package rabbit.proxy;
import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import rabbit.cache.Cache;
import rabbit.cache.NCache;
import rabbit.filter.HttpFilter;
import rabbit.handler.HandlerFactory;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.http.HttpDateParser;
import rabbit.util.Config;
import rabbit.util.Counter;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
import rabbit.util.SProperties;
/** A filtering and caching http proxy.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
public class HttpProxy implements Runnable, Resolver, TaskRunner {
/** Current version */
public static final String VERSION = "RabbIT proxy version 3.2.0";
/** The current config of this proxy. */
private Config config;
/** The time this proxy was started. Time in millis. */
private long started;
/** The identity of this server. */
private String serverIdentity = VERSION;
/** The logger of this proxy. */
private ProxyLogger logger = new ProxyLogger ();
/** The id sequence for acceptors. */
private static int acceptorId = 0;
/** The dns handler */
private DNSHandler dnsHandler;
/** The socket access controller. */
private SocketAccessController socketAccessController;
/** The http header filterer. */
private HttpHeaderFilterer httpHeaderFilterer;
/** The connection handler */
private ConnectionHandler conhandler;
/** The local adress of the proxy. */
private InetAddress localhost;
/** The port the proxy is using. */
private int port = -1;
/** Adress of connected proxy. */
private InetAddress proxy = null;
/** Port of the connected proxy. */
private int proxyport = -1;
/** Is the proxy currently listening. */
private boolean accepting = false;
/** The serversocket the proxy is using. */
private ServerSocketChannel ssc = null;
/** The selector the proxy is using. */
private Selector selector = null;
/** If this proxy is using strict http parsing. */
private boolean strictHttp = true;
/** Maximum number of concurrent connections */
private int maxConnections = 50;
/** The counter of events. */
private Counter counter = new Counter ();
/** The thread pool */ // TODO: possibility to configure...
private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool ();
/** The queue to get back on the main thread. */
private List<Runnable> returnedTasks = new ArrayList<Runnable> ();
/** The cache-handler */
private NCache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache;
/** Are we allowed to proxy ssl? */
protected boolean proxySSL = false;
/** The List of acceptable ssl-ports. */
protected List<Integer> sslports = null;
/** The handler factory handler. */
private HandlerFactoryHandler handlerFactoryHandler;
/** All the currently active connections. */
private List<Connection> connections = new ArrayList<Connection> ();
/** The total traffic in and out of this proxy. */
private TrafficLoggerHandler tlh = new TrafficLoggerHandler ();
/** Is this proxy running. */
private boolean running = false;
public HttpProxy () throws UnknownHostException {
localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost ();
/** Set the config file to use for this proxy.
* @param conf the name of the file to use for proxy configuration.
public void setConfig (String conf) throws IOException {
setConfig (new Config (conf));
private void setupLogging () {
logger.setup (config.getProperties ("logging"));
private void setupDateParsing () {
HttpDateParser.setOffset (getOffset ());
private void setupDNSHandler () {
/* DNSJava have problems with international versions of windows.
* so we default to the default dns handler.
String osName = System.getProperty ("");
if (osName.toLowerCase ().indexOf ("windows") > -1) {
logger.logWarn ("This seems like a windows system, " +
"will use default sun handler for DNS");
dnsHandler = new DNSSunHandler ();
} else {
String dnsHandlerClass =
config.getProperty (getClass ().getName (), "dnsHandler",
try {
Class<? extends DNSHandler> clz =
Class.forName (dnsHandlerClass).asSubclass (DNSHandler.class);
dnsHandler = clz.newInstance ();
dnsHandler.setup (config.getProperties ("dns"), logger);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.logError ("Unable to create and setup dns handler: " + e +
", will try to use default instead.");
dnsHandler = new DNSJavaHandler ();
dnsHandler.setup (config.getProperties ("dns"), logger);
/** Configure the chained proxy rabbit is using (if any).
private void setupProxyConnection () {
String sec = getClass ().getName ();
String pname = config.getProperty (sec, "proxyhost", "");
String pport = config.getProperty (sec, "proxyport", "");
if (!pname.equals ("") && !pport.equals ("")) {
try {
proxy = dnsHandler.getInetAddress (pname);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
logger.logFatal ("Unknown proxyhost: '" + pname + "' exiting");
try {
proxyport = Integer.parseInt (pport.trim ());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.logFatal ("Strange proxyport: '" + pport + "' exiting");
private void setupCache () {
SProperties props =
config.getProperties (NCache.class.getName ());
cache = new NCache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> (getLogger (), props);
/** Configure the SSL support RabbIT should have.
private void setupSSLSupport () {
String ssl = config.getProperty ("sslhandler", "allowSSL", "no");
ssl = ssl.trim ();
if (ssl.equals ("no")) {
proxySSL = false;
} else if (ssl.equals ("yes")) {
proxySSL = true;
sslports = null;
} else {
proxySSL = true;
// ok, try to get the portnumbers.
sslports = new ArrayList<Integer> ();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (ssl, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens ()) {
String s = null;
try {
Integer port = new Integer (s = st.nextToken ());
sslports.add (port);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.logWarn ("bad number: '" + s +
"' for ssl port, ignoring.");
public void setStrictHttp (boolean b) {
this.strictHttp = b;
public boolean getStrictHttp () {
return strictHttp;
/** Configure the maximum number of simultanious connections we handle
private void setupMaxConnections () {
String mc = config.getProperty (getClass ().getName (),
"maxconnections", "500").trim ();
try {
maxConnections = Integer.parseInt (mc);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.logWarn ("bad number for maxconnections: '" +
mc + "', using old value: " + maxConnections);
private void setupConnectionHandler () {
conhandler = new ConnectionHandler (logger, counter, this, selector);
String p = conhandler.getClass ().getName ();
conhandler.setup (logger, config.getProperties (p));
private void setConfig (Config config) {
this.config = config;
setupLogging ();
setupDateParsing ();
setupDNSHandler ();
setupProxyConnection ();
String cn = getClass ().getName ();
serverIdentity = config.getProperty (cn, "serverIdentity", VERSION);
String strictHttp = config.getProperty (cn, "StrictHTTP", "true");
setStrictHttp (strictHttp.equals ("true"));
setupMaxConnections ();
setupCache ();
setupSSLSupport ();
loadClasses ();
openSocket ();
setupConnectionHandler ();
logger.logMsg ("Configuration loaded: ready for action.");
/** Open a socket on the specified port
* also make the proxy continue accepting connections.
private void openSocket () {
int tport =
Integer.parseInt (config.getProperty (getClass ().getName (),
"port", "9666").trim ());
if (tport != port) {
try {
port = tport;
accepting = false;
closeSocket ();
ssc = ();
ssc.configureBlocking (false);
ssc.socket ().bind (new InetSocketAddress (port));
accepting = true;
selector = ();
Acceptor acceptor =
new Acceptor (acceptorId++, this, selector);
HandlerRegistration hr =
new HandlerRegistration (acceptor, Long.MAX_VALUE);
ssc.register (selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, hr);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.logFatal ("Failed to open serversocket on port " +
stop ();
/** Closes the serversocket and makes the proxy stop listening for
* connections.
private void closeSocket () {
try {
accepting = false;
if (selector != null) {
selector.close ();
selector = null;
if (ssc != null) {
ssc.close ();
ssc = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.logFatal ("Failed to close serversocket on port " + port);
stop ();
/** Make sure all filters and handlers are available
private void loadClasses () {
SProperties hProps = config.getProperties ("Handlers");
SProperties chProps = config.getProperties ("CacheHandlers");
handlerFactoryHandler =
new HandlerFactoryHandler (hProps, chProps, config, getLogger ());
String filters = config.getProperty ("Filters", "accessfilters","");
socketAccessController =
new SocketAccessController (filters, config, logger);
String in = config.getProperty ("Filters", "httpinfilters","");
String out = config.getProperty ("Filters", "httpoutfilters","");
httpHeaderFilterer =
new HttpHeaderFilterer (in, out, config, this);
/** Run the proxy in a separate thread. */
public void start () {
started = System.currentTimeMillis ();
Thread t = new Thread (this, VERSION);
running = true;
t.start ();
/** Run the proxy in a separate thread. */
public void stop () {
// TODO: what level do we want here?
getLogger ().logFatal ("HttpProxy.stop() called, shutting down");
closeSocket ();
// TODO: wait for remaining connections.
// TODO: as it is now, it will just close connections in the middle.
executorService.shutdown ();
logger.close ();
cache.flush ();
cache.stop ();
running = false;
public void run () {
while (running) {
while (!accepting || !selector.isOpen ()) {
try {
// wait for reconfigure
Thread.sleep (2 * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
try {
int num = (10 * 1000);
if (selector.isOpen ()) {
cancelTimeouts ();
handleSelects ();
runReturnedTasks ();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.logError ("Failed to accept, " +
"trying to restart serversocket: " + e);
closeSocket ();
openSocket ();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.logError ("Unknown error: " + e +
" attemting to ignore");
e.printStackTrace ();
private void cancelTimeouts () throws IOException {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis ();
for (SelectionKey sk : selector.keys ()) {
Object a = sk.attachment ();
if (a instanceof String) {
// ignore, this is used for status.
} else {
HandlerRegistration hr = (HandlerRegistration)a;
if (hr != null && now - hr.when > 60 * 1000) {
cancelKeyAndCloseChannel (sk);
hr.handler.timeout ();
/** Close down a client that has timed out.
private void cancelKeyAndCloseChannel (SelectionKey sk) {
sk.cancel ();
try {
SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel) ();
sc.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.logError ("failed to shutdown and close socket: " + e);
private void handleSelects () throws IOException {
Set<SelectionKey> selected = selector.selectedKeys ();
for (Iterator<SelectionKey> i = selected.iterator (); i.hasNext (); ) {
SelectionKey sk = ();
Object a = sk.attachment ();
if (a != null && a instanceof HandlerRegistration) {
HandlerRegistration hr = (HandlerRegistration)a;
if (hr != null && hr.handler != null)
handle (sk, hr.handler);
} else if (a == null) {
logger.logWarn ("No handler for:" + sk);
} else {
// Ok, something is very bad here, try to shutdown the channel
// and hope that we handle it ok elsewhere...
logger.logError ("Bad handler for:" + sk + ": " + a);
sk.cancel (); ().close ();
selected.clear ();
private void handle (SelectionKey sk, SocketHandler handler) {
if (handler.useSeparateThread ()) {
// need to cancel so that we do not get multiple selects...
sk.cancel ();
executorService.execute (handler);
} else { ();
private void runReturnedTasks () {
synchronized (returnedTasks) {
for (Runnable r : returnedTasks) ();
returnedTasks.clear ();
public void runMainTask (Runnable r) {
synchronized (returnedTasks) {
returnedTasks.add (r);
selector.wakeup ();
public void runThreadTask (Runnable run) {
executorService.execute (run);
public Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> getCache () {
return cache;
public Logger getLogger () {
return logger;
public long getOffset () {
return logger.getOffset ();
public long getStartTime () {
return started;
ConnectionLogger getConnectionLogger () {
return logger;
ServerSocketChannel getServerSocketChannel () {
return ssc;
public Counter getCounter () {
return counter;
SocketAccessController getSocketAccessController () {
return socketAccessController;
HttpHeaderFilterer getHttpHeaderFilterer () {
return httpHeaderFilterer;
public Config getConfig () {
return config;
HandlerFactory getHandlerFactory (String mime) {
return handlerFactoryHandler.getHandlerFactory (mime);
HandlerFactory getCacheHandlerFactory (String mime) {
return handlerFactoryHandler.getCacheHandlerFactory (mime);
public String getVersion () {
return VERSION;
public String getServerIdentity () {
return serverIdentity;
/** Get the local host.
* @return the InetAddress of the host the proxy is running on.
public InetAddress getHost () {
return localhost;
/** Get the port this proxy is using.
* @return the port number the proxy is listening on.
public int getPort () {
return port;
/** Get the InetAddress for a given url.
* We do dns lookups on a separate thread until we have an
* asyncronous dns library.
* We jump back on the main thread before telling the listener.
public void getInetAddress (final URL url, final InetAddressListener ial) {
if (isProxyConnected ()) {
ial.lookupDone (proxy);
Runnable r = new Runnable () {
public void run () {
try {
final InetAddress ia = dnsHandler.getInetAddress (url);
runMainTask (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
ial.lookupDone (ia);
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
runMainTask (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
ial.unknownHost (e);
executorService.execute (r);
/** Get the port to connect to.
* @param port the port we want to connect to.
* @return the port to connect to.
public int getConnectPort (int port) {
if (isProxyConnected ()) // are we talking through another proxy?
return proxyport;
return port;
/** Try hard to check if the given address matches the proxy.
* Will use the localhost name and all ip addresses.
public boolean isSelf (String uhost, int urlport) {
if (urlport == getPort ()) {
String proxyhost = getHost ().getHostName ();
if (uhost.equalsIgnoreCase (proxyhost))
return true;
try {
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> e =
while (e.hasMoreElements ()) {
NetworkInterface ni = e.nextElement ();
Enumeration<InetAddress> ei = ni.getInetAddresses ();
while (ei.hasMoreElements ()) {
InetAddress ia = ei.nextElement ();
if (ia.getHostAddress ().equals (uhost))
return true;
} catch (SocketException e) {
logger.logWarn ("failed to get network interfaces: " + e);
return false;
/** Is this proxy chained to another proxy?
* @return true if the proxy is connected to another proxy.
public boolean isProxyConnected () {
return proxy != null;
/** Get the authenticationstring to use for proxy.
* @return an authentication string.
public String getProxyAuthString () {
return config.getProperty (getClass ().getName (), "proxyauth");
/** Get a WebConnection.
* @param header the http header to get the host and port from
* @param wcl the listener that wants to get the connection.
public void getWebConnection (HttpHeader header,
WebConnectionListener wcl) {
conhandler.getConnection (header, wcl);
/** Release a WebConnection so that it may be reused if possible.
* @param wc the WebConnection to release.
public void releaseWebConnection (WebConnection wc) {
conhandler.releaseConnection (wc);
/** Mark a WebConnection for pipelining.
* @param wc the WebConnection to mark.
public void markForPipelining (WebConnection wc) {
conhandler.markForPipelining (wc);
/** Add a current connection
* @param con the connection
public void addCurrentConnection (Connection con) {
connections.add (con);
/** Remove a current connection.
* @param con the connection
public void removeCurrentConnection (Connection con) {
connections.remove (con);
/** Get the connection handler.
public ConnectionHandler getConnectionHandler () {
return conhandler;
/** Get all the current connections
public List<Connection> getCurrentConnections () {
return Collections.unmodifiableList (connections);
/** Update the currently transferred traffic statistics.
protected void updateTrafficLog (TrafficLoggerHandler tlh) {
synchronized (this.tlh) {
tlh.addTo (this.tlh);
/** Get the currently transferred traffic statistics.
public TrafficLoggerHandler getTrafficLoggerHandler () {
return tlh;