addStatus (sb);
return PageCompletion.PAGE_DONE;
private void addStatus (StringBuilder sb) {
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
List<Connection> connections = proxy.getCurrentConnections ();
sb.append ("Version: " + proxy.getVersion () + "<br>\n" );
sb.append ("Running on: " + proxy.getHost () + " <B>:</B> " +
proxy.getPort () + "<br>\n" );
sb.append ("Started at: " + new Date (proxy.getStartTime ()) +
"<br>\n" );
sb.append ("Current time: " + new Date () + "<br>\n" );
sb.append ("Alive and kicking with " + connections.size () +
" current connections.<br>\n" );
sb.append (HtmlPage.getTableHeader (100, 1));
sb.append (HtmlPage.getTableTopicRow ());
sb.append ("<th width=\"20%\">Type</th>" +
"<th width=\"20%\">Read</th>" +
"<th width=\"20%\">Write</th>" +
"<th width=\"20%\">TransferTo</th>" +
"<th width=\"20%\">TransferFrom</th></tr>\n");
TrafficLoggerHandler tlh = proxy.getTrafficLoggerHandler ();
synchronized (tlh) {
appendTL (sb, "Client", tlh.getClient ());
appendTL (sb, "Network", tlh.getNetwork ());
appendTL (sb, "Cache", tlh.getCache ());
appendTL (sb, "Proxy", tlh.getProxy ());
sb.append ("</table>\n<br>\n");
sb.append (HtmlPage.getTableHeader (100, 1));
sb.append (HtmlPage.getTableTopicRow ());
sb.append ("<th width=\"20%\">InetAddress</th><th>Id</th>" +
"<th width=\"50%\">Connection</th>" +
"<th width=\"20%\">Status</th><th>Time(s)</th></tr>\n");
long now = System.currentTimeMillis ();
for (Connection hth : connections) {
sb.append ("<tr><td>");
InetAddress ia = hth.getChannel ().socket ().getInetAddress ();
if (ia != null)
sb.append (ia.getHostAddress ());
sb.append ("?");
sb.append ("</td><td><nobr>").append (hth.getId ());
sb.append ("</nobr></td><td>").append (hth.getRequestLine ());
sb.append ("</td><td>").append (hth.getStatus ());
sb.append ("</td><td>").append ((now - hth.getStarted ()) / 1000);
sb.append ("</td></tr>\n");
sb.append ("</table>\n<br>\n");
sb.append (HtmlPage.getTableHeader (100, 1));
sb.append (HtmlPage.getTableTopicRow ());
sb.append ("<th>thingy</th><th width=\"10%\">times</th></tr>\n");
Set<String> e = proxy.getCounter ().keys ();
List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String> (e);
Collections.sort (ls);
for (String type : ls) {
int val = proxy.getCounter ().get (type);
sb.append ("\t<tr><td>").append (type);
sb.append ("</td><td>").append (val).append ("</td></tr>\n");
sb.append ("</table>\n");