byte[] address = (byte[])reply.get( "source_ip_address" );
InetAddress my_ip = InetAddress.getByName( new String( address ));
NetworkAdminASN old_asn = admin.getCurrentASN();
NetworkAdminASN new_asn = admin.lookupCurrentASN( my_ip );
if ( !new_asn.sameAs( old_asn )){
// kick off a secondary version check to communicate the new information
if ( !secondary_check_done ){
secondary_check_done = true;
new AEThread( "Secondary version check", true )
public void
getVersionCheckInfoSupport( REASON_SECONDARY_CHECK, false, true, v6 );
}catch( Throwable e ){
Long as_advice = (Long)reply.get( "as_advice" );
if ( as_advice != null ){
NetworkAdminASN current_asn = admin.getCurrentASN();
String asn = current_asn.getASName();
if ( asn != null ){
long advice = as_advice.longValue();