineStyle")) {
int s = Integer.parseInt(v);
/* TODO: handle
* fontOptsFlag
* set the conditional format format settings from the OOXML dxf, or differential xf, format settings
* @param dxf
* @param cf
public static void setStylePropsFromDxf(Dxf dxf, Cf cf) {
int[] borderStyles= dxf.getBorderStyles();
if (borderStyles!=null) { // then should have every other element
int[] borderColors= dxf.getBorderColors();
int[] borderSizes= dxf.getBorderSizes();
// TODO border size??
// FILL ****************
int fls= dxf.getFillPatternInt();
if (fls >= 0) {
int fg= dxf.getFg();
int bg= dxf.getBg();
if (fg!=-1)
cf.setPatternFillColor(fg, null);
if (bg!=-1)
cf.fill= dxf.getFill(); // save OOXML var as color settings sometimes cannot be interpreted in 2003 v.
int z;
// ALIGNMENT ******************
String s= dxf.getHorizontalAlign();
if (s!=null) {
z= Integer.parseInt(s);
//TODO: set alignment
s= dxf.getVerticalAlign();
if (s!=null) {
z= Integer.parseInt(s);
//TODO: set alignment
// Number Format ***************
s= dxf.getNumberFormat();
if (s!=null) {
z= Integer.parseInt(s);
//TODO: set number format
// FONT ************************
if (dxf.getFont()!=null) {
cf.font= dxf.getFont();
/* TODO: handle
* fontOptsFlag
* sets the operator for this Cf Rule from a String
* @param s
public void setOperator(String s){
this.cp = getConditionFromString(s);
if(cp == 0x0){ // no comparison
expression1 = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(s.getBytes(), this);
// val1 = cfx.getFormula1().calculateFormula();
* sets the Operator of this Cf Rule
* <br>possible values:
* <p>0= no comparison
* <p>1= between
* <p>2= not between
* <p>3= equal
* <p>4= not equal
* <p>5= greater than
* <p>6= less than
* <p>7= greater than or equal
* <p>8= less than or equal
* 2007-specific operators
* <p>9= begins With
* <p>10= ends With
* <p>11= contains Text
* <p>12= not contains
* @param int qualifier - constant value as above
public void setOperator(int op) {
this.cp= (short)op;
* returns the operator or qualifier of this Cf Rue as an int value
* <br>possible values:
* <p>0= no comparison
* <p>1= between
* <p>2= not between
* <p>3= equal
* <p>4= not equal
* <p>5= greater than
* <p>6= less than
* <p>7= greater than or equal
* <p>8= less than or equal
* 2007-specific operators
* <p>9= begins With
* <p>10= ends With
* <p>11= contains Text
* <p>12= not contains
* @return
public short getOperator() {
return this.cp;
* sets the type of this Cf rule from the int value
* <p>1= Cell is ("Cell value is")
* <p>2= expression ("formula value is")
* @param int type as above
protected void setType(int type) {
this.ct= (short) type;
* return the type of this Cf Rule as an int
* <p>1= Cell is ("Cell value is")
* <p>2= expression ("formula value is")
* @return
public short getType() {
return this.ct;
* reutrn the string representation of this Cf Rule type
* @return
public String getTypeString() {
return Cf.translateType(this.ct);
* sets the first condition from a String
* @param s
public void setCondition1(String s){
// takes "123" aka Value1 and converts to formula expression =123
s = Cf.unescapeFormulaString(s);
s = "=" + s;
int[] r = {0,0};
formula1 = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(s, this.getSheet(), r);
expression1 = formula1.getExpression();
}catch(Exception e){
* sets the second condition from a String
* @param s
public void setCondition2(String s){
if(s.equals(""))return; // none
s = Cf.unescapeFormulaString(s);
// takes "123" aka Value1 and converts to formula expression =123
if(cp == 0x0){ // no comparison
expression2 = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(s.getBytes(), this);
s = "=" + s;
int[] r = {0,0};
formula2 = FormulaParser.getFormulaFromString(s, this.getSheet(), r);
expression2 = formula1.getExpression();
}catch(Exception e){
this.cce2 = s.length();
* @return Returns the condfmt.
public Condfmt getCondfmt() {
return condfmt;
* @param condfmt The condfmt to set.
public void setCondfmt(Condfmt condfmt) {
this.condfmt = condfmt;
* @return Returns the fontEscapementFlag.
public int getFontEscapement() {
return fontEscapementFlag;
* returns the pattern color, if any, as an HTML color String. Includes custom OOXML colors.
* @return String HTML Color String
public String getPatternFgColor() {
if (fill!=null)
return fill.getFgColorAsRGB(getWorkBook().getTheme());
if (patternFillColor!=-1)
return FormatHandle.colorToHexString(this.getColorTable()[patternFillColor]);
return null;
* returns the pattern background color, if any, as an HTML color String. Includes custom OOXML colors.
* @return String HTML Color String
public String getPatternBgColor() {
if (fill!=null)
if (patternFillStyle==1)
return fill.getFgColorAsRGB(getWorkBook().getTheme());
return fill.getBgColorAsRGB(getWorkBook().getTheme());
if (patternFillColorBack!=-1)
return FormatHandle.colorToHexString(this.getColorTable()[patternFillColorBack]);
return null;
* parse cf font into it's member elements
private void parseFont(Font font) {
int z= font.getFontHeight();
if (z>0)
z= font.getFontWeight();
if (z>0)
// } else if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("font-EscapementFlag")) {
// cx.setFontEscapement(s);
z= font.getColor();
if (z>-1)
z= font.getUnderlineStyle();
if (z>-1)
* @param fontEscapementFlag The fontEscapementFlag to set.
public void setFontEscapement(int fontEscapementFlag) {
this.fontEscapementFlag = fontEscapementFlag;
this.fontEscapementFlagModifiedFlag= 0; // set modified
bHasFontBlock= true;
// if (font!=null)
// font.setScript(ss);
// Start Font Formatting Block
* updates the values for the current border colors from the flag
void updateBorderLineStyles(){
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_LEFT)==0) this.borderLineStylesLeft = (short)(this.borderLineStylesFlag & BORDER_LINESTYLE_LEFT);
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_RIGHT)==0) this.borderLineStylesRight = (short)((this.borderLineStylesFlag & BORDER_LINESTYLE_RIGHT)>>4);
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_TOP)==0) this.borderLineStylesTop = (short)((this.borderLineStylesFlag & BORDER_LINESTYLE_TOP)>>8);
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_BOTTOM)==0) this.borderLineStylesBottom = (short)((this.borderLineStylesFlag & BORDER_LINESTYLE_BOTTOM)>>12);
bHasBorderBlock= true;
* Apply all the borderLineStyle fields into the current border line styles flag
public void updateBorderLineStylesFlag() {
flags= flags | 0x10000000; // set flags to denote has a border block
bHasBorderBlock= ((flags & 0x10000000)==0x10000000);
borderLineStylesFlag = 0;
if (borderLineStylesLeft>=0) borderLineStylesFlag= (short)borderLineStylesLeft;
if (borderLineStylesRight>=0) borderLineStylesFlag= (short)((borderLineStylesFlag | (borderLineStylesRight) << 4));
if (borderLineStylesTop>=0) borderLineStylesFlag= (short)((borderLineStylesFlag | (borderLineStylesTop) << 8));
if (borderLineStylesBottom>=0) borderLineStylesFlag= (short)((borderLineStylesFlag | (borderLineStylesBottom) << 12));
byte[] data = this.getData();
byte[] updated = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(borderLineStylesFlag);
int pos= 12;
if (bHasFontBlock)
if (data.length< (pos+2)) {
byte[] tmp= new byte[pos+2];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, data.length);
data[pos++] = updated[0];
data[pos++] = updated[1];
//6 2 Not used
* updates the values for the current border colors from the flag
void updateBorderLineColors(){
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_LEFT)==0) this.borderLineColorLeft = (short)(this.borderLineColorsFlag & BORDER_LINECOLOR_LEFT);
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_RIGHT)==0) this.borderLineColorRight = (short)((this.borderLineColorsFlag & BORDER_LINECOLOR_RIGHT) >> 7);
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_TOP)==0) this.borderLineColorTop = (short)((this.borderLineColorsFlag & BORDER_LINECOLOR_TOP) >> 16);
if ((flags&BORDER_MODIFIED_BOTTOM)==0) this.borderLineColorBottom = (short)((this.borderLineColorsFlag & BORDER_LINECOLOR_BOTTOM) >> 23);
* Apply all the borderLineColor fields into the current border line colors flag
public void updateBorderLineColorsFlag() {
flags= flags | 0x10000000; // set flags to denote has a border block
bHasBorderBlock= ((flags & 0x10000000)==0x10000000); // = true
borderLineColorsFlag = 0;
borderLineColorsFlag= (borderLineColorsFlag | borderLineColorLeft);
borderLineColorsFlag= ((borderLineColorsFlag | (borderLineColorRight) << 7));
borderLineColorsFlag= ((borderLineColorsFlag | (borderLineColorTop) << 16));
borderLineColorsFlag= ((borderLineColorsFlag | (borderLineColorBottom) << 23));
byte[] data = this.getData();
byte[] updated = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes( borderLineColorsFlag);
int pos= 12;
if (bHasFontBlock)
pos+=2; // skip border line style
if (data.length<(pos+4)) {
byte[] tmp= new byte[pos+4];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, data.length);
data[pos++] = updated[0];
data[pos++] = updated[1];
data[pos++] = updated[2];
data[pos++] = updated[3];
// no need updateBorderLineColors();
* updates the values for the current pattern fill colors from the flag
* // Bit Mask Contents
// 15-10 FC00H Fill pattern style (only if patt - style = 0, ?3.11)
void updatePatternFillColors(){
/* below appears correct in testing this.patternFillColor = (short)(this.patternFillColorsFlag & PATTERN_FILL_COLOR);
this.patternFillColorBack = (short)((this.patternFillColorsFlag & PATTERN_FILL_BACK_COLOR) >> 7);
this.patternFillColor = (short)((this.patternFillColorsFlag & PATTERN_FILL_BACK_COLOR) >> 7);
this.patternFillColorBack = (short)(this.patternFillColorsFlag & PATTERN_FILL_COLOR);
bHasPatternBlock= true;
/** return the 2007v Fill element, or null if not set */
public Fill getFill() { return fill; }
* Apply all the patternFillColor fields into the current pattern colors flag
public void updatePatternFillColorsFlag() {
flags= flags | 0x20000000; // set flags to denote has a pattern block
bHasPatternBlock= true;
patternFillColorsFlag= (short) patternFillColorBack;
patternFillColorsFlag= (short) (patternFillColorsFlag | (patternFillColor << 7));
public Font getFont(){
return null;
if (font!=null)
return font;
int t = this.fontHeight;
int x = this.fontWeight;
if(t == -1)
t = 180;
if(x == -1)
x= Font.PLAIN;
font= new Font("Arial",x,t);
if (fontColorIndex>-1)
return font;
public java.awt.Color[] getBorderColors(){
return null;
java.awt.Color[] test = {
return test;
public int[] getAllBorderColors(){
return null;
int[] test = {
return test;
* order= top, left, bottom, right
* @return
public int[] getBorderStyles(){
return null;
int[] test = {
-1}; // diag
return test;
public int[] getBorderSizes(){
return null;
boolean hasTop= this.getBorderLineStylesTop()>0;
boolean hasLeft=this.getBorderLineStylesLeft()>0;
boolean hasBottom=this.getBorderLineStylesBottom()>0;
boolean hasRight=this.getBorderLineStylesRight()>0;
int[] test = {(hasTop?1:0),(hasLeft?1:0), (hasBottom?1:0), (hasRight?1:0), 0};
return test;
public int getForegroundColor(){
return -1;
if (fill!=null)
return fill.getFgColorAsInt(getWorkBook().getTheme());
if (this.patternFillStyle==1)
return this.patternFillColorBack;
return this.patternFillColor;
* @return Returns the fontOptsPosture.
public int getFontOptsPosture() {
return (short)(this.fontOptsFlag & FONT_OPTIONS_POSTURE);
* @param fontOptsPosture The fontOptsPosture to set.
public void setFontOptsPosture(int fontOptsPosture) {
this.fontOptsFlag= (short)(this.fontOptsFlag & FONT_OPTIONS_POSTURE);
bHasFontBlock= true;
* @return Returns the fontOptsCancellation.
public int getFontOptsCancellation() {
return (short)((this.fontOptsFlag & FONT_OPTIONS_CANCELLATION) >> 7);
* @return Returns the fontOptsItalic.
public boolean getFontItalic() {
return (fontOptsFlag & 0x2)==FONT_OPTIONS_POSTURE_ITALIC; // 1 if italic
* @param fontOptsItalic The fontOptsItalic to set.
public void setFontItalic(boolean italic) {
if (italic) {
this.fontOptsFlag= this.fontOptsFlag | 0x2; // set italic
this.fontModifiedOptionsFlag= this.fontModifiedOptionsFlag | 0x2;
bHasFontBlock= true;
} else { // todo: is below correct?
this.fontOptsFlag= this.fontOptsFlag ^ 0x2; // clear italic bit
this.fontModifiedOptionsFlag= this.fontModifiedOptionsFlag ^ 0x2;
if (font!=null) font.setItalic(italic);
public boolean getFontStriken() {
return ((fontOptsFlag & 0x80)==FONT_OPTIONS_CANCELLATION_ON);
public void setFontStriken(boolean bStriken) {
if (bStriken) {
fontOptsFlag= (fontOptsFlag | 0x80);
fontModifiedOptionsFlag= (fontModifiedOptionsFlag | 0x80);
bHasFontBlock= true;
} else { // todo: is below correct?
fontOptsFlag= (fontOptsFlag ^ 0x80); // turn off
fontModifiedOptionsFlag= (fontModifiedOptionsFlag ^ 0x80);
if (font!=null) font.setStricken(bStriken);
* @return Returns true if font escapement is superscript
public boolean getFontEscapementSuper() {
return (fontEscapementFlag==FONT_ESCAPEMENT_SUPER);
* sets the font escapement for this conditional format to superscript
public void setFontEscapementSuper() {
this.fontEscapementFlag= FONT_ESCAPEMENT_SUPER;
this.fontEscapementFlagModifiedFlag= 0; //
this.bHasFontBlock= true;
* @return Returns true if font escapement is subscript
public boolean getFontEscapementSub() {
return (fontEscapementFlag==FONT_ESCAPEMENT_SUB);
* sets the font escapement for this conditional format to subscript
public void setFontEscapementSub() {
this.fontEscapementFlag= FONT_ESCAPEMENT_SUB;
this.fontEscapementFlagModifiedFlag= 0; //
this.bHasFontBlock= true;
* @return Returns the borderLineStylesLeft.
public int getBorderLineStylesLeft() {
return borderLineStylesLeft;
* @param borderLineStylesLeft The borderLineStylesLeft to set.
public void setBorderLineStylesLeft(int b) {
this.borderLineStylesLeft = b;
* @return Returns the borderLineStylesRight.
public int getBorderLineStylesRight() {
return borderLineStylesRight;
* @param borderLineStylesRight The borderLineStylesRight to set.
public void setBorderLineStylesRight(int b) {
this.borderLineStylesRight = b;
* @return Returns the borderLineStylesTop.
public int getBorderLineStylesTop() {
return borderLineStylesTop;
* @param borderLineStylesTop The borderLineStylesTop to set.
public void setBorderLineStylesTop(int b) {
this.borderLineStylesTop = b;
* @return Returns the borderLineStylesBottom.
public int getBorderLineStylesBottom() {
return borderLineStylesBottom;
* @param borderLineStylesBottom The borderLineStylesBottom to set.
public void setBorderLineStylesBottom(int b) {
this.borderLineStylesBottom = b;
* @return Returns the borderLineColorLeft.
public int getBorderLineColorLeft() {
if(borderLineColorLeft > this.getColorTable().length)
return 0;
if(borderLineColorLeft < 0)
return 0;
return borderLineColorLeft;
* @param borderLineColorLeft The borderLineColorLeft to set.
public void setBorderLineColorLeft(int borderLineColorLeft) {
this.borderLineColorLeft = borderLineColorLeft;
// 20091028 KSC: insure flag denotes borderlinecolor is modified
flags= flags & (BORDER_MODIFIED_LEFT-1); // set flags to denote border top is modified (set bit=0)
* @return Returns the borderLineColorRight.
public int getBorderLineColorRight() {
if(borderLineColorRight > this.getColorTable().length)
return 0;
if(borderLineColorRight < 0)
return 0;
return borderLineColorRight;
* @param borderLineColorRight The borderLineColorRight to set.
public void setBorderLineColorRight(int borderLineColorRight) {
this.borderLineColorRight = borderLineColorRight;
// 20091028 KSC: insure flag denotes borderlinecolor is modified
flags= flags & (BORDER_MODIFIED_RIGHT-1); // set flags to denote border top is modified (set bit=0)
* @return Returns the borderLineColorTop.
public int getBorderLineColorTop() {
if(borderLineColorTop > this.getColorTable().length)
return 0;
if(borderLineColorTop < 0)
return 0;
return borderLineColorTop;
* @param borderLineColorTop The borderLineColorTop to set.
public void setBorderLineColorTop(int b) {
this.borderLineColorTop = b;
// 20091028 KSC: insure flag denotes borderlinecolor is modified
flags= flags & (BORDER_MODIFIED_TOP-1); // set flags to denote border top is modified (set bit=0)
Logger.logWarn("setBorderLineColorTop failed");
* @return Returns the borderLineColorBottom.
public int getBorderLineColorBottom() {
if(borderLineColorBottom > this.getColorTable().length)
return 0;
if(borderLineColorBottom < 0)
return 0;
return borderLineColorBottom;
* @param borderLineColorBottom The borderLineColorBottom to set.
public void setBorderLineColorBottom(int b) {
this.borderLineColorBottom = b;
// 20091028 KSC: insure flag denotes borderlinecolor is modified
flags= flags & (BORDER_MODIFIED_BOTTOM-1); // set flags to denote border top is modified (set bit=0)
Logger.logWarn("borderLineColorBottom failed");
* Returns the patternFillStyle.
* <br>NOTE in 2003-ver patternFillStyle is valid 1->
* @return Returns the patternFillStyle.
public int getPatternFillStyle() {
return patternFillStyle;
* @param patternFillStyle The patternFillStyle to set.
public void setPatternFillStyle(int p) {
this.patternFillStyle = p;
bHasPatternBlock= true;
* @return Returns the patternFillColor.
public int getPatternFillColor() {
if (fill!=null) return fill.getFgColorAsInt(getWorkBook().getTheme());
return patternFillColor;
* @param patternFillColor The patternFillColor to set.
public void setPatternFillColor(int p, String custom) {
this.patternFillColor = p;
if (fill!=null) fill.setFgColor(p);
* @return Returns the patternFillColorBack.
public int getPatternFillColorBack() {
if (fill!=null) return fill.getBgColorAsInt(getWorkBook().getTheme());
return patternFillColorBack;
* @param patternFillColorBack The patternFillColorBack to set.
public void setPatternFillColorBack(int p) {
this.patternFillColorBack = p;
if (fill!=null) fill.setBgColor(p);
* @return Returns the fontHeight.
public int getFontHeight() {
return fontHeight;
* @param fontHeight The fontHeight to set.
public void setFontHeight(int fontHeight) {
this.fontHeight = fontHeight;
bHasFontBlock= true;
if (font!=null) font.setFontHeight(fontHeight);
* @return Returns the fontWeight.
public int getFontWeight() {
return fontWeight;
* @param fontWeight The fontWeight to set.
public void setFontWeight(int f) {
this.fontWeight = f;
this.fontOptsFlag= this.fontOptsFlag & 0xFD; // turn off bit 1 = style bit
bHasFontBlock= true;
if (font!=null) font.setFontWeight(f);
* @return Returns the fontUnderlineStyle.
public int getFontUnderlineStyle() {
return fontUnderlineStyle;
* @param fontUnderlineStyle The fontUnderlineStyle to set.
public void setFontUnderlineStyle(int fontUnderlineStyle) {
this.fontUnderlineStyle = fontUnderlineStyle;
this.fontUnderlineModifiedFlag= 0; // set modified flag
bHasFontBlock= true;
if (font!=null) font.setUnderlineStyle((byte) fontUnderlineStyle);
* @return Returns the fontColorIndex.
public int getFontColorIndex() {
return fontColorIndex;
* @param fontColorIndex The fontColorIndex to set.
public void setFontColorIndex(int fontColorIndex) {
this.fontColorIndex = fontColorIndex;
bHasFontBlock= true;
if (font!=null) font.setColor(fontColorIndex);
* Create a Cf record & populate with prototype bytes
* @return
protected static XLSRecord getPrototype() {
Cf cf= new Cf();
return cf;
private int refPos = -1;
* Reset the ptgRef to A1 in these that is replaced with
* current Ptg
private void resetFormulaRef(){
// TODO: test what happens when A1 is a valid part of the expression
Stack expr = this.getFormula1().getExpression();
Iterator itx = expr.iterator();
if(refPos > -1){
expr.insertElementAt(prefHolder, refPos);
* There is a ptgRef to A1 in these that is replaced with
* current Ptg
private void setFormulaRef(Ptg refcell)
throws FormulaNotFoundException{
// TODO: test what happens when A1 is a valid part of the expression
Stack expr = this.getFormula1().getExpression();
Iterator itx = expr.iterator();
int[] rc= refcell.getIntLocation();
if(refPos == -1){
Ptg prex = (Ptg)itx.next();
if (prex instanceof PtgRefN){
((PtgRefN) prex).setFormulaRow(rc[0]);
((PtgRefN) prex).setFormulaCol(rc[1]);
if(refPos > -1){
expr.insertElementAt(refcell, refPos);
* pass in the referenced cell and attempt to
* create a valid formula for this thing and
* calculate whether the criteria passes
* returns true or false
* @return boolean passes
* @param the reference to evaluate
public boolean evaluate(Ptg refcell) {
Object val2 = null;
Object val1 = null;
if(this.cp != 0x0) // calcs later
val1 = this.getFormula1().calculateFormula();
if(this.cce2 > 0)
val2 = this.getFormula2().calculateFormula();
Object valX = refcell.getValue();
// cast to double then compare
double d1 = 0.0d;
double d2 = 0.0d; // second val from expression2
double dX = 0.0d; // the reference val
d1 = new Double(val1.toString()).doubleValue();
dX = new Double(valX.toString()).doubleValue();
if(this.cce2 >0){ // we have a second value
d2 = new Double(val2.toString()).doubleValue();
}catch(Exception e){
; // not numeric
// handle evaluated condition
case 0x0: // No comparison (only valid for formula type, see above)
val1 = this.getFormula1().calculateFormula();
return ((Boolean)val1).booleanValue();
case 01: // Between
// expression2 for the other bounds ...
if((dX >= d1) && (dX <=d2))
return true;
return false;
case 0x5: // Greater than
return dX > d1;
case 0x2: // Not between
if(dX < d1)
return false;
else if(dX > d1) // hmmm... d2 is where? an array?
return false;
case 0x6: // Less than
return dX < d1;
case 0x3: // Equal
return dX == d1;
case 0x7: // Greater or equal
return dX >= d1;
case 0x4: // Not equal
return dX != d1;
case 0x8: // Less or equal
return dX <= d1;
// 2007-specific operators
case 0x9: // begins With
case 0xA: // ends With
case 0xB: // contains text
case 0xC: // not contains
return false;
return false;
}catch(Exception ex){
// Logger.logWarn("CF condition "+this.formula1.getFormulaString()+" evaluation failed for : " + refcell.toString());
return false;
* Returns the byte Condition type from a human-readable string
* @return the condition type for this rule
public static final byte getConditionFromString(String cx){
cx = StringTool.allTrim(cx); // trim
cx = cx.toUpperCase();
// handle evaluated condition
return 0x1; // Between
if(cx.equals("GREATER THAN"))
return 0x5; // Greater than
if(cx.equals("NOT BETWEEN"))
return 0x2; // Not between
if(cx.equals("LESS THAN"))
return 0x6; // Less than
return 0x3; // Equal
if(cx.equals("GREATER THAN OR EQUAL"))
return 0x7; // Greater or equal
if(cx.equals("NOT EQUAL"))
return 0x4; // Not equal
if(cx.equals("LESS THAN OR EQUAL"))
return 0x8; // Less or equal
return 0x0; // No comparison (only valid for formula type, see above)
* Returns the human-readable Condition type
* @return the condition type for this rule
public String getConditionString(){
// handle evaluated condition
case 0x0: // No comparison (only valid for formula type, see above)
// okay annoying, but apparenlty there is a ptgRef to A1 in these that should
// be replaced with our ptg... whatever!!
return this.expression1.toString() + this.expression2.toString();
case 01: // Between
// expression2 for the other bounds ...
return "Between";
case 0x5: // Greater than
return "Greater Than";
case 0x2: // Not between
return "Not Between";
case 0x6: // Less than
return "Less Than";
case 0x3: // Equal
return "Equals";
case 0x7: // Greater or equal
return "Greater Than or Equal";
case 0x4: // Not equal
return "Not Equal";
case 0x8: // Less or equal
return "Less Than or Equal";
// 2007-Specific
case 0x9:
return "Begins With";
case 0xA:
return "Ends With";
case 0xB:
return "Contains Text";
case 0xC:
return "Not Contains";
return "Unknown";
* return the first formula referenced by the Conditional Format
* @return Formula
public Formula getFormula1() {
if (formula1==null) { // hasn't been set
formula1= new Formula();
this.setSheet(this.condfmt.getSheet()); // help!
// 20101216 KSC: WHY???? formula1.setCachedValue(null);
return formula1;
* return the second formula referenced by the Conditional Format
* @return Formula
public Formula getFormula2() {
if (formula2==null && cce2>0) { // hasn't been set
formula2= new Formula();
this.setSheet(this.condfmt.getSheet()); // help!
if (formula2!=null) {
// 20101216 KSC: WHY??? formula2.setCachedValue(null);
return formula2;
* restore Formula strings from XML serialization
* @param fmx
* @return
private static String unescapeFormulaString(String fmx){
fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,""","\"");
// fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,"&","%");
fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,"<","<");
fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,">",">");
return fmx;
* taks a String representing the Operator for this Cf Rule
* and translates it to an int
* <br>NOTE: 2003 versions do not use types
* 0x9, 0xA, 0xB or 0xC
* @param String operator - String CfRule operator attribute
* @return int representing Cf operator value
protected static int translateOperator(String operator) {
if (operator==null) // type is not cellIs
return 0;
if (operator.equals("between"))
return 0x1;
else if (operator.equals("greaterThan"))
return 0x5;
else if (operator.equals("notBetween"))
return 0x2;
else if (operator.equals("lessThan"))
return 0x6;
else if (operator.equals("equal"))
return 0x3;
else if (operator.equals("greaterThanOrEqual"))
return 0x7;
else if (operator.equals("notEqual"))
return 0x4;
else if (operator.equals("lessThanOrEqual"))
return 0x8;
// NO EQUIVALENT IN 2003: beginsWith, containsText, endsWith, notContains
else if (operator.equals("beginsWith"))
return 0x9;
else if (operator.equals("endsWith"))
return 0xA;
else if (operator.equals("containsText"))
return 0xB;
else if (operator.equals("notContains"))
return 0xC;
return 0;
* Given an int type, return it's string representation
* <br>NOTE: if type is between 3 and 18,
* it is an OOXML-specific type.
* @param type type integer
* @return String reprentation
* @see translateType(String)
protected static String translateType(int type) {
switch (type) {
case 1:
return "Cell Is";
case 2:
return "expression";
case 3:
return "containsText";
case 4:
return "aboveAverage";
case 5:
return "beginsWith";
case 6:
return "colorScale";
case 7:
return "containsBlanks";
case 8:
return "containsErrors";
case 9:
return "dataBar";
case 10:
return "duplicateValues";
case 11:
return "endsWith";
case 12:
return "iconSet";
case 13:
return "notContainsBlanks";
case 14:
return "notContainsErrors";
case 15:
return "notContainsText";
case 16:
return "timePeriod";
case 17:
return "top10";
case 18:
return "uniqueValues";
return "Unknnown";
* takes a String representing the type attribute and translates it to
* the corresponding integer representation
* <br>IMPORTANT NOTE: OOXML-specific types are converted to an integer that is not valid in 2003 versions
* @param String type - OOXML CfRule type attribute
* @return int representing Cf type value
protected static int translateOOXMLType(String type) {
if (type.equals("cellIs"))
return 1;
else if (type.equals("expression"))
return 2;
// no equivalent in 2003: but must track for 2007 uses
else if (type.equals("containsText"))
return 3;
else if (type.equals("aboveAverage"))
return 4;
else if (type.equals("beginsWith"))
return 5;
else if (type.equals("colorScale"))
return 6;
else if (type.equals("containsBlanks"))
return 7;
else if (type.equals("containsErrors"))
return 8;
else if (type.equals("dataBar"))
return 9;
else if (type.equals("duplicateValues"))
return 10;
else if (type.equals("endsWith"))
return 11;
else if (type.equals("iconSet"))
return 12;
else if (type.equals("notContainsBlanks"))
return 13;
else if (type.equals("notContainsErrors"))
return 14;
else if (type.equals("notContainsText"))
return 15;
else if (type.equals("timePeriod"))
return 16;
else if (type.equals("top10"))
return 17;
else if (type.equals("uniqueValues"))
return 18;
return 1; // default to cellIs ????
* prepare Formula strings for XML serialization
* @param fmx
* @return
private static String escapeFormulaString(String fmx){
fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,"\"",""");
fmx = fmx.substring(1);
// fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,"%","&");
fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,"<","<");
fmx = StringTool.replaceText(fmx,">",">");
return fmx;
* returns EXML (XMLSS) for the Conditional Format Rule
<ConditionalFormatting xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
<Format Style='color:#002060;font-weight:700;text-line-through:none;
border:.5pt solid windowtext;background:#00B0F0'/>
<ConditionalFormatting xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
<Format Style='color:#9C0006;background:#FFC7CE'/>
* @return
public String getXML() {
return getXML(this);
// helper inner method allows it to be static and reused...
private static final String getXML(Cf cfx) {
// reset the placeholder formula reference
if(cfx.refPos > -1)
StringBuffer xml= new StringBuffer();
CellRange rn = new CellRange(cfx.getCondfmt().getBoundingRange());//getConditionalFormatRange();
if(cfx.cp != 0x0){ // calcer
Object val1, val2;
if(cfx.cp != 0x0){ // calcer
val1 = cfx.getFormula1().calculateFormula();
if(val1 == null) // a new formula + calc_explicit
String fmx = cfx.getFormula1().getFormulaString();
fmx = Cf.escapeFormulaString(fmx);
if(cfx.cce2 > 0){
val2 = cfx.getFormula2().calculateFormula();
if(val2 == null) // a new formula + calc_explicit
xml.append("<Format Style='");
// attributes
int cfi = cfx.getPatternFillColor();
String fsi = FormatHandle.colorToHexString(FormatHandle.getColor(cfi));
if(cfx.getFontOptsCancellation()> -1){
try {
xml.append("border-top:" +cfx.getBorderSizes()[0]+" "+FormatHandle.BORDER_NAMES[cfx.getBorderStyles()[0]+1]+" "+FormatHandle.colorToHexString(cfx.getBorderColors()[0])+";"); // .5pt solid windowtext;
xml.append("border-left:" +cfx.getBorderSizes()[1]+" "+FormatHandle.BORDER_NAMES[cfx.getBorderStyles()[1]+1]+" "+FormatHandle.colorToHexString(cfx.getBorderColors()[1])+";"); // .5pt solid windowtext;
xml.append("border-bottom:" +cfx.getBorderSizes()[2]+" "+FormatHandle.BORDER_NAMES[cfx.getBorderStyles()[2]+1]+" "+FormatHandle.colorToHexString(cfx.getBorderColors()[2])+";"); // .5pt solid windowtext;
xml.append("border-right:" +cfx.getBorderSizes()[3]+" "+FormatHandle.BORDER_NAMES[cfx.getBorderStyles()[3]+1]+" "+FormatHandle.colorToHexString(cfx.getBorderColors()[3])+";"); // .5pt solid windowtext;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { }
cfi = cfx.getPatternFillColorBack();
String fsi = FormatHandle.colorToHexString(FormatHandle.getColor(cfi));
return xml.toString();
* creates a Cf record from the EXML nodes
* <Condition>
<Format Style='color:#002060;font-weight:700;text-line-through:none;
border:.5pt solid windowtext;background:#00B0F0'/>
* @param xpp
* @return
public static Cf parseXML(XmlPullParser xpp, Condfmt cfx, Boundsheet bs) {
Cf oe= bs.createCf(cfx);
try {
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("Condition")) { // get attributes
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String n= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (n.equals("Qualifier")) {
} else if (n.equals("Value1")) {
} else if (n.equals("Value2")) {
} else if (n.equals("Format")) {
setStylePropsFromString(v, oe);
} else if (eventType== XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
String endTag= xpp.getName();
if (endTag.equals("Condition")) {
eventType = xpp.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("Cf.parseXML: " + e.toString());
return oe;
* OOXML-specific, in a containsText-type condition,
* this field is the comparitor
* @param s
public void setContainsText(String s) {
containsText= s;
* generate OOXML for this Cf (BIFF8->OOXML)
* attributes: type, dxfId, priority (REQ), stopIfTrue, aboveAverage,
* percent, bottom, operator, text, timePeriod, rank, stdDev, equalAverage
* children: SEQ: formula (0-3), colorScale, dataBar, iconSet
* @return
public String getOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, int priority, ArrayList dxfs) {
StringBuffer ooxml= new StringBuffer();
// first deal with dfx's (differential xf's) - part of styles.xml; here we need to add dxf element to dxf's plus trap dxfId
Dxf dxf= new Dxf();
if (this.bHasFontBlock) {
if (font!=null)
dxf.createFont(this.fontWeight, this.getFontItalic(), this.fontUnderlineStyle, this.fontColorIndex, this.fontHeight);
if (this.bHasPatternBlock) {
if (fill!=null)
dxf.createFill(this.patternFillStyle, this.patternFillColor, this.patternFillColorBack, bk);
if (this.bHasBorderBlock) {
dxf.createBorder(bk, this.getBorderStyles(), new int[] {this.getBorderLineColorTop(), this.getBorderLineColorLeft(), this.getBorderLineColorBottom(), this.getBorderLineColorRight()});
// TODO: check if this dxf already exists ****************************************************************************
dxfs.add(dxf); // save newly created dxf (differential xf) to workbook store
int dxfId= dxfs.size()-1; // link this cf to it's dxf NOTE: one of the ONLY OOXML id's that is 0-based ...
ooxml.append("<cfRule dxfId=\"" + dxfId + "\"");
* attributes: type, dxfId, priority (REQ), stopIfTrue, aboveAverage,
* percent, bottom, operator, text, timePeriod, rank, stdDev, equalAverage
* children: SEQ: formula (0-3), colorScale, dataBar, iconSet
// TODO: ct==0 translates to ??
// NOTE: types 3 and above are 2007 version (OOXML)-specific
switch (this.ct) {
case 1:
ooxml.append(" type=\"cellIs\"");
case 2:
ooxml.append(" type=\"expression\"");
case 3:
ooxml.append(" type=\"containsText\"");
case 4:
ooxml.append(" type=\"aboveAverage\"");
case 5:
ooxml.append(" type=\"beginsWith\"");
case 6:
ooxml.append(" type=\"colorScale\"");
case 7:
ooxml.append(" type=\"containsBlanks\"");
case 8:
ooxml.append(" type=\"containsErrors\"");
case 9:
ooxml.append(" type=\"dataBar\"");
case 10:
ooxml.append(" type=\"duplicateValues\"");
case 11:
ooxml.append(" type=\"endsWith\"");
case 12:
ooxml.append(" type=\"iconSet\"");
case 13:
ooxml.append(" type=\"notContainsBlanks\"");
case 14:
ooxml.append(" type=\"notContainsErrors\"");
case 15:
ooxml.append(" type=\"notContainsText\"");
case 16:
ooxml.append(" type=\"timePeriod\"");
case 17:
ooxml.append(" type=\"top10\"");
case 18:
ooxml.append(" type=\"uniqueValues\"");
if (this.ct==3 && containsText!=null)// containsText - shouldn't be null!
ooxml.append(" text=\"" + containsText + "\"");
// operator
case 01: // Between
ooxml.append(" operator=\"between\"");
case 0x5: // Greater than
ooxml.append(" operator=\"greaterThan\"");
case 0x2: // Not between
ooxml.append(" operator=\"notBetween\"");
case 0x6: // Less than
ooxml.append(" operator=\"lessThan\"");
case 0x3: // Equal
ooxml.append(" operator=\"equal\"");
case 0x7: // Greater or equal
ooxml.append(" operator=\"greaterThanOrEqual\"");
case 0x4: // Not equal
ooxml.append(" operator=\"notEqual\"");
case 0x8: // Less or equal
ooxml.append(" operator=\"lessThanOrEqual\"");
// 2007-specific
case 0x9: // begins With
ooxml.append(" operator=\"beginsWith\"");
case 0xA: // ends With
ooxml.append(" operator=\"endsWith\"");
case 0xB: // begins With
ooxml.append(" operator=\"containsText\"");
case 0xC: // begins With
ooxml.append(" operator=\"notContains\"");
// priority
ooxml.append(" priority=\"" + priority + "\"");
// stopIfTrue == looks like this is set by default
ooxml.append(" stopIfTrue=\"1\"");
if (this.getFormula1()!=null)
ooxml.append("<formula>" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAsciiRetainQuote(this.getFormula1().getFormulaString()).substring(1) + "</formula>");
if (this.getFormula2()!=null)
ooxml.append("<formula>" + OOXMLAdapter.stripNonAsciiRetainQuote(this.getFormula2().getFormulaString()).substring(1) + "</formula>");
// TODO: finish children dataBar, colorScale, iconSet, aboveAverage, bottom, equalAverage,
return ooxml.toString();