exception.printStackTrace (sos);
Properties sysprop = System.getProperties ();
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
Config config = proxy.getConfig ();
String sh = "500 Internal Server Error";
StringBuilder sb =
new StringBuilder (HtmlPage.getPageHeader (con, sh));
sb.append ("You have found a bug in RabbIT please report this" +
"(together with the URL you tried to visit) to the " +
"<a href=\"http://www.khelekore.org/rabbit/\" target =" +
"\"_top\">RabbIT</a> crew.<br><br>\n" +
"<font size = 4>Connection status</font><br><hr noshade>\n" +
"status: " + con.getStatus () + "<br>\n" +
"started: " + new Date (con.getStarted ()) + "<br>\n" +
"keepalive: " + con.getKeepalive () + "<br>\n" +
"meta: " + con.getMeta () + "<br>\n" +
"mayusecache: " + con.getMayUseCache () + "<br>\n" +
"maycache: " + con.getMayCache () + "<br>\n" +
"mayfilter: " + con.getMayFilter () + "<br>\n"+
"requestline: " + con.getRequestLine () + "<br>\n" +
"statuscode: " + con.getStatusCode () + "<br>\n" +
"extrainfo: " + con.getExtraInfo () + "<br>\n" +
"contentlength: " + con.getContentLength () + "<br>\n" +
"<br>\n" +
"<font size = 4>Proxy status</font><br>\n<hr noshade>\n" +
"proxy version: " + proxy.VERSION + "<br>\n" +
"proxy identity: " + proxy.getServerIdentity () + "<br>\n" +
"server host: " + proxy.getHost () + "<br>\n" +
"server port: " + proxy.getPort () + "<br>\n" +
"accessfilters: " +
config.getProperty ("Filters", "accessfilters") +
"<br>\n" +
"httpinfilters: " +
config.getProperty ("Filters", "httpinfilters") +
"<br>\n" +
"httpoutfilters:" +
config.getProperty ("Filters", "httpoutfilters") +
"<br>\n<br>\n" +
"<font size = 4>System properties</font><br>\n" +
"<hr noshade>\n" +
"java.version: " +
sysprop.getProperty ("java.version") + "<br>\n" +