/** Focuses the next TextField. If none is found, the keyboard is hidden. Does nothing if the text field is not in a stage.
* @param up If true, the TextField with the same or next smallest y coordinate is found, else the next highest. */
public void next (boolean up) {
Stage stage = getStage();
if (stage == null) return;
getParent().localToStageCoordinates(tmp1.set(getX(), getY()));
TextField textField = findNextTextField(stage.getActors(), null, tmp2, tmp1, up);
if (textField == null) { // Try to wrap around.
if (up)
tmp1.set(Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE);
tmp1.set(Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE);
textField = findNextTextField(getStage().getActors(), null, tmp2, tmp1, up);
if (textField != null)