for (SpectrumIdentificationAssumption assumption : tempAssumptions) {
if (assumption instanceof PeptideAssumption) {
PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = (PeptideAssumption) assumption;
Peptide peptide = peptideAssumption.getPeptide();
String peptideSequence = peptide.getSequence();
// map the algorithm specific modifications on utilities modifications
// If there are not enough sites to put them all on the sequence, add an unknown modifcation
// Note: this needs to be done for tag based assumptions as well since the protein mapping can return erroneous modifications for some pattern based PTMs
ModificationProfile modificationProfile = searchParameters.getModificationProfile();
boolean fixedPtmIssue = false;
try {
ptmFactory.checkFixedModifications(modificationProfile, peptide, sequenceMatchingPreferences);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (idFilter.removeUnknownPTMs()) {
// Exclude peptides with aberrant PTM mapping
fixedPtmIssue = true;
} else {
throw e;
if (!fixedPtmIssue) {
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> expectedNames = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
HashMap<ModificationMatch, ArrayList<String>> modNames = new HashMap<ModificationMatch, ArrayList<String>>();
for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> tempNames = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
if (modMatch.isVariable()) {
String sePTM = modMatch.getTheoreticPtm();
if (fileReader instanceof OMSSAIdfileReader) {
Integer omssaIndex = null;
try {
omssaIndex = new Integer(sePTM);
} catch (Exception e) {
waitingHandler.appendReport("Impossible to parse OMSSA modification " + sePTM + ".", true, true);
if (omssaIndex != null) {
String omssaName = modificationProfile.getModification(omssaIndex);
if (omssaName == null) {
if (!ignoredOMSSAModifications.contains(omssaIndex)) {
waitingHandler.appendReport("Impossible to find OMSSA modification of index "
+ omssaIndex + ". The corresponding peptides will be ignored.", true, true);
omssaName = PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName();
tempNames = ptmFactory.getExpectedPTMs(modificationProfile, peptide, omssaName, ptmMassTolerance, sequenceMatchingPreferences);
} else if (fileReader instanceof MascotIdfileReader
|| fileReader instanceof XTandemIdfileReader
|| fileReader instanceof MsAmandaIdfileReader
|| fileReader instanceof MzIdentMLIdfileReader
|| fileReader instanceof PepxmlIdfileReader) {
String[] parsedName = sePTM.split("@");
double seMass = 0;
try {
seMass = new Double(parsedName[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to parse \'" + sePTM + "\' as a tagged modification.\n"
+ "Error encountered in peptide " + peptideSequence + " spectrum " + spectrumTitle + " in spectrum file " + fileName + ".\n"
+ "Identification file: " + idFile.getName());
tempNames = ptmFactory.getExpectedPTMs(modificationProfile, peptide, seMass, ptmMassTolerance, sequenceMatchingPreferences);
} else if (fileReader instanceof DirecTagIdfileReader) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(sePTM);
if (ptm == PTMFactory.unknownPTM) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PTM not recognized spectrum " + spectrumTitle + " of file " + fileName + ".");
tempNames = ptmFactory.getExpectedPTMs(modificationProfile, peptide, ptm.getMass(), ptmMassTolerance, sequenceMatchingPreferences);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PTM mapping not implemented for the parsing of " + idFile.getName() + ".");
ArrayList<String> allNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ArrayList<String> namesAtAA : tempNames.values()) {
for (String name : namesAtAA) {
if (!allNames.contains(name)) {
modNames.put(modMatch, allNames);
for (int pos : tempNames.keySet()) {
ArrayList<String> namesAtPosition = expectedNames.get(pos);
if (namesAtPosition == null) {
namesAtPosition = new ArrayList<String>(2);
expectedNames.put(pos, namesAtPosition);
for (String ptmName : tempNames.get(pos)) {
if (!namesAtPosition.contains(ptmName)) {
// If a terminal modification cannot be elsewhere lock the terminus
ModificationMatch nTermModification = null;
for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
if (modMatch.isVariable() && !modMatch.getTheoreticPtm().equals(PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName())) {
double refMass = getRefMass(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationProfile);
int modSite = modMatch.getModificationSite();
if (modSite == 1) {
ArrayList<String> expectedNamesAtSite = expectedNames.get(modSite);
if (expectedNamesAtSite != null) {
ArrayList<String> filteredNamesAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(expectedNamesAtSite.size());
for (String ptmName : expectedNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
if (Math.abs(ptm.getMass() - refMass) < searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy()) {
for (String modName : filteredNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);
if (ptm.isNTerm()) {
boolean otherPossibleMod = false;
for (String tempName : modificationProfile.getAllNotFixedModifications()) {
if (!tempName.equals(modName)) {
PTM tempPTM = ptmFactory.getPTM(tempName);
if (tempPTM.getMass() == ptm.getMass() && !tempPTM.isNTerm()) {
otherPossibleMod = true;
if (!otherPossibleMod) {
nTermModification = modMatch;
if (nTermModification != null) {
ModificationMatch cTermModification = null;
for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
if (modMatch.isVariable() && !modMatch.getTheoreticPtm().equals(PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName()) && modMatch != nTermModification) {
double refMass = getRefMass(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationProfile);
int modSite = modMatch.getModificationSite();
if (modSite == peptideSequence.length()) {
ArrayList<String> expectedNamesAtSite = expectedNames.get(modSite);
if (expectedNamesAtSite != null) {
ArrayList<String> filteredNamesAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(expectedNamesAtSite.size());
for (String ptmName : expectedNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
if (Math.abs(ptm.getMass() - refMass) < searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy()) {
for (String modName : filteredNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);
if (ptm.isCTerm()) {
boolean otherPossibleMod = false;
for (String tempName : modificationProfile.getAllNotFixedModifications()) {
if (!tempName.equals(modName)) {
PTM tempPTM = ptmFactory.getPTM(tempName);
if (tempPTM.getMass() == ptm.getMass() && !tempPTM.isCTerm()) {
otherPossibleMod = true;
if (!otherPossibleMod) {
cTermModification = modMatch;
if (cTermModification != null) {
// Map the modifications according to search engine localization
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> siteToPtmMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); // Site to ptm name including termini
HashMap<Integer, ModificationMatch> siteToMatchMap = new HashMap<Integer, ModificationMatch>(); // Site to Modification match excluding termini
HashMap<ModificationMatch, Integer> matchToSiteMap = new HashMap<ModificationMatch, Integer>(); // Modification match to site excluding termini
boolean allMapped = true;
for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
boolean mapped = false;
if (modMatch.isVariable() && modMatch != nTermModification && modMatch != cTermModification && !modMatch.getTheoreticPtm().equals(PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName())) {
double refMass = getRefMass(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationProfile);
int modSite = modMatch.getModificationSite();
boolean terminal = false;
ArrayList<String> expectedNamesAtSite = expectedNames.get(modSite);
if (expectedNamesAtSite != null) {
ArrayList<String> filteredNamesAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(expectedNamesAtSite.size());
ArrayList<String> modificationAtSite = siteToPtmMap.get(modSite);
for (String ptmName : expectedNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
if (Math.abs(ptm.getMass() - refMass) < searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy()
&& (modificationAtSite == null || !modificationAtSite.contains(ptmName))) {
if (filteredNamesAtSite.size() == 1) {
String ptmName = filteredNamesAtSite.get(0);
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
if (ptm.isNTerm() && nTermModification == null) {
nTermModification = modMatch;
mapped = true;
} else if (ptm.isCTerm() && cTermModification == null) {
cTermModification = modMatch;
mapped = true;
} else if (!ptm.isNTerm() && !ptm.isCTerm()) {
matchToSiteMap.put(modMatch, modSite);
siteToMatchMap.put(modSite, modMatch);
mapped = true;
if (mapped) {
if (modificationAtSite == null) {
modificationAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(2);
siteToPtmMap.put(modSite, modificationAtSite);
if (!mapped) {
if (filteredNamesAtSite.isEmpty()) {
filteredNamesAtSite = expectedNamesAtSite;
if (modSite == 1) {
Double minDiff = null;
String bestPtmName = null;
for (String modName : filteredNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);
if (ptm.isNTerm() && nTermModification == null) {
double massError = Math.abs(refMass - ptm.getMass());
if (massError <= searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy()
&& (minDiff == null || massError < minDiff)) {
bestPtmName = modName;
minDiff = massError;
if (bestPtmName != null) {
nTermModification = modMatch;
terminal = true;
if (modificationAtSite == null) {
modificationAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(2);
siteToPtmMap.put(modSite, modificationAtSite);
mapped = true;
} else if (modSite == peptideSequence.length()) {
Double minDiff = null;
String bestPtmName = null;
for (String modName : filteredNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);
if (ptm.isCTerm() && cTermModification == null) {
double massError = Math.abs(refMass - ptm.getMass());
if (massError <= searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy()
&& (minDiff == null || massError < minDiff)) {
bestPtmName = modName;
minDiff = massError;
if (bestPtmName != null) {
cTermModification = modMatch;
terminal = true;
if (modificationAtSite == null) {
modificationAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(2);
siteToPtmMap.put(modSite, modificationAtSite);
mapped = true;
if (!terminal) {
Double minDiff = null;
String bestPtmName = null;
for (String modName : filteredNamesAtSite) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);
if (!ptm.isCTerm() && !ptm.isNTerm() && modNames.get(modMatch).contains(modName) && !siteToMatchMap.containsKey(modSite)) {
double massError = Math.abs(refMass - ptm.getMass());
if (massError <= searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy()
&& (minDiff == null || massError < minDiff)) {
bestPtmName = modName;
minDiff = massError;
if (bestPtmName != null) {
if (modificationAtSite == null) {
modificationAtSite = new ArrayList<String>(2);
siteToPtmMap.put(modSite, modificationAtSite);
matchToSiteMap.put(modMatch, modSite);
siteToMatchMap.put(modSite, modMatch);
mapped = true;
if (!mapped) {
allMapped = false;
if (!allMapped) {
// Try to correct incompatible localizations
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> remap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>();
for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
if (modMatch.isVariable() && modMatch != nTermModification && modMatch != cTermModification && !matchToSiteMap.containsKey(modMatch) && !modMatch.getTheoreticPtm().equals(PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName())) {
int modSite = modMatch.getModificationSite();
for (int candidateSite : expectedNames.keySet()) {
if (!siteToMatchMap.containsKey(candidateSite)) {
for (String modName : expectedNames.get(candidateSite)) {
if (modNames.get(modMatch).contains(modName)) {
PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);
if ((!ptm.isCTerm() || cTermModification == null)
&& (!ptm.isNTerm() || nTermModification == null)) {
ArrayList<Integer> ptmSites = remap.get(modSite);
if (ptmSites == null) {
ptmSites = new ArrayList<Integer>(4);
remap.put(modSite, ptmSites);
if (!ptmSites.contains(candidateSite)) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> correctedIndexes = PtmSiteMapping.alignAll(remap);
for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
if (modMatch.isVariable() && modMatch != nTermModification && modMatch != cTermModification && !matchToSiteMap.containsKey(modMatch) && !modMatch.getTheoreticPtm().equals(PTMFactory.unknownPTM.getName())) {
Integer modSite = correctedIndexes.get(modMatch.getModificationSite());
if (modSite != null) {
if (expectedNames.containsKey(modSite)) {
for (String modName : expectedNames.get(modSite)) {
if (modNames.get(modMatch).contains(modName)) {
ArrayList<String> taken = siteToPtmMap.get(modSite);
if (taken == null || !taken.contains(modName)) {
matchToSiteMap.put(modMatch, modSite);
if (taken == null) {
taken = new ArrayList<String>(2);
siteToPtmMap.put(modSite, taken);
} else {
matchToSiteMap.put(modMatch, modSite);
if (!matchToSiteMap.containsKey(modMatch)) {
if (idFilter.validateModifications(peptide, sequenceMatchingPreferences, searchParameters.getModificationProfile())) {
// Estimate the theoretic mass with the new modifications
if (!idFilter.validatePrecursor(peptideAssumption, spectrumKey, spectrumFactory)) {
} else if (!idFilter.validateProteins(peptideAssumption.getPeptide(), sequenceMatchingPreferences)) {
// Check whether there is a potential first hit which does not belong to both the target and the decoy database