java.lang.String staticArgs,
org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder dynamicArgs,
com.bbn.openmap.CSpecialist.GraphicChange notifyOnChange,
String uniqueID) {
try {
LatLonPoint newll1 = new LatLonPoint(, ll1.lon);
LatLonPoint newll2 = new LatLonPoint(, ll2.lon);
* If the we are zoomed out so that we _might_ have the
* entire world on the screen, then let's check to see if
* east and west are approximately equal. If they are,
* change them to -180 and +180 so that we get the entire
* world without having trouble with the floating point
* rounding errors that allow west to be slightly less
* than east (by .00001) and confuse our clipping routines
* into thinking that there should be nothing on the
* screen since nothing falls in that .00001 slice of the
* world.
if ((p.scale > 100000000)
&& MoreMath.approximately_equal(ll1.lon, ll2.lon, .01)) {
Debug.message("vpfspecialist", "fillRectangle.. " + staticArgs);
Hashtable dynArgs = parseDynamicArgs(dynamicArgs.value);