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// BBN Technologies
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// $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/proj/CADRG.java,v $
// $RCSfile: CADRG.java,v $
// $Revision: $
// $Date: 2005/08/09 21:17:54 $
// $Author: dietrick $
// **********************************************************************
package com.bbn.openmap.proj;
import java.awt.Point;
import com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint;
import com.bbn.openmap.MoreMath;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug;
* Implements the CADRG projection. This is really an Equal Arc
* Projection with pixel spacings as dictated by the RPF
* specification.
public class CADRG extends Cylindrical implements EqualArc {
* The CADRG name.
public final static transient String CADRGName = "CADRG";
* The CADRG type of projection.
public final static transient int CADRGType = 42;
public final static transient float epsilon = 0.0001f;
// HACK -degrees
private static final float NORTH_LIMIT = ProjMath.degToRad(80.0f);
private static final float SOUTH_LIMIT = -NORTH_LIMIT;
private double spps_x, spps_y; // scaled pixels per SCoord
private static final int CADRG_ARC_A[] = { 369664, 302592, 245760, 199168,
163328, 137216, 110080, 82432 };
private static final double CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT = 2000.0;
private static final int CADRG_get_zone_old_extents[] = { 32, 48, 56, 64,
68, 72, 76, 80, 90 };
private int /* ox, */oy;
private double x_pix_constant, y_pix_constant;
private Point ul;//upper left
private float[] lower_zone_extents;
private float[] upper_zone_extents;
private int zone;
* Construct a CADRG projection.
* @param center LatLonPoint center of projection
* @param scale float scale of projection
* @param width width of screen
* @param height height of screen
public CADRG(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height) {
super(center, scale, width, height, CADRGType);
minscale = (float) 1000000 / (float) CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT;
* Sets radian latitude to something sane. This is an abstract
* function since some projections don't deal well with extreme
* latitudes.
* @param lat float latitude in radians
* @return float latitude (-PI/2 <= y <= PI/2)
* @see com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint#normalize_latitude(float)
public float normalize_latitude(float lat) {
if (lat > NORTH_LIMIT) {
} else if (lat < SOUTH_LIMIT) {
return lat;
// protected void finalize() {
// Debug.message("proj", "CADRG finialized");
// }
* Return stringified description of this projection.
* <p>
* @return String
* @see Projection#getProjectionID
public String toString() {
return "CADRG[ spps_x=" + spps_x + " spps_y=" + spps_y + " x_pix="
+ x_pix_constant + " y_pix=" + y_pix_constant +
/* " ox=" + ox + */" oy=" + oy + " ul(" + ul.x + "," + ul.y
+ ")" + super.toString();
* Returns the current zone of the projection. Zone number starts
* at 1, goes to 8, per the RPF specification. We don't handle
* zone 9 (polar).
* @return the zone of the projection.
public int getZone() {
return zone;
* Given a letter for a zone, return the CADRG zone equivalent,
public static int getProjZone(char asciiZone) {
int z = (int) asciiZone;
if (z == 74)
z--; // Fix J to a zone.
if (z > 64)
z -= 64; // Below the equator
z -= 48; // Above the equator
// Now we should have a number, of a zone 1-9
return z;
* Get the planet pixel circumference.
* @return float circumference of planet in pixels
public float getPlanetPixelCircumference() {
// Why this algorithm? Well, the CADRG_ARC_A is a pixel count
// that needs to be multiplied by 1000000 to normalize it
// against the 1:1M factor reflected in the array values. The
// 1.5 factor was tossed in there because it was showing up in
// other calculations as that 100/150 thing. It works in
// tests.
return (1000000 * (float) CADRG_ARC_A[zone - 1]) / 1.5f;
// These are the same things...
// return (float)getXPixConstant() * scale;
// This is what the default return value is from the super
// class.
// return planetPixelCircumference; // the standard return for
// projections...
* Returns the zone based on the y_pix_constant and a latitude.
* <p>
* HACK: latitude in decimal degrees DO THE CONSTANTS DEPEND ON
* THIS?!!
* <p>
* @param lat latitude
* @param y_pix_constant pixel constant
private int getZone(double lat, double y_pix_constant) {
int NOT_SET = -1;
int ret = NOT_SET;
double delta;
double upper_lat, lower_lat;
int x;
double pivot;
/** Pixels per degree */
double ppd = y_pix_constant / 90;
if (upper_zone_extents == null) {
upper_zone_extents = new float[CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length];
if (lower_zone_extents == null) {
lower_zone_extents = new float[CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length + 1];
* Delta*2 is the number of degrees for the height of the
* projection.
if (y_pix_constant == 0)
delta = 0;
delta = height / 2.0 * 90.0 / y_pix_constant;
Debug.message("proj", "height = " + height);
upper_lat = Math.abs(Math.abs(lat) + delta);
lower_lat = Math.abs(Math.abs(lat) - delta);
Debug.message("proj", "upper_lat = " + upper_lat);
Debug.message("proj", "lower_lat = " + lower_lat);
lower_zone_extents[0] = 0f;
lower_zone_extents[8] = 80f;
upper_zone_extents[8] = 90f;
// figure out new extents - from CADRG spec
for (x = 0; x < CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length - 1/* 8 */; x++) {
pivot = ppd * CADRG_get_zone_old_extents[x] / 1536.0;
pivot = Math.floor(pivot);
Debug.message("proj", "pivot = " + pivot);
lower_zone_extents[x + 1] = (float) (pivot * 1536.0 / ppd);
// Can't go further than the equator.
// if (x == 0) lower_zone_extents[x] = 0;
upper_zone_extents[x] = (float) (pivot * 1536.0 / ppd);
Debug.message("proj", "lower_zone_extents[" + x + "] = "
+ lower_zone_extents[x]);
Debug.message("proj", "upper_zone_extents[" + x + "] = "
+ upper_zone_extents[x]);
if ((lower_lat <= (double) upper_zone_extents[x])
&& (upper_lat <= (double) upper_zone_extents[x])
&& ret == NOT_SET)
ret = x + 1;
if (ret == NOT_SET)
ret = CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length - 1;
return ret;
* Returns the x pixel constant of the projection. This was
* calcuated when the projection was created. Represents the
* number of pixels around the earth (360 degrees).
public double getXPixConstant() {
return x_pix_constant;
* Returns the y pixel constant of the projection. This was
* calcuated when the projection was created. Represents the
* number of pixels from 0 to 90 degrees.
public double getYPixConstant() {
return y_pix_constant;
* Returns the upper zone extent for the given zone at the current
* scale. This only makes sense if the projection is at the same
* scale as the chart data you are interested in.
public float getUpperZoneExtent(int zone) {
if (zone < 1)
zone = 1;
if (zone > 8)
zone = 9;
return upper_zone_extents[zone - 1];
* Returns the lower zone extent for the given zone at the current
* scale. This only makes sense if the projection is at the same
* scale as the chart data you are interested in.
public float getLowerZoneExtent(int zone) {
if (zone < 1)
zone = 1;
if (zone > 8)
zone = 9;
return lower_zone_extents[zone - 1];
* Return the number of horizontal frame files that will fit
* around the world in the current zone. This only makes sense if
* the projection is at the same scale as the chart data you are
* interested in.
* @return number of frame columes in the current zone, to go
* around the world.
public int numHorizontalFrames() {
return (int) Math.ceil(x_pix_constant / (1536.0));
* Return the number of vertical frame files that will fit within
* the current zone, overlaps included. This only makes sense if
* the projection is at the same scale as the chart data you are
* interested in.
* @return number of frame rows in the current zone.
public int numVerticalFrames() {
return (int) Math.round((upper_zone_extents[zone - 1] - lower_zone_extents[zone - 1])
* (y_pix_constant / 90.0) / (1536.0));
* Figures out the number of pixels around the earth, for 360
* degrees.
* <p>
* @param adrgscale The scale adjusted to 1:1M (1M/real scale)
* @param zone ADRG zone
* @return The number of pixels around the equator (360 degrees)
private double CADRG_x_pix_constant(double adrgscale, int zone) {
// E-W pixel constant
double x_pix = (double) adrgscale * CADRG_ARC_A[zone - 1] / 512.0;
// Increase, if necessary, to the next highest integer value
x_pix = Math.ceil(x_pix);
x_pix = x_pix * 1.33333;//(512*100)/(150*256);
// Round the final result.
x_pix = Math.round(x_pix);
return x_pix * 256.0;
* Calculate the maximum allowable scale.
* <p>
* @return float maxscale
private float CADRG_calc_maxscale() {
// Why 1.5? It was 150/100? Why?
return (1000000 * (float) CADRG_ARC_A[0]) / (width * 1.5f);
* Returns the number of pixels from the equator to a pole.
* <p>
* @param adrgscale scale adjusted to 1:1M (1M/real scale)
* @return number of pixels from 0 to 90 degrees
private double CADRG_y_pix_constant(double adrgscale) {
final int CADRG_ARC_B = 400384;
double y_pix = (double) adrgscale * CADRG_ARC_B / 512.0;
// Increase, if necessary, to the next highest integer value
y_pix = Math.ceil(y_pix);
y_pix = y_pix * 0.33333;//(512*100)/(4*150*256);
// Round the final result.
y_pix = Math.round(y_pix);
return y_pix * 256.0;
* Checks if a LatLonPoint is plot-able.
* <p>
* A point is plot-able in the CADRG projection if it is within
* the North and South zone limits.
* <p>
* @param lat float latitude in decimal degrees
* @param lon float longitude in decimal degrees
* @return boolean
public boolean isPlotable(float lat, float lon) {
lat = normalize_latitude(ProjMath.degToRad(lat));
return ((lat - epsilon < NORTH_LIMIT) && (lat + epsilon > SOUTH_LIMIT));
* Projects a point from Lat/Lon space to X/Y space.
* <p>
* @param pt LatLonPoint
* @param ret_val Point retval
* @return Point ret_val
public Point forward(LatLonPoint pt, Point ret_val) {
float lon_ = wrap_longitude(pt.radlon_ - ctrLon);
float lat_ = normalize_latitude(pt.radlat_);
ret_val.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(spps_x * lon_) - ul.x;
ret_val.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-spps_y * lat_) + ul.y + oy;
return ret_val;
* Forward projects lat,lon into XY space and returns a Point.
* @param lat float latitude in radians
* @param lon float longitude in radians
* @param ret_val Resulting XY Point
* @return Point ret_val
public Point forward(float lat, float lon, Point ret_val, boolean b) {
float lon_ = wrap_longitude(lon - ctrLon);
float lat_ = normalize_latitude(lat);
ret_val.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(spps_x * lon_) - ul.x;
ret_val.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-spps_y * lat_) + ul.y + oy;
return ret_val;
* Forward projects lat,lon coordinates.
* <p>
* @param lat raw latitude in decimal degrees
* @param lon raw longitude in decimal degrees
* @param ret_val Resulting XY Point
* @return Point ret_val
public Point forward(float lat, float lon, Point ret_val) {
float lon_ = wrap_longitude(ProjMath.degToRad(lon) - ctrLon);
float lat_ = normalize_latitude(ProjMath.degToRad(lat));
ret_val.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(spps_x * lon_) - ul.x;
ret_val.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-spps_y * lat_) + ul.y + oy;
return ret_val;
* Inverse project a Point.
* @param pt x,y Point
* @param ret_val resulting LatLonPoint
* @return LatLonPoint ret_val
public LatLonPoint inverse(Point pt, LatLonPoint ret_val) {
Point pixpoint = new Point(0, 0);
/* offset back into pixel space from Drawable space */
pixpoint.x = pt.x + ul.x/* - ox */;
pixpoint.y = -pt.y + ul.y + oy;
// Check bounds on the call (P Space). Mutate if needed.
if (pixpoint.x > (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.x / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.x / 2.0);
} else if (pixpoint.x < (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.x / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.x / 2.0);
if (pixpoint.y > (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.y / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.y / 2.0);
} else if (pixpoint.y < (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.y / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.y / 2.0);
// normalize_latitude on the way out.
float lat_ = normalize_latitude((float) ((double) pixpoint.y / (double) spps_y));
// longitude is wrapped as usual.
ret_val.setLongitude(ProjMath.radToDeg((float) ((double) pixpoint.x / (double) spps_x)
+ ctrLon));
// // normalize_latitude on the way out.
// float lat_ =
// normalize_latitude(degToRad(((float)MoreMath.SC_TO_DEG(
// (int)(ProjMath.roundAdjust((double)pixpoint.y/(double)spps_y))))));
// ret_val.setLatitude((float)ProjMath.radToDeg(lat_));
// // longitude is wrapped as usual.
// ret_val.setLongitude((float)MoreMath.SC_TO_DEG(
// (int)(ProjMath.roundAdjust((double)pixpoint.x/(double)spps_x)
// +
// MoreMath.DEG_TO_SC(ProjMath.radToDeg(ctrLon)))));
return ret_val;
* Inverse project x,y coordinates into a LatLonPoint.
* <p>
* @param x integer x coordinate
* @param y integer y coordinate
* @param ret_val LatLonPoint
* @return LatLonPoint ret_val
* @see Proj#inverse(Point)
public LatLonPoint inverse(int x, int y, LatLonPoint ret_val) {
Point pixpoint = new Point(0, 0);
/* offset back into pixel space from Drawable space */
pixpoint.x = x + ul.x/* - ox */;
pixpoint.y = -y + ul.y + oy;
// Check bounds on the call (P Space). Mutate if needed.
if (pixpoint.x > (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.x / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.x / 2.0);
} else if (pixpoint.x < (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.x / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.x / 2.0);
if (pixpoint.y > (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.y / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(world.y / 2.0);
} else if (pixpoint.y < (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.y / 2.0)) {
pixpoint.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-world.y / 2.0);
// normalize_latitude on the way out.
float lat_ = normalize_latitude((float) ((double) pixpoint.y / (double) spps_y));
// longitude is wrapped as usual.
ret_val.setLongitude(ProjMath.radToDeg((float) ((double) pixpoint.x / (double) spps_x)
+ ctrLon));
return ret_val;
* Called when some fundamental parameters change.
* <p>
* Each projection will decide how to respond to this change. For
* instance, they may need to recalculate "constant" paramters
* used in the forward() and inverse() calls.
* <p>
protected void computeParameters() {
int w, h;
if (ul == null)
ul = new Point(0, 0); //HACK
// quick calculate the maxscale
maxscale = CADRG_calc_maxscale();
if (scale > maxscale)
scale = maxscale;
// Compute the "ADRG" scale, which gets used below.
double adrgscale = 1000000.0 / scale; // 1 million (from ADRG
// spec)
if (adrgscale > CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT) {
Debug.message("proj", "CADRG: adrgscale > CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT");
adrgscale = CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT;
// Compute the y pixel constant based on scale.
y_pix_constant = CADRG_y_pix_constant(adrgscale);
if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
Debug.output("Y pix constant = " + y_pix_constant);
// What zone are we in?
zone = getZone(ProjMath.radToDeg(ctrLat), y_pix_constant);
if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
Debug.output("Zone = " + zone);
// Compute the x pixel constant, based on scale and zone.
x_pix_constant = CADRG_x_pix_constant(adrgscale, zone);
if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
Debug.output("x_pix_constant = " + x_pix_constant);
// Now I can compute the world coordinate.
if (world == null)
world = new Point(0, 0);
world.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(x_pix_constant);
world.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(y_pix_constant * 4.0 / 2.0);
Debug.message("proj", "world = " + world.x + "," + world.y);
// Compute scaled pixels per RADIAN, not SCOORD
spps_x = (double) x_pix_constant / MoreMath.TWO_PI/* MoreMath.DEG_TO_SC(360) */;
spps_y = (double) y_pix_constant / MoreMath.HALF_PI/* MoreMath.DEG_TO_SC(90) */;
Debug.message("proj", "spps = " + spps_x + "," + spps_y);
// Fix the "small world" situation, computing ox, oy.
if (width > world.x) {
Debug.message("proj", "CADRG: fixing small world");
w = world.x;
// ox = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust((width - w) / 2.0);
} else {
w = width;
// ox = 0;
if (height > world.y) {
h = (int) world.y;
oy = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust((height - h) / 2.0);
} else {
h = height;
oy = 0;
// compute the "upper left" adjustment.
long temp = (long) ProjMath.roundAdjust(spps_y * ctrLat);
if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
Debug.output("CADRG.temp = " + temp);
if (ul == null)
ul = new Point(0, 0);
ul.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-w / 2.0);
if ((temp != 0) && (oy != 0)) {
ul.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(h / 2.0);
} else {
ul.y = (int) temp + (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(h / 2.0);
if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
Debug.output("CADRG: ul = " + ul.x + "," + ul.y);
Debug.output(/* "ox = " + ox + */" oy = " + oy);
// Finally compute some useful cylindrical projection
// parameters
// maxscale = (CADRG_ARC_A[0] * (1000000/width));// HACK!!!
half_world = world.x / 2;
if (scale > maxscale) {
scale = maxscale;
// scaled_radius = planetPixelRadius/scale;
Debug.message("proj", "CADRG.computeParameters(): maxscale: "
+ maxscale);
* Get the name string of the projection.
public String getName() {
return CADRGName;
* Given a couple of points representing a bounding box, find out
* what the scale should be in order to make those points appear
* at the corners of the projection.
* @param ll1 the upper left coordinates of the bounding box.
* @param ll2 the lower right coordinates of the bounding box.
* @param point1 a java.awt.Point reflecting a pixel spot on the
* projection that matches the ll1 coordinate, the upper
* left corner of the area of interest.
* @param point2 a java.awt.Point reflecting a pixel spot on the
* projection that matches the ll2 coordinate, usually the
* lower right corner of the area of interest.
public float getScale(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, Point point1,
Point point2) {
return getScale(ll1, ll2, point1, point2, 0);
* Given a couple of points representing a bounding box, find out
* what the scale should be in order to make those points appear
* at the corners of the projection.
* @param ll1 the upper left coordinates of the bounding box.
* @param ll2 the lower right coordinates of the bounding box.
* @param point1 a java.awt.Point reflecting a pixel spot on the
* projection that matches the ll1 coordinate, the upper
* left corner of the area of interest.
* @param point2 a java.awt.Point reflecting a pixel spot on the
* projection that matches the ll2 coordinate, usually the
* lower right corner of the area of interest.
* @param recursiveCount a protective count to keep this method
* from getting in a recursive death spiral.
private float getScale(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, Point point1,
Point point2, int recursiveCount) {
try {
float deltaDegrees;
float pixPerDegree;
int deltaPix;
float ret;
float dx = Math.abs(point2.x - point1.x);
float dy = Math.abs(point2.y - point1.y);
float nCenterLat = Math.min(ll1.getLatitude(), ll2.getLatitude())
+ Math.abs(ll1.getLatitude() - ll2.getLatitude()) / 2f;
float nCenterLon = Math.min(ll1.getLongitude(), ll2.getLongitude())
+ Math.abs(ll1.getLongitude() - ll2.getLongitude()) / 2f;
if (dx < dy) {
float dlat = Math.abs(ll1.getLatitude() - ll2.getLatitude());
deltaDegrees = dlat;
deltaPix = getHeight();
pixPerDegree = getScale() * (float) getYPixConstant() / 90f;
} else {
float dlon;
float lat1, lon1, lon2;
// point1 is to the right of point2. switch the
// LatLonPoints so that ll1 is west (left) of ll2.
if (point1.x > point2.x) {
lat1 = ll1.getLatitude();
lon1 = ll1.getLongitude();
ll2.setLatLon(lat1, lon1);
lon1 = ll1.getLongitude();
lon2 = ll2.getLongitude();
// allow for crossing dateline
if (lon1 > lon2) {
dlon = (180 - lon1) + (180 + lon2);
} else {
dlon = lon2 - lon1;
deltaDegrees = dlon;
deltaPix = getWidth();
pixPerDegree = getPlanetPixelCircumference() / 360f;
// The new scale...
ret = pixPerDegree / (deltaPix / deltaDegrees);
//OK, now given the new scale at the apparent new center
//location, we need to test if the zone changes, because
//if it does, the values don't work out right because the
//pixel spacings are different. If the zones are
//different, we need to recalculate the scale based on
// the
//new zone.
CADRG newcadrg = new CADRG(new LatLonPoint(nCenterLat, nCenterLon), ret, getWidth(), getHeight());
// Use the recursiveCount to prevent extended recalls. A
// couple rounds should suffice.
if (newcadrg.getZone() != zone && recursiveCount < 2) {
ret = newcadrg.getScale(ll1,
recursiveCount + 1);
return ret;
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
Debug.error("ProjMath.getScale(): caught null pointer exception.");
return Float.MAX_VALUE;
* public static void main (String argv[]) { CADRG proj= new
* CADRG(new LatLonPoint(42.0f, 0.0f), 18000000.0f, 620,480);
* Debug.output("---testing latitude"); proj.testPoint(0.0f,
* 0.0f); proj.testPoint(10.0f, 0.0f); proj.testPoint(-10.0f,
* 0.0f); proj.testPoint(23.1234f, 0.0f);
* proj.testPoint(-23.1234f, 0.0f); proj.testPoint(90.0f, 0.0f);
* proj.testPoint(-100.0f, 0.0f);
* Debug.output("---testing longitude"); proj.testPoint(0.0f,
* 10.0f); proj.testPoint(0.0f, -10.0f); proj.testPoint(0.0f,
* 86.45f); proj.testPoint(0.0f, -86.45f); proj.testPoint(0.0f,
* 375.0f); proj.testPoint(0.0f, -375.0f); }
* private void testPoint(float lat, float lon) { LatLonPoint
* llpoint = new LatLonPoint(ProjMath.radToDeg(
* normalize_latitude(ProjMath.degToRad(lat))), lon); Point point =
* forward(llpoint);
* Debug.output("(lon="+llpoint.getLongitude()+
* ",lat="+llpoint.getLatitude()+ ") =
* (x="+point.x+",y="+point.y+")");
* llpoint = inverse(point);
* Debug.output("(x="+point.x+",y="+point.y+") = (lon="+
* llpoint.getLongitude()+",lat="+ llpoint.getLatitude()+")"); }