// If in Monster Derby Track
return new Location(12661, 181687, -3560);
Castle castle = null;
Fort fort = null;
ClanHall clanhall = null;
if(player.getClan() != null)
// If teleport to clan hall
if(teleportWhere == TeleportWhereType.ClanHall)
clanhall = ClanHallManager.getInstance().getClanHallByOwner(player.getClan());
if(clanhall != null)
L2ClanHallZone zone = clanhall.getZone();
if(zone != null)
return zone.getSpawn();
// If teleport to castle
if(teleportWhere == TeleportWhereType.Castle)
castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(player.getClan());
// If teleport to fort
if(teleportWhere == TeleportWhereType.Fortress)
fort = FortManager.getInstance().getFortByOwner(player.getClan());
// Check if player is on castle&fortress ground
if(castle == null)
castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastle(player);
if(fort == null)
fort = FortManager.getInstance().getFort(player);
if(castle != null && castle.getCastleId() > 0)
// If Teleporting to castle or
// If is on caslte with siege and player's clan is defender
if(teleportWhere == TeleportWhereType.Castle || teleportWhere == TeleportWhereType.Castle && castle.getSiege().getIsInProgress() && castle.getSiege().getDefenderClan(player.getClan()) != null)
coord = castle.getZone().getSpawn();
return new Location(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
if(teleportWhere == TeleportWhereType.SiegeFlag && castle.getSiege().getIsInProgress())
// Check if player's clan is attacker
List<L2NpcInstance> flags = castle.getSiege().getFlag(player.getClan());
if(flags != null && !flags.isEmpty())
// Spawn to flag - Need more work to get player to the nearest flag
L2NpcInstance flag = flags.get(0);
return new Location(flag.getX(), flag.getY(), flag.getZ());