* Created on Dec 20, 2004
* Created by Alon Rohter
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros
* 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France.
package com.aelitis.azureus.core.versioncheck;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.impl.DownloadManagerStateImpl;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.stats.transfer.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.DelayedTask;
import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.utils.UtilitiesImpl;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.clientmessageservice.*;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.NetworkAdmin;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.NetworkAdminASN;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.security.CryptoManagerFactory;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.DNSUtils;
import com.aelitis.net.udp.uc.PRUDPPacketHandler;
import com.aelitis.net.udp.uc.PRUDPPacketHandlerFactory;
import com.aelitis.net.udp.uc.PRUDPReleasablePacketHandler;
* Client for checking version information from a remote server.
public class VersionCheckClient {
private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.CORE;
public static final String REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START = "us";
public static final String REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_PERIODIC = "up";
public static final String REASON_CHECK_SWT = "sw";
public static final String REASON_DHT_EXTENDED_ALLOWED = "dx";
public static final String REASON_DHT_ENABLE_ALLOWED = "de";
public static final String REASON_EXTERNAL_IP = "ip";
public static final String REASON_RECOMMENDED_PLUGINS = "rp";
public static final String REASON_SECONDARY_CHECK = "sc";
public static final String REASON_PLUGIN_UPDATE = "pu";
private static final String AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 = Constants.VERSION_SERVER_V4;
private static final int AZ_MSG_SERVER_PORT = 27001;
private static final String MESSAGE_TYPE_ID = "AZVER";
public static final String HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 = AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4;
public static final int HTTP_SERVER_PORT = 80;
public static final String TCP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 = AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4;
public static final int TCP_SERVER_PORT = 80;
public static final String UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 = AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4;
public static final int UDP_SERVER_PORT = 2080;
public static final String AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6 = Constants.VERSION_SERVER_V6;
public static final String HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6 = AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6;
public static final String TCP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6 = AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6;
public static final String UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6 = AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6;
private static final long CACHE_PERIOD = 5*60*1000;
private static boolean secondary_check_done;
private final List<VersionCheckClientListener> listeners = new ArrayList<VersionCheckClientListener>(1);
private boolean startCheckRan = false;
private static final int AT_V4 = 1;
private static final int AT_V6 = 2;
private static final int AT_EITHER = 3;
private static VersionCheckClient instance;
* Get the singleton instance of the version check client.
* @return version check client
public static synchronized VersionCheckClient
if ( instance == null ){
instance = new VersionCheckClient();
return( instance );
private boolean enable_v6;
private boolean prefer_v6;
private Map last_check_data_v4 = null;
private Map last_check_data_v6 = null;
private final AEMonitor check_mon = new AEMonitor( "versioncheckclient" );
private long last_check_time_v4 = 0;
private long last_check_time_v6 = 0;
private long last_feature_flag_cache;
private long last_feature_flag_cache_time;
new String[]{ "IPV6 Prefer Addresses", "IPV6 Enable Support" },
new ParameterListener()
public void
String name )
enable_v6 = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "IPV6 Enable Support" );
prefer_v6 = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "IPV6 Prefer Addresses" );
public void
DelayedTask delayed_task =
new Runnable()
public void
final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "VCC:init" );
new AEThread2( "VCC:init", true )
public void
if ( !sem.reserve( 5000 )){
Debug.out( "Timeout waiting for version check to complete" );
* Get the version check reply info.
* @return reply data, possibly cached, if the server was already checked within the last minute
public Map
String reason )
return( getVersionCheckInfo( reason, AT_EITHER ));
public Map
String reason,
int address_type )
if ( address_type == AT_V4 ){
return( getVersionCheckInfoSupport( reason, false, false, false ));
}else if ( address_type == AT_V6 ){
return( getVersionCheckInfoSupport( reason, false, false, true ));
Map reply = getVersionCheckInfoSupport( reason, false, false, prefer_v6 );
if ( reply == null || reply.size() == 0 ){
reply = getVersionCheckInfoSupport( reason, false, false, !prefer_v6 );
return( reply );
protected Map
String reason,
boolean only_if_cached,
boolean force,
boolean v6 )
try {
synchronized (listeners) {
if (REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START.equals(reason)) {
startCheckRan = true;
for (VersionCheckClientListener l : listeners) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if ( v6 ){
if ( enable_v6 ){
try { check_mon.enter();
long time_diff = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_check_time_v6;
force = force || time_diff > CACHE_PERIOD || time_diff < 0;
if( last_check_data_v6 == null || last_check_data_v6.size() == 0 || force ) {
// if we've never checked before then we go ahead even if the "only_if_cached"
// flag is set as its had not chance of being cached yet!
if ( only_if_cached && last_check_data_v6 != null ){
return( new HashMap() );
try {
last_check_data_v6 = performVersionCheck( constructVersionCheckMessage( reason ), true, true, true );
if ( last_check_data_v6 != null && last_check_data_v6.size() > 0 ){
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "versioncheck.cache.v6", last_check_data_v6 );
catch(SocketException t) {
// internet is broken
// Debug.out(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage());
catch(UnknownHostException t) {
// dns is broken
// Debug.out(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage());
catch( Throwable t ) {
last_check_data_v6 = new HashMap();
else {
Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "VersionCheckClient is using "
+ "cached version check info. Using " + last_check_data_v6.size()
+ " reply keys."));
finally { check_mon.exit(); }
if( last_check_data_v6 == null ) last_check_data_v6 = new HashMap();
return last_check_data_v6;
try { check_mon.enter();
long time_diff = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_check_time_v4;
force = force || time_diff > CACHE_PERIOD || time_diff < 0;
if( last_check_data_v4 == null || last_check_data_v4.size() == 0 || force ) {
// if we've never checked before then we go ahead even if the "only_if_cached"
// flag is set as its had not chance of being cached yet!
if ( only_if_cached && last_check_data_v4 != null ){
return( new HashMap() );
try {
last_check_data_v4 = performVersionCheck( constructVersionCheckMessage( reason ), true, true, false );
if ( last_check_data_v4 != null && last_check_data_v4.size() > 0 ){
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "versioncheck.cache.v4", last_check_data_v4 );
// clear down any plugin-specific data that has successfully been sent to the version server
if ( AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreAvailable()){
//installed plugin IDs
PluginInterface[] plugins = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaces();
for (int i=0;i<plugins.length;i++){
PluginInterface plugin = plugins[i];
Map data = plugin.getPluginconfig().getPluginMapParameter( "plugin.versionserver.data", null );
if ( data != null ){
plugin.getPluginconfig().setPluginMapParameter( "plugin.versionserver.data", new HashMap());
}catch( Throwable e ){
catch( UnknownHostException t ) {
// no internet
Debug.outNoStack("VersionCheckClient - " + t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage());
catch (IOException t) {
// General connection problem.
Debug.outNoStack("VersionCheckClient - " + t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage());
catch( Throwable t ) {
last_check_data_v4 = new HashMap();
else {
if (Logger.isEnabled())
Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "VersionCheckClient is using "
+ "cached version check info. Using " + last_check_data_v4.size()
+ " reply keys."));
finally { check_mon.exit(); }
if( last_check_data_v4 == null ) last_check_data_v4 = new HashMap();
last_feature_flag_cache_time = 0;
return last_check_data_v4;
public Map
// currently we maintain v4 much more accurately than v6
if ( last_check_data_v4 != null ){
return( last_check_data_v4 );
Map res = COConfigurationManager.getMapParameter( "versioncheck.cache.v4", null );
if ( res != null ){
return( res );
if ( last_check_data_v6 != null ){
return( last_check_data_v6 );
res = COConfigurationManager.getMapParameter( "versioncheck.cache.v6", null );
return( res );
private boolean
int address_type )
boolean v6_ok = last_check_data_v6 != null && last_check_data_v6.size() > 0;
boolean v4_ok = last_check_data_v4 != null && last_check_data_v4.size() > 0;
if ( address_type == AT_V4 ){
return( v4_ok );
}else if ( address_type == AT_V6 ){
return( v6_ok );
return( v4_ok | v6_ok );
public long
boolean v6 )
return( v6?last_check_time_v6:last_check_time_v4);
public void
last_check_time_v6 = 0;
last_check_time_v4 = 0;
public long
long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
if ( now > last_feature_flag_cache_time && now - last_feature_flag_cache_time < 60000 ){
return( last_feature_flag_cache );
Map m = getMostRecentVersionCheckData();
long result;
if ( m == null ){
result = 0;
byte[] b_feat_flags = (byte[])m.get( "feat_flags" );
if ( b_feat_flags != null ){
result = Long.parseLong(new String((byte[])b_feat_flags));
}catch( Throwable e ){
result = 0;
result = 0;
last_feature_flag_cache = result;
last_feature_flag_cache_time = now;
return( result );
public Set<String>
Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
Map m = getMostRecentVersionCheckData();
if ( m != null ){
byte[] x = (byte[])m.get( "disabled_pids" );
if ( x != null ){
String str = new String( x );
String latest = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "vc.disabled_pids.latest", "" );
if ( !str.equals( latest )){
byte[] sig = (byte[])m.get( "disabled_pids_sig" );
if ( sig == null ){
Debug.out( "disabled plugins sig missing" );
return( result );
AEVerifier.verifyData( str, sig );
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "vc.disabled_pids.latest", str );
}catch( Throwable e ){
return( result );
String[] bits = str.split( "," );
for ( String b: bits ){
b = b.trim();
if ( b.length() > 0 ){
result.add( b );
return( result );
public Set<String>
Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
Map m = getMostRecentVersionCheckData();
if ( m != null ){
byte[] x = (byte[])m.get( "autoinstall_pids" );
if ( x != null ){
String str = new String( x );
String latest = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "vc.autoinstall_pids.latest", "" );
if ( !str.equals( latest )){
byte[] sig = (byte[])m.get( "autoinstall_pids_sig" );
if ( sig == null ){
Debug.out( "autoinstall plugins sig missing" );
return( result );
AEVerifier.verifyData( str, sig );
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "vc.autoinstall_pids.latest", str );
}catch( Throwable e ){
return( result );
String[] bits = str.split( "," );
for ( String b: bits ){
b = b.trim();
if ( b.length() > 0 ){
result.add( b );
return( result );
* Get the ip address seen by the version check server.
* NOTE: This information may be cached, see getVersionCheckInfo().
* @return external ip address, or empty string if no address information found
public String
boolean only_if_cached,
boolean v6 )
Map reply = getVersionCheckInfoSupport( REASON_EXTERNAL_IP, only_if_cached, false, v6 );
byte[] address = (byte[])reply.get( "source_ip_address" );
if( address != null ) {
return new String( address );
return( null );
* Is the DHT plugin allowed to be enabled.
* @return true if DHT can be enabled, false if it should not be enabled
public boolean DHTEnableAllowed() {
Map reply = getVersionCheckInfo( REASON_DHT_ENABLE_ALLOWED, AT_EITHER );
boolean res = false;
byte[] value = (byte[])reply.get( "enable_dht" );
if( value != null ) {
res = new String( value ).equalsIgnoreCase( "true" );
// we take the view that if the version check failed then we go ahead
// and enable the DHT (i.e. we're being optimistic)
if ( !res ){
res = !isVersionCheckDataValid( AT_EITHER );
return res;
* Is the DHT allowed to be used by external plugins.
* @return true if extended DHT use is allowed, false if not allowed
public boolean
Map reply = getVersionCheckInfo( REASON_DHT_EXTENDED_ALLOWED, AT_EITHER );
boolean res = false;
byte[] value = (byte[])reply.get( "enable_dht_extended_use" );
if( value != null ) {
res = new String( value ).equalsIgnoreCase( "true" );
// be generous and enable extended use if check failed
if ( !res ){
res = !isVersionCheckDataValid( AT_EITHER );
return res;
public String[]
Map reply = getVersionCheckInfo( REASON_RECOMMENDED_PLUGINS, AT_EITHER );
List l = (List)reply.get( "recommended_plugins" );
if ( l == null ){
return( new String[0] );
String[] res = new String[l.size()];
for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++){
res[i] = new String((byte[])l.get(i));
return( res );
public Map<String,Object>
Map reply = getVersionCheckInfo( REASON_EXTERNAL_IP, AT_EITHER );
Map<String,Object> info = (Map<String,Object>)reply.get( "source_info" );
if ( info == null ){
return( new HashMap<String,Object>());
return( BDecoder.decodeStrings( info ));
* Perform the actual version check by connecting to the version server.
* @param data_to_send version message
* @return version reply
* @throws Exception if the server check connection fails
private Map
Map data_to_send,
boolean use_az_message,
boolean use_http,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
Exception error = null;
Map reply = null;
if ( use_http ){
reply = executeHTTP( data_to_send, v6 );
reply.put( "protocol_used", "HTTP" );
error = null;
catch (IOException e) {
error = e;
catch (Exception e){
error = e;
if ( reply == null && use_az_message ){
reply = executeAZMessage( data_to_send, v6 );
reply.put( "protocol_used", "AZMSG" );
catch (IOException e) {
error = e;
catch (Exception e) {
Debug.printStackTrace( e );
error = e;
if ( error != null ){
throw( error );
if (Logger.isEnabled())
Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "VersionCheckClient server "
+ "version check successful. Received " + reply.size()
+ " reply keys."));
if ( v6 ){
last_check_time_v6 = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
last_check_time_v4 = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
return reply;
private Map
Map data_to_send,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
if ( v6 && !enable_v6 ){
throw( new Exception( "IPv6 is disabled" ));
String host = getHost( v6, AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6, AZ_MSG_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 );
if (Logger.isEnabled())
Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "VersionCheckClient retrieving "
+ "version information from " + host + ":" + AZ_MSG_SERVER_PORT));
ClientMessageService msg_service = null;
Map reply = null;
msg_service = ClientMessageServiceClient.getServerService( host, AZ_MSG_SERVER_PORT, 20, MESSAGE_TYPE_ID );
msg_service.sendMessage( data_to_send ); //send our version message
reply = msg_service.receiveMessage(); //get the server reply
preProcessReply( reply, v6 );
if ( msg_service != null ){
return( reply );
private Map
Map data_to_send,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
if ( v6 && !enable_v6 ){
throw( new Exception( "IPv6 is disabled" ));
if (Logger.isEnabled())
Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "VersionCheckClient retrieving "
+ "version information from " + host + ":" + HTTP_SERVER_PORT + " via HTTP" ));
String url_str = "http://" + (v6?UrlUtils.convertIPV6Host(host):host) + (HTTP_SERVER_PORT==80?"":(":" + HTTP_SERVER_PORT)) + "/version?";
url_str += URLEncoder.encode( new String( BEncoder.encode( data_to_send ), "ISO-8859-1" ), "ISO-8859-1" );
URL url = new URL( url_str );
HttpURLConnection url_connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
url_connection.setConnectTimeout( 10*1000 );
url_connection.setReadTimeout( 10*1000 );
InputStream is = url_connection.getInputStream();
Map reply = BDecoder.decode( new BufferedInputStream( is ));
preProcessReply( reply, v6 );
return( reply );
public String
boolean for_proxy,
boolean v6 )
return( getHTTPGetString( new HashMap(), for_proxy, v6 ));
private String
Map content,
boolean for_proxy,
boolean v6 )
String host = getHost( v6, HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6, HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 );
String get_str = "GET " + (for_proxy?("http://" + (v6?UrlUtils.convertIPV6Host( host ):host ) + ":" + HTTP_SERVER_PORT ):"") +"/version?";
get_str += URLEncoder.encode( new String( BEncoder.encode( content ), "ISO-8859-1" ), "ISO-8859-1" );
}catch( Throwable e ){
get_str +=" HTTP/1.1" + "\015\012" + "\015\012";
return( get_str );
private Map
Map data_to_send,
InetAddress bind_ip,
int bind_port,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
if ( v6 && !enable_v6 ){
throw( new Exception( "IPv6 is disabled" ));
String host = getHost(v6, TCP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6, TCP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 );
if (Logger.isEnabled())
Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "VersionCheckClient retrieving "
+ "version information from " + host + ":" + TCP_SERVER_PORT + " via TCP" ));
String get_str = getHTTPGetString( data_to_send, false, v6 );
Socket socket = null;
socket = new Socket();
if ( bind_ip != null ){
socket.bind( new InetSocketAddress( bind_ip, bind_port ));
}else if ( bind_port != 0 ){
socket.bind( new InetSocketAddress( bind_port ));
socket.setSoTimeout( 10000 );
socket.connect( new InetSocketAddress( host, TCP_SERVER_PORT ), 10000 );
OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
os.write( get_str.getBytes( "ISO-8859-1" ));
InputStream is = socket.getInputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
String header = "";
int content_length = -1;
while( true ){
int len = is.read( buffer );
if ( len <= 0 ){
header += (char)buffer[0];
if ( header.endsWith( "\r\n\r\n" )){
header = header.toLowerCase( MessageText.LOCALE_ENGLISH );
int pos = header.indexOf( "content-length:" );
if ( pos == -1 ){
throw( new IOException( "content length missing" ));
header = header.substring( pos+15 );
pos = header.indexOf( '\r' );
header = header.substring(0,pos).trim();
content_length = Integer.parseInt( header );
if ( content_length > 10000 ){
throw( new IOException( "content length too large" ));
if ( header.length() > 2048 ){
throw( new IOException( "header too large" ));
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( content_length );
buffer = new byte[content_length];
while( content_length > 0 ){
int len = is.read( buffer );
if ( len <= 0 ){
baos.write( buffer, 0, len );
content_length -= len;
if ( content_length != 0 ){
throw( new IOException( "error reading reply" ));
byte[] reply_bytes = baos.toByteArray();
Map reply = BDecoder.decode( new BufferedInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( reply_bytes )));
preProcessReply( reply, v6 );
return( reply );
if ( socket != null ){
}catch( Throwable e ){
private Map
Map data_to_send,
InetAddress bind_ip,
int bind_port,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
if ( v6 && !enable_v6 ){
throw( new Exception( "IPv6 is disabled" ));
String host = getHost( v6, UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6, UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 );
PRUDPReleasablePacketHandler handler = PRUDPPacketHandlerFactory.getReleasableHandler( bind_port );
PRUDPPacketHandler packet_handler = handler.getHandler();
long timeout = 5;
Random random = new Random();
Exception last_error = null;
packet_handler.setExplicitBindAddress( bind_ip );
for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
// connection ids for requests must always have their msb set...
// apart from the original darn udp tracker spec....
long connection_id = 0x8000000000000000L | random.nextLong();
VersionCheckClientUDPRequest request_packet = new VersionCheckClientUDPRequest( connection_id );
request_packet.setPayload( data_to_send );
VersionCheckClientUDPReply reply_packet = (VersionCheckClientUDPReply)packet_handler.sendAndReceive( null, request_packet, new InetSocketAddress( host, UDP_SERVER_PORT ), timeout );
Map reply = reply_packet.getPayload();
preProcessReply( reply, v6 );
return( reply );
}catch( Exception e){
last_error = e;
timeout = timeout * 2;
if ( last_error != null ){
throw( last_error );
throw( new Exception( "Timeout" ));
packet_handler.setExplicitBindAddress( null );
protected void
Map reply,
final boolean v6 )
NetworkAdmin admin = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton();
byte[] address = (byte[])reply.get( "source_ip_address" );
InetAddress my_ip = InetAddress.getByName( new String( address ));
NetworkAdminASN old_asn = admin.getCurrentASN();
NetworkAdminASN new_asn = admin.lookupCurrentASN( my_ip );
if ( !new_asn.sameAs( old_asn )){
// kick off a secondary version check to communicate the new information
if ( !secondary_check_done ){
secondary_check_done = true;
new AEThread( "Secondary version check", true )
public void
getVersionCheckInfoSupport( REASON_SECONDARY_CHECK, false, true, v6 );
}catch( Throwable e ){
Long as_advice = (Long)reply.get( "as_advice" );
if ( as_advice != null ){
NetworkAdminASN current_asn = admin.getCurrentASN();
String asn = current_asn.getASName();
if ( asn != null ){
long advice = as_advice.longValue();
if ( advice != 0 ){
// require crypto
String done_asn = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "ASN Advice Followed", "" );
if ( !done_asn.equals( asn )){
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "ASN Advice Followed", asn );
boolean change = advice == 1 || advice == 2;
boolean alert = advice == 1 || advice == 3;
if ( !COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "network.transport.encrypted.require" )){
if ( change ){
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "network.transport.encrypted.require", true );
if ( alert ){
String msg =
new String[]{ asn });
Logger.log( new LogAlert( false, LogAlert.AT_WARNING, msg ));
// set ui.toolbar.uiswitcher based on instructions from tracker
// Really shouldn't be in VersionCheck client, but instead have some
// listener and have the code elsewhere. Simply calling
//getVersionCheckInfo from "code elsewhere" (to get the cached result)
//caused a deadlock at startup.
Long lEnabledUISwitcher = (Long) reply.get("ui.toolbar.uiswitcher");
if (lEnabledUISwitcher != null) {
lEnabledUISwitcher.longValue() == 1);
public InetAddress
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
Map reply = executeHTTP( new HashMap(), v6 );
byte[] address = (byte[])reply.get( "source_ip_address" );
return( InetAddress.getByName( new String( address )));
public InetAddress
InetAddress bind_ip,
int bind_port,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
Map reply = executeTCP( new HashMap(), bind_ip, bind_port, v6 );
byte[] address = (byte[])reply.get( "source_ip_address" );
return( InetAddress.getByName( new String( address )));
public InetAddress
InetAddress bind_ip,
int bind_port,
boolean v6 )
throws Exception
Map reply = executeUDP( new HashMap(), bind_ip, bind_port, v6 );
byte[] address = (byte[])reply.get( "source_ip_address" );
return( InetAddress.getByName( new String( address )));
protected String
boolean v6,
String v6_address,
String v4_address )
if ( v6 ){
v6_address = getTestAddress( true, v6_address );
return( InetAddress.getByName( v6_address ).getHostAddress());
}catch( UnknownHostException e ){
return( DNSUtils.getIPV6ByName( v6_address ).getHostAddress());
}catch( UnknownHostException f ){
return( v6_address );
v4_address = getTestAddress( false, v4_address );
return( v4_address );
private String
boolean v6,
String address )
return( COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "versioncheck.test.address." + v6, address ));
* Construct the default version check message.
* @return message to send
public static Map<String,Object>
String reason )
//only send if anonymous-check flag is not set
boolean send_info = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "Send Version Info" );
Map<String,Object> message = new HashMap<String,Object>();
//always send
message.put( "appid", SystemProperties.getApplicationIdentifier());
message.put( "appname", SystemProperties.getApplicationName());
message.put( "version", Constants.AZUREUS_VERSION );
String sub_ver = Constants.AZUREUS_SUBVER;
if ( sub_ver.length() > 0 ){
message.put( "subver", sub_ver );
if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "Beta Programme Enabled" )){
message.put( "beta_prog", "true" );
message.put( "ui", COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "ui", "unknown" ) );
message.put( "os", Constants.OSName );
message.put( "os_version", System.getProperty( "os.version" ) );
message.put( "os_arch", System.getProperty( "os.arch" ) ); //see http://lopica.sourceforge.net/os.html
boolean using_phe = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "network.transport.encrypted.require" );
message.put( "using_phe", using_phe ? new Long(1) : new Long(0) );
//swt stuff
try {
Class c = Class.forName( "org.eclipse.swt.SWT" );
String swt_platform = (String)c.getMethod( "getPlatform", new Class[]{} ).invoke( null, new Object[]{} );
message.put( "swt_platform", swt_platform );
Integer swt_version = (Integer)c.getMethod( "getVersion", new Class[]{} ).invoke( null, new Object[]{} );
message.put( "swt_version", new Long( swt_version.longValue() ) );
if ( send_info ){
c = Class.forName("org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.MainWindow");
if (c != null) {
c.getMethod("addToVersionCheckMessage", new Class[] { Map.class }).invoke(
null, new Object[] { message });
catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) { /* ignore */ }
catch( NoClassDefFoundError er ) { /* ignore */ }
catch( InvocationTargetException err ) { /* ignore */ }
catch( Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace(); }
int last_send_time = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Send Version Info Last Time", -1 );
int current_send_time = (int)(SystemTime.getCurrentTime()/1000);
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "Send Version Info Last Time", current_send_time );
String id = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "ID", null );
if( id != null && send_info ) {
message.put( "id", id );
byte[] id2 = CryptoManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSecureID();
message.put( "id2", id2 );
}catch( Throwable e ){
if ( last_send_time != -1 && last_send_time < current_send_time ){
// time since last
message.put( "tsl", new Long(current_send_time-last_send_time));
message.put( "reason", reason );
String java_version = System.getProperty( "java.version" );
if ( java_version == null ){ java_version = "unknown"; }
message.put( "java", java_version );
String java_vendor = System.getProperty( "java.vm.vendor" );
if ( java_vendor == null ){ java_vendor = "unknown"; }
message.put( "javavendor", java_vendor );
long max_mem = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/(1024*1024);
message.put( "javamx", new Long( max_mem ) );
String java_rt_name = System.getProperty("java.runtime.name");
if (java_rt_name != null) {
message.put( "java_rt_name", java_rt_name);
String java_rt_version = System.getProperty("java.runtime.version");
if (java_rt_version != null) {
message.put( "java_rt_version", java_rt_version);
OverallStats stats = StatsFactory.getStats();
if ( stats != null ){
//long total_bytes_downloaded = stats.getDownloadedBytes();
//long total_bytes_uploaded = stats.getUploadedBytes();
long total_uptime = stats.getTotalUpTime();
//removed due to complaints about anonymous stats collection
//message.put( "total_bytes_downloaded", new Long( total_bytes_downloaded ) );
//message.put( "total_bytes_uploaded", new Long( total_bytes_uploaded ) );
message.put( "total_uptime", new Long( total_uptime ) );
//message.put( "dlstats", stats.getDownloadStats());
NetworkAdminASN current_asn = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getCurrentASN();
String as = current_asn.getAS();
message.put( "ip_as", current_asn.getAS());
String asn = current_asn.getASName();
if ( asn.length() > 64 ){
asn = asn.substring( 0, 64 );
message.put( "ip_asn", asn );
}catch( Throwable e ){
Debug.out( e );
// send locale, so we can determine which languages need attention
message.put("locale", Locale.getDefault().toString());
String originalLocale = System.getProperty("user.language") + "_"
+ System.getProperty("user.country");
String variant = System.getProperty("user.variant");
if (variant != null && variant.length() > 0) {
originalLocale += "_" + variant;
message.put("orig_locale", originalLocale);
// We may want to reply differently if the user is in Beginner mode vs Advanced
COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("User Mode", -1));
Set<String> features = UtilitiesImpl.getFeaturesInstalled();
if ( features.size() > 0 ){
String str = "";
for ( String f: features ){
str += (str.length()==0?"":",") + f;
message.put( "vzfeatures", str );
if ( AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreAvailable()){
//installed plugin IDs
PluginInterface[] plugins = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaces();
List pids = new ArrayList();
List vs_data = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0;i<plugins.length;i++){
PluginInterface plugin = plugins[i];
String pid = plugin.getPluginID();
String info = plugin.getPluginconfig().getPluginStringParameter( "plugin.info" );
// filter out built-in and core ones
if ( ( info != null && info.length() > 0 ) ||
( !pid.startsWith( "<" ) &&
!pid.startsWith( "azbp" ) &&
!pid.startsWith( "azupdater" ) &&
!pid.startsWith( "azplatform" ) &&
!pids.contains( pid ))){
if ( info != null && info.length() > 0 ){
if( info.length() < 256 ){
pid += ":" + info;
Debug.out( "Plugin '" + pid + "' reported excessive info string '" + info + "'" );
pids.add( pid );
Map data = plugin.getPluginconfig().getPluginMapParameter( "plugin.versionserver.data", null );
if ( data != null ){
Map payload = new HashMap();
byte[] data_bytes = BEncoder.encode( data );
if ( data_bytes.length > 16*1024 ){
Debug.out( "Plugin '" + pid + "' reported excessive version server data (length=" + data_bytes.length + ")" );
payload.put( "error", "data too long: " + data_bytes.length );
payload.put( "data", data_bytes );
payload.put( "id", pid);
payload.put( "version", plugin.getPluginVersion());
vs_data.add( payload );
message.put( "plugins", pids );
if ( vs_data.size() > 0 ){
message.put( "plugin_data", vs_data );
}catch( Throwable e ){
Debug.out( e );
return message;
public void
boolean triggerStartListener,
VersionCheckClientListener l)
synchronized (listeners) {
if (triggerStartListener && startCheckRan) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void
VersionCheckClientListener l)
synchronized (listeners) {
public static void
String[] args )
boolean v6= true;
// Test connectivity.
if (true) {
// System.out.println( "UDP: " + getSingleton().getExternalIpAddressUDP(null,0,v6));
// System.out.println( "TCP: " + getSingleton().getExternalIpAddressTCP(null,0,v6));
// System.out.println( "HTTP: " + getSingleton().getExternalIpAddressHTTP(v6));
Map data = constructVersionCheckMessage(VersionCheckClient.REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START);
System.out.println("Sending (pre-initialisation):");
System.out.println("Receiving (pre-initialisation):");
System.out.print("Initialising core... ");
* Suppress all of these errors being displayed in the output.
* These things should be temporary...
DownloadManagerStateImpl.SUPPRESS_FIXUP_ERRORS = true;
AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.create();
data = constructVersionCheckMessage(VersionCheckClient.REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START);
System.out.println("Sending (post-initialisation):");
System.out.println("Receiving (post-initialisation):");
System.out.print("Shutting down core... ");
}catch( Throwable e){
// Used for debugging in main.
private static void
printDataMap(Map map)
throws Exception
TreeMap res = new TreeMap(map);
Iterator key_itr = map.keySet().iterator();
while (key_itr.hasNext()) {
Object key = key_itr.next();
Object val = map.get(key);
if (val instanceof byte[]) {
String as_bytes = ByteFormatter.nicePrint((byte[])val);
String as_text = new String((byte[])val, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING);
res.put(key, as_text + " [" + as_bytes + "]");
Iterator entries = res.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry entry;
while (entries.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry)entries.next();
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print(": ");