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package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.TestEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiSession;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiSessionTest;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.Group;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.GroupManager;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.Role;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.WebAuthorizer;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.login.CookieAssertionLoginModule;
* Tests the AuthorizationManager class.
* @author Janne Jalkanen
public class AuthenticationManagerTest extends TestCase
public static class DummyAuthorizer implements WebAuthorizer
private static Principal[] m_roles = new Principal[] { new Role( "ContainerRole" ), new Role( "AuthorizerRole" ),
new Role( "DummyRole" ) };
public Principal findRole( String role )
for( Principal principal : m_roles )
if( principal.getName().equals( role ) )
return principal;
return null;
public Principal[] getRoles()
return m_roles;
public void initialize( WikiEngine engine, Properties props ) throws WikiSecurityException
public boolean isUserInRole( HttpServletRequest request, Principal role )
return request != null && "ContainerRole".equals( role.getName() );
public boolean isUserInRole( WikiSession session, Principal role )
return session != null && "AuthorizerRole".equals( role.getName() );
public static Test suite()
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite( "Authentication Manager test" );
suite.addTestSuite( AuthenticationManagerTest.class );
return suite;
private AuthenticationManager m_auth;
private TestEngine m_engine;
private GroupManager m_groupMgr;
private WikiSession m_session;
public AuthenticationManagerTest( String s )
super( s );
public void setUp() throws Exception
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );
m_engine = new TestEngine( props );
m_auth = m_engine.getAuthenticationManager();
m_groupMgr = m_engine.getGroupManager();
m_session = WikiSessionTest.adminSession( m_engine );
* Tests a dummy WebAuthorizer that is guaranteed to return true for one
* role for each of the two <code>isInRole</code> methods.
* @throws Exception
public void testCustomAuthorizer() throws Exception
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );
props.put( AuthorizationManager.PROP_AUTHORIZER, "com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.AuthenticationManagerTest$DummyAuthorizer" );
m_engine = new TestEngine( props );
// Start a session without any container roles: DummyAuthorizer should ALWAYS allow AuthorizerRole
WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.JANNE, Users.JANNE_PASS );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.ALL ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.AUTHENTICATED ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE, WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Janne Jalkanen", WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "AuthorizerRole") ) );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "ContainerRole") ) );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "DummyRole") ) );
// Try again with a container-authenticated session: DummyAuthorizer should ALSO allow ContainerRole
session = WikiSessionTest.containerAuthenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.JANNE, new Principal[0] );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.ALL ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.AUTHENTICATED ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE, WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Janne Jalkanen", WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "AuthorizerRole") ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "ContainerRole") ) );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( new Role( "DummyRole") ) );
public void testCustomJAASLoginModule() throws Exception
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );
// Supply a custom LoginModule class
props.put( "jspwiki.loginModule.class", "com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.login.CookieAssertionLoginModule" );
// Init the engine and verify that we initialized with a custom auth
// login module
WikiEngine engine = new TestEngine( props );
AuthenticationManager authMgr = engine.getAuthenticationManager();
assertEquals( CookieAssertionLoginModule.class, authMgr.m_loginModuleClass );
public void testCustomJAASLoginModuleOptions() throws Exception
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );
// Supply a custom LoginModule options
props.put( "jspwiki.loginModule.options.key1", "value1" );
props.put( "jspwiki.loginModule.options.key2", "value2" );
props.put( "jspwiki.loginModule.options.key3", "value3" );
// Init the engine and verify that we initialized with the correct
// options
WikiEngine engine = new TestEngine( props );
AuthenticationManager authMgr = engine.getAuthenticationManager();
Map<String, String> options = authMgr.m_loginModuleOptions;
assertEquals( 3, options.size() );
assertTrue( options.containsKey( "key1" ) );
assertTrue( options.containsKey( "key2" ) );
assertTrue( options.containsKey( "key3" ) );
assertEquals( "value1", options.get( "key1" ) );
assertEquals( "value2", options.get( "key2" ) );
assertEquals( "value3", options.get( "key3" ) );
public void testIsUserPrincipal()
assertTrue( AuthenticationManager.isUserPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Foo" ) ) );
assertFalse( AuthenticationManager.isUserPrincipal( new GroupPrincipal( "Group1" ) ) );
assertFalse( AuthenticationManager.isUserPrincipal( new Role( "Role1" ) ) );
assertFalse( AuthenticationManager.isUserPrincipal( Role.ANONYMOUS ) );
public void testLoginCustom() throws Exception
WikiSession session = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.JANNE, Users.JANNE_PASS );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.ALL ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( Role.AUTHENTICATED ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE, WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "Janne Jalkanen", WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) ) );
public void testLoginCustomWithGroup() throws Exception
// Flush any pre-existing groups (left over from previous failures,
// perhaps)
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test1" );
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test2" );
catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
// Log in 'janne' and verify there are 5 principals in the subject
// (ALL, AUTHENTICATED, login, fullname, wikiname Principals)
WikiSession session = WikiSession.guestSession( m_engine );
m_auth.login( session, Users.JANNE, Users.JANNE_PASS );
assertEquals( 3, session.getPrincipals().length );
assertEquals( 2, session.getRoles().length );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
// Listen for any manager group-add events
GroupManager manager = m_engine.getGroupManager();
SecurityEventTrap trap = new SecurityEventTrap();
manager.addWikiEventListener( trap );
// Create two groups; one with Janne in it, and one without
Group groupTest1 = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test1", "JanneJalkanen \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, groupTest1 );
groupTest1 = m_groupMgr.getGroup( "Test1" );
Principal principalTest1 = groupTest1.getPrincipal();
Group groupTest2 = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test2", "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, groupTest2 );
groupTest2 = m_groupMgr.getGroup( "Test2" );
Principal principalTest2 = groupTest2.getPrincipal();
// We should see two security events (one for each group create)
// We should also see a GroupPrincipal for group Test1, but not Test2
assertEquals( 2, trap.events().length );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );
// If we remove Test1, the GroupPrincipal should disappear
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test1" );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );
// Now, add 'JanneJalkanen' to Test2 group manually; we should see the
// GroupPrincipal
groupTest2.add( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen" ) );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( session, groupTest2 );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
assertTrue( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );
// Remove 'JanneJalkenen' manually; the GroupPrincipal should disappear
groupTest2.remove( new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen" ) );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( session, groupTest2 );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest1 ) );
assertFalse( session.hasPrincipal( principalTest2 ) );
// Clean up
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test2" );