Package com.extentech.formats.XLS

Source Code of com.extentech.formats.XLS.PivotCache

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
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* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package com.extentech.formats.XLS;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;

import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellHandle;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellRange;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBookHandle;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.BlockByteReader;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.Storage;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.StorageNotFoundException;
import com.extentech.formats.LEO.StorageTable;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;

* represents the required storage _SX_CUR_DB for Pivot Tables
public class PivotCache implements XLSConstants{
  WorkBook book;
  HashMap<Integer, Storage> caches= new HashMap();
  HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<BiffRec>> pivotCacheRecs= new HashMap();
//  HashMap<String, ArrayList> caches= new HashMap();
  public void init(StorageTable directories, WorkBookHandle wbh) throws StorageNotFoundException {
    Storage child= directories.getChild("_SX_DB_CUR");
    if (wbh!=null)  {
      caches= new HashMap();
      book= wbh.getWorkBook();   
      if (wbh.getDebugLevel() > 25) {    // KSC: TESTING: make > 25
    while (child!=null) {
      if (wbh!=null)
      caches.put(Integer.valueOf(child.getName()), child);
      ArrayList<BiffRec> curRecs= new ArrayList();
      BlockByteReader bytes= child.getBlockReader();
      int len= bytes.getLength();
      for (int i = 0; i <= len - 4;) {
        byte[] headerbytes = bytes.getHeaderBytes(i);
        short opcode = ByteTools.readShort(headerbytes[0], headerbytes[1]);
        int reclen = ByteTools.readShort(headerbytes[2], headerbytes[3]);
        BiffRec rec = XLSRecordFactory.getBiffRecord( opcode );
        if (wbh!=null) rec.setDebugLevel(wbh.getDebugLevel()); // KSC: added to propogate debug level
        // init the mighty rec
        rec.setLength((short) reclen);
// KSC: TESTING       
    try {
System.out.println(rec.getClass().getName().substring(rec.getClass().getName().lastIndexOf(".")+1) + ": " + Arrays.toString(((PivotCacheRecord)rec).getRecord()));       
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
System.out.println(rec.getClass().getName().substring(rec.getClass().getName().lastIndexOf(".")+1) + ": " + Arrays.toString(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(rec.getOpcode())) + Arrays.toString(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)rec.getData().length)) + Arrays.toString(rec.getData()));       
        if (wbh!=null)
      if (wbh!=null)             
      pivotCacheRecs.put(Integer.valueOf(child.getName()), curRecs);
      child= directories.getNext(child.getName());
//    Logger.logInfo("PivotCache.end init");
   * Creates the pivot table cache == defines pivot table data
   * <br>A pivot table cache requires 2 directory storages
   * <br>_SX_DB_CUR = parent pivot cache
   * <br>0001, 0002 ... = child streams that define the pivot cache records
   * @param directories
   * @param wb
     * @param ref  Cell Range which identifies pivot table data range

  public void createPivotCache(StorageTable directories, WorkBookHandle wbh, String ref, int sId)
    throws InvalidRecordException {
    try {
      // KSC: TESTING
        if (wbh.getDebugLevel() > 100)
          System.out.println(String.format("creatpivotCache: ref: %s sid %d", ref, sId));
         * the Pivot Cache Storage specifies zero or more streams, each of which specify a PivotCache
         * The name of each stream (1) MUST be unique within the storage, and the name MUST be a four digit hexadecimal number stored as text.
         * The number of FDB rules that occur MUST be equal to the value of cfdbTot in the SXDBrecord (section 2.4.275).
      // KSC: unsure if it's absolutely necessary to also have CompObj storage
      try {     
      } catch (StorageNotFoundException e) {
        Storage compObj= directories.createStorage("\1CompObj", 2, directories.getDirectoryStreamID("\005DocumentSummaryInformation")+1);
        compObj.setBytesWithOverage(new byte[] {1, 0, -2, -1, 3, 10, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 32, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 38, 0, 0, 0, 77, 105, 99, 114, 111, 115, 111, 102, 116, 32, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101, 32, 69, 120, 99, 101, 108, 32, 50, 48, 48, 51, 32, 87, 111, 114, 107, 115, 104, 101, 101, 116, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 66, 105, 102, 102, 56, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 69, 120, 99, 101, 108, 46, 83, 104, 101, 101, 116, 46, 56, 0, -12, 57, -78, 113, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
        int compObjid= directories.getDirectoryStreamID("\1CompObj");
        Storage wb= directories.getDirectoryByName("Workbook");

       /* create _SX_DB_CUR + child (actual pivot cache) directory and put in proper order in directory array */
      Storage sx_db_cur= directories.createStorage("_SX_DB_CUR", 1, directories.getDirectoryStreamID("\005SummaryInformation"))// Pivot Cache Storage:  (id= 1) insert just before SummaryInfo -- ALWAYS ??????
      int sxdbcurid= directories.getDirectoryStreamID("_SX_DB_CUR")//
      Storage pcache1= directories.createStorage("0001", 2, sxdbcurid + 1);      // TODO: handle multiple Caches ... 0002 ...
      directories.getDirectoryByName("Root Entry").setChildStorageID(sxdbcurid);
      sx_db_cur.setChildStorageID(directories.getDirectoryStreamID("0001"));      // child= 0001 Cache Stream (id= 2)
      Storage si= directories.getDirectoryByName("\005SummaryInformation");
      si.setPrevStorageID(-1)// Necessary?????????
      directories.getDirectoryByName("Root Entry").setChildStorageID(sxdbcurid);    // ??? ALWAYS ????
      // create pivot cache records which are source of actual pivot cache data
      byte[] newbytes= createPivotCacheRecords(ref, wbh, sId)
      this.init(directories, wbh);
    } catch (StorageNotFoundException e) { // shouldn't!     

   * adds a specific instance of a cache field
   * <br>A cache item is contained in a cache field. A cache field can have zero cache items if the cache field is not in use in the PivotTable view.
   * TODO: handle unique cache items ...
   *   // TODO: need cache field index ***
   * @param cacheItem
  public void addCacheItem(int cacheId, int cacheItem) {
    int insertIndex= 0;
    for (BiffRec br: pivotCacheRecs.get(cacheId+1)) {
      if (br.getOpcode()==SXFDB) {
        ((SxFDB) br).setNCacheItems(((SxFDB) br).getNCacheItems()+1);
      } else if (br.getOpcode()==EOF) {
        insertIndex= pivotCacheRecs.get(cacheId+1).indexOf(br);
    // add required SXDBB for non-summary-cache items
    if (cacheItem > -1) {
      /* SXDBB records only exist when put cache fields on a pivot table axis == cache item*/   
      SxDBB sxdbb= (SxDBB) SxDBB.getPrototype();
      sxdbb.setCacheItemIndexes(new byte[] { Integer.valueOf(cacheItem).byteValue()})//ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)cacheItem));
      pivotCacheRecs.get(cacheId+1).add(insertIndex, sxdbb);
   *  take pivotCacheRecs and update the actual cache bytes
  private void updateCacheRecords(int cacheId) {
      byte[] newbytes= new byte[0];
    for (BiffRec br: pivotCacheRecs.get(cacheId+1)) {
      try {
        newbytes= ByteTools.append(((PivotCacheRecord)br).getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println(br.getClass().getName().substring(br.getClass().getName().lastIndexOf(".")+1) + ": " + Arrays.toString(((PivotCacheRecord)br).getRecord()));       
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        newbytes= ByteTools.append(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(br.getOpcode()), newbytes);
        newbytes= ByteTools.append(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)br.getData().length), newbytes);
        newbytes= ByteTools.append(br.getData(), newbytes);
//System.out.println(br.getClass().getName().substring(br.getClass().getName().lastIndexOf(".")+1) + ": " + Arrays.toString(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(br.getOpcode())) + Arrays.toString(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)br.getData().length)) + Arrays.toString(br.getData()));       
    Storage pcache1= caches.get(cacheId+1);
/*    try {
    this.init(book.factory.myLEO.getDirectoryArray(), null);
    } catch (StorageNotFoundException e) {     
   * parse range and create required cache records, returning bytes defining said records.
   * <br>For normal ranges, the PivotCache has one cache field for each column of the range,
   * using the values in the first row of the range for cache field names,
   * and all other rows are used as source data values, specified by cache records.
   * @param ref  Range Reference String, including sheet
   * @param wbh   workbookhandle
     * @param sId  Stream or cachid Id -- links back to SxStream set of records
  byte[] createPivotCacheRecords(String ref, WorkBookHandle wbh, int sId) {
      byte[] newbytes= new byte[0];       
    try {
      CellRange cr= new CellRange(ref, wbh, false, true);
      CellHandle[] ch= cr.getCells()// cells are in row-order
      int[] rows= cr.getRowInts()// first row= header, ensuing rows are cacherecords     
      int[] cols= cr.getColInts();
      int[] types= new int[cols.length]
      byte[][] cachefieldindexes= new byte[cols.length][rows.length-1];
      SxDB sxdb= (SxDB) SxDB.getPrototype();
      newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxdb.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXDB: " + Arrays.toString(sxdb.getRecord()));       
      SXDBEx sxdbex= (SXDBEx)SXDBEx.getPrototype()//TODO: nFormulas           
      newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxdbex.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXDBEX: " + Arrays.toString(sxdbex.getRecord()));       
      // TODO: cells after row header cell ***should be*** the same type -- true in ALL cases??????
      if (ch.length>cols.length) { // have multiple rows
        for (int i= 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
          CellHandle c= ch[i+(cols.length)];
          int type= -1;
          if (c.isDate())
            type= 6;
            type= c.getCellType();
          types[i]= type;
//TODO: ranges/grouping and formulas !!!!
//TODO: boolean vals?   
      for (int z= 0; z < rows.length; z++) {       
        for (int i= 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
          if (z==0) { // # SxFDB records==# COLUMNS==# Cache Fields
            SxFDB sxfdb= (SxFDB) SxFDB.getPrototype();
            sxfdb.setCacheField(ch[i].getStringVal())// row header values
            sxfdb.setNCacheItems(0);    // only set ACTUAL cache items when put cache field(s)on the pivot table (on row, page, column or data axis)           
            newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxfdb.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXFDB: " + Arrays.toString(sxfdb.getRecord()));       
            SXFDBType sxfdbtype= (SXFDBType) SXFDBType.getPrototype();
            newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxfdbtype.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXDFBTYPE: " + Arrays.toString(sxfdbtype.getRecord()));       
          cachefieldindexes[i][z-1]= (byte)i;
          // data cells== CACHE ITEMS
          CellHandle c= ch[z*(cols.length)+i];
// TODO: handle SxNil, SxErr, SxDtr
// TODO: handle SxFmla, SXName, SxPair, SxFormula         
          switch (types[i]) {
          case XLSConstants.TYPE_STRING:
            SXString sxstring= (SXString) SXString.getPrototype();
            newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxstring.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXSTRING: " + Arrays.toString(sxstring.getRecord()));       
          case XLSConstants.TYPE_FP:
          case XLSConstants.TYPE_INT:
          case XLSConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE:
            SXNum sxnum= (SXNum) SXNum.getPrototype();
            newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxnum.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXNUM: " + Arrays.toString(sxnum.getRecord()));       
          case XLSConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
            SXBool sxbool= (SXBool) SXBool.getPrototype();
            newbytes= ByteTools.append(sxbool.getRecord(), newbytes);
//System.out.println("SXBOOL: " + Arrays.toString(sxbool.getRecord()));       
        //TYPE_FORMULA = 3,    SxFmla *(SxName *SXPair)
          case 6:
            // SXDtr
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new InvalidRecordException("PivotCache.createPivotCache: invalid source range: " + ref);
    // EOF -- header:
    byte[] b= new byte[4];
    System.arraycopy(ByteTools.shortToLEBytes(XLSConstants.EOF), 0, b, 0, 2);
    newbytes= ByteTools.append(b, newbytes);
//System.out.println("EOF: " + Arrays.toString((b)));       
    return newbytes;

Related Classes of com.extentech.formats.XLS.PivotCache

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