* This renders the current state of the Board to the screen.
public void render(Graphics g, Player currentPlayer, PlayerList players,
IBoard board, int panelWidth, int panelHeight ) {
Board b = (Board)board;
cellSize = calcCellSize( b, panelWidth, panelHeight );
if ( draggedShowPiece_!=null) {
draggedShowPiece_.getPiece().setTransparency( DRAG_TRANSPARENCY );
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
int gridOffset = 0;
int start = 0;
int nrows = b.getNumRows();
int ncols = b.getNumCols();
int nrows1 = nrows;
int ncols1 = ncols;
// if the grid is offset, it means the pieces will be shown at the vertices.
if ( offsetGrid() ) {
gridOffset = cellSize >> 1;