Package com.extentech.formats.XLS

Source Code of com.extentech.formats.XLS.HLinkStruct

* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;

import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.CellRange;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.*;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;

/** <b>Hlink: Hyperlink (1b8h)</b><br>

   hyperlink record
    offset  name            size    contents
    4       rwFirst         2       First row of link
    6       rwLast          2       Last row of link
    8       colFirst        2       First col of link
    10      colLast         2       Last col of link
    12      rgbHlink        var     HLINK data

public final class Hlink extends XLSRecord{  
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -4259979643231173799L;
  int colFirst = -1, colLast = -1, rowFirst = -1, rowLast = -1;
    private HLinkStruct linkStruct = null;

  /** set last/first cols/rows
    public void setRowFirst(int c){
        byte[] b = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)c);
        byte[] dt= this.getData();
        System.arraycopy(b, 0, dt, 0, 2);
        this.rowFirst = c;
    public int getRowFirst(){return rowFirst;}
    /** set last/first cols/rows
    public void setRowLast(int c){
        byte[] b = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)c);
        byte[] dt= this.getData();
        System.arraycopy(b, 0, dt, 2, 2);
        this.rowLast = c;
    public int getRowLast(){return rowLast;}
    /** set last/first cols/rows
    public void setColFirst(int c){
        byte[] b = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)c);
        byte[] dt= this.getData();
        System.arraycopy(b, 0, dt, 4, 2);
        this.colFirst = c;
    public int getColFirst(){return colFirst;}
    /** set last/first cols/rows
    public void setColLast(int c){
        byte[] b = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short)c);
        byte[] dt= this.getData();
        System.arraycopy(b, 0, dt, 6, 2);
        this.colLast = c;
    public int getColLast(){return colLast;}   
    /** get the URL for this Hlink
    public String getURL(){
      if(linkStruct==null)return "";
      return linkStruct.getUrl();
     * return the description part of the hyperlink
     * @return
    public String getDescription() {
      if (linkStruct==null) return"";
      return linkStruct.getLinkText();
    public static XLSRecord getPrototype(){
        Hlink retlab = new Hlink();
        byte[] rbytes = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, -48, -55, -22, 121, -7, -70,
        -50, 17, -116, -126, 0, -86, 0, 75,
        -87, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, -32, -55, -22, 121, -7, -70,
        -50, 17, -116, -126, 0, -86, 0, 75,
        -87, 11, -116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
//        retlab.setURL(url, desc, textMark);    200606 KSC: do separately!
        return retlab;
     * set link URL with description and test mark
     * note that either url or text mark must be present ...
     * @param url
     * @param textMark
     * @param desc
    public void setURL(String url, String desc, String textMark) {
          if (url.equals("") && textMark.equals("")) {
            Logger.logWarn("HLINK.setURL:  no url or text mark specified");
          linkStruct.setUrl(url, desc, textMark);    
        }catch(Exception e){
          Logger.logWarn("setting URL "+url+" failed: " + e);
        byte[] bt = linkStruct.getBytes();
    public void setFileURL(String url, String desc, String textMark) {
          linkStruct.setFileURL(url, desc, textMark);
        }catch(Exception e){
          Logger.logWarn("setting URL "+url+" failed: " + e);
        byte[] bt = linkStruct.getBytes();
    /** returns whether a given col
        is referenced by this Hyperlink
    public boolean inrange(int x){
        if((x <= colLast) && (x >= colFirst))return true;
        return false;
    private CellRange range = null;
  public void init(){
    int pos = 0;
    rowFirst = (int) ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(pos++),this.getByteAt(pos++));
    rowLast  = (int) ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(pos++),this.getByteAt(pos++));
    colFirst = (int) ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(pos++),this.getByteAt(pos++));
    colLast  = (int) ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(pos++),this.getByteAt(pos++));
    Unicodestring ustr = new Unicodestring();

    String nm = "";
    if(this.getSheet()!=null) {
      if (!this.getSheet().getSheetName().equals(""))nm = this.getSheet().getSheetName() + "!";
    nm+= com.extentech.ExtenXLS.ExcelTools.getAlphaVal(colFirst);
      range = new CellRange(nm,null);
    }catch(Exception e){
      Logger.logWarn("initializing Hlink record failed: " + e);
    if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo("Hlink Cells: " + range.toString());

      linkStruct = new HLinkStruct(this.getBytesAt(0,this.getLength()));
    }catch(Exception e){
      Logger.logWarn("Hyperlink parse failed for Cells " + range.toString() + ": " + e);
    if(DEBUGLEVEL > 5)Logger.logInfo("Hlink URL: " + linkStruct.getUrl());

   * @return
  public CellRange getRange() {
    return range;

   * @param range
  public void setRange(CellRange range) {
    this.range= range;

    public void initCells(WorkBookHandle wbook){
    int[] cellcoords = new int[4];
    cellcoords[0] = this.getRowFirst();
    cellcoords[2] = this.getRowLast();
    cellcoords[1] = this.getColFirst();
    cellcoords[3] = this.getColLast();
        CellRange cr = new CellRange(wbook.getWorkSheet(this.getSheet().getSheetName()), cellcoords);
        BiffRec[] ch = cr.getCellRecs();
        for(int t=0;t<ch.length;t++){
      }catch(Exception e){
        Logger.logWarn("initializing Hyperlink Cells failed: " + e);     
    HLINK Struct
    ??      16
    int?    4
    int?    4
    cch?    4
    var     var
    int?    4
    ?       16
    cch     4
    urlstr  var
class HLinkStruct implements XLSConstants, Serializable{
  * serialVersionUID
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -1915454683496117350L;
  boolean isLink = false;
  boolean isAbsoluteLink = false;
  boolean hasDescription = false;
  boolean hasTextMark = false;
  boolean hasTargetFrame = false;
  boolean isUNCPath = false;
  byte grbit[] = new byte[4];
  /** decodes option flag into vars
   *  Here is the breakdown on what these mean:
   *  standard (non-local) URL:  isLink= true, isAbsoluteLink= true, isUNCPath= false
   *  local file:          isLink= true, isUNCPath= false
   *  UNC path:          isLink= true, isAbsoluteLink= true, isUNCPath= true
   *  link in current workbook:  isLink= false, isAbsoluteLink= false, hasTextMark= true, isUNCPath= false
   * @param grbytes
  void decodeGrbit(byte[] grbytes){
    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x1) > 0x0)isLink = true;
    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x2) > 0x0)isAbsoluteLink = true;
    // 20060406 KSC: need both bits 2 & 4 to be set for hasDescription
//    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x14) > 0x0)hasDescription = true;
    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x14) >= 0x14)hasDescription = true;
    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x8) > 0x0)hasTextMark = true;
    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x80) > 0x0)hasTargetFrame = true;
    if ((byte)(grbytes[0] & 0x100) > 0x0)isUNCPath = true;
  void setGrbit(){
    grbit[0] = 0x0
    if(isLink)grbit[0]= (byte)(0x1 | grbit[0])
    if(isAbsoluteLink)grbit[0]= (byte)(0x2 | grbit[0]);
    if(hasDescription)grbit[0]= (byte)(0x14 | grbit[0]);
    if(hasTextMark)grbit[0]= (byte)(0x8 | grbit[0]);
    if(hasTargetFrame)grbit[0]= (byte)(0x80 | grbit[0]);
    if(isUNCPath)grbit[0]= (byte)(0x100 | grbit[0]);
    mybytes[28] = grbit[0];

    boolean DEBUG = false;   
    int getUrlPos(){return urlcch;}
    byte[] getBytes(){return mybytes;}
    String url = "", linktext = "", textMark = "", targetFrame= "";
    int int1 = -1, urlcch = -1, int4 = -1;
    private byte[] mybytes = null;
    /** get the URL for this Hlink
    String getUrl(){
      if (textMark.equals(""))
        return url;
        return url + "#" + textMark;
  /** get the URL link text for this Hlink
  public String getLinkText(){return linktext;}
  // 20060406 KSC:  mods to setUrl:
  //   Added ability to set description + modified byte input to work mo' betta ...
    /** set the URL for this Hlink, description= URL <default>
     * Assume link URL i.e. no file URL, UNC path, etc. 
  void setUrl(String url) {
    setUrl(url, url, "");
    /** set standard link URL for this Hlink and optional description
     *  i.e. no file URL, UNC path, text marks ...  
    void setUrl(String ur, String desc){
    setUrl(url, desc, "");
     * set proper settings for URL and write bytes
     * @param ur
     * @param desc
     * @param textMark
    void setUrl(String ur, String desc, String textMark) {
    isLink = true;       
    isAbsoluteLink = true;   
    isUNCPath= false;
    hasDescription= desc.length() > 0;
    hasTextMark= textMark.length() > 0;
    setBytes(ur, desc, textMark);
     * Assume NOT TRUE FILE URL (avoids writing complex dir info + using FILE_GUID)
     * so difference between link URL and file URL is the isAbsoluteLink var ...
     * @param ur
     * @param desc
     * @param textMark
    void setFileURL(String ur, String desc, String textMark) {
      isLink= true;
      isAbsoluteLink= false;   
    isUNCPath= false;
    hasDescription= desc.length() > 0;
    hasTextMark= textMark.length() > 0;
    setBytes(ur, desc, textMark);

     * fills the HLINK bytes based on the settings of
     *   isLink
     *   isAbsoluteLink
     *   hasDescription
     *   hasTextMark
     *   hasTargetFrame
     *   isUNCPath
     * how these are set, before calling this method, determine
     * how the HLINK record bytes are written
     * @param ur  URL string
     * @param desc  optional descrption
     * @param tm  optional text mark text as in:  ...#textmarktext
  static final byte[] URL_GUID= {-32, -55, -22, 121, -7, -70, -50, 17, -116, -126, 0, -86, 0, 75, -87, 11};
  static final byte[] FILE_GUID= {3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70};
    void setBytes(String ur, String desc, String tm) {
      try {
          int pos = 32// start of description/text input
      byte[] blankbytes = new byte[2]// trailing zero word
          byte[] newbytes = new byte[pos];
          System.arraycopy(mybytes,0, newbytes, 0, pos); // copy old pre-string data into new array
      if (hasDescription) {
        // copy char array length (cch) of description + description bytes
        byte[] descbytes= desc.getBytes(UNICODEENCODING);
              int newcch = descbytes.length;
        byte[] newcchbytes = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(newcch/2 +1);

        // copy cch of desc in...
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(newcchbytes, newbytes);
        //copy bytes of description in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(descbytes, newbytes);
        // copy trailing dumb str bytes in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(blankbytes, newbytes);
      /* TODO:  Implement target frame right here
      if (hasTargetFrame) {
        // copy targetFrame bytes + length
        // get cch
        byte[] tfbytes= tf.getBytes(UNICODEENCODING);
              int newcch = tfbytes.length;
        byte[] newcchbytes = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(newcch/2 +1);
        // copy cch of tm in...
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(newcchbytes, newbytes);
        //copy bytes of tf in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(tfbytes, newbytes);

        // copy trailing dumb str bytes in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(blankbytes, newbytes);           

      /* URL Handling */
      // copy GUID in - ASSUME URL_GUID since aren't supporting relative FILE_GUIDs!
      newbytes = ByteTools.append(URL_GUID, newbytes);
      if (isLink) {
        // copy url bytes + length
        // get cch (which is different alg. from both description + textmark)
        byte[] urlbytes = ur.getBytes(UNICODEENCODING);
            int newcch = urlbytes.length;
        // copy cch of url in...
            byte[] newcchbytes =  ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(newcch+2);
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(newcchbytes, newbytes);
        // copy url bytes in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(urlbytes, newbytes);
        // copy trailing dumb str bytes in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(blankbytes, newbytes);

      if (hasTextMark) {
        // copy textmark bytes + length
        // get cch
        byte[] tmbytes= tm.getBytes(UNICODEENCODING);
              int newcch = tmbytes.length;
        byte[] newcchbytes = ByteTools.cLongToLEBytes(newcch/2 +1);
        // copy cch of tm in...
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(newcchbytes, newbytes);
        //copy bytes of tm in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(tmbytes, newbytes);

        // copy trailing dumb str bytes in
        newbytes = ByteTools.append(blankbytes, newbytes);           
          this.mybytes = newbytes;
          this.linktext = desc;
          this.textMark= tm;
          this.url = ur;
      }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){Logger.logWarn("Setting URL failed: " + ur + ": " + e);}
     * Inner class with no documentation
    HLinkStruct(byte[] barr){
        mybytes = barr;
        int pos = 28;
        System.arraycopy(barr, 28, grbit, 0, 4);
        pos += 4;

     * This section gets the display string for the Hyperlink, if it exists.
      int cch = ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
      if (cch>0) { // 20070814 KSC: shouldn't be 0 and also hasDescription ...
        byte[] descripbytes = new byte[(cch * 2)-2];
        System.arraycopy(barr, pos, descripbytes, 0, (cch*2)-2);
        linktext = new String(descripbytes, UNICODEENCODING);
        pos += cch*2;
        if(DEBUG)Logger.logInfo("Hlink.hlstruct Display URL: " + linktext);
      }catch(Exception e){
          if(DEBUG)Logger.logWarn("decoding Display URL in Hlink: " + e);
     * if it has a target frame, read in
    if (hasTargetFrame){
       int cch = ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
      if(cch >0){
          byte[] tfbytes = new byte[(cch * 2)-2];
          System.arraycopy(barr, pos, tfbytes, 0,(cch * 2)-2);
          targetFrame = new String(tfbytes, UNICODEENCODING);
            Logger.logInfo("Hlink.hlstruct targetFrame: " + targetFrame);
          pos += (cch * 2);
        }catch(Exception e){
            Logger.logWarn("Hlink Decode of targetFrame failed: " + e);
     * URL section:  non-local URL or Link in current file  
      byte[] GUID= new byte[16];
      System.arraycopy(barr, pos, GUID, 0,16);
      boolean bIsCurrentFileRef= java.util.Arrays.equals(GUID, FILE_GUID);
      pos += 16// skip GUID
      if (!bIsCurrentFileRef) {  // then it's a URL or non-relative file path
        urlcch = ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
            byte[] urlbytes = new byte[(urlcch)-2];
            System.arraycopy(barr, pos, urlbytes, 0,(urlcch)-2);
            url = new String(urlbytes, UNICODEENCODING);
              Logger.logInfo("Hlink.hlstruct URL: " + url);
            pos += urlcch;
          }catch(Exception e){
              Logger.logWarn("Hlink Decode of URL failed: " + e);
      } else // (appears to be a) current file link (Actuality is different than documentation!)
        int dirUps= ByteTools.readShort(barr[pos++], barr[pos++]);
        urlcch = ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
            byte[] urlbytes = new byte[urlcch-1];
            System.arraycopy(barr, pos, urlbytes, 0,urlcch-1);
            url = new String(urlbytes, DEFAULTENCODING);
              Logger.logInfo("Hlink.hlstruct File URL: " + url);
            pos += urlcch + 24// add char count + avoid the 24 "unknown" bytes
            int extraInfo= ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
            if (extraInfo>0) {
              int sz= ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
          }catch(Exception e){
              Logger.logWarn("Hlink Decode of File URL failed: " + e);
    if (hasTextMark){
       int cch = ByteTools.readInt(barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++],barr[pos++]);
      if(cch >0){
          byte[] tmbytes = new byte[(cch * 2)-2];
          System.arraycopy(barr, pos, tmbytes, 0,(cch * 2)-2);
          textMark = new String(tmbytes, UNICODEENCODING);
            Logger.logInfo("Hlink.hlstruct textMark: " + textMark);
          pos += (cch * 2);
        }catch(Exception e){
            Logger.logWarn("Hlink Decode of textmark failed: " + e);



Related Classes of com.extentech.formats.XLS.HLinkStruct

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