Package org.jmol.shape

Examples of org.jmol.shape.Mesh

    boolean isEccentric = (aspectRatio != 1 && wingVectors != null);
    int nHermites = (hermiteLevel + 1) * 2 + 1; // 4 for hermiteLevel = 1
    int nPer = (nHermites - 1) * 2 - 2; // 6 for hermiteLevel 1
    Mesh mesh = meshes[i] = new Mesh("mesh_" + shapeID + "_" + i, g3d, (short) 0, i);
    boolean variableRadius = (madBeg != madMid || madMid != madEnd);
    if (controlHermites == null || controlHermites.length < nHermites + 1) {
      controlHermites = new Point3f[nHermites + 1];
    Graphics3D.getHermiteList(isNucleic ? 4 : 7, controlPoints[iPrev],
        controlPoints[i], controlPoints[iNext], controlPoints[iNext2],
        controlPoints[iNext3], controlHermites, 0, nHermites);
    //System.out.println("create mesh " + thisChain + " mesh_" + shapeID + "_"+i+controlPoints[i] + controlPoints[iNext]);
    if (isEccentric) {
      if (wingHermites == null || wingHermites.length < nHermites + 1) {
        wingHermites = new Vector3f[nHermites + 1];
      if (madEnd == 0)
        wing.scale(2.0f); //adds a flair to an arrow
      Graphics3D.getHermiteList(isNucleic ? 4 : 7, wing, wingVectors[i],
          wingVectors[iNext], wingVectors[iNext2], wingVectors[iNext3],
          wingHermites, 0, nHermites);
    float radius1 = madBeg / 2000f;
    float radius2 = madMid / 2000f;
    float radius3 = madEnd / 2000f;
    if (variableRadius) {
      if (radiusHermites == null
          || radiusHermites.length < ((nHermites + 1) >> 1) + 1) {
        radiusHermites = new Point3f[((nHermites + 1) >> 1) + 1];
      ptPrev.set(radius1, radius1, 0);
      pt.set(radius1, radius2, 0);
      pt1.set(radius2, radius3, 0);
      ptNext.set(radius3, radius3, 0);
      // two for the price of one!
      Graphics3D.getHermiteList(4, ptPrev, pt, pt1, ptNext, ptNext,
          radiusHermites, 0, (nHermites + 1) >> 1);
    if (!isEccentric) {
      norm.sub(controlHermites[1], controlHermites[0]);
      wing0.cross(norm, Z);
      wing0.cross(norm, wing0);
    int nPoints = 0;
    int iMid = nHermites >> 1;
    for (int p = 0; p < nHermites; p++) {
      norm.sub(controlHermites[p + 1], controlHermites[p]);
      if (isEccentric) {
        wing.scale(2f / aspectRatio);
      } else {
        wing.cross(norm, wing0);
      float scale = (!variableRadius ? radius1 : p < iMid ? radiusHermites[p].x
          : radiusHermites[p - iMid].y);
      aa.set(norm, (float) (2 * Math.PI / nPer));
      for (int k = 0; k < nPer; k++) {
        if (isEccentric) {
          if (k == (nPer + 2) / 4 || k == (3 * nPer + 2) / 4)
        pt.add(pt1, wingT);
        if (isEccentric) {
          //dumpVector(wingHermites[p], pt);
      if (p > 0) {
        for (int k = 0; k < nPer; k++) {
          mesh.addQuad(nPoints - nPer + k, nPoints - nPer + ((k + 1) % nPer),
              nPoints + ((k + 1) % nPer), nPoints + k);
      nPoints += nPer;
    if (doCap0)
      for (int k = hermiteLevel * 2; --k >= 0;)
        mesh.addQuad(k + 2, k + 1, (nPer - k) % nPer, nPer - k - 1);
    if (doCap1)
      for (int k = hermiteLevel * 2; --k >= 0;)
        mesh.addQuad(nPoints - k - 1, nPoints - nPer + (nPer - k) % nPer,
            nPoints - nPer + k + 1, nPoints - nPer + k + 2);
    mesh.initialize(JmolConstants.FRONTLIT, null, null);
    //System.out.sprintln("mesh "+ mesh.thisID + " " + mesh.vertexCount+" "+mesh.vertices.length + " " + mesh.polygonCount + " " + mesh.polygonIndexes.length);
    return (meshReady[i] = true);
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      int modelIndex = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[0];
      BitSet bsModels = BitSetUtil.setBit(modelIndex);
      int firstAtomDeleted = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[1];
      int nAtomsDeleted = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[2];
      for (int i = meshCount; --i >= 0;) {
        Mesh m = meshes[i];
        if (m == null)
        if (m.modelIndex == modelIndex) {
          if (m == currentMesh)
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      getMeshCommand(sb, i);
    return sb.toString();

  private void getMeshCommand(StringBuffer sb, int i) {
    Mesh mesh = meshes[i];
    String cmd = mesh.scriptCommand;
    if (cmd == null)
    cmd = cmd.replace('\t', ' ');
    cmd = TextFormat.simpleReplace(cmd, ";#", "; #");
    int pt = cmd.indexOf("; #");
    if (pt >= 0) {
      cmd = cmd.substring(0, pt);
    cmd = TextFormat.trim(cmd, ";");
    if (mesh.linkedMesh != null)
      cmd += " LINK"; // for lcaoCartoon state
    if (mesh.modelIndex >= 0 && modelCount > 1)
      appendCmd(sb, "frame " + viewer.getModelNumberDotted(mesh.modelIndex));
    appendCmd(sb, cmd);
    if (mesh.ptOffset != null)
      appendCmd(sb, myType + " ID " + Escape.escape(mesh.thisID) + " offset "
          + Escape.escape(mesh.ptOffset));
    if (mesh.scale3d != 0)
      appendCmd(sb, myType + " ID " + Escape.escape(mesh.thisID) + " scale3d "
          + mesh.scale3d);
    if (cmd.charAt(0) != '#') {
      if (allowMesh)
        appendCmd(sb, mesh.getState(myType));
      if (mesh.colorCommand != null) {
        if (!mesh.isColorSolid && Graphics3D.isColixTranslucent(mesh.colix))
          appendCmd(sb, getColorCommand(myType, mesh.colix));
        appendCmd(sb, mesh.colorCommand);
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        : thisMesh.thisID);
    if (thisMesh == null)
      allocMesh(id, null);
    if (lcaoCartoon.equals("px")) {
      thisMesh.thisID += "a";
      Mesh meshA = thisMesh;
      createLcaoLobe(x, sense, nElectrons);
      if (nElectrons > 0)
      setProperty("thisID", id + "b", null);
      createLcaoLobe(x, -sense, nElectrons);
      thisMesh.colix = Graphics3D.getColix(colorNeg);
      linkedMesh = thisMesh.linkedMesh = meshA;
    if (lcaoCartoon.equals("py")) {
      thisMesh.thisID += "a";
      Mesh meshA = thisMesh;
      createLcaoLobe(y, sense, nElectrons);
      if (nElectrons > 0)
      setProperty("thisID", id + "b", null);
      createLcaoLobe(y, -sense, nElectrons);
      thisMesh.colix = Graphics3D.getColix(colorNeg);
      linkedMesh = thisMesh.linkedMesh = meshA;
    if (lcaoCartoon.equals("pz")) {
      thisMesh.thisID += "a";
      Mesh meshA = thisMesh;
      createLcaoLobe(z, sense, nElectrons);
      if (nElectrons > 0)
      setProperty("thisID", id + "b", null);
      createLcaoLobe(z, -sense, nElectrons);
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private void resetObjects() {
    for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++) {
      Mesh m = meshes[i];
      m.index = i;
      htObjects.put(m.thisID.toUpperCase(), m);
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Related Classes of org.jmol.shape.Mesh

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