
Examples of

      throw( new Exception( "IPv6 is disabled" ));

    String  host = getHost( v6, UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V6, UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS_V4 );

    PRUDPReleasablePacketHandler handler = PRUDPPacketHandlerFactory.getReleasableHandler( bind_port );

    PRUDPPacketHandler  packet_handler = handler.getHandler();

    long timeout = 5;

    Random random = new Random();

      Exception  last_error = null;

      packet_handler.setExplicitBindAddress( bind_ip );   

      for (int i=0;i<3;i++){

          // connection ids for requests must always have their msb set...
          // apart from the original darn udp tracker spec....

          long connection_id = 0x8000000000000000L | random.nextLong();

          VersionCheckClientUDPRequest  request_packet = new VersionCheckClientUDPRequest( connection_id );

          request_packet.setPayload( data_to_send );

          VersionCheckClientUDPReply reply_packet = (VersionCheckClientUDPReply)packet_handler.sendAndReceive( null, request_packet, new InetSocketAddress( host, UDP_SERVER_PORT ), timeout );

          Map  reply = reply_packet.getPayload();

          preProcessReply( reply, v6 );

          return( reply );

        }catch( Exception e){

          last_error  = e;

          timeout = timeout * 2;

      if ( last_error != null ){

        throw( last_error );

      throw( new Exception( "Timeout" ));


      packet_handler.setExplicitBindAddress( null );

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    InetAddress    bind_ip,
    int        bind_port )
    throws NetworkAdminException
    PRUDPReleasablePacketHandler handler = PRUDPPacketHandlerFactory.getReleasableHandler( bind_port );

    PRUDPPacketHandler  packet_handler = handler.getHandler();

    HashMap  data_to_send = new HashMap();

    PluginInterface pi_upnp = core.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByClass( UPnPPlugin.class );

    String  upnp_str = null;

    if( pi_upnp != null ) {

      UPnPPlugin upnp = (UPnPPlugin)pi_upnp.getPlugin();

      UPnPMapping mapping = upnp.getMapping( true, port );

      if ( mapping == null ) {

        new_mapping = mapping = upnp.addMapping( "NAT Tester", true, port, true );

        // give UPnP a chance to work

        try {
          Thread.sleep( 500 );

        catch (Throwable e) {

          Debug.printStackTrace( e );
      UPnPPluginService[]  services = upnp.getServices();

      if ( services.length > 0 ){

        upnp_str = "";

        for (int i=0;i<services.length;i++){

          UPnPPluginService service = services[i];

          upnp_str += (i==0?"":",") + service.getInfo();

    if ( upnp_str != null ){

      data_to_send.put( "upnp", upnp_str );

      NetworkAdminASN net_asn = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getCurrentASN();

    String  as   = net_asn.getAS();
    String  asn = net_asn.getASName();

    if ( as.length() > 0 ){

      data_to_send.put( "as", as );
    if ( asn.length() > 0 ){

      data_to_send.put( "asn", asn );

    data_to_send.put( "locale", MessageText.getCurrentLocale().toString());

    Random   random = new Random();

    data_to_send.put( "id", new Long( random.nextLong()));     

      packet_handler.setExplicitBindAddress( bind_ip );   

      Throwable last_error = null;

      long   timeout   = 5000;
      long   timeout_inc = 5000;

        for (int i=0;i<3;i++){

          data_to_send.put( "seq", new Long(i));


            // connection ids for requests must always have their msb set...
            // apart from the original darn udp tracker spec....

            long connection_id = 0x8000000000000000L | random.nextLong();

            NetworkAdminNATUDPRequest  request_packet = new NetworkAdminNATUDPRequest( connection_id );

            request_packet.setPayload( data_to_send );

            listener.reportProgress( "Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=" + timeout + ")" );
            NetworkAdminNATUDPReply reply_packet =
                  new InetSocketAddress( UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS, UDP_SERVER_PORT ),
                  PRUDPPacketHandler.PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE );

            Map  reply = reply_packet.getPayload();

            byte[]  ip_bytes = (byte[])reply.get( "ip_address" );

            if ( ip_bytes == null ){

              throw( new NetworkAdminException( "IP address missing in reply" ));

            byte[] reason = (byte[])reply.get( "reason" );

            if ( reason != null ) {

              throw( new NetworkAdminException( new String( reason, "UTF8")));

            return( InetAddress.getByAddress( ip_bytes ));

          }catch( Throwable e){

            last_error  = e;

            timeout += timeout_inc;

        if ( last_error != null ){

          throw( last_error );

        throw( new NetworkAdminException( "Timeout" ));


          data_to_send.put( "seq", new Long(99));

          long connection_id = 0x8000000000000000L | random.nextLong();

          NetworkAdminNATUDPRequest  request_packet = new NetworkAdminNATUDPRequest( connection_id );

          request_packet.setPayload( data_to_send );

          // fire off one last packet in attempt to inform server of completion

          listener.reportProgress( "Sending completion event" );

          packet_handler.send( request_packet, new InetSocketAddress( UDP_SERVER_ADDRESS, UDP_SERVER_PORT ));

        }catch( Throwable e){ 
    }catch( NetworkAdminException e ){

      throw( e );

    }catch( Throwable e ){

      throw( new NetworkAdminException( "Inbound test failed", e ));


      packet_handler.setExplicitBindAddress( null );

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        receiver.setRequestHandler( request_handler );
      final PRUDPPacketHandlerImpl f_receiver = receiver;
      final PRUDPReleasablePacketHandler rel =
        new PRUDPReleasablePacketHandler()
          public PRUDPPacketHandler
            return( f_receiver );
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