/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2007-04-25 11:08:02 -0500 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007) $
* $Revision: 7492 $
* Copyright (C) 2005 Miguel, Jmol Development
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net,jmol-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
* Contact: hansonr@stolaf.edu
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* miguel 2005 07 17
* System and method for the display of surface structures
* contained within the interior region of a solid body
* United States Patent Number 4,710,876
* Granted: Dec 1, 1987
* Inventors: Cline; Harvey E. (Schenectady, NY);
* Lorensen; William E. (Ballston Lake, NY)
* Assignee: General Electric Company (Schenectady, NY)
* Appl. No.: 741390
* Filed: June 5, 1985
* Patents issuing prior to June 8, 1995 can last up to 17
* years from the date of issuance.
* Dec 1 1987 + 17 yrs = Dec 1 2004
* Bob Hanson May 22, 2006
* implementing marching squares; see
* http://www.secam.ex.ac.uk/teaching/ug/studyres/COM3404/COM3404-2006-Lecture15.pdf
* inventing "Jmol Voxel File" format, *.jvxl
* see http://www.stolaf.edu/academics/chemapps/jmol/docs/misc/JVXL-format.pdf
* lines through coordinates are identical to CUBE files
* after that, we have a line that starts with a negative number to indicate this
* is a JVXL file:
* line1: (int)-nSurfaces (int)edgeFractionBase (int)edgeFractionRange
* (nSurface lines): (float)cutoff (int)nBytesData (int)nBytesFractions
* definition1
* edgedata1
* fractions1
* colordata1
* ....
* definition2
* edgedata2
* fractions2
* colordata2
* ....
* definitions: a line with detail about what sort of compression follows
* edgedata: a list of the count of vertices ouside and inside the cutoff, whatever
* that may be, ordered by nested for loops for(x){for(y){for(z)}}}.
* nOutside nInside nOutside nInside...
* fractions: an ascii list of characters represting the fraction of distance each
* encountered surface point is along each voxel cube edge found to straddle the
* surface. The order written is dictated by the reader algorithm and is not trivial
* to describe. Each ascii character is constructed by taking a base character and
* adding onto it the fraction times a range. This gives a character that can be
* quoted EXCEPT for backslash, which MAY be substituted for by '!'. Jmol uses the
* range # - | (35 - 124), reserving ! and } for special meanings.
* colordata: same deal here, but with possibility of "double precision" using two bytes.
package org.jmol.shapesurface;
import org.jmol.shape.Mesh;
import org.jmol.shape.MeshCollection;
import org.jmol.shape.Shape;
import org.jmol.util.BitSetUtil;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.ColorEncoder;
import org.jmol.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.Measure;
import org.jmol.util.Parser;
import org.jmol.util.Point3fi;
import org.jmol.util.TextFormat;
import org.jmol.viewer.ActionManager;
import org.jmol.viewer.JmolConstants;
import org.jmol.script.Token;
import org.jmol.viewer.Viewer;
import org.jmol.viewer.StateManager.Orientation;
import org.jmol.jvxl.readers.Parameters;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3i;
import javax.vecmath.Point4f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import org.jmol.g3d.Graphics3D;
import org.jmol.jvxl.api.MeshDataServer;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.JvxlCoder;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.JvxlData;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.MeshData;
import org.jmol.jvxl.readers.SurfaceGenerator;
public class Isosurface extends MeshCollection implements MeshDataServer {
private IsosurfaceMesh[] isomeshes = new IsosurfaceMesh[4];
protected IsosurfaceMesh thisMesh;
public void allocMesh(String thisID, Mesh m) {
int index = meshCount++;
meshes = isomeshes = (IsosurfaceMesh[]) ArrayUtil.ensureLength(isomeshes,
meshCount * 2);
currentMesh = thisMesh = isomeshes[index] = (m == null ? new IsosurfaceMesh(
thisID, g3d, colix, index) : (IsosurfaceMesh) m);
currentMesh.index = index;
sg.setJvxlData(jvxlData = thisMesh.jvxlData);
public void initShape() {
myType = "isosurface";
private void newSg() {
sg = new SurfaceGenerator(viewer, this, null, jvxlData = new JvxlData());
sg.setVersion("Jmol " + Viewer.getJmolVersion());
protected void clearSg() {
sg = null; // not Molecular Orbitals
//private boolean logMessages;
private int lighting;
private boolean iHaveBitSets;
private boolean explicitContours;
private int atomIndex;
private int moNumber;
private short defaultColix;
private short meshColix;
private Point3f center;
private Point3f offset;
private float scale3d;
private boolean isPhaseColored;
private boolean isColorExplicit;
protected SurfaceGenerator sg;
protected JvxlData jvxlData;
private float withinDistance;
private List withinPoints;
public void setProperty(String propertyName, Object value, BitSet bs) {
// //isosurface-only (no calculation required; no calculation parameters to
// set)
if ("navigate" == propertyName) {
navigate(((Integer) value).intValue());
if ("delete" == propertyName) {
setPropertySuper(propertyName, value, bs);
if (!explicitID)
nLCAO = nUnnamed = 0;
if ("remapColor" == propertyName) {
if (thisMesh != null) {
remapColors((ColorEncoder) value);
if ("thisID" == propertyName) {
if (actualID != null)
value = actualID;
setPropertySuper("thisID", value, null);
if ("map" == propertyName) {
setProperty("squareData", Boolean.FALSE, null);
if ("color" == propertyName) {
if (thisMesh != null) {
// thisMesh.vertexColixes = null;
thisMesh.isColorSolid = true;
thisMesh.polygonColixes = null;
thisMesh.colorEncoder = null;
} else if (!TextFormat.isWild(previousMeshID)) {
for (int i = meshCount; --i >= 0;) {
// isomeshes[i].vertexColixes = null;
isomeshes[i].isColorSolid = true;
isomeshes[i].polygonColixes = null;
isomeshes[i].colorEncoder = null;
setPropertySuper(propertyName, value, bs);
if ("fixed" == propertyName) {
isFixed = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
if ("modelIndex" == propertyName) {
if (!iHaveModelIndex) {
modelIndex = ((Integer) value).intValue();
isFixed = (modelIndex < 0);
if ("lcaoCartoon" == propertyName || "lonePair" == propertyName
|| "radical" == propertyName) {
// z x center rotationAxis (only one of x, y, or z is nonzero; in radians)
Vector3f[] info = (Vector3f[]) value;
if (!explicitID) {
setPropertySuper("thisID", null, null);
// center (info[2]) is set in SurfaceGenerator
if (!sg.setParameter("lcaoCartoonCenter", info[2]))
("lonePair" == propertyName ? 2 : "radical" == propertyName ? 1 : 0));
if ("select" == propertyName) {
if (iHaveBitSets)
if ("ignore" == propertyName) {
if (iHaveBitSets)
if ("meshcolor" == propertyName) {
int rgb = ((Integer) value).intValue();
meshColix = Graphics3D.getColix(rgb);
if (thisMesh != null)
thisMesh.meshColix = meshColix;
if ("offset" == propertyName) {
offset = new Point3f((Point3f) value);
if (offset.equals(JmolConstants.center))
offset = null;
if (thisMesh != null) {
thisMesh.ptOffset = offset;
thisMesh.offsetVertices = null;
// Isosurface / SurfaceGenerator both interested
if ("title" == propertyName) {
if (value instanceof String && "-".equals((String) value))
value = null;
setPropertySuper(propertyName, value, bs);
value = title;
if ("withinPoints" == propertyName) {
Object[] o = (Object[]) value;
withinDistance = ((Float) o[0]).floatValue();
BitSet bsAtoms = (BitSet) o[2];
withinPoints = (List) o[3];
if (withinPoints.size() == 0)
withinPoints = viewer.getAtomPointVector(bsAtoms);
if ("scale3d" == propertyName) {
scale3d = ((Float) value).floatValue();
if (thisMesh != null) {
thisMesh.scale3d = thisMesh.jvxlData.scale3d = scale3d;
thisMesh.offsetVertices = null;
if ("getSurfaceSets" == propertyName) {
if (thisMesh != null) {
thisMesh.thisSet = ((Integer) value).intValue();
thisMesh.calculatedVolume = null;
thisMesh.calculatedArea = null;
if ("contour" == propertyName) {
explicitContours = true;
if ("atomIndex" == propertyName) {
atomIndex = ((Integer) value).intValue();
if ("pocket" == propertyName) {
Boolean pocket = (Boolean) value;
lighting = (pocket.booleanValue() ? JmolConstants.FULLYLIT
: JmolConstants.FRONTLIT);
if ("colorRGB" == propertyName) {
int rgb = ((Integer) value).intValue();
defaultColix = Graphics3D.getColix(rgb);
if ("molecularOrbital" == propertyName) {
moNumber = ((Integer) value).intValue();
if (!isColorExplicit)
isPhaseColored = true;
if (propertyName == "functionXY") {
if (sg.isStateDataRead())
setScriptInfo(null); // for script DATA1
if ("center" == propertyName) {
center.set((Point3f) value);
if ("phase" == propertyName) {
isPhaseColored = true;
if ("plane" == propertyName) {
allowContourLines = false;
if ("functionXY" == propertyName) {
allowContourLines = false;
if ("finalize" == propertyName) {
if (thisMesh != null) {
thisMesh.setDiscreteColixes(sg.getParams().contoursDiscrete, sg
setScriptInfo((String) value);
if ("init" == propertyName) {
if ("localName" == propertyName) {
value = viewer.getOutputStream((String) value, null);
propertyName = "outputStream";
if ("mapColor" == propertyName || "readFile" == propertyName) {
if (value == null) {
// ScriptEvaluator has passed the filename to us as the value of the
// "fileName" property. We retrieve that from the surfaceGenerator
// and open a BufferedReader for it. Or not. But that would be
// unlikely since we have just checked it in ScriptEvaluator
value = viewer.getBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(
sg.getFileName(), null, true);
if (value instanceof String) {
Logger.error("Isosurface: could not open file " + sg.getFileName()
+ " -- " + value);
try {
value = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) value, "ISO-8859-1"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// ignore
// surface Export3D only (return TRUE) or shared (return FALSE)
if (sg != null && sg.setParameter(propertyName, value, bs)) {
if (sg.isValid())
propertyName = "delete";
// ///////////// isosurface LAST, shared
if ("init" == propertyName) {
explicitID = false;
String script = (value instanceof String ? (String) value : null);
int pt = (script == null ? -1 : script.indexOf("# ID="));
actualID = (pt >= 0 ? Parser.getNextQuotedString(script, pt) : null);
setPropertySuper("thisID", JmolConstants.PREVIOUS_MESH_ID, null);
if (script != null && !(iHaveBitSets = getScriptBitSets(script, null)))
sg.setParameter("select", bs);
sg.setModelIndex(isFixed ? -1 : modelIndex);
if ("clear" == propertyName) {
* if ("background" == propertyName) { boolean doHide = !((Boolean)
* value).booleanValue(); if (thisMesh != null) thisMesh.hideBackground =
* doHide; else { for (int i = meshCount; --i >= 0;)
* meshes[i].hideBackground = doHide; } return; }
if (propertyName == "deleteModelAtoms") {
int modelIndex = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[0];
BitSet bsModels = BitSetUtil.setBit(modelIndex);
int firstAtomDeleted = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[1];
int nAtomsDeleted = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[2];
for (int i = meshCount; --i >= 0;) {
Mesh m = meshes[i];
if (m == null)
if (m.modelIndex == modelIndex) {
if (m == currentMesh)
currentMesh = thisMesh = null;
meshes = isomeshes = (IsosurfaceMesh[]) ArrayUtil.deleteElements(
meshes, i, 1);
} else if (m.modelIndex > modelIndex) {
if (m.atomIndex >= firstAtomDeleted)
m.atomIndex -= nAtomsDeleted;
if (m.bitsets != null) {
BitSetUtil.deleteBits(m.bitsets[0], bs);
BitSetUtil.deleteBits(m.bitsets[1], bs);
BitSetUtil.deleteBits(m.bitsets[2], bsModels);
// processing by meshCollection:
setPropertySuper(propertyName, value, bs);
private void setPropertySuper(String propertyName, Object value, BitSet bs) {
if (propertyName == "thisID" && currentMesh != null
&& currentMesh.thisID.equals((String) value)) {
checkExplicit((String) value);
currentMesh = thisMesh;
super.setProperty(propertyName, value, bs);
thisMesh = (IsosurfaceMesh) currentMesh;
jvxlData = (thisMesh == null ? null : thisMesh.jvxlData);
if (sg != null)
public boolean getProperty(String property, Object[] data) {
if (property == "colorEncoder") {
IsosurfaceMesh mesh = (IsosurfaceMesh) getMesh((String) data[0]);
if (mesh == null || (data[1] = mesh.colorEncoder) == null)
return false;
return true;
if (property == "intersectPlane") {
IsosurfaceMesh mesh = (IsosurfaceMesh) getMesh((String) data[0]);
if (mesh == null)
return false;
data[3] = new Integer(mesh.modelIndex);
return mesh.getIntersection((Point4f) data[1], (List) data[2], false);
if (property == "getBoundingBox") {
String id = (String) data[0];
IsosurfaceMesh m = (IsosurfaceMesh) getMesh(id);
if (m == null || m.vertices == null)
return false;
data[2] = m.jvxlData.boundingBox;
return true;
if (property == "getCenter") {
int index = ((Integer)data[1]).intValue();
if (index == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
String id = (String) data[0];
IsosurfaceMesh m = (IsosurfaceMesh) getMesh(id);
if (m == null || m.vertices == null)
return false;
Point3f p = new Point3f(m.jvxlData.boundingBox[0]);
data[2] = p;
return true;
// continue to super
return super.getProperty(property, data);
public Object getProperty(String property, int index) {
Object ret = super.getProperty(property, index);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
if (property == "dataRange")
return (thisMesh == null || jvxlData.jvxlPlane != null && !jvxlData.jvxlDataIsColorMapped ? null : new float[] {
jvxlData.mappedDataMin, jvxlData.mappedDataMax,
(jvxlData.isColorReversed ? jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue : jvxlData.valueMappedToRed),
(jvxlData.isColorReversed ? jvxlData.valueMappedToRed : jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue)});
if (property == "moNumber")
return new Integer(moNumber);
if (property == "area")
return (thisMesh == null ? new Float(Float.NaN) : thisMesh.calculateArea());
if (property == "volume")
return (thisMesh == null ? new Float(Float.NaN) : thisMesh.calculateVolume());
if (thisMesh == null)
return null;//"no current isosurface";
if (property == "cutoff")
return new Float(jvxlData.cutoff);
if (property == "minMaxInfo")
return new float[] { jvxlData.dataMin, jvxlData.dataMax };
if (property == "plane")
return jvxlData.jvxlPlane;
if (property == "jvxlDataXml" || property == "jvxlMeshXml") {
MeshData meshData = null;
if (property == "jvxlMeshXml" || jvxlData.vertexDataOnly) {
meshData = new MeshData();
fillMeshData(meshData, MeshData.MODE_GET_VERTICES, null);
meshData.polygonColorData = getPolygonColorData(meshData.polygonCount, meshData.polygonColixes);
return JvxlCoder.jvxlGetFile(jvxlData, meshData, title, "", true, 1, thisMesh
.getState(myType), (thisMesh.scriptCommand == null ? "" : thisMesh.scriptCommand));
if (property == "jvxlFileInfo")
return JvxlCoder.jvxlGetInfo(jvxlData);
if (property == "command") {
String key = previousMeshID.toUpperCase();
boolean isWild = TextFormat.isWild(key);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = meshCount; --i >= 0;) {
String id = meshes[i].thisID.toUpperCase();
if (id.equals(key) || isWild && TextFormat.isMatch(id, key, true, true))
getMeshCommand(sb, i);
return sb.toString();
return null;
public static String getPolygonColorData(int ccount, short[] colixes) {
if (colixes == null)
return null;
StringBuffer list1 = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
short colix = 0;
boolean done = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ccount || (done = true) == true; i++) {
if (done || colixes[i] != colix) {
if (count != 0)
list1.append(" ").append(count).append(" ").append(
(colix == 0 ? 0 : Graphics3D.getArgb(colix)));
if (done)
colix = colixes[i];
count = 1;
} else {
return list1.toString();
public String getShapeState() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++)
getMeshCommand(sb, i);
return sb.toString();
private void getMeshCommand(StringBuffer sb, int i) {
Mesh mesh = meshes[i];
String cmd = mesh.scriptCommand;
if (cmd == null)
cmd = cmd.replace('\t', ' ');
cmd = TextFormat.simpleReplace(cmd, ";#", "; #");
int pt = cmd.indexOf("; #");
if (pt >= 0) {
cmd = cmd.substring(0, pt);
cmd = TextFormat.trim(cmd, ";");
if (mesh.linkedMesh != null)
cmd += " LINK"; // for lcaoCartoon state
if (mesh.modelIndex >= 0 && modelCount > 1)
appendCmd(sb, "frame " + viewer.getModelNumberDotted(mesh.modelIndex));
appendCmd(sb, cmd);
if (mesh.ptOffset != null)
appendCmd(sb, myType + " ID " + Escape.escape(mesh.thisID) + " offset "
+ Escape.escape(mesh.ptOffset));
if (mesh.scale3d != 0)
appendCmd(sb, myType + " ID " + Escape.escape(mesh.thisID) + " scale3d "
+ mesh.scale3d);
if (cmd.charAt(0) != '#') {
if (allowMesh)
appendCmd(sb, mesh.getState(myType));
if (mesh.colorCommand != null) {
if (!mesh.isColorSolid && Graphics3D.isColixTranslucent(mesh.colix))
appendCmd(sb, getColorCommand(myType, mesh.colix));
appendCmd(sb, mesh.colorCommand);
getColorState(sb, mesh);
private void getColorState(StringBuffer sb, Mesh mesh) {
boolean colorArrayed = (mesh.isColorSolid && ((IsosurfaceMesh) mesh).polygonColixes != null);
if (mesh.isColorSolid && !colorArrayed)
appendCmd(sb, getColorCommand(myType, mesh.colix));
private boolean getScriptBitSets(String script, BitSet[] bsCmd) {
this.script = script;
if (script == null)
return false;
int i = script.indexOf("# ({");
if (i < 0)
return false;
int j = script.indexOf("})", i);
if (j < 0)
return false;
BitSet bs = Escape.unescapeBitset(script.substring(i + 2, j + 2));
if (bsCmd == null)
sg.setParameter("select", bs);
bsCmd[0] = bs;
if ((i = script.indexOf("({", j)) < 0)
return true;
j = script.indexOf("})", i);
if (j < 0)
return false;
bs = Escape.unescapeBitset(script.substring(i, j + 2));
if (bsCmd == null)
sg.setParameter("ignore", bs);
bsCmd[1] = bs;
if ((i = script.indexOf("/({", j)) == j + 2) {
if ((j = script.indexOf("})", i)) < 0)
return false;
bs = Escape.unescapeBitset(script.substring(i + 1, j + 2));
if (bsCmd == null)
bsCmd[2] = bs;
return true;
protected void getCapSlabInfo(String script) {
int i = script.indexOf("# SLAB=");
if (i >= 0)
sg.setParameter("slab", getCapSlabObject(i, script));
i = script.indexOf("# CAP=");
if (i >= 0)
sg.setParameter("cap", getCapSlabObject(i, script));
private Object getCapSlabObject(int i, String script) {
try {
String s = Parser.getNextQuotedString(script, i);
if (s.indexOf("array") == 0) {
String[] pts = TextFormat.split(s.substring(6, s.length() -1), ",");
return new Point3f[] {
(Point3f) Escape.unescapePoint(pts[0]),
(Point3f) Escape.unescapePoint(pts[1]),
(Point3f) Escape.unescapePoint(pts[2]),
(Point3f) Escape.unescapePoint(pts[3])};
return Escape.unescapePoint(s); // Point4f
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private void initializeIsosurface() {
lighting = JmolConstants.FRONTLIT;
if (!iHaveModelIndex)
modelIndex = viewer.getCurrentModelIndex();
isFixed = (modelIndex < 0);
if (modelIndex < 0)
modelIndex = 0; // but note that modelIndex = -1
// is critical for surfaceGenerator. Setting this equal to
// 0 indicates only surfaces for model 0.
title = null;
explicitContours = false;
atomIndex = -1;
colix = Graphics3D.ORANGE;
defaultColix = meshColix = 0;
isPhaseColored = isColorExplicit = false;
allowContourLines = true; //but not for f(x,y) or plane, which use mesh
center = new Point3f(Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE);
offset = null;
scale3d = 0;
withinPoints = null;
linkedMesh = null;
private void initState() {
associateNormals = true;
//TODO need to pass assocCutoff to sg
void checkFlags() {
if (viewer.getTestFlag2())
associateNormals = false;
if (!logMessages)
Logger.info("Isosurface using testflag2: no associative grouping = "
+ !associateNormals);
Logger.info("IsosurfaceRenderer using testflag4: show vertex normals = "
+ viewer.getTestFlag4());
.info("For grid points, use: isosurface delete myiso gridpoints \"\"");
private void discardTempData(boolean discardAll) {
if (!discardAll)
title = null;
if (thisMesh == null)
thisMesh.surfaceSet = null;
// default color stuff (deprecated in 11.2)
private int indexColorPositive;
private int indexColorNegative;
private short getDefaultColix() {
if (defaultColix != 0)
return defaultColix;
if (!sg.isCubeData())
return colix; // orange
int argb;
if (sg.getCutoff() >= 0) {
indexColorPositive = (indexColorPositive % JmolConstants.argbsIsosurfacePositive.length);
argb = JmolConstants.argbsIsosurfacePositive[indexColorPositive++];
} else {
indexColorNegative = (indexColorNegative % JmolConstants.argbsIsosurfaceNegative.length);
argb = JmolConstants.argbsIsosurfaceNegative[indexColorNegative++];
return Graphics3D.getColix(argb);
//// LCAO Cartoons are sets of lobes ////
private int nLCAO = 0;
private void drawLcaoCartoon(Vector3f z, Vector3f x, Vector3f rotAxis, int nElectrons) {
String lcaoCartoon = sg.setLcao();
//really rotRadians is just one of these -- x, y, or z -- not all
float rotRadians = rotAxis.x + rotAxis.y + rotAxis.z;
defaultColix = Graphics3D.getColix(sg.getColor(1));
int colorNeg = sg.getColor(-1);
Vector3f y = new Vector3f();
boolean isReverse = (lcaoCartoon.length() > 0 && lcaoCartoon.charAt(0) == '-');
if (isReverse)
lcaoCartoon = lcaoCartoon.substring(1);
int sense = (isReverse ? -1 : 1);
y.cross(z, x);
if (rotRadians != 0) {
AxisAngle4f a = new AxisAngle4f();
if (rotAxis.x != 0)
a.set(x, rotRadians);
else if (rotAxis.y != 0)
a.set(y, rotRadians);
a.set(z, rotRadians);
Matrix3f m = new Matrix3f();
if (thisMesh == null && nLCAO == 0)
nLCAO = meshCount;
String id = (thisMesh == null ? (nElectrons > 0 ? "lp" : "lcao") + (++nLCAO) + "_" + lcaoCartoon
: thisMesh.thisID);
if (thisMesh == null)
allocMesh(id, null);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("px")) {
thisMesh.thisID += "a";
Mesh meshA = thisMesh;
createLcaoLobe(x, sense, nElectrons);
if (nElectrons > 0)
setProperty("thisID", id + "b", null);
createLcaoLobe(x, -sense, nElectrons);
thisMesh.colix = Graphics3D.getColix(colorNeg);
linkedMesh = thisMesh.linkedMesh = meshA;
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("py")) {
thisMesh.thisID += "a";
Mesh meshA = thisMesh;
createLcaoLobe(y, sense, nElectrons);
if (nElectrons > 0)
setProperty("thisID", id + "b", null);
createLcaoLobe(y, -sense, nElectrons);
thisMesh.colix = Graphics3D.getColix(colorNeg);
linkedMesh = thisMesh.linkedMesh = meshA;
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pz")) {
thisMesh.thisID += "a";
Mesh meshA = thisMesh;
createLcaoLobe(z, sense, nElectrons);
if (nElectrons > 0)
setProperty("thisID", id + "b", null);
createLcaoLobe(z, -sense, nElectrons);
thisMesh.colix = Graphics3D.getColix(colorNeg);
linkedMesh = thisMesh.linkedMesh = meshA;
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pza")
|| lcaoCartoon.indexOf("sp") == 0
|| lcaoCartoon.indexOf("d") == 0
|| lcaoCartoon.indexOf("lp") == 0) {
createLcaoLobe(z, sense, nElectrons);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pzb")) {
createLcaoLobe(z, -sense, nElectrons);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pxa")) {
createLcaoLobe(x, sense, nElectrons);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pxb")) {
createLcaoLobe(x, -sense, nElectrons);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pya")) {
createLcaoLobe(y, sense, nElectrons);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pyb")) {
createLcaoLobe(y, -sense, nElectrons);
if (lcaoCartoon.equals("spacefill") || lcaoCartoon.equals("cpk")) {
createLcaoLobe(null, 2 * viewer.getAtomRadius(atomIndex), nElectrons);
// assume s
createLcaoLobe(null, 1, nElectrons);
private Point4f lcaoDir = new Point4f();
private void createLcaoLobe(Vector3f lobeAxis, float factor, int nElectrons) {
if (Logger.debugging) {
Logger.debug("creating isosurface ID " + thisMesh.thisID);
thisMesh.colix = defaultColix;
if (lobeAxis == null) {
setProperty("sphere", new Float(factor / 2f), null);
} else {
lcaoDir.x = lobeAxis.x * factor;
lcaoDir.y = lobeAxis.y * factor;
lcaoDir.z = lobeAxis.z * factor;
lcaoDir.w = 0.7f;
setProperty(nElectrons == 2 ? "lp" : nElectrons == 1 ? "rad" : "lobe",
lcaoDir, null);
/////////////// meshDataServer interface /////////////////
public void invalidateTriangles() {
public void fillMeshData(MeshData meshData, int mode, IsosurfaceMesh mesh) {
if (meshData == null) {
if (thisMesh == null)
allocMesh(null, null);
thisMesh.clear("isosurface", sg.getIAddGridPoints());
thisMesh.colix = getDefaultColix();
thisMesh.meshColix = meshColix;
if (isPhaseColored || thisMesh.jvxlData.isBicolorMap)
thisMesh.isColorSolid = false;
if (mesh == null)
mesh = thisMesh;
if (mesh == null)
switch (mode) {
meshData.vertices = mesh.vertices;
meshData.vertexValues = mesh.vertexValues;
meshData.vertexCount = mesh.vertexCount;
meshData.vertexIncrement = mesh.vertexIncrement;
meshData.polygonCount = mesh.polygonCount;
meshData.polygonIndexes = mesh.polygonIndexes;
meshData.polygonColixes = mesh.polygonColixes;
if (mesh.vertexColixes == null
|| mesh.vertexCount > mesh.vertexColixes.length)
mesh.vertexColixes = new short[mesh.vertexCount];
meshData.vertexColixes = mesh.vertexColixes;
meshData.polygonIndexes = null;
case MeshData.MODE_PUT_SETS:
mesh.surfaceSet = meshData.surfaceSet;
mesh.vertexSets = meshData.vertexSets;
mesh.nSets = meshData.nSets;
mesh.vertices = meshData.vertices;
mesh.vertexValues = meshData.vertexValues;
mesh.vertexCount = meshData.vertexCount;
mesh.vertexIncrement = meshData.vertexIncrement;
mesh.polygonCount = meshData.polygonCount;
mesh.polygonIndexes = meshData.polygonIndexes;
mesh.polygonColixes = meshData.polygonColixes;
public void notifySurfaceGenerationCompleted() {
thisMesh.insideOut = sg.isInsideOut();
thisMesh.calculatedArea = null;
thisMesh.calculatedVolume = null;
thisMesh.initialize(sg.getPlane() != null ? JmolConstants.FULLYLIT
: lighting, null, sg.getPlane());
if (thisMesh.jvxlData.jvxlPlane != null)
allowContourLines = false;
thisMesh.isSolvent = ((sg.getDataType() & Parameters.IS_SOLVENTTYPE) != 0);
public void notifySurfaceMappingCompleted() {
thisMesh.colorEncoder = sg.getParams().colorEncoder;
thisMesh.isColorSolid = false;
thisMesh.colorDensity = jvxlData.colorDensity;
thisMesh.colorEncoder = sg.getColorEncoder();
if (thisMesh.jvxlData.jvxlPlane != null)
allowContourLines = false;
if (thisMesh.jvxlData.nContours != 0 && thisMesh.jvxlData.nContours != -1)
explicitContours = true;
if (explicitContours && thisMesh.jvxlData.jvxlPlane != null)
thisMesh.havePlanarContours = true;
setPropertySuper("token", new Integer(explicitContours ? Token.nofill : Token.fill), null);
setPropertySuper("token", new Integer(explicitContours ? Token.contourlines : Token.nocontourlines), null);
// may not be the final color scheme, though.
viewer.setCurrentColorRange(jvxlData.mappedDataMin, jvxlData.mappedDataMax);
thisMesh.isColorSolid = false;
thisMesh.colorCommand = "color $" + thisMesh.thisID + " " + getUserColorScheme(schemeName) + " range "
+ (jvxlData.isColorReversed ? jvxlData.mappedDataMax + " " + jvxlData.mappedDataMin :
jvxlData.mappedDataMin + " " + jvxlData.mappedDataMax);
private void setColorCommand(ColorEncoder ce) {
if (ce == null)
String schemeName = ce.getColorSchemeName();
boolean isTranslucentScheme = ce.isTranslucent;
if (thisMesh == null)
String list = (ce.currentPalette < 0 ? ColorEncoder.getColorSchemeList(ce.getColorSchemeArray(ce.currentPalette)) : schemeName);
thisMesh.colorCommand = "color $" + thisMesh.thisID
+ (isTranslucentScheme ? " translucent " : " ")
+ Escape.escape(list) + " range ";
thisMesh.colorCommand += (jvxlData.isColorReversed ? jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue
+ " " + jvxlData.valueMappedToRed
: jvxlData.valueMappedToRed + " " + jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue);
public Point3f[] calculateGeodesicSurface(BitSet bsSelected,
float envelopeRadius) {
return viewer.calculateSurface(bsSelected, envelopeRadius);
///////////// VertexDataServer interface methods ////////////////
public int getSurfacePointIndexAndFraction(float cutoff, boolean isCutoffAbsolute,
int x, int y, int z, Point3i offset, int vA,
int vB, float valueA, float valueB,
Point3f pointA, Vector3f edgeVector,
boolean isContourType, float[] fReturn) {
return 0;
private boolean associateNormals;
public int addVertexCopy(Point3f vertexXYZ, float value, int assocVertex) {
return (withinPoints != null && !checkWithin(vertexXYZ) ? -1
: thisMesh.addVertexCopy(vertexXYZ, value, assocVertex,
private boolean checkWithin(Point3f pti) {
for (int i = withinPoints.size(); --i >= 0; )
if (pti.distance((Point3f) withinPoints.get(i)) <= withinDistance) {
return true;
return false;
public int addTriangleCheck(int iA, int iB, int iC, int check,
int check2, boolean isAbsolute, int color) {
return (iA < 0 || iB < 0 || iC < 0
|| isAbsolute && !MeshData.checkCutoff(iA, iB, iC, thisMesh.vertexValues)
? -1 : thisMesh.addTriangleCheck(iA, iB, iC, check, check2, color));
private void setModelIndex() {
setModelIndex(atomIndex, modelIndex);
thisMesh.ptOffset = offset;
thisMesh.scale3d = (thisMesh.jvxlData.jvxlPlane == null ? 0 : scale3d);
protected void setScriptInfo(String strCommand) {
// also from lcaoCartoon
thisMesh.title = sg.getTitle();
String script = (strCommand == null ? sg.getScript() : strCommand);
thisMesh.dataType = sg.getParams().dataType;
thisMesh.scale3d = sg.getParams().scale3d;
thisMesh.bitsets = null;
thisMesh.slabbingObject = sg.getParams().slabbingObject;
thisMesh.cappingObject = sg.getParams().cappingObject;
if (script != null) {
if (script.charAt(0) == ' ') {
script = myType + " ID " + Escape.escape(thisMesh.thisID) + script;
} else if (sg.getIUseBitSets()) {
thisMesh.bitsets = new BitSet[3];
thisMesh.bitsets[0] = sg.getBsSelected();
thisMesh.bitsets[1] = sg.getBsIgnore();
thisMesh.bitsets[2] = viewer.getBitSetTrajectories();
int pt;
if (!explicitID && script != null && (pt = script.indexOf("# ID=")) >= 0)
thisMesh.thisID = Parser.getNextQuotedString(script, pt);
thisMesh.scriptCommand = script;
// List v = (List) sg.getFunctionXYinfo();
// if (thisMesh.data1 == null)
// thisMesh.data1 = v;
// else
// thisMesh.data2 = v;
private void setJvxlInfo() {
if (sg.getJvxlData() != jvxlData || sg.getJvxlData() != thisMesh.jvxlData)
jvxlData = thisMesh.jvxlData = sg.getJvxlData();
public List getShapeDetail() {
List v = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++) {
Hashtable info = new Hashtable();
IsosurfaceMesh mesh = isomeshes[i];
if (mesh == null || mesh.vertices == null)
info.put("ID", (mesh.thisID == null ? "<noid>" : mesh.thisID));
info.put("vertexCount", new Integer(mesh.vertexCount));
if (mesh.ptCenter.x != Float.MAX_VALUE)
info.put("center", mesh.ptCenter);
info.put("offset", (mesh.ptOffset == null ? new Point3f() : mesh.ptOffset));
if (mesh.scale3d != 0)
info.put("scale3d", new Float(mesh.scale3d));
info.put("xyzMin", mesh.jvxlData.boundingBox[0]);
info.put("xyzMax", mesh.jvxlData.boundingBox[1]);
String s = JvxlCoder.jvxlGetInfo(mesh.jvxlData);
if (s != null)
info.put("jvxlInfo", s.replace('\n', ' '));
info.put("modelIndex", new Integer(mesh.modelIndex));
if (mesh.colorEncoder != null)
info.put("colorKey", mesh.colorEncoder.getColorKey());
if (mesh.title != null)
info.put("title", mesh.title);
if (mesh.jvxlData.contourValues != null || mesh.jvxlData.contourValuesUsed != null)
info.put("contours", mesh.getContourList(viewer));
return v;
private void remapColors(ColorEncoder ce) {
float min = ce.lo;
float max = ce.hi;
JvxlData jvxlData = thisMesh.jvxlData;
float[] vertexValues = thisMesh.vertexValues;
short[] vertexColixes = thisMesh.vertexColixes;
thisMesh.polygonColixes = null;
if (vertexValues == null || jvxlData.isBicolorMap
|| jvxlData.vertexCount == 0)
if (vertexColixes == null)
vertexColixes = thisMesh.vertexColixes = new short[thisMesh.vertexCount];
thisMesh.jvxlData.isColorReversed = ce.isReversed;
if (max != Float.MAX_VALUE) {
jvxlData.valueMappedToRed = min;
jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue = max;
ce.setRange(jvxlData.valueMappedToRed, jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue, thisMesh.jvxlData.isColorReversed);
// thisMesh.colix must be translucent if the scheme is translucent
// but may be translucent if the scheme is not translucent
boolean isTranslucent = Graphics3D.isColixTranslucent(thisMesh.colix);
if (ce.isTranslucent) {
if (!isTranslucent)
thisMesh.colix = Graphics3D.getColixTranslucent(thisMesh.colix, true, 0.5f);
// still, if the scheme is translucent, we don't want to color the vertices translucent
isTranslucent = false;
for (int i = thisMesh.vertexCount; --i >= 0;) {
vertexColixes[i] = ce.getColorIndex(vertexValues[i]);
if (isTranslucent)
vertexColixes[i] = Graphics3D.getColixTranslucent(vertexColixes[i], true, translucentLevel);
thisMesh.colorEncoder = ce;
List[] contours = thisMesh.getContours();
if (contours != null) {
for (int i = contours.length; --i >= 0; ) {
float value = ((Float)contours[i].get(JvxlCoder.CONTOUR_VALUE)).floatValue();
short[] colix = ((short[])contours[i].get(JvxlCoder.CONTOUR_COLIX));
colix[0] = ce.getColorIndex(value);
int[] color = ((int[])contours[i].get(JvxlCoder.CONTOUR_COLOR));
color[0] = Graphics3D.getArgb(colix[0]);
//TODO -- still not right.
if (thisMesh.contourValues != null) {
thisMesh.contourColixes = new short[thisMesh.contourValues.length];
for (int i = 0; i < thisMesh.contourValues.length; i++)
thisMesh.contourColixes[i] = ce.getColorIndex(thisMesh.contourValues[i]);
thisMesh.setDiscreteColixes(null, null);
jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor = true;
JvxlCoder.jvxlCreateColorData(jvxlData, vertexValues);
thisMesh.isColorSolid = false;
public void getPlane(int x) {
// only for surface readers
public float getValue(int x, int y, int z, int ptyz) {
return 0;
public boolean checkObjectHovered(int x, int y, BitSet bsVisible) {
if (!viewer.getDrawHover())
return false;
String s = findValue(x, y, false, bsVisible);
if (s == null)
return false;
if (g3d.isDisplayAntialiased()) {
//because hover rendering is done in FIRST pass only
x <<= 1;
y <<= 1;
viewer.hoverOn(x, y, s);
return true;
private final static int MAX_OBJECT_CLICK_DISTANCE_SQUARED = 10 * 10;
private final Point3i ptXY = new Point3i();
public Point3fi checkObjectClicked(int x, int y, int action, BitSet bsVisible) {
if (!viewer.isBound(action, ActionManager.ACTION_pickIsosurface))
return null;
if (g3d.isAntialiased()) {
x <<= 1;
y <<= 1;
dmin2 <<= 1;
int imesh = -1;
int jmaxz = -1;
int jminz = -1;
int maxz = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int minz = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
boolean pickFront = viewer.getDrawPicking();
for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++) {
IsosurfaceMesh m = isomeshes[i];
if (!isPickable(m, bsVisible))
Point3f[] centers = (pickFront ? m.vertices : m.getCenters());
if (centers == null)
for (int j = centers.length; --j >= 0; ) {
Point3f v = centers[j];
if (v == null)
int d2 = coordinateInRange(x, y, v, dmin2, ptXY);
if (d2 >= 0) {
if (ptXY.z < minz) {
if (pickFront)
imesh = i;
minz = ptXY.z;
jminz = j;
if (ptXY.z > maxz) {
if (!pickFront)
imesh = i;
maxz = ptXY.z;
jmaxz = j;
if (imesh < 0)
return null;
pickedMesh = isomeshes[imesh];
setPropertySuper("thisID", pickedMesh.thisID, null);
int iFace = pickedVertex = (pickFront ? jminz : jmaxz);
Point3fi ptRet = new Point3fi();
pickedModel = ptRet.modelIndex = (short) pickedMesh.modelIndex;
ptRet.index = imesh;
if (pickFront) {
setStatusPicked(-4, ptRet);
} else {
Vector3f vNorm = new Vector3f();
((IsosurfaceMesh)pickedMesh).getFacePlane(iFace, vNorm);
// get normal to surface
setHeading(ptRet, vNorm, 2);
return ptRet;
private boolean isPickable(IsosurfaceMesh m, BitSet bsVisible) {
return (m.visibilityFlags != 0 && (m.modelIndex < 0 ||
bsVisible.get(m.modelIndex)) && !Graphics3D
private void navigate(int dz) {
if (thisMesh == null)
Point3f navPt = new Point3f(viewer.getNavigationOffset());
Point3f toPt = new Point3f();
viewer.unTransformPoint(navPt, toPt);
navPt.z += dz;
viewer.unTransformPoint(navPt, toPt);
Point3f ptRet = new Point3f();
Vector3f vNorm = new Vector3f();
if (!getClosestNormal(thisMesh, toPt, ptRet, vNorm))
Point3f pt2 = new Point3f(ptRet);
Point3f pt2s = new Point3f();
viewer.transformPoint(pt2, pt2s);
if (pt2s.y > navPt.y)
setHeading(ptRet, vNorm, 0);
private void setHeading(Point3f pt, Vector3f vNorm, int nSeconds) {
// general trick here is to save the original orientation,
// then do all the changes and save the new orientation.
// Then just do a timed restore.
Orientation o1 = viewer.getOrientation();
// move to point
viewer.navigate(0, pt);
Point3f toPts = new Point3f();
// get screen point along normal
Point3f toPt = new Point3f(vNorm);
//viewer.script("draw test2 vector " + Escape.escape(pt) + " " + Escape.escape(toPt));
viewer.transformPoint(toPt, toPts);
// subtract the navigation point to get a relative point
// that we can project into the xy plane by setting z = 0
Point3f navPt = new Point3f(viewer.getNavigationOffset());
toPts.z = 0;
// set the directed angle and rotate normal into yz plane,
// less 20 degrees for the normal upward sloping view
float angle = Measure.computeTorsion(JmolConstants.axisNY,
JmolConstants.center, JmolConstants.axisZ, toPts, true);
viewer.navigate(0, JmolConstants.axisZ, angle);
viewer.transformPoint(toPt, toPts);
angle = Measure.computeTorsion(JmolConstants.axisNY,
JmolConstants.center, JmolConstants.axisX, toPts, true);
viewer.navigate(0, JmolConstants.axisX, 20 - angle);
// save this orientation, restore the first, and then
// use TransformManager.moveto to smoothly transition to it
// a script is necessary here because otherwise the application
// would hang.
navPt = new Point3f(viewer.getNavigationOffset());
if (nSeconds <= 0)
o1.restore(0, true);
viewer.script("restore orientation _navsurf " + nSeconds);
private boolean getClosestNormal(IsosurfaceMesh m, Point3f toPt, Point3f ptRet, Vector3f normalRet) {
Point3f[] centers = m.getCenters();
float d;
float dmin = Float.MAX_VALUE;
int imin = -1;
for (int i = centers.length; --i >= 0; ) {
if ((d = centers[i].distance(toPt)) >= dmin)
dmin = d;
imin = i;
if (imin < 0)
return false;
getClosestPoint(m, imin, toPt, ptRet, normalRet);
return true;
private void getClosestPoint(IsosurfaceMesh m, int imin, Point3f toPt, Point3f ptRet,
Vector3f normalRet) {
Point4f plane = m.getFacePlane(imin, normalRet);
float dist = Measure.distanceToPlane(plane, toPt);
dist = Measure.distanceToPlane(plane, ptRet);
if (m.centers[imin].distance(toPt) < ptRet.distance(toPt))
private String findValue(int x, int y, boolean isPicking, BitSet bsVisible) {
if (g3d.isAntialiased()) {
x <<= 1;
y <<= 1;
dmin2 <<= 1;
List pickedContour = null;
int pickedVertex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++) {
IsosurfaceMesh m = isomeshes[i];
if (!isPickable(m, bsVisible))
List[] vs = m.jvxlData.vContours;
int ilast = (m.firstRealVertex < 0 ? 0 : m.firstRealVertex);
if (vs != null && vs.length > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < vs.length; j++) {
List vc = vs[j];
int n = vc.size() - 1;
for (int k = JvxlCoder.CONTOUR_POINTS; k < n; k++) {
Point3f v = (Point3f) vc.get(k);
int d2 = coordinateInRange(x, y, v, dmin2, ptXY);
if (d2 >= 0) {
dmin2 = d2;
pickedContour = vc;
if (pickedContour != null)
return pickedContour.get(JvxlCoder.CONTOUR_VALUE).toString();
} else if (m.jvxlData.jvxlPlane != null && m.vertexValues != null) {
Point3f[] vertices = (m.ptOffset == null && m.scale3d == 0
? m.vertices : m.getOffsetVertices(m.jvxlData.jvxlPlane));
for (int k = m.vertexCount; --k >= ilast;) {
Point3f v = vertices[k];
int d2 = coordinateInRange(x, y, v, dmin2, ptXY);
if (d2 >= 0) {
dmin2 = d2;
pickedVertex = k;
} else if (m.vertexValues != null) {
for (int k = m.vertexCount; --k >= m.firstRealVertex;) {
Point3f v = m.vertices[k];
int d2 = coordinateInRange(x, y, v, dmin2, ptXY);
if (d2 >= 0) {
dmin2 = d2;
pickedVertex = k;
if (pickedVertex != -1)
return (Logger.debugging ? "v" + pickedVertex + " " + m.vertices[pickedVertex] + ": " : "") + m.vertexValues[pickedVertex];
return null;
public void merge(Shape shape) {