float[] ll = poly.getLatLonArray();
int actualPosition = (position == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? ll.length
: position * 2);
LatLonPoint llpnt = projection.inverse(x, y);
if (Debug.debugging("eomp")) {
Debug.output("EditableOMPoly: adding point to lat/lon poly at "
+ x + ", " + y + ": " + llpnt + ", at the end of ");
for (int j = 0; j < ll.length; j += 2) {
Debug.output(ll[j] + ", " + ll[j + 1]);
float[] newll = new float[ll.length + 2];
if (actualPosition >= ll.length) {
// Put the new points at the end
if (ll.length != 0) {
System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 0, ll.length);
newll[ll.length] = llpnt.radlat_;
newll[ll.length + 1] = llpnt.radlon_;
position = ll.length / 2;
} else if (actualPosition <= 0) {
// Put the new point at the beginning
System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 2, ll.length);
newll[0] = llpnt.radlat_;
newll[1] = llpnt.radlon_;
position = 0;
} else {
// actualPosition because there are 2 floats for
// every
// position.
newll[actualPosition] = llpnt.radlat_;
newll[actualPosition + 1] = llpnt.radlon_;
System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 0, actualPosition);
actualPosition + 2,
ll.length - actualPosition);
poly.setLocation((float[]) newll, OMGraphic.RADIANS);
} else if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_XY) {
// Grab the projected endpoints
Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: adding point to x/y poly");
int currentLength = poly.xs.length;
int[] newxs = new int[currentLength + 1];
int[] newys = new int[currentLength + 1];
if (position >= currentLength) {
// Put the new points at the end
System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, currentLength);
System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, currentLength);
newxs[currentLength] = x;
newys[currentLength] = y;
position = currentLength;
} else if (position <= 0) {
// Put the new points at the beginning
System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 1, currentLength);
System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 1, currentLength);
newxs[0] = x;
newys[0] = y;
position = 0;
} else {
newxs[position] = x;
newys[position] = y;
System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, position);
position + 1,
currentLength - position);
System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, position);
position + 1,
currentLength - position);
poly.setLocation(newxs, newys);
} else {
// Rendertype is offset...
// Grab the projected endpoints
Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: adding point to offset poly");
int currentLength = poly.xs.length;
int[] newxs = new int[currentLength + 1];
int[] newys = new int[currentLength + 1];
if (position >= currentLength) {
// Put the new points at the end
position = currentLength;
System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, currentLength);
System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, currentLength);
} else if (position <= 0) {
// Put the new points at the beginning
position = 0;
System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 1, currentLength);
System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 1, currentLength);
} else {
System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, position);
position + 1,
currentLength - position);
System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, position);
position + 1,
currentLength - position);
int offsetX;
int offsetY;
if (gpo.getX() == -1 && gpo.getY() == -1) {
offsetX = projection.getWidth() / 2;
offsetY = projection.getHeight() / 2;
} else {
offsetX = gpo.getX();
offsetY = gpo.getY();
if (poly.coordMode == OMPoly.COORDMODE_ORIGIN || position == 0) { // cover
// the
// first
// point
newxs[position] = x - offsetX;
newys[position] = y - offsetY;
} else { // CMode Previous offset deltas
newxs[position] = x - offsetX - newxs[position - 1];
newys[position] = y - offsetY - newys[position - 1];
if (position == 0) {
// Could call projection.getCenter() but that might
// break if/when we make other projection
// libraries/paradigms active.
LatLonPoint llpnt = projection.inverse(offsetX, offsetY);
poly.lat = llpnt.radlat_;
poly.lon = llpnt.radlon_;