Package eas.users.students.christianNagel.coEvolutionChristian

Source Code of eas.users.students.christianNagel.coEvolutionChristian.CoEvolutionMaster

package eas.users.students.christianNagel.coEvolutionChristian;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import eas.math.geometry.Vector2D;
import eas.plugins.masterScheduler.AbstractDefaultMaster;
import eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.standardAgents.ObstacleAgent;
import eas.startSetup.ParCollection;
import eas.startSetup.SingleParameter;
import eas.startSetup.parameterDatatypes.Datatypes;
import eas.users.students.christianNagel.neuroBrain.NeuroBrainChristian;

* @author Lukas König, christiannagel
public class CoEvolutionMaster extends AbstractDefaultMaster<CoEvolutionEnv> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8240776322660347334L;
    private Random random;
    private final int defaultNumberOfSheep = 100;
    private final int defaultNumberOfWolf = 20;
    private final int defaultNumberOfDistanceSensors = 3;
    private final int defaultNumberOfWolfDistanceSensors = 3;
    private final double defaultWolfDetectionRadius = 50;
    private final double defaultWolfCatchRadius = 5;
    private final double defaultSheepSpeed = 1;
    private final double defaultWolfSpeed = 1;
    private final long defaultChooseSheepInterval = 20;
    private ObstacleAgent[] obstacleAgents = new ObstacleAgent[4];
    private SheepAgent[] sheepAgents;
    private WolfAgent[] wolfAgents;

    public List<SingleParameter> getParameters() {
        List<SingleParameter> list = super.getParameters();

        list.add(new SingleParameter("numberOfSheep", Datatypes.INTEGER,
                defaultNumberOfSheep, "no additional information",
        list.add(new SingleParameter("numberOfWolf", Datatypes.INTEGER,
                defaultNumberOfWolf, "no additional information",
        list.add(new SingleParameter("wolfDetectionRadius", Datatypes.DOUBLE,
                defaultWolfDetectionRadius, "no additional information", this
        list.add(new SingleParameter("wolfCatchRadius", Datatypes.DOUBLE,
                defaultWolfCatchRadius, "no additional information",
        list.add(new SingleParameter("sheepSpeed", Datatypes.DOUBLE,
                defaultSheepSpeed, "no additional information",
        list.add(new SingleParameter("wolfSpeed", Datatypes.DOUBLE,
                defaultWolfSpeed, "no additional information",
        list.add(new SingleParameter("numberOfDistanceSensors",
                Datatypes.INTEGER, defaultNumberOfDistanceSensors,
                "no additional information",;
        list.add(new SingleParameter(
                "interval after which a new sheep is chosen by the wolf (in ms)",

        return list;

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public CoEvolutionEnv[] generateRunnables(ParCollection params) {
        random = new Random(params.getSeed());

        CoEvolutionEnv[] env = new CoEvolutionEnv[1];
        env[0] = new CoEvolutionEnv(0, params, random);
         * ids 0...9 are reserved for ObstacleAgents even ids beginning from 10
         * are reserved for SheepAgents (so, first possible id==10) uneven ids
         * beginning from 10 are reserved for WolfAgents (so, first possible
         * id==11)
        env[0].addCollidingAgent((obstacleAgents[0] = new ObstacleAgent(0,
                env[0], params)), new Vector2D(250, -5), 0);
        env[0].addCollidingAgent((obstacleAgents[1] = new ObstacleAgent(1,
                env[0], params)), new Vector2D(250, 515), 0);
        env[0].addCollidingAgent((obstacleAgents[2] = new ObstacleAgent(2,
                env[0], params)), new Vector2D(5, 255), 90);
        env[0].addCollidingAgent((obstacleAgents[0] = new ObstacleAgent(3,
                env[0], params)), new Vector2D(495, 255), 90);

        sheepAgents = new SheepAgent[params.getParValueInt("numberOfSheep")];
        double sheepSpeed = (params.getParValueDouble("sheepSpeed"));
        for (int i = 0; i < sheepAgents.length; i++) {
            sheepAgents[i] = new SheepAgent(10 + 2 * i, env[0], sheepSpeed,
                    params.getParValueInt("numberOfDistanceSensors"), random,
                    0, params);
             * Area for deserialisation of existing NeuroBrains.
            // if(i==0){
            // ObjectInputStream ois;
            // SparseNet neuralNet = null;
            // NeuroBrain neuroBrain=null;
            // try {
            // ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream (new
            // File("agent#" + 10 + ".jos")));
            // neuralNet = (SparseNet)ois.readObject();
            // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // e.printStackTrace();
            // } catch (IOException e) {
            // e.printStackTrace();
            // } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // e.printStackTrace();
            // }
            // neuroBrain=new NeuroBrain(sheepAgents[i], random);
            // = neuralNet;
            // sheepAgents[i].implantBrain(neuroBrain);
            // }
            // else{
            // sheepAgents[i].implantBrain(new NeuroBrain(sheepAgents[i],
            // random));
            // }

                    new NeuroBrainChristian(sheepAgents[i], random));

            boolean sheepAgentCollides = true;
            Vector2D position = null;
            double angle = 0.0;
            do {
                try {
                    position = getRandomVector2D(random);
                    angle = random.nextDouble() * 360;
                    if (!env[0].collides(sheepAgents[i], position, angle, null)) {
                        sheepAgentCollides = false;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    sheepAgentCollides = false;
            } while (sheepAgentCollides);

            env[0].addCollidingAgent(sheepAgents[i], position, angle);

        wolfAgents = new WolfAgent[params.getParValueInt("numberOfWolf")];
        double wolfSpeed = params.getParValueDouble("wolfSpeed");
        double detectionRadius = params
        double catchRadius = params.getParValueDouble("wolfCatchRadius");
        for (int i = 0; i < wolfAgents.length; i++) {
            wolfAgents[i] = new WolfAgent(10 + 2 * i + 1, env[0], wolfSpeed,
                    defaultNumberOfWolfDistanceSensors, detectionRadius,
                    catchRadius, random, params);

            boolean wolfAgentCollides = true;
            Vector2D position = null;
            double angle = 0.0;
            do {
                position = getRandomVector2D(random);
                angle = random.nextDouble() * 360;
                if (!env[0].collides(wolfAgents[i], position, angle, null)) {
                    wolfAgentCollides = false;
            } while (wolfAgentCollides);
            env[0].addCollidingAgent(wolfAgents[i], position, angle);

        return env;

    public String id() {
        return eas.simulation.ConstantsSimulation.DEFAULT_MASTER_SCHEDULER_ID
                + "-co";

    public Vector2D getRandomVector2D(Random random) {
        Vector2D result = null;
        result = new Vector2D(24 + random.nextDouble() * (476 - 34), 14
                + random.nextDouble() * (496 - 24));
        return result;

Related Classes of eas.users.students.christianNagel.coEvolutionChristian.CoEvolutionMaster

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